WowNow - A whole bunch of animated films to avoid
I had some friends over recently, both furry and dragon fans, to show them a retro and entertainingly stupid 1991 anime mini-movie called Capricorn. We poked holes and made fun of it. The following day, in a spirit of— amicable masochism I guess, my friend Dav treated me to the recent movie trailer for A Dragon Adventure:
Confused and somewhat alarmed by the quality levels, I started to look into where it came from.
I am well-aware that computer-animated films with talking animals are churned out all over the world, and most of them are of pretty terrible quality. The theory is that kids will watch anything. So if you believe that, then who cares about quality? Just work on a small budget and make money. What I hadn't done was to take a look down this particular rabbit hole. Now, having done so, I regret it.
Enter a company called Wow Now Entertainment, also known as Dream Machine Animation, and some other brands. Don't try searching for them on IMDB, you won't find their full catalog. Search instead for some of their writers, like BC Furtney, or their directors, like Evan Tramel and James Snider. Snider is credited - I kid you not - with at least 24 films in 2019 so far.
Occasionally they'll import something from China - Chicken Stew, for example, which is a rare 2D animated series in their collection. Most of their movies appear to be produced in the United States. Which surprised me, since the lip-syncing in their trailers is so poor, I assumed everything was imported.
Two patterns became immediately apparent. First, often making their titles look superficially similar to a more well-known property. Groundhog Day Dave. How the Grinch The Grump who Stole Christmas. The Secret Funny Life of Pets. Second strategy - picking a title so incredibly generic, that searching for it will generate a lot of false hits. Like Sea Monsters, or Father's Day. Boy, do those two films look similar! There also seems to be some deliberate up-voting on IMDB. Not on all their titles, but I'm rather suspicious of the 423 people who rated Jumbo a 10 out of 10.
Managing so much output requires cutting a lot of corners. The Funny Life of Pets seems to be a bunch of poorly-animated pets watching silly videos of real pets. I can do that on YouTube! And the character models will give you a sense of deja-vu. After you watch enough of these, you'll see a lot of the same ones. The Easter Land trailer re-uses the model for the deer, Santa, an elf, a talking tree... and its opening trailer shot?

The same as this one from the trailer for Wee Dragons. (Source?)

Speaking of the Wee Dragons trailer, listen to the narrator. Now go back and listen to him in the trailer for A Dragon Adventure, that we started this article with. I'm having a hard time trying to determine if they're significantly different. Or hey, on the topic of dragons, my friend Dav noticed that the models in Pixy Dragons seem to be asset-flipped from the Unreal Engine Marketplace.
Also, just how many of these films involve a contest as a conflict point?
Still, these productions are pretty off-the-radar. I had a hard time finding videos of people who've watched and reviewed them. Although perhaps that's because the generic titles make searching difficult. Ironically, the reviews are likely to be more entertaining than the films themselves. Still, the company keeps churning them out, so whatever their business model is, it may be working into tricking someone into buying them. It's rather sad. I'm sure there are talented writers and animators out there who could produce better material, though would probably get rock-bottom wages. So instead we've got a market saturated with this sort of thing instead.
To actually sit through any of these, they're available "on major platforms like Netflix, Redbox, Amazon, Hulu, and Walmart". In the past there may have been a Wow Now Kids streaming app.
If you like animated films, then stay safe out there. Maybe if you're looking for a drinking game. Actually no, I'd not want anyone to waste good booze and become an alcoholic over this. Beware, my friends. This way lies madness.
Makes Alpha and Omega look like a decent film.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Where's DiamondMan to remind us fools that Alpha & Omega is cinema's greatest achievement and we're not fit to polish its sprocket holes?
Honestly, I'd gladly watch Alpha & Omega in place of any WowNow film. I went out to see it in a theatre in its opening week. Haven't bothered with any of the sequels though.
- Toilet humor and butt shots, especially towards the first half of the film.
- 3D animation is ok at best. Weird moments: early in the film the wolves do a weird curvy dance; and after the packs are united, the background characters start doing a bizarre hopping-skip thing. The way that saliva and mud are animated is particularly awful.
- The goose and his sidekick are just annoying and not funny.
- The film takes absolutely no risks. Not well-written.
- Some ok character designs (varies from character to character), fur textures, body language.
- Good voice acting.
- Omegas aren't depicted as clumsy goofs. They're low-ranking, but they have a job and purpose.
- Garth's terrible howling.
- Garth isn't a jerk! No idiotic male rivalry with Humphrey.
