Upcoming furry comics for March 2015
Furry comics to appear in the top 100 bestsellers list for November 2014 include:
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #25 at 90,
- Rocket Raccoon #5 at 24, and
- Guardians of the Galaxy #21 at 16.
Action Lab
Itty Bitty Bunnies: Tales from the Crib
Writing and art by Dean Rankins
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“It’s time for another round of tasteless tales from Rainbow Pixie Candy Land’s resident raunchy rabbits, Phil and Tyrone. Join them as they kill their livers, take in a puppet show, do unspeakable things to a frog prince, and trip hard with Willy Nellson! No, really.”
crossie’s note: Also comes with a limited variant cover limited to 2,000 copies for $4.99.
Antarctic Press
Gold Digger #221
Writing and art by Fred Perry
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“When a trap left by the late were-rat leader Gothwrain is set off, werewolf leader Jetta is possessed by an evil spirit. Now she’s compelled to slaughter her friend Brittanny Gia, last of the were-cheetahs, and anything that gets between her and her prey! Luckily, Brit has help for snapping her out of it: Jetta’s son, Pojo, and his newest, biggest fans, the genetically enhanced bodyguards Link and Zelda!”
Archie Comics
Sonic Boom #6
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Matt Herms and Tracy Yardley
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“When Dr. Eggman sponsors a go-kart race around Sonic’s Island home, you know that dude is up to no good. The rules are as follows: no special powers, no weapons and everyone has to drive a kart to keep things fair. Since when does Eggy care about ‘fair’? What will happen to throw this race into a SPIN? How many rhetorical questions can we ask in one paragraph of solicit text? Find out in this hyperbole-packed issue! Featuring cover art from Sonic Comic extraordinaire Tracy Yardley, plus a new BOOM-Crew Sega art variant!”
Sonic the Hedgehog #271
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Diana Skelly and Tracy Yardley
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Grab a front row seat for the finale to the brawl-iest, punch-iest, contest-iest Sonic comic saga yet! Champions, part four. It’s the battle you’ve all been waiting for (again): Sonic versus Knuckles for the title and the Chaos Emerald! The old rivalry blazes to life as the True Blue and Rad Red throw down for glory – and for the fate of the entire world! But with the vengeful Hooligans waiting in the shadows, and Metal Sonic en route, will they even get to finish their fight, or will their foes beat them to the punch? Featuring new cover aft from Sonic art legend Tracy Yardley and a super-special new Arcade Variant by the latest Sonic art superstar Rafa Knight!”
Sonic Universe #74
Written by Aleah Baker, art by Jim Amash and Tracy Yardley
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The final showdown for the fate of the digital realm is here! Spark of Life, part four. It’s pandemonium aplenty in this conclusion to the stunning Spark of Life story arc! Who, or what, is Phage? Introductions aren’t necessary, she’s creating havoc for our heroes anyway! Tails and Big – menaced by badniks and Dark Gaia Monsters alike! A Chaos Emerald, about to fall into enemy hands! Nicole, on the brink of deletion! Will Sally sacrifice it all to save her friends and the world? Featuring cover art from Sonic comic artist extraordinaire Tracy Yardley, and a special SEGA-art Tails variant cover!”
Bongo Comics
United Plankton Pictures
SpongeBob Comics #42
Writing and art by Graham Annable
32 pages, full color, US $2.99
“Special interactive issue! Boxtrolls director Graham Annable’s story ‘Spot the Differences’ finds Squidward plagued by double images of SpongeBob, with 4 subtle differences to be found in each pair! Michael T. Gilbert (Mr. Monster) crafts a SpongeBob mystery where you crack the case by holding up key panels to a light! And Al Jaffee (MAD) brings his folding image skills to Bikini Bottom. All this plus a crazy ‘SpongeFunnies,’ a branching tale of Patrick’s neighborhood watch, and more!”
Boom! Studios
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes #5 (of 6)
Written by Michael Moreci, art by Dan McDaid and Christopher Mitten
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“As Caesar learns the value of sacrificing a few for the many, Koba will be forced to confront Pope and his militia of apes. On the other side of the world, with his son kidnapped and wife fading with every hour, Malcolm has one chance to make things right before it all comes crashing down around him.”
Teen Dog #7 (of 8)
Writing and art by Jake Lawrence
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Dudes, prom is coming up. Who do you think Teen Dog is gonna take? And who’s going to be crowned as the ultimate high school couple this year? Meh, who cares – let’s get out on the dance floor and cut a rug.”
