August 2014 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include bastett, crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, mwalimu and Patch Packrat.
Fred: Men hired to impersonate monkeys.
mwalimu: New video, Megan Lane’s “Someday We Will Leave this Town”, features fursuiters.
GreenReaper: Slow news day: LA police catch runaway tortoise.
crossaffliction: Mr. Plinkett reviews Sonic the Hedgehog! Sorta.
Fred: The central Asian wild Pallas' cat.
Fred: Seagulls have invaded Rome and eat the Pope's doves.
Patch Packrat: News of the week: Furries and rare books (8-6-14).
Fred: 31st century birds.
crossaffliction: And here I thought Yoshi’s name was, you know, Yoshi.
crossaffliction: Flayrah contributor (former, apparently) Higgs Raccoon is now a theatrically released director. [ajtexasranger/Reddit]
Fred: “A day in the life of NYC's hospital for wild birds.”
GreenReaper: Wikipedia claims macaque owns selfie copyright, refusing camera-owner's removal request.
GreenReaper: Correction: Wikipedians claim macaque owns selfie copyright, refusing camera-owner's removal request.
Fred: Golden Bat, Japanese TV animated superhero, 1967-68. Real golden bat discovered in Bolivia, 2014.
GreenReaper: In fact, Wikimedia's position is that the image is in the public domain as non-humans cannot own copyright.
Patch Packrat: I love Finsterworld. This tragicomic movie with a fursuiter is a treat for smart watchers.
Patch Packrat: An Oscar for fursuiting? Finsterworld may be Germany’s movie entry.
Patch Packrat: One day... The San Francisco Furry Film Festival.
Fred: Invite a giraffe to breakfast in Nairobi.
Fred: One parrotfish poops 800 pounds of white sand a year.
Fred: “How to use your cat to hack your neighbor's Wi-Fi.”
Fred: Finnish moomin fursuiters.
InkyCrow: Watership Down is now available for purchase via iTunes from the Criterion Collection. Upgraded DVD/Blu-Ray presumably to follow.
Fred: Death of 155-year-old eel provokes laughter.
Patch Packrat: Fursuiting movie confirmed for oscar nomination – SF Furry Film Fest news.
Fred: Where wearing fantastic costumes, including anthro animal-people, is part of everyday religion.
Patch Packrat: Update on Dawgtown, 2D animated feature film in production.
crossaffliction: IGN counts down the TMNT movies. I’d switch the bottom two.
GreenReaper: NBC dives deep at Anthrocon with six minutes of video. (Fact check: There's now over 50 furry conventions.)
crossaffliction: If someone knows where Ed Zolna of Second Ed Books is, please let us know. Some of his friends are starting to worry.
Fred: I'm a lumberjack, and I'm afraid of gumberoos.
Fred: Pet American snapping turtles escape in Japan; menace children, farmers, native wildlife.
Fred: Kenya: don't get baboons drunk!
Fred: China: After the giant rubber duck, the giant rubber toad.
Patch Packrat: “Hugs are the handshake of furries” – Artists explore cultural meaning of touch.
Fred: An ice-cream social for dogs with meat toppings.
bastett: [adjective][species] has developed a visualization showing furry species popularity by sex, gender and sexual oriantation.
Fred: Now a giant rubber turtle, in Sydney harbour.
Fred: Magpies may have a bum rap.
Patch Packrat: Is this the year furries gain respect?
Fred: Dog walkers earn $96,000 per year.
Fred: A new "abandoned puppy" story.
Fred: Where people are encouraged to hunt possums.
Patch Packrat: Flock of furries in photo book – News of the week (8-21-14).
Fred: “Cities are making spiders grow larger and multiply faster.
Fred: “Tokyo's flourishing animal cafés” - first cats, now raptors and rabbits.
Fred: The sparrow-sized "bird that builds nests so large that they pull down trees".
Fred: Gibraltar evicts Barbary macaques.
Fred: Solo, vol. 1, The Survivors of Chaos, by Oscar Martin, looks interesting.
Patch Packrat: A once-a-decade publishing event: Mordrude’s Monster Manual, for fursuit builders.
dronon: Short game trailer for Ghost of a Tale, under development.
Fred: Four rare white lions born in German circus.
24 Aug 2014 - 03:35 earthfurst: Kickstarter ends Aug. 28 for Squarriors comic, about animals on brink of war. KS started July28 and $13,730 pledged.
Patch Packrat: The most furry place in the universe? San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny.
Fred:: Blue bees are pretty, but they steal from other bees.
GreenReaper: Fursuiters less scary than unattended packages, says U.S. Department of Homeland Security. [Rapid T. Rabbit]
Fred: I think we've just been dissed.
Fred: Brain manipulation in mice.
Fred: “Quest to save the world's rarest duck”.
GreenReaper: Creator insists Hello Kitty 'not a cat', but a British school kid.
GreenReaper: Anthropomorphic platformer Dust: An Elysian Tail is back on sale, this time for $3.
Patch Packrat: Usagi Yojimbo gets a successful pitch for a feature film.
Patch Packrat: The news is full of fursuiters and animation: Furry news dump (8-31-14).

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
James Hardiman, creator of furry art sensation Skunkworks, died Aug 31.
Er, 29th. Sorry.
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