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'Foxes', 'Gnoll Tales', 'Wolf' and 'Raven' win 2023 Ursa Major Awards - plus 'Tamberlane', 'FurScience' and 'AI Cats'

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Ursa Major Awards Nominations and votes were cast, now the results are out!

Full category results in vote order for the 2023 Ursa Major Awards follow…

Best Comic Strip

Newspaper-style strips, including those with ongoing arcs.

Best Graphic Story

Includes comic books, and serialized online stories.

Best Fursuit

Best Visual Art

Illustrations for books, magazines, convention program books, cover art for such, coffee-table portfolios.

Best Game

Computer or console games, role-playing games, board games.

Best Magazine

Edited collections of creative and/or informational works by various people, professional or amateur, published in print or online in written, pictorial or audio-visual form.

Best Website

Online collections of art, stories, and other creative and/or informational works. Includes galleries, story archives, directories, blogs, and personal sites.

Best Novel

Written works of 40,000 words or more. Serialized novels qualify only for the year that the final chapter is published.

Ursa Major Awards banner by EosFoxx

Best Dramatic Short Work

One-shots, advertisements or short videos.

Best Dramatic Series

TV or YouTube series videos.

Best Motion Picture

Live-action or animated feature-length movies.

Best Non-Fiction Work

Best General Literary Work

Story collections, comic collections, graphic novels, non-fiction works, and serialized online stories.

Best Short Fiction

Stories less than 40,000 words, poetry, and other short Written works.

Got ideas for next year's awards? The Recommended Anthropomorphics List for 2024 is likely open for submissions.


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There doesn't seem to be any results for the Fursuit Category. Neither the website nor twitter gives a reason for this.


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My best guess is it was just missed off the end, not included in the after-presentation template or something like that. I got the list from the voting results. (I tweaked the listed order of the runners-up a few categories based on the scores, as they seem to be using vote count - inconsistent with how the winner is determined).

But Raven's Twitter account also went missing so maybe there's something else up there. The UMAs didn't say anything, so... incidentally Forlorn Raven's own work includes Plaguetale - an Undertale / A Plague Tale AU Movie.

Edit: The Fursuit results have been posted with the others on the UMA's main page.

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Clear winners in most categories this year, except General Literary Work where Gnoll Tales pipped Lauren Ipsum to the post by six points (Freefall did the same by four for third place in Comic Strip - it wasn't Charles Brubaker's year). The Owl House was also reasonably close to Helluva Boss, and Vauk almost tied with Draco for third-place Fursuit (it actually got one more vote, but needed another first preference vote).

My own votes were pretty hit and miss, but hey, I'm hardly representative. At least I put in picks for Short Fiction, which once again attracted the least number of votes despite all entries being available to read for free.

In case you missed it, Slightly Damned's Chu did a group shot for Graphic Story nominees:

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[...]except General Literary Work where Gnoll Tales pipped Lauren Ipsum to the post by six points (Freefall did the same by four for third place in Comic Strip - it wasn't Charles Brubaker's year)

I'm just happy I didn't get last place, like I did in 2021! Congrats to all the winners, tho!

Your rating: None Average: 1.8 (5 votes)

I'm disappointed that Flayrah keeps getting creamed, there's a lot of potential here. It would help to trim some of the fat, like crank rambling by Crossaffliction and toxic creeps like Rakuen. Anyways, congrats to all of the winners in every category.

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We came a good second! I'm OK with that, especially considering my own distractions last year.

Flayrah's won twice before, and one of those years was 2013, where crossaffliction posted 63 stories. Half weren't even about ponies! Rakuen was around then, too. But I don't remember much of a contribution from Anon.

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What a slide, did Crossaffliction even try to improve while getting creamed for 10 years?

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I'm going to be honest, while it's nice I got two almost instantaneous "stfu, anon" replies here, what's really tickling me is the "Rakuen ... also exists" nature of GR's post.

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He was probably busy learning something boring about mushrooms. In fairness, Rakuen's posts were also rated higher than most of yours, with some notable exceptions:

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I like mushrooms. They're my favorite pizza topping. They get my vote for "Best Anthropomorphic Pizza Topping."

What were we talking about?

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"The Capped Crusader"? Sounds like something from TMNT, although it could've been religious studies.

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Mushrooms are good in soup, creamed

Your rating: None Average: 2 (3 votes)

You have a very limited vocabulary, anon.

Actually, I think we switched anons here, somewhere. Judging by time stamps, we went from someone trying to suck up to GR to someone trying to smear him in a different comment section. Either we have at least two anons, or, well ...

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That is the hardest shirt I've seen in awhile

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It's a bumper sticker, actually.

(Seeing as how it's totally bootleg to begin with, I don't know how unethical it technically be to rip it off and put it on a shirt, though.)

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Crossaffliction, writer of limited talent, shows it in comment section

Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

I think we're back to the original, so trying to get this back on topic, but ...

Mushrooms? Any thoughts? (Creamed or otherwise.)

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The old days when I wasn't big enough to have dedicated trolls and haters. There are more pleasant ways to measure success though but I guess other people's bitter jealousy is a pretty reliable one.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Someone is jealous of your role as resident pedophile defender? What a bizarre claim.

Your rating: None Average: 2.5 (8 votes)

For what it's worth, people should not be able to hide behind the screen on anonymity and snipe at others. It's a cowardly way to conduct a discourse.

Your rating: None Average: 2.9 (7 votes)

Welcome to the internet, you would think someone who praises AI would try to understand how it works

Your rating: None Average: 1.3 (6 votes)

You're one of those sad creatures everyone ignores at parties, aren't you?

If you're not, you should be.

Your rating: None Average: 1.8 (5 votes)

Does your sad response have anything to do with your recent Ursa loss?

Your rating: None Average: 2.3 (6 votes)

No, because I've won enough of them.

Your rating: None Average: 1 (4 votes)


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Have been rechecking Ursa website to see if nomination page taking nominations. (page not taking nominations yet)

When nominations open, I hope people's nominations will include (for Dramatic Short Work category):
"Pan De Noche (animation)
(Created by Jovince Balanquit - November 26)"

(since I think is a great furry work,
and everyone forgot/procrastinated on suggesting it for Ursa's Recommended List)

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It looks like nominations are up, but on their social media accounts it sounds like the Ursas may be in danger of being disbanded due to lack of volunteers and aging technology.

Will note this on the article when it's created.

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Thanks Sonious.
I've written an article ("story" in Flayrah's submit system) currently titled "Ursa Major Awards open for nominations of 2024 works" (1st version submitted on Sunday),
and clicked on "Save" button in Flayrah's submit story system.
I don't see a Submit button, so i assume clicking the Save button has put the article into pending.

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GreenReaper (Laurence Parry)read storiescontact (login required)

a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers

Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.