Opinion: Hotel management doesn't care what your fursona is
Posted by Lamar on Tue 16 Feb 2016 - 12:17In 2002, I wrote an article here about the problematic side of furry fandom, and what we needed to do about it. In 2007 I gave the fandom positive grades for progress made. In 2011 I praised the fandom for it's growth and outreach while also cautioning that growth can also come with its own difficulties. But now I fear that I need to talk to the fandom again.
The fandom has grown. With that comes a growth in the number of idiots and trouble makers, so risk isn't a hypothetical anymore. Damaging chairs, wrecking public areas, inappropriate conduct and a return to the "squick the mundanes" attitude that I'd hoped we'd moved beyond. This has already resulted in the failure of one major convention, Rainfurrest, and we need to all act to prevent it from happening to another.
RainFurrest 2016 cancelled after failure to find venue
Posted by GreenReaper on Sat 6 Feb 2016 - 06:26 Washington state furry convention RainFurrest 2016 has been cancelled, after failing to find a suitable venue for this year's event.
Historically based in Seattle, RainFurrest's former chair posted a strong warning last October that the acts of some of the 2704 attendees had jeopardized the convention's relationship with the Hilton airport hotel, resulting in uncertainty about future events.
Convention staff had previously posted apologizing for not giving more feedback, discussing rumors about a move to Spokane, and noting the board's decision to discuss contracts there. Last month saw posts about travel, hotels and recreation, and, on January 30, the opening of registration and the announcement that RainFurrest's parent organization was now a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All these posts have now been removed from the convention's website.
Update (20 Feb): Former con-chair buni has posted a post-mortem of the challenges faced in attempting to organize RainFurrest 2016.
See also: Hotel management doesn't care what your fursona is
'An Anthropomorphic Century'; Fred Patten's new s-f/furry anthology
Posted by Fred on Sun 13 Sep 2015 - 01:41
An Anthropomorphic Century; Stories from 1909 to 2008, edited by Fred Patten and published by FurPlanet Productions, is scheduled for release at the RainFurrest 2015 convention, in Seattle, Washington, on September 24-27, 2015. It will be on sale through the online FurPlanet catalog thereafter.
An Anthropomorphic Century contains 20 short stories and novelettes published from 1909 to 2008, mostly in the s-f magazines and books of the latter 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.
Review: 'Dancing in the Moonlight: RainFurrest 2013 Charity Anthology', edited by Ryan Hickey and Garret Biggerstaff
Posted by Fred on Tue 12 Aug 2014 - 23:53This is the third annual RainFurrest charity anthology, published to be sold at the RainFurrest convention in Seattle in late September, following 2011’s Stories of Camp RainFurrest and 2012’s Tails of a Clockwork World. It is also for sale through the FurPlanet online catalogue.
The RainFurrest Annual Charity Anthology was created to celebrate and showcase the literary aspect of the anthropomorphics fandom as well as to raise funds for charity.
All of the contributing writers and artists have waived all fees so that the totality of the sales can go to the RainFurrest charity of the year.
The charity for RainFurrest 2013 is The Clouded Leopard Project, dedicated to the conservation of clouded leopards and their habitat by supporting field research, implementing education initiatives in a range countries, and bringing global awareness to clouded leopard conservation issues.
Dancing in the Moonlight, named after RainFurrest 2013’s theme, contains five short stories in teeny-tiny type, four of them illustrated. The book’s cover is by Sarah Alderete.
Illustrated, Dallas, TX, FurPlanet Publications, September 2013, trade paperback $10.00 (77 pages).
Fred Patten joins Cartoon Research, named Rainfurrest GoH
Posted by GreenReaper on Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 06:15Flayrah's accomplished reviewer Fred Patten has been invited to contribute to cartoon historian Jerry Beck's revitalized blog, Cartoon Research. He's since reviewed his own history, along with that of Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy and Atomcat, and described how home video created anime fandom (including a brief mention of Mark Merlino and the C/FO).
Beck co-founded Cartoon Brew nine years ago, but was 'bought out' last month by co-editor Amid Amidi, who plans to "evolve the site while retaining its candid and authoritative voice". The move was discussed at Deadline Hollywood and Toon Zone; FLIP has a brief interview.
Fred was also recently named Fandom Guest of Honor at Rainfurrest 2013 for his extensive history within furry fandom. Their other guests are Soulscape, Temperance and Fox Amoore.
Review: 'Tails of a Clockwork World'
Posted by Fred on Mon 10 Dec 2012 - 04:54 This second annual anthology of stories by and for the fans at Seattle’s annual RainFurrest convention had a theme of “Steam Punk, Weird Science/mad science”. Authors were requested to write a G to PG story of 5,000 to 8,000 words with a first deadline of February 2012, for revision and publication in time for the convention on September 27–30. The result is this neat little booklet published by FurPlanet Productions.
As before,
This Anthology was created and written by the fans of Rainfurrest. All the writers and artists have waived all fees, so that all the money will go to charity, so that our furry friends can have a better life. We want to thank all the writers involved, the artists and their brilliant images, and for FurPlanet for helping us put this together. This is a dream come true, and we hope to be able to continue this unique tradition.
(The charity of Rainfurrest 2012 was Rabbit Meadows, a Seattle-area rodent [and presumably lagomorphs] rescue society and clinic.)
“Tails of a Clockwork World: A Rainfurrest Anthology”.
