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Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 11:39

Have a great day every fur

submitted by StarScale1928
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Categories: News

Foxes of the Film Festival: Furries (A Documentary)

FurStarter - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 11:21


furrydoclogoA documentary about the furry fandom, in furry voices, for the rest of the world.

Furries: A Documentary

Kickstarter ending 5/17/15 (Funding successful!)

furrydoc2There seems to be a general trend of public perception of furries as a geek model minority, kind of like trekkers used to be when there was such a thing–a part of the greater weirdo-American world, by and large harmless, enthusiastic folks in fun costumes (1, 2). I could easily be very wrong on this, but it seems like our general acceptance in society and the greater Fendom is on the rise–haters notwithstanding. We have our thing–it’s cute fuzzy animals–but beyond that, it seems like we’re doing pretty well on the “mainstream normalcy” front. Vanity Fair? CSI’s fatal PAFCon? MTV Sex2K? Those are all solidly 10 years ago (okay, there was Dr. Phil in 2014, but it’s a show about sensationalism…) Obviously in the world of public perception nothing is black or white, and okay, I do live in Austin, which is the most liberal and wacky town south of the Mason-Dixon line, but it seems like public fox tails and kitty ears aren’t really drawing attention anymore, and fursuiters are more selfie opportunities than anything else.

So while I have only positive things to say about Furries: A Documentary, funding (and funded!) on Kickstarter, a part of me wonders whether “four years in the making” is a selling point, when the tides of perception have shifted over those four years. Hard to say.

Furries is an upcoming documentary by Ohio furry Ashaya. It’s solidly community-friendly, focusing on what looks like the best aspects of the fandom–our creativity, the resilience and strength of the community, and the interesting topic of identity-building. It’s stepped beyond just looking at fursuits to look at art and artists and the people inside the costume. It looks like the spiritual home of the documentary–the primary story thread that is the documentary’s narrative–is likely to be the furs of Ohio and Morphicon, But it’s only a four-hour drive from Morphicon to Anthrocon, and the biggest furry con on earth gets its share of screentime.

Ironically, Ashaya’s next big life change is moving to San Francisco this year. So far as this documentary goes, maybe it’s for the best that the story it tells is mostly captured a safe distance from the two beating hearts of the fandom (in the United States at least), San Francisco and Pittsburg.  It would have been a different story if the narrative lens was “Big city and bigger community,” where the fandom was more “celebrated local weird” than “fringe group looking for acceptance.” As it is, Dayton, OH is probably a great starting point, its size is very much “Midwest Anytown, USA,” only just over the national average city size.

Apology (N): A reasoned argument or writing in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine (from Greek, “Speaking in defense”)

As a “by furries, for the public” production, Furries is solidly in the “apology” camp–explaining the community, building a case for greater acceptance of same. That’s a good thing, something the young pups can watch with their parents to share our story, without all the weirdness. In that sense, Furries is going to be a useful tool. As Ashaya says in his video, “I’m a member of the furry fandom, and I’ve seen what the media does when they put us in the public sphere: I see this as a way to give us a voice.”

furrydoc1That being said–and I’m speculating, in fairness–it looks like, as an apologetic film, it may steer far, far away from the coverage of 2000-2010, when furries were seen more as a subcategory of “sex pervert” than “fantasy fandom.” The narrative that the Secret Masters of the Furry Fandom has been pushing for, well, most of the last 10 years is “happy geeks, not so different from you really, but with better insulation.” And that’s certainly a side of the fandom, but it’s also amazingly open to gays and lesbians, and while it’s not a sexual fandom (you can argue that if you like), it’s a fandom with a strong sexual component. One thing that made CSI and MTV’s Sex2K compelling is that both told sensational, sexual stories.

True, this is not a part of the story you want to share with mom and dad, I completely understand that. And maybe “we wear fox costumes” is sensational enough on its own. But look at some of the other big dorkumentaries–say, “Dungeon Masters.” (Movie, Trailer)” This documentary followed four (?) Dungeons and Dragons game masters, from GenCon (the tabletop RPG industry’s Anthrocon) to GenCon. It focused on a girl who dressed as a dark elf in full body make-up finding her true love (a guy dressed as same), a power-gaming ogre of a GM who got his jollies by killing player characters whenever possible, and one failing marriage and career. They are stories that are larger than life–well, the “failing career and marriage” story is depressingly common. But you could argue that these “characters” were not actually telling stories about the act of playing D&D. They were reconciliations with family, extreme examples of play bordering on crazed, and finding love.

My concern is that Furries seems like a response to the negative coverage of the media dark age, and in steering a course away sensationalism, it loses what made those pieces fun. I have never, in my life, laughed as hard as when I watched MTV’s Sex2K, I thought I would die of not being able to breath. There’s a darkness at the core of the dorkumentary genre, no getting around it, but the balance of sympathy, sensationalism, and schadenfreude is what sells the genre.

