Look out firefighters, fursuiters arrive onto the charity calender scene
It can be difficult to raise money for good causes. In doing so, a bit of creativity can be king. So in the late 1990s the New York Fire Department had created an interesting idea to titillate some interest in giving money to help raise funding for their organizations. This calendar of heroes would be a yearly staple for the Big Apple, each month having one of their own posing with a warm smile, usually shirtless. This idea has been emulated by other firefighting organizations following its success.
Whether this was the inspiration when Artwork Tee when they decided to round up a bunch of fursuiters for their idea for their own charity calendar, I am not sure. What is certain is that these costumed furs will be far less exposed than their firefighter counterparts. In fact they will be quite heavily dressed in their animal costumes as they try to "Save the Baby Horses".
Saving the Baby Horses - Last Chance Corral
The proceeds will be going toward an equine sanctuary in Ohio, just northwest the border of West Virginia named Last Hope Corral. This organization takes in young foals that are found to be sickly and need special treatment and care that would otherwise have no home. Around 200 animals come through their doors on a yearly basis, and as a non-profit they rely on generous contributors to help with operating costs.
Those fursuiters that were included in the calender were given the opportunity to spend a day on the premises to see the facilities first hand in order to shoot their promotional video that had showed up on their respective YouTube channels. The one posted by Telephone was embedded here. There are others, and each do different things with the film they were given, which is a nice touch considering it would have been easy to post the same video on all their channels. In case of Australia’s Pocari Roo, a clever use of a green screen.
In order to purchase one of these calendars, and learn more about this project, go to their Indiegogo page. There are only a few days left to order these calendars ($35). If you show extra support you can also get a limited version that is signed by the personalities photographed ($95). There are also T-Shirt for sale which vary in cost depending on the size ordered.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
Not quite arrive, Eurofurence has had a fursuit charity calendar for a couple years already and I am pretty sure others do the same thing.
Still, it's a good cause and I wish them luck!
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Thank you very much Rakuen! We have already raised about $18K with 10 more days to go - so glad to get to help this awesome cause. Last Chance Corral does awesome work.
Thank you so much Tantroo for the feature! It was awesome to get to travel out to Last Chance Corral with all the awesome suiters you see in the video. Thanks to Majira, Telephone, Kiwi fox, Vixndwnq and Pineapple Fox for travelling out for the shoot.
If you can, consider making a donation to help the baby horses before the campaign ends in 10 days - you can get a shirt, calendar, or signed calendar here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fursuitfriday-charity-calendar/
Popufur ego stroking? I'll pass and donate directly
Well, you know the fursuit heads are kind of big, so it helps to have a big head to fill them ;P
From my experience at least
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