A Heritage Foundation executive threatens prison and sexual assault to SiegedSec furry hacker after Heritage hacked
Following a hack by a self-referred "gay furry hacker" organization named SiegedSec, the Heritage Foundation found that two gigabytes of their internal data leaked to the internet. The Heritage Foundation is a right wing think tank within the United States known for their stances against trans rights and abortion. The organization has recently published a manifesto for America known as Project 2025 which catalyzed this hack.
At first the Foundation denied the attack and indicated that the only information obtained was public facing, per a Cyberscoop article, while ironically still calling the action as criminal.
[SiegedSec] stumbled upon a two-year-old archive of The Daily Signal website that was available on a public-facing website owned by a contractor. The information obtained was limited to usernames, names, email addresses, and incomplete password information of both Heritage and non-Heritage contributors, as well as article comments and the IP address of the commenter.
[The story of a hack] is a false narrative and an exaggeration by a group of criminal trolls trying to get attention.
The executive contradiction
Following these initial reports, an interaction between one of the hackers and a Heritage Foundation’s executive Mike Howell was shared with the internet. Such an interaction makes it clear that the breach was severe enough that it warranted a response from a head of the organization. The executive in a later response to this conversation being shared on the internet acknowledged its accuracy.
In this interaction Mike showed a vicious view of the dispensing of justice in America by eliciting a desire to see the furry speaking with him sexually assaulted in American prison.
Mike Howell: Would you like to meet virtually or send an emissary to meet in person
vio: i would like to be left alone without my rights being threatened.
Mike Howell: Are you aware that you won't be able to wear a furry tiger costume when you're getting pounded in the ass in the federal prison I put you in next year?
Vio: such unprofessional language from an executive director, would you mind if i shared this? :3
Mike Howell: Please share widely. I hope the word spreads as fast as the STDs do in your degenerate furry community.
These executive’s responses to this chat leak have been as prestigious and full of the class as to be expected of those in such a position. This includes retweeting a screenshot of the chat log on their X (formally Twitter) with an Eminem lyric of “I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t then why would I say I am…” basically confirming that the message exchange was real.
He also showed great paranoia by accusing an inquisitive former infosec worker of the Biden White House of conspiring on behalf of the President with the furry hacking group under the President’s direction. Playing it as a great wrong is an odd thing to do given that his organization earlier claimed that the data breach wasn’t that big of a deal.
The Rolling Stone called him hopping mad and suggested he invest in a kangaroo suit. But as a kangaroo furry myself, I would really rather he’d adopt another species or keep to his own Eden-cursed species.
The document that catalyzed the Hack
Project 2025 is a document crafted by Heritage and Trump's former administration that has laid the foundation for the United States with a Christian conservative agenda which attempts to enshrine even more power to the executive branch and weaken democratically elected positions in the government by making more of them appointable by the President directly. It has been seen as a means of eroding the system of checks and balances and further weakening these power balancing systems.
Of particular concern are the demands to dismantle discrimination protections based on sexual and gender identity, allowing the military to engage in enforcement and creation of camps to deal with alleged illegal immigrants, a desire to abolishment of the Department of Education, as well as the outlawing of pornography.
While the candidate Trump has attempted to distance himself from the document as more have been talking about it during this election year, the manifesto has become a sticking point in liberal discourse against the Republican nominee. Especially given the Republican candidate’s history of trying to upend procedure to retain power in January of 2021 by trying to get Vice President Mike Pence to disavow the Congressional procedure of confirming Biden’s election victory in November of 2020.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
It is a wonder if Mike Howell will try and amend Project 2025 to enforce sexual assault as a welcome element of the American criminal justice system, or if he wants to do more to lower the spread of STDs that he seems to see as a stain on society to be prevented.
He obviously can’t put both desires in the same document without being called out for it, one would hope.
The way I see it, no one person is better than the other.
On one paw, SeigedSec (or anybody else for that matter) shouldn't go hacking people just because of their political views; people will always feel differently about certain things (even whole organizations), no point in trying to punish one opinion because of another.
On the other, M. Howell seems way out of line for even talking to another (human) being like that. Could anybody justify wishing for that to happen to someone? Didn't his mother teach him any better?
All in all, politics is a mess. My advice—get out while you can. Being radical never leads to anything good for anybody. (Remember the Burned Furs?)
One of The Young Turks shows "The Damage Report" released a video (on July 12)
about this.
(intro about TYT at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Young_Turks )
I’m very frightened of Project 2025 becoming law. My parents haven’t heard of it and have told me it couldn’t happen. I tried to educate them on it but it didn’t help. And they don’t seem to be in any hurry to plan on making a run for it if Trump gets elected. And I lack the money to do it myself.
It also doesn’t help that people are saying it’s not looking good for the Democrats.
I feel like Trump winning is all but inevitable. I just want the despair to end. I just want everything and everyone to be okay.
Vote Blue
Unless and until we know the identity of vio, we can't be certain he or she is a furry. It's quite possible, but it's also possible that they were playing off the notion that many of the tech geeks who run the Internet are furries by claiming to be one. If I were vio, I probably wouldn't be in any hurry to disclose my true identity (or that of any fellow SiegedSec members if there are in fact more than one).
Did any user on any furry websites claim to be the hacker?
Like did any one on FurAffinity gloat about how they hacked the Heritage foundation?
Lyric that was loosely plagiarized by Eminem**
Oh? That "I am whatever you say I am" phrase was from another before Eminem?
I mean it sounds like something Popeye would say. Or Shadow the Hedgehog. But I'm sure the game Shadow the Hedgehog came after the rap song.
I think Eminem's music is too rough for you
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