And I don’t think Furries: A Documentary is a part of that genre.

furrydoc3This is total speculation on my part. Explaining the fandom to outsiders involves juggling facts and ideas to a degree that approaches schizophrenia. There is no one furry fandom. “We are vast, we contain multitudes.” (Whitman, “Song of Myself“) And likewise, there is no one story of the furry fandom, and there isn’t one audience for a story about the fandom. Any conversation about the fandom’s strengths should begin with the power of a community for young people who might otherwise be entirely outsiders. Like celphones, Facebook, and good fantasy on TV, this is a thing that could not exist when I was growing up in the 80s, and a phenomenal resource for this generation. And explaining that side of the fandom is definitely a great service.

Anyway! About the kickstarter itself. This is a “just needs a spit-and-polish” kickstarter, with a low starting goal to cover sound editing, color balance and visual cleanup, and DVD/Blu-ray production. Presumably a bit of this is going to buy beers and gas for soundtrack artists, The Lab Partners.

I want to call attention to the kickstarter video itself, it’s well-done! Very much a “talking heads” video, but Ashaya comes across as confident and lucid. In the video he flubs once, but it’s the introduction to the “blooper reel” bullet point, so this is obviously intentional. The perks are a bit limited–credit recognition, DVD special features, and a custom badge. I’m surprised there wasn’t an angel-level pledge level, that’s nearly standard with an indie film kickstarter, but keeping it simple and fulfillable is its own virtue–and given that Ashaya has already gotten to the “polish” phase, it’s possible he has already gotten his angels in order.

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!

Categories: News

Beer buds - by Emptyset

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 11:02
Categories: News

"Look! No hands!" by Oriole

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 10:59
Categories: News

Godsfire, by Cynthia Felice – Book Review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 10:47
Godsfire, by Cynthia Felice. Map. NYC, Pocket Books, June 1978, paperback 0-671-81472-9 $1.75 (264 pages). I am surprised by how many people have included this book’s cover by Boris Vallejo on their lists of “Only the worst Sci-fi/Fantasy book covers”, or “25 Worst Book Covers of All Time”, or “I Am Judging You By Your […]
Categories: News

You're dead. Now choose what happens next.

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 10:28

You find yourself standing in heaven after being killed in a terrible steamroller accident. The divine being who meets you there has a very tight work schedule, and unfortunately can only offer you two choices (aside from boringly spending eternity in heaven).

A. Be reincarnated as your fursona in a world entirely populated by humans.

B. Be reincarnated as your human self in a world populated by your favorite furry species(').

Which do you choose and why?

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Categories: News

How did you decide your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 09:40

Hey all :) I'm pretty new to the furry community and was curious as to how you all came about your fursona! I personally have no clue how to figure out what mine would be (animal and color wise) so any tips or help would be appreciated! Feel free to post your stories as well, I think it would be neat to see how everyone found their sona :D

submitted by Kerri12
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Categories: News

Woke up sick today, so I wanna hear from the not sick peeps how your day is (or come be sick buddies with me)

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 09:28

Also feeling guilty, I always feel guilty when I stay home sick, but I looked at the calendar today....I live in Colorado...i swear I'm not

Does anyone else feel guilty calling out even though you're actually sick?

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

What are you guys favorite text-based games?

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 08:10

Am bored,tell me which ones you play! I also find more fun in Text-based than in FPS games somehow as it makes my mind work.

Also, if yours is NSFW,tag it. Please. For my eyes.

submitted by will9900
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Categories: News

Any Sports Furs?

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 07:58

Any Furries into sports? For some reason they're hard to find for me. If you are though, lets chat! :D

submitted by RockoFox
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 07:44
Categories: News

Hammock time!

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 07:26
Categories: News

Good artist to have a fursona comissioned (example included)

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 07:20

I want to get a fursona drawn and I haven't the slightest clue where to find someone (I have been a lurker but am finally deciding to get involved). I have a purple wolf/husky fursona named Jason and have found a style that I like ( but haven't seen any artists that have this style from my looking around (although I'm not 100% sure where to look ;-;). I am interested in finding someone who can closely match this style. Thanks in advance everyone!

submitted by Mysfit_
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Categories: News

Guest post: “Getting More Out of Your Writing” by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 07:09
Getting More Out of Your Writing

by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt


Writing is both a craft and an art. There are aspects that cannot be taught; you either have it or you don’t. But plenty of the skills that go into making a good writer can be learned. The general rule of thumb: Writing more leads to writing better.

But what’s the best way to get more writing done? I’ve never been a fan of writing exercises for their own sake. They always strike me as too artificial. Writing is about telling stories. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice your craft. But make your practice work for you. You may even get paid for it.

Here are a few ways I’ve turned what could have been a writing exercise into something more:


1) Flash Fiction

Do you need to work on dialogue? Do you want to practice your action scenes? Unsure whether first person or third person POV is right for your story? Flash fiction can be the perfect way to improve your writing through experimentation.

I define flash fiction as any story under 1000 words, though there are markets under 500 words, or even 100-word stories.

There are many advantages to working in such a small scale. In flash fiction, every word counts. Practicing flash fiction can teach you to choose the right word in the right situation. Flash fiction is also great for experimentation. I’ve written flash that are only dialogue or that just paint an impressionistic portrait of a single character. In a rough spot on your novel? Write the worst day your main character ever had, and do it in 500 words.

