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Thailand smuggler tries to check a leopard to Dubai

Edited as of Mon 16 May 2011 - 13:06
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Flying first class may help you avoid luggage charges, but it doesn't mean you can pack endangered animals in there, as the BBC News reports.

A man flying from Bangkok to Dubai was arrested by undercover police after trying to check in suitcases containing rare juvenile animals: two leopards, two panthers, an Asiatic black bear and two macaque monkeys, all sedated and packed in carefully-crafted containers.

Freeland Foundation director Steven Galster observed the arrest:

It was a very sophisticated smuggling operation. We've never seen one like this before. The guy had a virtual zoo in his suitcases.


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Poor critters...

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This guy needs to be hung by his sack from the back of a train, with bailing twine and dragged a couple of hundred miles.

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