Dallas, TX, FurPlanet Productions, September 2012, trade paperback $10.00 (119 pages).
Video: Rainfurrest 2012 fursuit parade
Posted by Patch Packrat on Tue 2 Oct 2012 - 03:29Keep your eye out for the 2012 Golden Hairball award winner for "Best Dressed" at 6:56.
Video by Poxy Wolf.
Review: 'Stories of Camp RainFurrest'
Posted by Fred on Sat 4 Feb 2012 - 15:24Seattle’s first Furry conventions began in 1998. There were eight annual ConiFur Northwests, growing from 275 to 525 attendees, before they self-destructed after the 2005 event.
Rainfurrest (or Rainfurrest Anthropomorphics International) was first held in 2007 to be ConiFur’s replacement. It seems to be more successful; Rainfurrest has grown from 370 attendees in 2007 to 1,420 last year.
Practically all Furry conventions have souvenir “conbooks”, and two or three short stories by members are a feature of these. Rainfurrest 2011 decided to take this a step further.
Dallas, TX. FurPlanet Productions, September 2011, trade paperback $10.00 (108 pages).
Rainfurrest 2012 charity anthology seeks story submissions
Posted by GreenReaper on Sun 22 Jan 2012 - 16:57Seattle area furry convention Rainfurrest has issued a call for entries for this year's charity anthology. [tip: earthfurst]
The group is looking for G–PG short stories of 5,000–8,000 words under the theme "Steam Punk, Weird Science/mad science". Draft submissions are due by February 2.
Proceeds are to go to the upcoming convention's charity. Contributing authors will receive a copy of the book.
2011's entries were collected in Stories of Camp Rainfurrest, with stories by Gene Armstrong, Sorin, Garret Biggerstaff, Daniel and Mary E. Lowd, Ryan Hickey, Kandrel, May Kay Biggerstaff, James Stringer and Trey Jackson, illustrations by Balto and Sarah Alderate, and a cover by WerePuppy.
Furry Writers' Guild plan juried fiction award
Posted by GreenReaper on Fri 2 Dec 2011 - 16:19Progress is being made on the Cóyotl Awards, a juried award for furry fiction to be run by the Furry Writers' Guild, with the first winners announced at Rainfurrest 2012 next September.
While some details remain private to guild members, preliminary rules have been published. The award is currently to be presented in General and Mature sections for the best Short Story, Novella (over 7500 words) and Novel (over 40,000 words).
Each member may submit five nominations to each category for works they are uninvolved with to a five-member council, rating them on plot, character, setting and literary merit; the four works with the highest weighted average will be voted on by guild members.
Update (18 Oct): The restriction on the number of nominations was removed before the ballot closed.
September 2011 Newsbytes archive
Posted by crossaffliction on Fri 30 Sep 2011 - 23:02I wasn’t as proactive as I thought I would be, and I’m pretty sure I missed a couple posted during the first of September, so apologies there. Otherwise, here was last month’s Newsbytes.
- Academy Awards
- animal cruelty
- animal intelligence
- animal sexuality
- animals
- animation
- Antarctica
- Antheria
- Anthrocon
- awards
- Barack Obama
- books
- bronies
- bulls
- Canada
- cats
- computer games
- conventions
- crocodiles
- deer
- deviantART
- dinosaurs
- documentaries
- dogs
- dolphins
- frogs
- Fur Affinity
- fursuits
- Grand Theft Auto
- humans
- hyenas
- India
- lions
- media
- movies
- My Little Pony
- Newsbytes
- opossums
- parrots
- Pennsylvania
- Philippines
- politics
- raccoons
- Rainfurrest
- Scotland
- seagulls
- Seattle
- snails
- Solatorobo
- Spain
- sports
- squid
- Star Fox
- Sweden
- The Guild
- tigers
- Wil Wheaton
- YouTube
RainFurrest 2011 newsletter, volume three
Posted by AlohaWolf on Thu 25 Aug 2011 - 23:15This Rainfurrest 2011 newsletter covers upcoming staff meetings; the closure of pre-registration on September 7; notice of available hotel rooms in the Clarion; website updates (including the current events grid); art jam, art show and artist alley announcements; information on the campfire sing-along and a notice of cancellation for the Guinness Book of Records attempt.
RainFurrest 2011 newsletter, volume two
Posted by AlohaWolf on Thu 2 Jun 2011 - 02:43This newsletter covers RainFurrest's first annual kickoff BBQ, an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of World Records with the largest collection of plushies, the selection of Beetlecat as a guest of honour and Love-A-Mutt as the convention's charity, announcement of an alternate hotel, requests for staff and conbook submissions and details of the artists alley and art show.
Rainfurrest 2010 variety show - a call to act!
Posted by Xodiac on Wed 21 Jul 2010 - 19:27Do you like being on stage? Do have a skit or a song you want to perform? Or perhaps a great fursuit you want everyone to see? Then sign up for the Rainfurrest Variety Show!
The Rainfurrest Variety Show is more than just a masquerade, it's a chance to really strut your stuff - even if you don't have a fursuit! One grand prize will be given to the best act, but there will be awards for all participating acts. So don't be shy - you get stuff!
Rainfurrest Newsletter for August 2008
Posted by AlohaWolf on Tue 2 Sep 2008 - 16:23In this Newsletter...
Hotel News
Events News
Registration News
Artshow News
Conbook News
Flickr Group