July 2014 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe and RingtailedFox.
earthfurst Bill Watterson (creator of Calvin & Hobbes) did illustrations for 3 strips of Pearls Before Swine in early June.
Fred: Brazil dresses dogs up for the World Cup. Small dogs only?
Patch Packrat: Making a successful Furry float for San Francisco Pride 2014.
Fred: Is the Borneo vampire squirrel really that adorable?
Fred: The echidna is weirder than you think, besides having really big fleas.
Fred: The Declaration of Independence might not have been approved on July 4th if not for horseflies.
dronon: Steven Spielberg abandoned making an animated film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats musical. Too bad, because the development art looked great!
Fred: Swarms of vampire finches. Run away!
crossaffliction: Yes.
Fred: “Six-eyed spider stalks Moravia.”
dronon: Not furry, but somewhat cartoon-related - this December there'll be a documentary about voice acting and the people behind it: I Know That Voice!
dronon: The English dub of Ernest & Celestine is now available on DVD.
Fred: All about Baghi: The Monster of Mighty Nature.
dronon: The tufted ground squirrel in Borneo has the bushiest tail relative to its body size.
Patch Packrat: Furry news of the week: Pittsburgh’s official “Anthrocon Day” (7-5-14).
Fred: The French building that imitates an armadillo -- but it's not anthropomorphic.
Fred: Police officer shoots aggressive tortoise; claims it broke into his house and attacked him.
dronon: And so the merchandising begins: Rocket Raccoon mask.
RingtailedFox: Wayne County bomb-sniffing dog put to rest after valiant struggle with congenital disease.
crossaffliction: And you thought the Guardians of the Galaxy were obscure. Director James Gunn originally came to Marvel pitching a different furry character: Hit Monkey.
dronon: Chinese animated film due in 2016 looks really interesting, even if the furry content turns out to be incidental: Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms.
Patch Packrat: Enough squeaker abuse - let’s upgrade fursuit sound effects.
Fred: Why the ancient Egyptians worshipped dung beetles.
Fred: Prescient dog predicts mortar attacks half an hour before they happen.
InkyCrow: The 1963 French crime caper movie Judex has recently been restored and released on Blu-Ray/DVD. It's notable for this lengthy scene of avian fursuiters.
RingtailedFox: The Fox and the Hound: Tail-less Edition?
GreenReaper: Google+ finally lifted its restriction on pseudonyms. Expect to see Yiffy Sparkledog in your circles soon.
Fred: 67 giant snails seized at Los Angeles International Airport.
crossaffliction: USA network’s Psych may feature a furry character. I mean, the character is a furry fan, not anthro animal. Just click the link.
dronon: Inherit the Earth 2 returns to Kickstarter!
GreenReaper: Two wings good, four wings better? (Apparently gliding micro-raptors were a thing back in the Cretaceous.)
GreenReaper: It's a shark-eat-lion world down under.
Patch Packrat: Furry news of the week: fursuiters in flight (7-18-14).
crossaffliction: These Jägermeister ads are nice. [tip: The Newsbyte above this one].
crossaffliction: While noting weird comic books trends Cracked notes how the Pet Avengers actually were way more effective than the actual Avengers against movie villain Thanos.
Rakuen Growlithe: Somehow knotting in fiction is discussed without mentioning the furry fandom.
GreenReaper: Slow, but steady: conservation efforts to save grey slender loris in Sri Lanka.
Fred: Giant (59 feet tall) rubber duck swept away in flood.
GreenReaper: Any furry marine engineers out there? Your next commission could be a feast at an offshore wind farm.
dronon: The short-lived 1983 TV show Manimal is being considered to be made into an action-comedy film.
dronon: Supercats! A supercut of cats in movies.
dronon: A 2010 comics anthology with lots of animal characters: Trickster: Native American Tales.
Fred: A really concise history of were-animals.
Fred: Too many mayflies in Wisconsin.
GreenReaper: Albertans deracinate beavers to create pond; comment section replete with tirades against foreign workers.
Rakuen Growlithe Sad to see Flayrah has removed a story and left no mention of it. I don't think that's good journalism. Should at least be a place holder and explanation.
GreenReaper: Your dog is jealous of your favourite plushie - at least, if it's another dog.
Fred: Scientists now say "all dinosaurs were covered with feathers" – or fur?
GreenReaper: The impact of climate change on fur seals: less ice means less tasty krill.
GreenReaper: A brief timeline of cosplay.
Fred: The satanic leaf-tailed gecko will never be mistaken for the GEICO gecko.
earthfurst: Cool Cat Saves the Kids an anti-bullying & gun-safety film that you apparently have to buy before you can watch. (IMDB link.)
Fred: Timberwolf the koala's wild ride.
Fred: Hong Kong buses for dogs - sunglasses not required.
Fred: Animals that create art.
Fred: Octopuses (octopi?) can carry grudges.
Patch Packrat: Furry news of the week: Pseudo-furries past and future (7-28-14).
Patch Packrat: Art of Animal Character Design book debut at San Diego Comic Con.
Fred: The women who turn into seals.
Green Reaper: Nominations close August 8 for the Fandom's Favorite Fursuit Fracas.
Fred: Invisible Rabbit Studios, a six-year-old animation producer in Mumbai, India.
About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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