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Just a story i thought id share.

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 15:48

Prepare for massive text! So, before i start. Let me just say that im not in any way telling people how to handle some sort of situation. or to mimic what i have done, because i know some (or well, most) people cant do the same, for good reason. Anyways, on to the point.

Now, this is for those who might look for courage, or to just feel a little better.

A long time ago, in 4th and 7th grade I was bullied, it wasnt any super major bullying. But nevertheless it was bullying.

It started with some pretty basic verbal stuff, the normal "you suck and so does everything you do and know". But what did it do?

I did literally nothing.

I completely and utterly ignored the person. It was like he didnt even exist. What happened? Things got worse. It moved over to death threats "Im gonna kill you and everyone you know and love" What did i do? Well the exact same thing, i continued to ignore him completely. and i gave him nothing at all. What happened? It got worse...

It moved to pushing, now here it was harder to ignore, because now it was physicall, luckily i had good balance, and as soon as i was pushed i instantly got myself back up and moved like nothing had happened. Things naturally got worse.

But this is where it hit the pinnacle. It was outside of school (and we all know that is some scary shit). When i rounded a corner, there he was. I didnt have a second to react, he punched me in the stomach with his clenched fist as hard as he possibly could, ofcourse i flew back a bit from the force, i had always been tiny after all. But i instantly rose up again and walked past him, again giving him nothing.

Now thats probably the hardest thing i have ever done in my life. But after that, he never bullied me again, now ofcourse as soon as he couldnt see me i collapsed on the floor from pain.

But i gave that man nothing. I learned alot from it. Now the exact same happened in seventh grade, its actually so similar its kinda creepy.

The point is, I learned that alot (although faaaaar from every one) of the bullies just want.. well anything, a reaction, an emotion, just your attention- anything they can get from you is enough.

Now ofcourse some people cant ignore people like that, and there are ofcourse those cases where people get bullied so hard its infact impossible to ignore. I for one know one friend who got his bones actually snapped, and hist throat sliced in 4th grade, spent most of his life in hospital. But thats beyond the point. The point here in the end, is that everyones situation is different and i know that. But i hoped this helps someone, wether its with actuall bullying problems, or just by making someone happy.

Hope you all have a nice day.

submitted by bjorn0411582
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Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 14:48

Hey folks!

I've known about the furry community for many years now. For a while, I figured that it was just some creepy fetish thing. After some time and being exposed little by little online(and perhaps growing more as a person), I developed more of a, "ok, I guess that's cool" kinda attitude. More recently tho, I've really been into reading about it, and watching tons of furry videos on youtube of people just suiting up and acting goofy and having a great time. I don't see myself becoming a furry, but I've found such a draw to it lately and I think I may have figured out why. I hope I don't bore you, but I think an explanation might require a bit of back story - get your fiddles ready.

As a teenager and into my early twenties, I was used to having a strong, core group of friends. I had several different interests and had groups of friends from each of those cliques. I was the class clown - ADD as balls, and was the guy who could always be counted on for a good laugh. I went off in the military after high school and left everything behind. Making new friends seemed harder, but I managed well and still got involved with a few different fun groups. A few years in however, and my extrovert, goofy personality really toned down. A couple deployments affected me more than I'd care to admit, and about 90% of the first 6 years on night shift really took its tole. My last duty station state-side was the nail in the coffin. It was rather remote, and I lived in a remote part of this remote location lol. Just about everyone I worked with were a bunch of angry, backstabbing, sad-state-of-existence douchebags, and there was nothing I could do to avoid them. I didn't get along with anyone, and I had ZERO friends for two years... minus a few old high school friends I'd see maybe once every couple years. They are still the only couple people I feel like I can be my silly old self and tell penis jokes around lol. I had/have a good group of online gaming buddies - but of course, online people don't count cuz they aren't real - jk. I think this is where I started to learn about and become more interested in furriness. I sometimes (secretly) visited furry websites just to see what everyone was up to and watch a bunch of people dress up in fur suits for lols. During those last couple years, I shut myself in, attempted to become self sufficient for happiness, played online games whenever I wasn't working, and turned into an introvert. I'm not saying being an introvert is bad per se, but it's just not me. Well... it is now I guess.

