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CACE May Update

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CACE is only 3 weeks away, and we're putting our final touches on this year's event. It's shaping up to be another exciting convention!

Here are some updates on programming, the masquerade, at door registration, hotel info, and other important details ...The final list of programming descriptions and a timetable for all three days are now available on our web site. We have a very comprehensive line up again this year, including some new topics we've never featured before. As well, this year we'll be presenting our first masquerade. If you'd like to enter, please head to our web site at and read all of the details on our masquerade page. You can also download and mail in a masquerade reservation form to guarantee your place in the show.

We've expanded our art auction this year to include a charity auction. Staff and attendees will be donating items for public bidding. All proceeds will go to the Gatineau SPCA to help them with their good work. If you'd like to donate anything, please send an e-mail to so we know it's coming. All the charity items will be available for display one half hour before the auction starts on Sunday morning, so you can see what's all there! Let's set a new record for our donation this year!

If you'd still like to attend CACE, but haven't registered yet, that's no problem at all. You can register at the door for $40, or purchase a day pass for only $20. If you'd like to buy a sponsorship registration, which includes a T-shirt, GoH print, and brunch with the guests on Saturday morning, you can still send that in before the convention as long as it's postmarked by May 21. That way you're guaranteed to get your proper shirt size and have a seat at the brunch. (If you're planning to purchase a standard registration, please hold off on sending in your form and fees in advance, as you can register at the door before the convention begins.)

Last minute hotel reservations can still be made while rooms are available. Even though our room block has ended, the Chimo Hotel has generously allowed guests to receive the convention rate while rooms are still available. Please act quickly, as we can't do anything once the rooms are all full other than recommend another hotel. Please phone the hotel during business hours, and mention the booking code CCG1 when making your reservation. More details are available on the "Hotel" page on our web site.

If you'd like to support CACE but cannot attend our con for any reason, supporting memberships are available for $15. Following the convention, you'll receive a copy of our convention guidebook and a print in the mail as a token of our appreciation.

Any further announcements or updates will be posted as a follow up to this announcement, so please keep checking back.

Thanks once again for your interest in CACE. We're really proud to be able to present a full service convention and to give something back to this exciting and creative fandom. CACE runs June 4 to 6 in Ottawa, Canada. Hope to see you there!

Jeff Novotny, Business Director, CACE 2004


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