- Lily earning Garth's respect and teaching him how to howl.
- Howling is a form of music, that was a really nice touch!
- No songs!!
- The closing credits show the animators' sketches, 3D models, and reference sheets.
It's not a great film, but it's not a disaster either. Thoroughly meh. It's what I call a "babysitting film", it's fine for younger kids. When I saw it in the theatre, there was a whole group of them a few rows in front of me, and they seemed to be entertained. It was their first 3D film too, the opening cloudscape made them go "Ooooooooh!"
I think the film was good considering some of the complaints are based off personal biases such as personal preference against the art style, and the inspired story. When I look at it objectively, it's just another love story with it's own art style, and combined with it's own characters, just like an old Disney film.
So in terms of the argument: The idea of "I hate similar inspired stories (even though it had a unique twist) and hate that new wolf art style" is a terrible argument, and if we are considering on the importance of critique, we need to keep out biases out of the picture here when in this case it doesn't align with the creator's aim for a lawful film. Otherwise, what's so important about "critique" if it's all based off personal preferences and ideas on what is "beautiful" art?
Though I think they could of add more proper entertainment (like the land is kinda boring) maybe.
I am not expecting the person to agree with me, just wanted to just leave the argument out in general and since it's toward a comment that has a belief on a movie, so I only replied to add mine I think.
"Man, I love the anti-DiamondMan drama, I want to start it here! I want to break the comment record!"
And yet, people call me the troll without even knowing what trolling mean.
Also, Zootopia is the worst movie in history of all furry movies. The character designs are terrible, I hate the conspiracy theory thing, and it's that stupid fox always has that stupid smirk. And yes, I know this part of my comment is likely consider trolling, but at this point, I don't give a fuck anymore considering trying to troll me is generally acceptable here.
Now let's start a lawful drama!
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.
"NOTE: I am not expecting the person to agree with me"
Maybe not, but it's ADORABLE that you're expecting anyone seeing this comment to not know it came from you. lmao
You know, if people like you just learn to shut the hell up with starting further drama involving that movie and me, then maybe I wouldn't be much arguing about it today.
You hate this movie? Fine. But if there is an "anti alpha and omega agenda" (e.g. Arguing that growing up furry based off it is a mistake?) and/or people is using personal biases as an argument, then maybe I will continue to disagree. If you can't respect the fact that I can disagree with lawful arguments, then get out of this country then.
May or may not use a proxy to fight against censorship toward me on here.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"If you can't respect the fact that I can disagree with lawful arguments, then get out of this country then."
AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!! Oh my fucking god, you're SERIOUS with that, aren't you?? All the flailing... All the kicking and screaming over ANYONE saying ANYTHING the SLIGHTEST BIT NEGATIVE about Alpha & Omega.... And here you are demanding that other people respect the fact that other people might disagree with them.
You are a fucking joke.
"Honestly, why should I bother trying to upvote my own comment?"
Since you've repeatedly admitted to having no qualms about LYING to make whatever asinine point you're trying to convey, it's not like anyone ELSE is going to upvote your own comment. lmao
Why do you hate criticism? And why do you think it's alright to make up complete bulls*** toward other people?
I am not "kicking and screaming" over "ANYONE" saying "ANYTHING the SLIGHTEST BIT NEGATIVE about Alpha & Omega".
My complaint, was toward this:
"Where's DiamondMan to remind us fools that Alpha & Omega is cinema's greatest achievement and we're not fit to polish its sprocket holes?"
Which was likely a reaction to me merely debating about the quality of the movie.
Maybe crappy attitude like yours while I'm assuming you wrote that, is maybe why I'm "kicking" and "screaming" because I fucking hate people like you intentionally trying to piss me off because you're all too butthurt by someone questioning poor attempts at criticizing Alpha and Omega movie.
And BY THE WAY, that attitude isn't the same as saying "I think this movie isn't good.".
And also, the way I reacted to dronon was not bitchy whining. It was *AHEM*, a calm, disagreement and if you can't stand that, then you basically can't stand it whenever someone can disagree back with someone making negative claims toward that movie.
If people argue crap toward Alpha and Omega, then I can disagree back as well. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.
Good fucking God... YES, by all means, you CAN disagree with someone when they say something you don't like about this movie series that you DO like. The problem is that you ALWAYS do it with EVERYONE to the point where anytime someone says ANYTHING about it, they're expecting you to come crashing in, screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!! OH YEAH??? WELL, THAT OTHER THING THAT YOU LIKE IS STUPID TOO!!!!!" (That original response to Rakuen's comment didn't come from ME.) You can't demand that people get the fuck over it when you clearly have no idea how to do it yourself, nor do you possess the intention to LEARN.