But, I think that's where the furry appreciation thing comes in. I can appreciate the art and all - but It's the fursona and suiter aspects I find most intriguing. It's so awesome to me, cuz you fur suiter furry types can run around in this wacky furry costume and just act a fool and nobody cares - because all your friends are doing the same! I have a feeling from with what I've gathered, and with my online-expert psychology wisdom, that some(emphasis on "some") of you folks are introverts too. That's why you guys can so strongly cling to your fursona. It's like an enabler to break out of your shell and just act silly and have a good time. It allows you guys to be whoever you want.... and I'd love to be anyone else right now. A little over a year into the civilian life again, and I still haven't recovered. I've made a few friends which is great, but I'm freaking lonely as hell, haven't had a serious girlfriend in forever, and I know I should see a doc for depression. I've been having anxiety and depression issues for a few years now. I went in for ringing in my ears and found out I have stressed-induced tinnitus... I mean, what the hell? How did I get this far down?

Anyway... I still don't consider myself a furry. I hope to get a dog soon, and I like animals at least a little more than your average person, but it's not really a passion. Also, I know it's not everyone, and every community is going to have fringe-elements... but it looks like it may be difficult at times to avoid the sexual overtones in various furry assemblies - something I'm not really into. I can't draw anything worth a darn, but I still like your guys' art. I can certainly appreciate your guys' passion, acceptance and goofiness. I'm sorry for the long rant - I wasn't planning on sitting here typing for almost an hour, boring you folks. If you made it this far without x-ing out of the page - thank you so much. Turns out, that's the first time I've ever put some of my feelings about the last decade of my life into words, and I wasn't really planning on making you guys the victim of that until I really started typing - and it feels good to get that off my chest. Did I get you guys figured out at least half decently? I'd hate to misrepresent all you friendly people. No need to be nice. Let me know if I said something wrong - I still don't know a lot about you guys, not being in the community myself. As I mentioned, I still don't consider myself a furry, maybe never will. Perhaps I'm just content being a furry supporter. Thanks again guys.

submitted by Starfury103
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Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 14:41
Categories: News

Queen Espurra on the Iron Throne

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 14:01
Categories: News

New Friend Says He Has One Year to Live and Cuts Him Off

Ask Papabear - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:56

I have this friend that I met weeks ago, and we really hit it off.... We talked, joked, played around, and had fun.

Well, today, he mentioned that he has cancer and 1 year to live. He said that he'd stop talking to me so that I wouldn't get attached, and it hurt.

Now he's not talking to me. I'm depressed and scared.... What do I do??


* * *

Dear Sean,

This might sound rather cynical, but my first reaction to your situation has to do with a couple of experiences I have had. On not one but two occasions, I have had furries tell me they were dying or near death and it turned out to be a lie because, for some reason, they wished to break off communication with me and didn’t have the guts to just tell me. One of them even texted me, pretending to be his father and telling me his son was dead (good gravy). I also had a non-furry once call me and say he was in the hospital about to get a quadruple bypass and that he might die on the table—only to find out a few hours later it was all a lie to get sympathy from me.

The first thing I would do, if I were you, is try to confirm the story. Try to contact other friends of his and check out what’s going on. If it’s all a lie because this guy no longer wants to talk to you, grant him his wish and shut the door, nay, slam the door. I’m sorry if this sounds horrible of me, but the whole “I have one year to live” thing rings like cliché to my ears. I would bet you $100 right now that it’s bullpucky. Why? Because you just met him a few weeks ago; he was joking around, happy, care-free, feeling fine. All of a sudden he’s going to die in a year? Alarm bells are ringing here, and if untrue, then you have a right to be angry about his emotionally manipulating you.

But! I could be wrong; wouldn’t be the first time. If confirmed (and I am serious that you should check out his story and not just take his word for it) and he really is terminal with cancer, then he needs a friend. Emotional support and encouragement are some of the best medicines for a person who is ill. You don’t have to offer solutions; just your mere presence can help immensely. No one wants to die alone and friendless. I’m hoping that this friend is somewhere close so you could actually visit him, but if that’s impossible, use the phone or Skype (texting is not sufficient) so that he can hear your voice and/or your face.

If you are having trouble contacting him, employ the same strategy as above and try to contact his friends and family. He and they need to know you’re a real friend who wishes to be supportive in this difficult time.

Good luck!


Balloon Dragon-Bat

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:56
Categories: News

PWYW Commissions, help me pay rent

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:09
Categories: News

Streaming: Starting the Kaijusona Smash images

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:08

And other things, depending on my attention span. Come join if you dare. Come hang.

Edit: If you're joining now, within a couple minutes of posting, I'm setting the stream up still. It will be up, but I'm still setting up

submitted by Sareii
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Captain Morgan by Sparklicorn

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 10:41
Categories: News

What is your sona's happy place?

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 09:44
Categories: News

Ellie by Sparklicorn

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 06:55
Categories: News

Earthen by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 05:42
Categories: News