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Historical debates

New Animation Studio Fur Friendly?

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Dave Kuhn, well known artist/animator in the fur community, has a new animation studio. Caats Studio opened on Monday, July 19th. The studio website features a cute female tiger character and announcement of work on a feature!

Kuhn is a familiar face, having attended West Coast furcons for over a decade. He was even one of the early fursuit builders.

Worldcon 2003

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The World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) was in Toronto this past weekend. What went on?

Uncle Kage Sells Hair!

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Yes, the passage of Uncle Kage's Hair from Anthrocon 2002 has begun! You too can own a bit of history, and carry on the quest for coconuts at AC 2003.

Dog owners found liable for death

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The owners of two dogs in California were found guilty of various charges, including one count of 2nd degree murder, because their Presa Cararios mauled and killed a neighbor.

Harlan Ellison fights for Creator's Rights

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Noted science Fiction Author, Harlan Ellison, is spearheading an uphill battle against people illegally posting protected works online. Although he got into the fight to protect his own literary works, this has escalated into an all-out battle for creator's rights everywhere.

Visit for more information on how you can help fight the good fight.

2001 Furry Reading List

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Click below for the current copy of Fred Patten's Furry Recommended Reading List. I'll be maintaining a current copy of this list in a more permanent location, as well.

Site News

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I've noticed the website has recieved a marked increase in traffic, post-Anthrocon, despite doing practically no advertising at the convention. To all you new readers: I hope you're enjoying the site! I plan to do more advertising at upcoming conventions with the hope of increasing readership further. To facilitate this, a few issues have to be taken care of. Read more to see what my plans for the next three months include.