(Oh, and look. He's throwing the word "butthurt" at his dissenters again. Yeah, and WE'RE the hypocrites. LMFAO)
Okay, anon, who are you, and why are you trolling Diamond Man, because, seriously, it's not that hard, find a real challenge already (troll Green Reaper; if you can get him pissed at you, that would be an accomplishment); we've already seen all his schtick and we got bored with it sometime during the Obama administration, so I get it if you're trying to dunk on an easy target, but other people have to watch you and I for one am not impressed. Work on your material, at least; I mean, honestly, he's actually doing pretty good against you (other than taking your bait, but that's not much of an accomplishment).
And confidential to Diamond Man, you really are actually doing fairly decently against this guy, but honestly, this is one of those "the best response is literally nothing" things. Guy's just a dick.
Okay, have a nice Black Friday, I guess.
Forgive me, but how exactly is "get out of this country if you challenge what I say" and "you're horrible for doing this, but it's perfectly okay for ME to do it" not deserving of being called out for the bullshit that it is?
And again, the original joke at his expense didn't come from me; that came from some OTHER poor soul from the LEGIONS of folks who have blasphemed his beloved movie.
"The problem is that you ALWAYS do it with EVERYONE to the point where anytime someone says ANYTHING about it, they're expecting you to come crashing in, screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!! OH YEAH??? WELL, THAT OTHER THING THAT YOU LIKE IS STUPID TOO!!!!!"
Except that it doesn't happen like that.
I mainly calmly disagree back, and sometimes I do it a lot. There is no "whining and screaming" and there is no "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT" or anything that means that. You're just bitchy because you feel annoyed whenever someone like me still disagrees to this very day.
And I wouldn't be surprised to see hypocrisy here.
If someone who kept saying that Alpha and Omega sucked all the way to this very day, you would probably not bitch and whine at that person, but the moment I say anything back, you do.
And you want to know the really funny thing?
You are "screaming" and "whining" in your comments toward me.
And by the way, I just use "butthurt" as a description. I don't think I was using it as any proof.
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.
"Except that it doesn't happen like that."
"Also, Zootopia is the worst movie in history of all furry movies."
Right again, as always... lol
That Zootopia thing has nothing to do with that argument. ;)
"I mean, I kinda wanted to upset those rabid Zootopia fans who think their precious Zootopia movie is logically superior in every way (including art design, and story design) partly to expose that my attitude (despite it being a bit dishonest) toward it is not much different than the attitude some people have toward some anthropomorphic wolf movie. I guess I also wanted to expose the likely hypocrisy on the trolling."
Isn't the argument about the claim of how I react to those who try to be civil but still gives out a bit of an unfair opinion about Alpha and Omega?
My reaction was mainly because of the troll thing, and why the hell do I have to explain this when I might have already did within the same page?
If that one comment wasn't there, then I likely wouldn't talk like that.
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.
You know what, I'm going to be nice this time and grant you Nick does kind of have an annoying smirk.
He has a point with the trolling thing, too.
Honestly, why should I bother trying to upvote my own comment?
I mean, I kinda wanted to upset those rabid Zootopia fans who think their precious Zootopia movie is logically superior in every way (including art design, and story design) partly to expose that my attitude (despite it being a bit dishonest) toward it is not much different than the attitude some people have toward some anthropomorphic wolf movie. I guess I also wanted to expose the likely hypocrisy on the trolling.
So when a bunch of butthurt people sees my likely trolling, they whine, 1-star bomb it, and to hide it.
This likely exposes the hypocrisy, and quite honestly, I might actually be getting what I want with it..
Not that this matters, I don't even think Alpha and Omega is that good as a movie, and I even think that for mere entertainment, there really are "better" (subjective still) movies than that. Monster House for example. But one thing is true, it's alright to dislike Alpha and Omega, but my god, don't be a egoistic piece of shit about it.
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.
Ugh, just ugh. I guess this is the unwanted side effect of CGI production becoming more accessible.
I can't help but think the movies would be more engaging if they were churned out by a machine. Or at least written by Racter and Parry.
Machines are passing the Turing test more and more these days, but only because people are creating things that people think only low grade AI could make, making the AI's job easier.
Now in 2021, it seems the account's been terminated. Maybe they didn't actually have the rights to some of that stuff?
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