November 2014 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include dronon, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe and RingtailedFox.
Fred: Was this the biggest spider web ever?
Fred: Why most deer-vehicle collisions are during November.
Patch Packrat: Howl Toronto’s Q&A for “The Furclub Survey”, from organizer Raverfox.
Fred: Living with Australian wildlife.
dronon: How the Internet appropriated the concept of spirit animals.
Patch Packrat: This week in San Francisco: Independent shows and festivals offer new concept for furry events.
GreenReaper: After 25 years, a farewell kiss from a horse.
Patch Packrat: North Korea’s Dear Leader Kim Jong-un got pranked with plushie sex.
Fred: “My daughter the gorilla.”
Fred: The blue dragon that steals its victim's weapons and uses them for itself.
Fred: Scientists discover the genes that helped wildcats evolve into housecats.
Fred: How to milk poisonous snakes to make antivenom.
Fred: Lock-picking parrot escapes from cage and car.
Patch Packrat: Fred Patten and furries in FLAUNT fashion magazine.
Patch Packrat: Zootopia, ethics, fabulous Tony the Tiger, Andrew WK’s furry interview – Newsdump (11-11-14).
Patch Packrat: Furry Night Live – ‘The Greatest Show in Fur’ – at Pacific Anthropomorphics Weekend on 11/15.
Fred: The language of giant river otters.
Fred: Lone baby elephant fights off 14 lions, and more.
Fred: The shark with backward teeth.
Patch Packrat: Animated features that qualify for the 2014 Oscar: thoughts from Fred Patten.
InkyCrow: James... that's all I'm saying.
RingtailedFox: Commuity raises fawn after mother dies in automobile accident. [WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit]
RingtailedFox: And now.... Fox McCloud vs. Falco Lombardi in... Super Smash Bros. for the Texas Instruments TI-83 and TI-84 Graphing calculators! Expect more playable characters to come... but WOW!
GreenReaper: #FurAffinity's new coder and secret admin for a year is Zidonuke, known for using dev access to spy on F-list users. #NewsAt11
Patch Packrat: “New concept for furry events” brings enthusiastic response in San Francisco.
Patch Packrat: Fangcon’s Draconis in hospital, Claw & Quill, Watership Down – furry Newsdump (11/18/14).
Fred: Use an ATM in Delhi; get a cobra.
Fred: Why seals have sex with penguins.
Patch Packrat: Furry photo show leads to November cancer benefit, and “round table” talk on 11/22/14.
GreenReaper: Worried that your four-legged friend lacks muscle definition? Try Alpha Chow! Operators are standing by… [BlindWolf8]
Rakuen Growlithe: Austrian AIDS charity releases explicit cartoon for... furries?
Rakuen Growlithe: Some absolutely amazing photos of foxes.
Patch Packrat: Poland: Weird, creepy conservatives make gross, inappropriate ban of Winnie The Pooh.
Fred: Whales are mammals, not fish, despite what mayor thinks.
Fred: The colugo is the most accomplished mammalian glider.
Fred: Disney lied! The lemmings didn't jump into the sea; they were murdered.
Fred: Cheetahs heading for extinction is an urban myth.
Fred: Science proves that yes, pandas or "panda bears" really are bears.
GreenReaper: Did Peruvian fishermen poison hundreds of sea lions?
Patch Packrat: Photogenic furries on the radio – Dirty cats in “safe sex” animated PSA – Newsdump (11/24/14).
Patch Packrat: Pac Anthro Weekend weathers rough start to make newest West Coast furcon.
Patch Packrat: Recommendations for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards for excellence in the furry arts.
InkyCrow: Anthro animals turn the tables on humans in short feature "Manhunt". (Warning: contains graphic footage.)
Fred: Elephant given retirement after 34 years of giving rides to tourists.
GreenReaper: Santiago newspaper La Tercera reports 70 members in Chilean furry community.
GreenReaper: Canadian researcher finds Furnal Equinox lacks "costumed folks engaging in kinky sex".
GreenReaper: Said researcher was interviewed on the Nov. 5 episode of CJAD 800's "Passion". [29:06 onwards]
GreenReaper: "What surprised me the most: how welcoming they were. Very very friendly. Very sweet. [..] Hugs. Lots of hugs!"
dronon: The interview is also currently available on Soundcloud.
Fred: For Thanksgiving, a report on recent wild turkey activities.
dronon: Why everything you know about wolf packs is wrong.
GreenReaper: Swiss call to make eating your own cats and dogs illegal.
RingtailedFox: California man in werewolf mask shoots worker. [CNN]

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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