Historical debates
Rocky Mountain Fur Con canceled following neo-Nazi associations, tax irregularities
Posted by Lamar on Mon 10 Apr 2017 - 19:46Colorado furry convention Rocky Mountain Fur Con has been canceled. Funds collected in advance of this August's event are to be spent on existing liabilities, and refunding attendees and dealers where possible; any remainder will go to the convention charity.
While their official statement cites rising security costs, the closure follows the controversial issues surrounding CEO Kendal Emery (Kahuki Liaru), and the "Furry Raiders" group. It has also been discovered by Flayrah that the convention's parent company's Federal tax-exempt status, obtained in 2009, had lapsed, and it had not filed taxes for a period of seven years, while still claiming to be a registered 501(c) non-profit. In this investigative report we can identify the issues that have contributed to the end of Denver's furry convention.
'Xanth' arrested over bestiality video
Posted by Higgs Raccoon on Tue 24 Jan 2012 - 17:18Blake T. Sanderford, known as Xanth in furry fandom, was arrested last Wednesday for "crimes against nature and aggravated cruelty to animals" after posting an online video of himself sexually molesting a dog. [FoxTrotFever/furrydrama_2]
Sanderford, a resident of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, was arrested January 18 after State Police received a complaint about the video. He remained in jail on Thursday on a $11,000 bond.
Sanderford's computers were seized for further investigation; his dog was taken into the care of the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter.
Update (25 Jan): Insane Kangaroo reports contacting the shelter, who said the dog had been transferred to a foster home. When asked whether she would be put down, they replied "we don't put down animals which are the victims."
As the remaining conversation is now off-topic, comments have been closed.
Free speech and why it matters to the furry fandom
Posted by Rakuen Growlithe on Mon 4 Sep 2017 - 08:59What is free speech?
Of the many rights which are available to us, none is as important as free speech. However, a combination of factors including the high-profile activities of the alt-right in the US, resurgence of right-wing parties across Europe, emergence of various special interest and rights groups and the ease and speed at which news, ideas and, especially, outrage can spread over the internet have led some to question its necessity.
The most concerning statements that I've seen in the furry fandom have been those saying that certain people should not be allowed to speak and should be banned from websites and conventions for holding their views and the idea that it is okay to assault people who hold certain views. In the light of this, I feel it is necessary to explain what free speech is and isn't, why it is important and try to highlight some of the ways in which it directly impacts the furry fandom.
I will start with the Wikipedia article on free speech which describes it thus:
Freedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship, or societal sanction.
Further down in the article it breaks freedom of speech into three discrete aspects.
1. the right to seek information and ideas;
2. the right to receive information and ideas;
3. the right to impart information and ideas
In some cases these will be limited due to laws regarding privacy or similar rules but such cases will not be considered here as those limitations generally do not affect free speech in the way that it applies to the furry fandom vis-à-vis the expression of alt-right ideas.
Softpaw publishers close after five year run
Posted by GreenReaper on Wed 16 Jun 2010 - 23:29
Dream Field Comics, creators of Softpaw Magazine, spin-off Finding Avalon, and Ulster, have closed. The publisher was notorious for their popular pornographic magazines depicting young furry characters.
Softpaw's US$20-$25 issues consisted of 64-96 full-colour glossy pages containing a mixture of comics, pin-ups and stories.
Their work was barred from sale at Eurofurence and Further Confusion, but subsequently nominated for the 2008 Ursa Majors – only to be banned the next year.
At press time, most Dream Field titles were in stock at Rabbit Valley.
Update (19 Jun): Dream Field co-founder Jery Softpaw provided an explanation for closing:
Interview: 'Fursonas' documentary director Dominic Rodriguez (Video the Wolf)
Posted by JoeStrike on Wed 4 May 2016 - 22:02Joe Strike: Is Fursonas about lifestyler furries?
Dominic Rodriguez: Kind of. People get concerned when they see there are so many fursuiters in it, because not all furries are fursuiters.
I wanted to talk to people who are passionate. That was a good line to draw: if you’re going to go so far as to make or buy a costume, you’re passionate about furry. When I asked the people in the film if you consider furry a lifestyle, half of them said no.
JS: Other than the badges of the furries interviewed, there’s no furry art in the film. Do you think you should’ve included some art?
DR: The thing I knew when I went into this is everybody has a different way of experiencing and appreciating furry. There’s no way to please everybody or to accurately do justice to everything unless the movie was six hours. I had to be selfish and focus on what really mattered to me which is furry as an identity and as a community. I love art and you can show footage of people drawing; but I wanted to do something different, something I cared about. I wasn’t going to spend four years on something I didn’t care about.
When people say furry isn’t a lifestyle I understand that, but when they say it’s just a hobby I think they’re almost giving it a disservice. There’s so much wrapped up in it, and I think people in it take it seriously. I don’t want people to think [the fandom is] just freaks obviously, but it was important people cared about what they were talking about.
DenFur shatters first year con record at over 2,000 attendees
Posted by Sonious on Tue 28 Aug 2018 - 18:06The fandom continues to show strong growth on the last weekend of August 2018. A weekend in which 5 furry conventions took place: Fur Affinity: United, Eurofurence, Camp Feral!, Indyfurcon, and DenFur. Of them the inaugural gathering in the state of Colorado has turned heads as it had shattered the first year attendance record of a furry convention at 2,086.