Flash is all about instant gratification. I’ve written five or more drafts of a 100-word story and still finished in a single day. In the midst of a long project, it can be nice to remember that you can finish a story.


2) Short Stories

Longer fiction (say, 2,000 to 7,000 words) has many of the advantages of writing flash fiction while providing additional opportunities in practicing your craft. If flash fiction allows you to experiment and to focus on individual narrative elements, short stories are the place to work on structural features of stories such as pacing and combining scenes into successful sequences.

In the 1930s and 40s, writer in the US often got their start writing for the pulp fiction magazines. Today, print-on-demand anthologies and e-anthologies can serve the same function. You can’t get rich writing for them, but you may be able to buy that Rabbit Valley book you have your eye on.


3) Blogs, Forums, and Social Media

One of the goals of the Furry Writers’ Guild is to foster professionalism among furry writers. Professionalism is a broad concept, but one of the things it means is this: You should write at a level that people pay you for what you write.

Money and art are not enemies. The days of noble patronage of the arts are long gone. Even if you are never able to support yourself by your writing, being paid for your writing frees you that little bit more to create more. People show what they think is important by what they will pay for. Take your writing seriously enough to expect to be paid for it.

That said, there are times when it’s perfectly fine to write and not be paid. Or at any rate, not in money. In addition to trying to sell your stories, look for opportunities where your writing can create what might be called social capital.

The age in which we live puts the writer in control of their own destiny in a way like never before. Readers want to connect not just with your stories, but with you and your personal story. Blogs, forums, Twitter and other forms of social media enable you as a writer to connect with people around the world.

But it’s not about shoving your work down their throats. It’s all about building friendships. Take the time to write something people can connect with. Write professionally (e.g. without texting abbreviations), because people will judge you based on how you present yourself online. Put yourself out there, even for free, but do it strategically.

Today’s internet is like a bizarre cocktail party taken to several orders of magnitude. Don’t whore yourself out to anyone who comes along. Find a community where you think you can add to the conversation and focus there. Give more than you take, and at worst you may make some friends. At best, you may find a community of people interested in your work.

And yes, this blog is an effort in practicing what I preach.


Links I Find Helpful

I want to conclude by giving a few links I’ve personally found helpful in trying to act on the thoughts I’ve outlined here. My own interest is in speculative fiction (fantasy, horror, science fiction), so there is a definite bias in that direction. Not that these are not strictly furry markets, but in my experience, most people in speculative fiction are very open-minded, so long as the story is told well.


Flash Fiction MicroBookends is a weekly micro fiction contest based on a photo prompt. A very cool community surrounds this group. This blog sponsors a monthly flash fiction contest with a significant giftcard prize. One of the highest paying sites for 100 word stories. Home for many weird and wonderful things, including drabbles and great short stories.


Short Stories In my humble opinion, your best one-stop site for finding markets to sell speculative fiction. When Duotrope became a pay site, The Submissions Grinder became the best free search engine for calls for submission. The best on-stop site for horror calls. The calendar view is extremely helpful. Full disclosure — I’m regularly a judge at this weekly one-on-one writing contest. But if you’re up to the challenge of writing a story under 4000 words in one week on an assigned topic, the Arena can be a lot of fun.


Blogs, Et Cetera

You probably know all these links already, but the Furry Writers’ Guild is a perfect example of social media done right. Writers helping other writers not because they’re getting paid but because they want to fill the world with more good stories. Learn from what the guild members do well!


Categories: News

Are there any Tabletop gamer furries out there?

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 06:25

Warhammer 40k, fantasy, bolt Action, etc. Are there any tabletop furries here? If so what do you play and/or paint, how long have you been doing it or are you interested in starting out.

submitted by SirJiggart
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Categories: News

The Boy and the Beast

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 01:58

Can’t think of a better title than that, so why try? Several places on the Net (including Flayrah) have already made note recently of The Boy and the Beast. It’s the latest anime feature from Hosoda Mamoru, the man who brought us Summer Wars and The Wolf Children. As you can tell from those works, the man has an interest in anthropomorphic characters — and this new one just may be his most furry feature yet! The Boy and the Beast “… tells the story of a lonely young boy who strays into a parallel world inhabited by supernatural creatures, where a bear-like beastman becomes his companion and mentor.” It’s set to premier in Japan this July. No word yet on any planned release in North America, but most of director Mamoru’s works have made it over here eventually. Check out the article over at Twitch Film — it includes a trailer with subtitles.

image c. 2015 Toho Studios

image c. 2015 Toho Studios

Categories: News

ep. 108 - 420 - An all time great episode! Seriously. We both agreed on it after it was over. We talk 420, St. ...

The Dragget Show - Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 01:29
An all time great episode! Seriously. We both agreed on it after it was over. We talk 420, St. Louis Half McDonalds, Alkali's Museum, & more! ep. 108 - 420 - An all time great episode! Seriously. We both agreed on it after it was over. We talk 420, St. ...
Categories: Podcasts