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #1 (of 4)
Writing and art by David Petersen, Skottie Young, Mark Buckingham and Hanna Christenson
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Why we love it: 2015 marks the 10-year anniversary of David Petersen’s Eisner and Harvey Award-winning Mouse Guard, and what better way to celebrate than with a new collection of short stories centered around a storytelling contest at the local bar, featuring work by some of the best writers and artist in comics paying homage to this beloved all-ages series. Why you’ll love it: It’s Mouse Guard as interpreted by some of the most celebrated storytellers in all of comics, including Skottie Young (Rocket Raccoon), Ramon K. Perez (The Amazing Spider-Man), Mark Buckingham (Fables), Becky Cloonan (Gotham Academy), Dustin Nguyen (Batman and many more! What it’s about: Following two award-nominated volumes, once again, mice of all furs and trades have gathered at the June Alley Inn to swap tales of courage, adventure and craftsmanship. The storytellers can’t help but try to outdo one another, as the mouse who tells the best tale gets their bar tab cleared. This issue features stories by Skottie Young, Mark Buckingham and Hannah Christenson (Jim Henson’s The Storytellers: The Novelization).”
Adventure Time #38
Written by Chris Hastings, art by Zachary Sterling and George Bletsis
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Everyone is hungry, but there isn’t enough food to go around. Things get a little dicey as Finn and Jake try to figure out what is up with their friends, and why does this little witch keep coming back? Glob, she’s really persistent.”
The Amazing World of Gumball #10
Written by Frank Gibson, art by Missy Pena and Jenna Ayoub
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Gumball thinks he’s the coolest kid on the block, but his little sister Anais begs to differ, and Darwin just wants to keep them all out of trouble. There’s always another adventure to be had in their mixed-up world!”
Bee and PuppyCat #10
Writing and art by Carey Pietsch and Joy Ang, written by Patrick Seery, art by Meredith McClaren and George Caltsoudas
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The best part of the morning is the chance to sleep in and ignore the outside world for a few more seet, sweet hours … unless a PuppyCat forces you out of bed at an unspoken hour to get a temp job. Bee is not having the best day, and things are only going to go sideways for her in these short stories!”
Garfield #35
Written by Scott Nickel, art by Brittney Williams and Andy Hirsch
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The trip through Garfield’s 9 lives continues, as Brittney Williams illustrates a tale of Garfield’s adventures as a Golden-Age superhero in ‘Super Cat,’ while Andy Hirsch brings us the story of Garfield’s days as a private eye in ‘Sam Spayed’.”
Peanuts #26
Writing and art by Charles M. Schulz
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Get your dance shoes on because Pig-Pen is bringing the moves! ‘Dirty Dancing’ and tons more fun, including classic Charles M. Schulz Sunday strips are bursting from the pages of this new issue of Peanuts.”
Regular Show #21
Written by Mad Rupert, art by Allison Strejlau and Andy Hirsch
32 pages, full color, $3.99
“The beginning of a new arc by new writer Mad Rupert (Regular Show: Skips) and the perfect jumping-on point for new readers! During a marathon of his favorite childhood movies, Rigby begins to remember a movie so awesome, so incredible, so amazingly rad … that it makes no sense that he can’t recall its name! As he journeys into the online nostalgia rabbit hole in search of the truth, one question arises: are some movies meant to be forgotten?”
Regular Show: 2015 March Madness Special #1
Writing and art by Kristina Ness, Molly Ostertag and Hannah Ayoubi, written by Shanna Matuszak, art by Derek Charm, Kevin Panetta and Rian Sygh
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Spring is in the air, the Earth is reawakened after winter and hijinks abound at the park! This oversized collection of all-new shorts features the park deep in March Madness, with all sorts of seasonal mischief afoot. From college basketball to St. Patrick’s Day, there’s nothing sacred for this motley crew.”
DC Comics
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #55
Written by Sholly Fisch, art by Dario Brizuela
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated E, on sale Mar 11
“Faster than a cheap watch! Stronger than the smell of old gym socks! It’s … Hyperman! The Mystery Inc. gang is invited to an advance movie screening of Shaggy and Scooby’s favorite super hero, Hyperman – but when the movie’s super-villain comes to life and terrorizes the theater, the movie reel goes missing. Now, it’s up to Shaggy and sideckick Scooby to save the day!”
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #9
Written by Sholly Fisch, art by Dario Brizuela
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated E, on sale Mar 4
“Superman needs help from Sooby and the gang – so they speed to Metropolis and the horribly haunted Daily Planet offices. But then Superman is turned into a super-powered monster! Even with help from Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Krypto the Superdog, how can these meddling kids stop the transformed Man-Monster of Steel before he wrecks the city?”
Fables: The Wolf Among Us #3
Written by Matthew Sturges and Dave Justus, art by Stephen Sadowski, Shawn McManus, Travis Moore and Chrissie Zullo
40 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated mature readers, on sale Mar 11
“Rumors of a certain prince’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Well … slightly exaggerated. But just as Bigby and Snow get to the heart of his story, they’re interrupted by a Fable we’ve never met before … one who looks an awful lot like another Fable we’ve never met before. Add a hot pursuit, some true detective work at Toad’s place and a cheap shocker at a seedy hotel, and you’ve got the third issue of Fables: The Wolf Among Us!”
