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There are two furry conventions at the end of May this year. Which one are you attending?

Edited by Aureth
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Rocket City FurMeet
11% (22 votes)
Canadian Anthro and Cartooning Expo
16% (33 votes)
71% (143 votes)
1% (3 votes)
Votes: 201


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! C-ACE is *not* on Memorial Day weekend!! It's on the weekend after Memorial Day.(May 30 to June 1) Please don't mix everyone up. :( :( :(

Jeff Novotny
Chair, CACE

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*embarrased look*

I keep forgetting Memorial Day weekend is early this year. My bad.

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Thanks. I appreciate the quick response in fixing that. :)

Jeff Novotny
Chair, CACE

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This is why we picked May 23rd - 25th for RCFM. We *think* the only convention we're in direct competition with is a Sci-Fi thing in Baltimore. At least I haven't heard of any others at the same time... yet. :D


Rocket City FurMeet

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Actually, WisCon up in Madison, Wisconsin is also on that weekend. But, as Wiscon is "The World's Only Feminist Science Fiction Convention", I don't think you're exactly competing for the same audience. ;)

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No- Baycon in the california bay area happens at the same time, and since its a huge art-oriented con, as well as one of the first that furries ever went to to meet one another, it is likely to draw most of the west coast furries its way.

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That might explain why we only have two pre-registrations that come fromt the West Coast... {Heh}

And on that note, the pre-reg travel record for this year is currently something like 2563 miles. :D

Rocket City FurMeet

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if cost were no object i'd gladly go to both.
if i could go to one but not both, well i'd like to go to cace - i like canada on general principals, don't live there, frequently wish i did.
on the other hand i'd want to support everything starting up too.
the question is moot for me though living on the u.s.west coast and as a price i've willing accepted of my priorities being what they are my cash flow is minimal - so if i make it anywhere i make it to furcon - and there's no certainty even of that. been twice and loved it but other things this year i feel are more important to me might prevent me from making it there. my wife's got her heart set on it though so maybe we will anyway.

... ~;)

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