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What part of a chocolate bunny do you like to eat first?

Edited by Aureth
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49% (87 votes)
3% (5 votes)
2% (4 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Eyes, Nose, or other facial features
3% (6 votes)
Its (*ahem*) tender parts
20% (36 votes)
I hate chocolate
3% (5 votes)
I prefer some other chocolate animal
6% (10 votes)
I prefer a chocolate Feren
15% (26 votes)
Votes: 179


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Mmmm... bittersweet dark chocolate panther... yummy ;9

Though chocolate coated cornwuff would be pretty tasty as well ;D

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I used to bite out the eyes and scream "STOP STARING AT ME!!!", but my medication makes me feel much better now. *nodnod*


- PunkTiger!

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Let me guess... You're a fan of Emo Philips, right?

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A fellow Phil Hendrie fan, I see. :)

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*heh* That transparent, eh? :^)

Emo rules!


- PunkTiger!

- PunkTiger!

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I prefer a chocolate lion for example, or tiger, panther or other cat... Don't you see? Bunnies try to take over the world!!!! Bugs bunny, Roger Rabbit.... It's MAD I TELL YA! WE'RE DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUCHCHCHACHACHACHACHCAHACH!!!

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Yes, we bunnies are taking over the world. You've realized this too late. Your DOOMED fate is sealed. So just roll over and make way for the DOOM begetted by the Bunny Invaison(tm).

Have a nice day. =:)

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"Bunnies aren't just cute like ev'rybody supposes,

They've got those hoppy little legs and twitchy noses.

And what's with all those carrots?

What do they need such good eye-sight for anyway?

Bunnies, bunnies it must be BUNNIES!"

. --From Buffy the Musical, by Joss Whedon

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Yes... the bunnies are in my garden now, they're sieging my house... Ihave no ammo, and no food send reinforcments! PLEASE! SOS!




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Would a squad of hungry cats help?

*POUNCE munchmunchmunch*


Richard Reid
Captain; Webship Corwinda

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Please hurry, the bunnies are assulting my living room, and my lion claws didn't stop them... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they've taken over the TV! Please HURRY!!

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