Wolf Moon #4
Written by Cullen Bunn, art by Jeremy Haun and Leandro Fernandez
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated mature readers, on sale Mar 4
“The brawl continues, and it appears Dillon has met his match … not in the Wolf, but in a tough-as-nails hunter who will stop at nothing to reach his goal. As fur and .50 caliber rounds fly, Dillon must think fast and keep moving if he hopes to survive. If the Wolf doesn’t kill him, this other hunter surely will! Is the Wolf powerful enough to escape two hunters? Or does the creature have a mysterious guardian angel? The identity of the fiendish murderer who has been slaughtering the Wolf’s hosts is revealed.”
Devil’s Due Entertainment
Squarriors #2
Written by Ash Maczka, art by Ashley Witter
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated mature themes
“Squarriors is the epic saga of warring animals in a post-human world. Specifically a small tribe known as the Tin Kin, and their struggles building a life in the new world while confronting the hostile neighboring Maw tribe.”
Angry Birds Comics #9
Written by Janne Toriseva, art by Cesar Ferioli and Jean-Michel Boesch
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“When Professor Pig’s latest invention turns King Pig and his minions into giants, the Angry Birds face a challenge of monumental proportions as they try to protect their precious eggs from being eaten! Will King Pig finally prevail or is he just full of hot air?”
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #15
Written by Bobby Curnow, art by Brenda Hickey and Amy Mebberson
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“After getting an erroneous citation, Applejack goes to Ponyville City Hall to set things right! She soon finds herself swept up in the chaos of city government thanks to none other than Mayor Mare! Will Applejack be able to escape with her sanity intact?”
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #29
Written by Ted Anderson, art by Jay Fosgitt and Kathryn Longua
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Cheerilee gets a visit from her sister who happens to be one of the most famous wrestlers in Equestria! A long-simmering grudge between the siblings threatens to explode unless Rarity and friends can figure out a way for the two to mend hurt feelings.”
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #4 (of 5)
Written by Scott Tipton and David Tipton, art by Rachael Stott
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“An uneasy alliance has been forged between Captain Kirk and Colonel Taylor! But will it be enough to prevent Commander Kor and his Klingons from toppling the regime of Doctor Zaius?”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44
Writing and art by Kevin Eastman, written by Tom Waltz, art by Cory Smith
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Attack on Technodrome, part 4! Minutes remain before the Technodrome fully activates and Shredder, Krang and the Turtles all vie for control. No side will be left unscathed in this epic climax as one character makes the ultimate sacrifice!”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #2 (of 4)
Written by Paul Allor, art by Andy Kuhn
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The Mutanimals have uncovered a new mutant who has undergone unspeakable trauma at the hands of the Null Group. Hob and company are determined to bring the corporation down, but already divisions begin to form in the group when deadly tactics are discussed. Will the Mutanimals be able to stay intact?”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures #21
Written by Paul Allor, art by Dario Brizuela and Chad Thomas
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Natural Enemies, part 1! The Turtles get the bright idea to defeat Stockmanfly with the help of Spider Bytez. But what happens when the two villains find out they have more in common than they thought?!”
TMNT Color Classics Vol. 3 #3: City at War
Writing and art by Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird and Jim Lawson, art by A.C. Farley
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The TMNT Color Classics line continues, presenting another classic Mirage storyline in all new full color! In ‘City at War, part one,’ a terrorist’s bomb sets off an explosive chain of events across New York City, igniting a dangerous power struggle of epic proportions. But with the turtles and their family and friends in utter disarray, is there any hope for the Big Apple? Originally printed in black and white as TMNT v1 #50.”
Image Comics
Elephantmen #63
Written by Richard Starkings, art by Axel Medellin and Boo Cook
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated M, on sale Mar 25
“Miki and Farrell meet perhaps the strangest Elephantman of all.”
Mice Templar V: Night’s End #1 (of 5)
Writing and art by Michael Avon Oeming, written by Bryan J.L. Glass, art by Victor Santos and Serena Guerra
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated T, on sale Mar 25
“Siege. The restored Templar bring their final battle to the very gates of King Icarus’s stronghold – the fortress city of Dealrach Ard-Vale, where the doomed insurrection of its desperate inhabitants await rescue. But as the armies of salvation go to war without the guidance and leadership of Karic, the heroic young mouse who overcame their generations of prejudice and division, under which banner will they fight? Five issues. One night! One glorious, terrifying battle! Where every Legend – Dream, Destiny & Prophecy – will collide for the fate of the world they know! The grand finale of an eight-year creator-owned vision! The two-time Harvey Award-winning series concludes, from the acclaimed creators of Powers, Polar and Furious!”