The first year attendance record was previously held by FurryPinas, a convention in the Philippines at 1,542 attendees, which acquired it just this last May making this year a strong startup for furry gatherings in general. Other conventions also had solid growth in attendance rates. Fur Affinity: United showing its first growth since their move out of the state of New Jersey. The number breakdowns for last weekend's cons can be seen below:
Convention |
2017 Attendance |
2018 Attendance |
% Increase |
Charity |
Camp Feral! |
220 |
[Unknown] |
[Unknown] |
[Unknown] |
DenFur |
N/A |
2,086 |
N/A |
$15,000 |
Eurofurence |
2,804 |
2,908 |
3.7% |
$47,945.07 |
FurAffinity:United |
515 |
528 |
2.5% |
$2,869 |
IndyFurCon |
1,214 |
1,412 |
16.3% |
$17,616.79 |
4,753 |
6,934 + [Feral] |
45.88%+ |
$83,430.86 |
Update 6/29: Story indicated previous record holder was Biggest Little Fur Con, was corrected to be FurryPinas. -Cirrus credited for correction.
'Alt-Furry' suffers blowback after Alt-Right rally leads to death of citizen
Posted by Equivamp on Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 18:17 On August 12, during a "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a car drove into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing 32-year old Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others. James Alex Fields, Jr., who some linked to a local white nationalist organization, has been charged with second degree murder in relation to the event. On the 14th, VoIP messaging application Discord announced they had deleted AltRight.com's server, and others, citing TOS violations and promising to "take action against white supremacy, nazi ideology, and all forms of hate".
Discord closed, content leaked
The same day, members of the furry community began reporting the "AltFurry" Discord server, an Alt-Right furry community who are associated with Califur's recent security issues. Before the rally, the server had announced on Twitter that members of theirs would be attending. Following a tip about a Dogpatch Press article linking the group (and member TheBigKK) to the Charlottesville rally, people sent in messages from leaked logs of the chat revealing TOS violations, and the server was closed, as well as a second "back-up" server.
COVID-19 pandemic causes furry convention closures and delays worldwide
Posted by Anon on Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 06:40As governments restrict gatherings of people, furry conventions are being postponed or canceled. Here's a quick run down of events and their status as of December 27th 2021 20:30 EDT (UTC-4) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic - updates to come.
A new section has been added for past events impacted for historical purposes. More information will be added to deal with virtual versions of a physical gathering if applicable.
Links go to statements if available, or to their Twitter feed or site. See also: Furry Fandom and the Internet forced back to roots by viral outbreak
Update 2021 Year End - As conventions start to open again, the overall list of cancellations and delays is becoming clunky. The final update will be today December 27th, 2021. Any future cancelations or delays will be their own newsbytes or articles in the future.
- Alamo City Furry Invasion
- Anthro Northwest
- Anthrocon
- AnthrOhio
- AquatiFur
- Argentina FurFiesta
- Biggest Little Fur Con
- cancellation
- Confuror
- ConFuzzled
- conventions
- coronavirus
- Eurofurence
- Fantastic
- Flüüfff
- FurDU
- Furizon
- Furlandia
- Furnexion
- Furrnion
- furry
- Furry Summer Mexico
- Furry Weekend Holland
- Furry Wekeend Atlanta
- Gateway Furmeet
- Golden State Fur Con
- H-Con
- health care
- illness
- Just Fur The Weekend
- LondonFurs
- medicine
- Megaplex
- Mephit Fur Meet
- Mephit Mini Con
- Midwest FurFest
- Motor City Fur Con
- Otterdance
- Rusfurence
- Thaitails
- travel
- Wild Nights
- Wild North
- ZodiaCon
Furs to feature on TLC's 'My Strange Addiction' Jan 19
Posted by GreenReaper on Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 09:58TLC's My Strange Addiction is to feature furries on an episode airing January 19. [DeoVacuus]
Kiira, an amateur fursuit builder, was paid $1500 for her appearance.
Producers of the show have been looking for furs since mid-2010, and also sought to buy fursuit photography. Other announced episodes cover sleeping with a blow-drier, eating toilet paper and thumb-sucking, while past seasons featured eating chalk and extreme tanning.
Many furs fear a repeat of The Tyra Banks Show, whose host presented furry as a sexual fetish.
Opinion: Top 5 Furry Media for Conservatives
Posted by Ike on Sat 16 Sep 2017 - 16:01As my first story here, I'd like to kick things off with a bang by posting about my personal favorite pieces of conservative animated fare. Fitting seeing as political messages are more popular in children's movies now than ever.
5.) The Angry Birds Movie
Directed by Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly
Theatrical Release Date - May 11, 2016
The most relevant on the list, this film has the gall to take on a subject that's been of great concern in Western Europe for quite some time now: the migrant crisis. Showcasing both the inherent dangers of unfiltered "tolerance" and anti-nationalist sentiment, Angry Birds is a great watch for anyone who wants not only a fun and witty animated feature but a great social statement that's sure to start a conversation.
4.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Created by Lauren Faust and Bonnie Zacherle
First Air Date - October 10, 2010
Because I had a hard time finding a lot of content for this list that I could truly say was conservative, it's nice to have a long-winded television series for a change. Now in it's fourth incarnation and running on seven seasons, the show continues to build and explore the world of Equestria. Mainly through the point of view of six girls, one of whom is an apprentice of it's ruler, Princess Celestia.