COVID-19 pandemic causes furry convention closures and delays worldwide
Posted by Anon on Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 06:40As governments restrict gatherings of people, furry conventions are being postponed or canceled. Here's a quick run down of events and their status as of December 27th 2021 20:30 EDT (UTC-4) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic - updates to come.
A new section has been added for past events impacted for historical purposes. More information will be added to deal with virtual versions of a physical gathering if applicable.
Links go to statements if available, or to their Twitter feed or site. See also: Furry Fandom and the Internet forced back to roots by viral outbreak
Update 2021 Year End - As conventions start to open again, the overall list of cancellations and delays is becoming clunky. The final update will be today December 27th, 2021. Any future cancelations or delays will be their own newsbytes or articles in the future.
- Alamo City Furry Invasion
- Anthro Northwest
- Anthrocon
- AnthrOhio
- AquatiFur
- Argentina FurFiesta
- Biggest Little Fur Con
- cancellation
- Confuror
- ConFuzzled
- conventions
- coronavirus
- Eurofurence
- Fantastic
- Flüüfff
- FurDU
- Furizon
- Furlandia
- Furnexion
- Furrnion
- furry
- Furry Summer Mexico
- Furry Weekend Holland
- Furry Wekeend Atlanta
- Gateway Furmeet
- Golden State Fur Con
- H-Con
- health care
- illness
- Just Fur The Weekend
- LondonFurs
- medicine
- Megaplex
- Mephit Fur Meet
- Mephit Mini Con
- Midwest FurFest
- Motor City Fur Con
- Otterdance
- Rusfurence
- Thaitails
- travel
- Wild Nights
- Wild North
- ZodiaCon
ITV's 'Good Morning' hosts three UK fursuiters
Posted by GreenReaper on Mon 31 Jul 2017 - 10:48 Three UK fursuiters appeared in a five-minute segment on today's episode of ITV's talk show This Morning, available on-demand until next Monday [segment starts at 01:03:15].
The trio - Ani Boxer, Ed the Poodle, and Dexy the Artic Fox - were interviewed by hosts Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford on various topics.
[Transcript follows. Segment on YouTube - LondonFurs backup copy.]
UK furs targeted by dubious Eurofurence photo solicitations
Posted by GreenReaper on Sun 30 Jul 2017 - 05:21 Furry photographer Exodus Arias was not impressed upon reading the pictured note:
[…] the worst attempt at hiring a Cameraman for a convention ever. Clearly they want some specific footage yet unclear as to what.
Additional information was provided by another attendee of LondonFurs' Summer Weekender, ThunderTomCat of MK Furs:
That's curious, there was a guy on the boat party and later the meet in London who was in a business suit, not interacting, just dropping of their business card (the photo attached) to random people...a tad weird.
Even more weird: said card, shown below, came with a teasing mention of hard cash.
Update (31 Jul): The person behind the offers has given a response, published below.
London daily paper covers surge in animal costumers
Posted by GreenReaper on Mon 24 Jan 2011 - 13:21The London Evening Standard, a free daily newspaper, has run a piece on animal costumers.
Included in the coverage are kigurumi wearers and makers, local furs Lupus and Jackal, and professional animal costumer Alex Kovas – better known as "Humanimal". Mentioned in passing is local convention RBW and the regular LondonFur meets.
Like the recent Halifax article, the newspaper contacted furs beforehand; Lupus admitted to using the opportunity to "[give] them what we wanted to give them."
Video: LondonFurs explain what furry is, isn't
Posted by GreenReaper on Thu 22 Apr 2010 - 00:53The LondonFurs are on display again, this time thanks to a video interview by Babelgum. [diegowolffox and balto_mike/furrymedia]
Brazilian TV show Fantástico covers local furs, LondonFurs
Posted by GreenReaper on Sat 23 Jan 2010 - 16:52Some shoppers and their kids get more than they bargained for, meeting up with Brazilian furs followed by a TV crew (translation). The show also covers members of the LondonFurs.
The piece was discussed (translation) on Portuguese-language news portal Fauna Urbana; apparently much more footage was taken. Although pleased with the general tone, local furs were disappointed in the focus on fursuiting.
Brazil is home to furry camping convention Abando, held near São Paulo since 2008.
LondonFurs like to dance
Posted by Alexander Grey on Sat 18 Apr 2009 - 06:33The LondonFurs have decided to show off their mad-dancing skills and have created a video of them all dancing at a furmeet.
It is a most strange scene to behold, furries (not in fursuits for once) raving to the tune of House of Pain's Jump Around.
LondonFurs gets much needed makeover
Posted by Alexander Grey on Sun 31 Aug 2008 - 23:00Everything’s going down in the capital this month, as the LondonFurs launched their new website and logo.
The previous one, horrendously out of date and incomplete, has now been replaced by a smooth clear design – as well as the awesome new LondonFurs Store, home to all manner of LondonFurs branded apparel.
A similar notion was followed at the Chester furmeet in July, where every attendee was given a free Chester Furmeet t-shirt. Let’s hope other regional furmeets follow this lead, because some of them could really use it (ehehehe!)
Emergency averted as bar goes bust
Posted by Alexander Grey on Sun 31 Aug 2008 - 19:00The LondonFurs averted potential disaster this month, as the Apostle bar – the venue for just one London furmeet – went into administration. The sudden short-notice closure of the bar, combined with a £350 deposit already paid and an organiser in no position to work to such a schedule left the group in disarray.
With the meet on the verge of being cancelled, ex-organiser Rapido joined with London regular Lupus Londonwolf to pull together an impromptu change of location to The Spirit on Patemoster Square. The £250 deposit belonging to organiser Spargue also managed to be recovered, it is thought that The Spirit may now be adopted as the new London furmeet venue.