November 2013 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, Fred, Green Reaper, Higgs Raccoon, mwalimu, Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox and Sonious.
GreenReaper: Echoes of decades-old cull haunts elephant society to this day.
Higgs Raccoon: The twenty pound carp with its sights set on council elections in Ann Arbor.
Rakuen Growlithe: If you go down to the woods today, you're sure to find cats in China.
crossaffliction: Her story isn’t quite as heartwarming as Christian’s, but Sirga’s may be more important.
GreenReaper: Photographer Klaus Pichler captures costumers at home. [Daily Mail]
GreenReaper: Gunshot-wounded sea otter treated by Vancouver Aquarium staff is doing well. [tip: Brian Pickett]
GreenReaper: Fursuiters make an appearance on Hardcore Pawn. [skippyfox]
GreenReaper: Storage Wars only managed to get fakers in rental store costumes. [chipfoxx]
dronon: Tiger cub vs. "tiger cub". (Winner: safety glass.)
Higgs Raccoon: The Bear & The Hare: the 2013 Christmas ad for the UK's John Lewis department stores.
crossaffliction: “If your story is ‘how hard is it to be gay when society wants you to be straight, and also you’re a fox,’ well.”
crossaffliction: Also, two apologies: one for bringing up C&Q #1 after it’s been out so long, and one to Gold for using Kyell Gold as an example for a problem he is clearly not a part of.
Fred: Readers of the Metamor Keep website will appreciate this.
Fred: Tortoise gets Lego-leg prosthetic.
crossaffliction: Lots of furry stuff on Cracked’s 5 Most Ridiculous Attempts to Censor Popular Cartoons but the Hays Code versus cows at number 1 is pretty wild.
Fred: Sergeant Elephant's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Fred: 4 to 6 million year old fossil indicates that big cats evolved in Central Asia.
Fred: The Japanese obsession with Peter Rabbit.
Fred: Rupee, abandoned Indian puppy, climbs Mt. Everest.
crossaffliction: Wes Anderson, director of Fantastic Mr. Fox, has an idea for another animated movie but worries it is becoming “increasingly violent”. Oh, go for it, Wes!
Rakuen Growlithe: Will dogs make American schools safer?
crossaffliciton: The Philadelphia Eagles are teaming with Marvel to share their mascot’s origin story. No, really.
GreenReaper: I find the assertion of improved eyesight as a mascot highly dubious . . .
RingtailedFox: The World Society for the Protection of Animals Needs your help! Animals have been injured and rendered homeless from Super Typhoon Haiyan.
Sonious: Apparently, furries are a bane on the Millenial generation, according to The Texican column.
GreenReaper: I read that as a critique of drug-addicted posers. It's OK to dress up if you're a real furry. ;-)
GreenReaper: Another student reporter finds fursuiters make an excellent one-page feature.
dronon: Do foxes and humans share concepts of beauty in common? (Well... it's the Daily Mail.)
dronon: Kickstarter for a 3D action platformer game: Lobodestroyo.
Higgs Raccoon: The UK's Electrical Safety Council gets its message across with ... exploding chipmunks.
dronon: Why have an annoying singing fish, when you can spend over $5000 for an annoying singing reindeer?
dronon: Behind the Mask is a documentary series on Hulu about sports mascots.
GreenReaper: The Spanish man, "friends" with wolves, who lived 12 years in the wild.
Sonious: PBS explains why the "No Animals were harmed" disclaimer may not be meaningful.
Higgs Raccoon: Colin Firth to voice Paddington the bear in the movie due to appear around Christmas next year.
Fred: Siberian restaurant charges to pet its cats.
Fred: French five-legged sheep for sale.
Fred: Wild boars rampage through Genoa.
Fred: Wild turkeys terrorize Staten Island.
Fred: The website of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics has three anthropomorphized mascots; a polar bear, a winter hare, and a snow leopard. Russian President Putin likes the snow leopard best.
GreenReaper: WoWShuffle's costume battle includes several anthro animals, and at least two fursuits. Can you spot them? [Myknaki]
GreenReaper: Looking for a unique character? Try these bugs from Burma.
GreenReaper: Cougar's untimely death highlights need for wildlife management reform, says Chicago Tribune.
Higgs Raccoon: Supporters of soccer team Scunthorpe United are kindly requested "not to dress as squirrels" this weekend.
dronon: Wolfire's Overgrowth game continues its development. Video update here.
dronon: From the BBC, animal odd couples.
mwalimu: FurFright is no more.
Rakuen Growlithe: South African fighting to keep three zebra living on his property.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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