Newsbytes archive for August 2015
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox and Sonious.
earthfurst: Royal Canadian Mint selling Bugs Bunny silver coins for $20. Mint selling coins of other Looney Tunes characters, but are more expensive.
Fred: Hanging a teddy bear for good luck.
Fred: Gunman injured by ricochet off armadillo.
crossaffliction: Zootopia/Doctor Who crossover fan-art ... by the movie's co-director!
crossaffliction: Speaking of furry series that crossover with Doctor Who, MLP:EG is doing shorts again.
crossaffliction: And speaking of horses, American Pharoah is a stud, but not literally yet.
earthfurst: A crowd-funding at Patreon for creating Extinctioners comics (1st published in 1998) was announced Saturday, Aug 1.
InkyCrow: Watch a new animated short featuring a cat and pig detective team in "The Casebook of Nips and Porkington".
crossaffliction:'s Luke McKinney defends furries. But they still won't accept my "furry personal experience" article pitch.
earthfurst: Comic The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 for $1. Order cut off Aug. 17;in shops Sep. 9. Furry-interest: she talks with squirrels …
crossaffliction: The announcement Lionsgate will distribute the 2017 MLP movie contains a vague synopsis.
InkyCrow: January 2016 will be a very furry month for animated movies (Norm of the North, The Nut Job 2 and Kung Fu Panda 3).
dronon: Here's a music video based on the recent CGI Monkey King film made in China.
RingtailedFox: Canadian cable network Teletoon Retro is shutting down on September 1st, 2015.
earthfurst: A photo of an orphan kangaroo (named Doodlebug) hugging teddy bear, goes viral. Photos taken by mother of @Tim_Beshara.
GreenReaper: Rare staff reveal the truth: Kazooie was created to one-up Mario's double-jump. (Also, Banjo was initially a rabbit.)
Fred: The North American carnivorous plant that's eating Asian hornets.
InkyCrow: Recent animated short featuring a night of living with a werewolf.
Fred: Coyotes make home in downtown Los Angeles.
GreenReaper: Bonobos do it like fursuiters - use squeaking as a form of context-free communication, that is.
crossaffliction: MLP:FiM season five, part two is coming September 12.
dronon: Imperial March Pikachu.
crossaffliction: Randomly created t-shirt has unnerving things to say about furry Jesus. [Xiphias/bo news]
dronon: Coming soon: Regular Show: The Movie.
Rakuen Growlithe: A Toronto man kept 150 crocodilians before they grew too big and he called a zoo for help.
Rakuen Growlithe: Fur Affinity Transparency imgur album might be of interest to some.
GreenReaper: See a spandex-clad Benedict Cumberbatch apply method acting to Smaug.
Sonious: Furry Drama 2 LJ community succumbs to drama/lockdown from group owner, users flee to group called SrslyFurries.
crossaffliction: Pretty neat looking Disney Infinite Zootopia figures have been revealed.
crossaffliction: While I'm lurking in Zootopia's Twitter here's some of Byron Howard's original character artwork for Gazelle.
Fred: Four critically endangered takahe birds shot.
Fred: Stolen stuffed wolf worth £32,000 returned to police.
Fred: Mama bear and 4 cubs playing in a backyard swimming pool.
Fred: Mama bear and 5 cubs playing in a backyard swimming pool.
Sonious: Pokémon Fighting game coming for Wii U entitled Pokkén Tournament.
RingtailedFox: UN adopts anti-poaching legislation.
crossaffliction: Sorry, wolf fans; random chance itself favors foxes.
crossaffliction: Spoiler alert! Disney Infinity's Zootopia disc accidentally give away the movie's ending, so avoid until the movie comes out!
dronon: Shucks darn, we missed the film Jungle Shuffle.
Fred: A backpack for bees.
Fred: Medical chimpanzees released in Liberian jungle, but there are doubts they can survive in the wild.
Patch Packrat: New Dogpatch Press facebook page just for news feed.
GreenReaper: Grey wolf pack sighted in California first since 1924.
dronon: Magnetic Press has announced they intend to publish English editions of at least one volume of the Love series (trailer), each involving a day in the life of an animal, and also the Klaw series, about people who can assume forms from the Chinese zodiac.
Patch Packrat: Growth stats for r/furry on reddit. Spikes in October and December 2014 (DDOS attacks on furry sites and MWFF chlorine attack.) Also a lot during Anthrocon when they got a lot of press this year.
Fred: What killed Knut.
Patch Packrat: Mapping The Most Embarassing Google Searches by State... #9, Wyoming, picturing me :)
crossaffliction: It's time for a Death Battle! Knuckles vs. Donkey Kong!
Patch Packrat: Furry fan injured in Taiwan explosion with 90% chance to not survive is now well enough for release from hospital.
GreenReaper: The Onion's EDGE interviews 'human lizard' Brian Lindstrom, and asks: why no three-foot tail?
crossaffliction: I always liked Fox's characterization in these.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
Hey, thanks Patch for linking to Facebook! It got my reddit post auto-modded; I'm still not sure if its even accessible yet. Hijacking the competition's Twitter feed for your site's promotion in a way that sabotages their site's promotion; pretty sneaky.
Haha oops. I did post some not-mine stories! You should share these on reddit more often and then we'd know you're doing it. I have a feeling these sites are under promoted in general. Nobody is even doing Furry clickbait parody news (One twitter account was good but only stuck around for a little while), so I will.
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