Guardians of the Galaxy #25
Written by Brian Michael Bendis, art by Valerio Schiti
40 pages, US $4.99, rated T
“Chapter 7 of the Black Vortex! Double-sized spectacular! Rocket and Magik in action! Beast defeated and broken! Gamore on the offensive! Ronan deposed! Star-Lord defiant! Nova gives chase! This issue surely has it all!”
Guardians Team-Up #3
Written by Sam Humphries, art by Mike Mayhew
32 pages, US $3.99, rated T+
“The Black Vortex continues to ravage the galaxy! When the Black Vortex strikes at the heart of the Kree Empire, Ronan the Accuser must join the battle with the Guardians! Will Ronan make the ultimate betrayal to save his Kree brothers?”
Howard the Duck #1
Written by Chip Zdarsky, art by Joe Quinones
32 pages, US $3.99, rated T+
“Hot off the pages of the … the post-credits scene at the … the end of a … popular movie … Howard the Duck is back! Join him as he takes on the weird cases that only a talking duck can crack as the Marvel Universe’s resident private investigator!” Let Sex Criminals’ Chip Zdarsky (a writer known mostly as an artist) and Joe Quinones (an artist known mostly as a lover) guide you through his new world as he takes on the Black Cat and mysterious forces from outer space! Waugh!”
Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy #2 (of 4)
Written by Joe Caramagna
32 pages, US $2.99, rated all ages
“Based on the hit new series, follow the further adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy! It’s a dangerous galaxy, be glad these guys are on our side! Continuing the adaptation of the red-hot animated shorts!”
Rocket Raccoon #9
Writing and art by Skottie Young, art by Jacob Parker
32 pages, US $3.99, rated T
“Monster Mash! In the not-so-distant future, what happens when you water Groot a little too much? Grootzilla has arrived, and he ain’t happy! He’s faster than a speeding Rocket, more powerful than Drax the Destroyer and able to eat tall buildings in a single gulp!”
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Written by Ryan North, art by Erica Henderson
32 pages, US $3.99, rated T
“Time is running out, and the only way for Squirrel Girl to stop Galactus is to get to the moon … you know, somehow?? See the unveiling of Squirrel Girl’s Flying Squirrel Suit … that she maaaaybe borrowed from Iron Man. Also, the final face-off with Galactus! On the moon.”
crossie’s note: Squirrel Girl fighting apes on the moon, if the cover doesn’t lie. Basically her wish since GLA #2.
Oni Press
Terrible Lizard #5
Written by Cullen Bunn, art by Drew Moss and Ryan Hill
32 pages, US $3.99, on sale Mar 18
“The military unleashes advanced experimental weaponry. Temporal gateways are opening up all over the city. Hideous mutants are wreaking havoc everywhere you look. And Jess and Wrex are caught right in the middle. With the odds stacked against them, there’s every possibility that they will not make it out of this apocalyptic monster-fest alive!”
Valiant Entertainment
Quantum and Woody Must Die! #3 (of 4)
Written by James Asmus, art by Steve Lieber and Mike Hawthorne
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated T+, on sale Mar 25
“The deadly conspiracy at Quantum and Woody’s throats tightens its lethal grip! Everyone that surrounds the brothers Henderson is dead-set on ending them … just when everything was coming up Quantum and Woody! Every so-called friend, neighbor and confidant goes in for the kill, but Eric and Woody are still trying to figure out what’s going on! Who’s doing this to them? Why? Who’s been messing around inside their brans? How? What dastardly supervillains will come at them next? Where? Will the goat be hurt … and harm their dad’s pregnancy? What?”
Zenescope Entertainment
Little Mermaid #2
Written by Meredith Finch, art by Miguel Mendonca and Ivan Nunes
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Zenescope’s brand new re-imagining of a classic continues! As Erica’s life is pulled in different directions, she must make a choice that will impact everything and everyone she cares about. And this time, there’s no coming back!”
crossie’s note: Until next time, let the ponies hit the floor!

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
The current TMNT series has brought me back into collecting that series and remembering what I loved about them. This version has loads and loads of mutants (which I know some of the previous versions had also... though I remember a lot of those feel more in the goofy or just plain weird categories) that I actually enjoy seeing, not to mention Bebop and Rocksteady (although still idiots) are powerhouses here rather than comic relief - I think it was issues 39 & 40 where they they essentially help their own against nine other opponents (the majority of which were other mutants, and not wimpy mutants - their foes included 3 of the turtles, Splinter, Slash, and Alopex...).
Reminds me to go back and pick up the earlier issues, I'd been buying them off and on when I saw some mutant action and then the series finally got my full attention to collecting them steadily after the backstory issues of Alopex and then Bebop & Rocksteady were released.
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