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Ask Papabear

Digging Up Positivity July 2024

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In this episode!

  • An exclusive interview with the force behind Brok the investigator
  • Last month's furry charities
  • What makes a fursuit really stands out!
  • The results of the Pride Shirt give-away and how to get one yourself

But first, the latest charity news from the fandom in this July edition of Digging Up Positivity!

Try. Try to Make the World a Better Place

Once again it’s time to nominate someone special for the Good Furry Awards. What’s that you ask? Started in 2019 by Grubbs Grizzly (host of the Ask Papabear web site), the Good Furry Awards are presented annually to recognize folks all over who represent the spirit of the furry fandom. People like Dogbomb, Ash Coyote, Cassidey Civet, and more — all nominated and voted on by furry fans like you. So now it’s your turn! Nominations are open all the way ’till September of 2024, then voting starts shortly after — and the winner is announced in mid-October. This year, for the first time the awards are diversifying, the better to celebrate furries who aren’t necessarily media celebrities (yet!). Now there’s a Good Egg Award (for furries helping others), an Image Award (for folks promoting and educating about the Furry Fandom) and the Furtastic Award (for just plain helpful folks!). Find out about all this and more at the official Good Furry Awards page — and check out the WikiFur article to see the furs who’ve been nominated and honored before!

Sixth annual Good Furry Awards open for nominations

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Good Furry Awards logo
The 2024 Good Furry Awards are now open to receive nominations. This is the sixth year for the program, which is sponsored by the 'Ask Papabear' advice column and Uncle Bear Publishing. It recognizes furries who have generously given their time, skills, or money to help the furry community, promote a positive image of the furry fandom, or otherwise help animals and people anywhere in the world.

2023 Good Furry Award Winners Announced

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small_WEB - Gold.pngGrubbs Grizzly has announced the winners of the 2023 Good Furry Awards, sponsored by Ask Papabear and Uncle Bear Publishing.

Winner of the 2023 Award

The winner of the 2023 award is Kite's Windswept Wanderings!

This furry has provided high quality videos of fursuits and convention experiences that inform and entertain with clear videography and narration. Highlighted in these show the care and dedication furries take with their costuming and gatherings to make memorable characters and experiences.

Honorable Mentions go to others who came close to winning this year including:

  • Chise
  • Christopher "Papa Woof" Roth
  • Beeton Nukicoon

The Lifetime Achievement Award

This year's Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Reed Waller. Reed Waller founded the publication of an APA [Amateur Press Association] furry comic, Vootie, in 1976. Working along side with his wife, the late Kate Wooley, they would later contribute their own comic, Omaha the Cat Dancer. This comic would gather renowned as being foundational in setting the tone of furry to be more mature and adult themes in their artistic settings than their the stereotyped perceptions of their funny animal counterparts which were typically seen as being for younger audiences.

To learn more about the awards, winners, and nominees, go to

Winners of the 5th Annual Good Furry Award to Be Announced Saturday, May 13

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The votes have been cast and the winners of the 5th Annual Good Furry Awards have been selected by the furry community!

Grubbs Grizzly, the awards' administrator, will go live on Facebook this May 13 at 5:00 PM Pacific Time to make the announcements. The grand prize is a handsome trophy and a check for $500. There will also be 3 honorable mentions who receive trophies, too!

This will also be the second year for the Lifetime Achievement Award, which last year went jointly to Mark Merlino and Rod O'Reilly (founders of Confurence). While the Good Furry Awards are selected by the general furry community, the Lifetime award is picked by a select committee of greymuzzles. The winner receives a handsome trophy.
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For those who are not on Facebook or cannot watch at that time, announcements will be made on the website, and a video will be presented on YouTube.

Voting for the Good Furry Awards Is Now Open

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Good Furry Award The fifth annual Good Furry Awards voting is now open for all who wish to participate. There are 30 nominees to choose from, including four group nominees. Voting will remain open at our website through May 5, 2023.

The awards are designed to acknowledge furries who are active in the fandom who are helpful to their communities and are examples of the true spirit of the fandom.

Four prizes will be awarded based on voting, including three honorable mentions who receive trophies and a first-place winner who receives a trophy and a check for $500 from sponsor Uncle Bear Publishing.

Good Furry Awards Nominations Now Open

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Good Furry Award.jpgNominations are now open for the 5th Annual Good Furry Awards. The awards, sponsored by the Ask Papabear and Uncle Bear Publishing, recognize furries who are active in the community and are doing things to project a positive, helpful, and friendly image of the fandom to all furries and nonfurries alike.

Anyone in the fandom can nominate one or more furries (note: nominees should be currently active in the community) now through March 31, 2023, after which there will be a 2-month period for voting. The winner receives a handsome trophy, a free banner ad on Ask Papabear, and a check for $500. Past winners include Tony "Dogbomb" Barret, Soatok Dhole, Ash Coyote, and Cassidy Civet.

There will also be a Lifetime Achievement Award announced by special committee. This award debuted last year to recognize furries who have made a lifelong impact to the fandom. Last year, the co-winners were Rod O'Riley and Mark Merlino.

To learn more about the award, go to To nominate someone, follow this link:

Nominations for 4th Annual Good Furry Awards Are Open

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GF.jpgNominations for the 2022 Good Furry Award are now open! The award, which is administered by Grubbs Grizzly of the "Ask Papabear" furry advice website, is given annually to a furry who is active in the fandom and demonstrates outstanding community spirit and proves themselves to be a positive role model for all furries.

The award premiered in 2019, when the late Tony "Dogbomb" Barrett won. This was followed in 2020 by Ash Coyote winning, and last year Cassidy Civet won.

This year, Grubbs is asking nominators to submit not only text as to why their favorite furries should win, but also photos or videos of their nominees. A video presentation will then be created and presented on YouTube and (hopefully) a certain well-known furcon.

You can nominate people through April 2022 and voting will be in May. Votes are cast by members of the furry community, so the award will go to furries who are selected by their peers. The winner receives a pawsome trophy and a $500 cash prize. There are also 3 honorable mentions each year who receive trophies.

To learn more about the Good Furry Award, go to

FNN column 'Ask Papabear' jumps ship after posting delays

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Grubbs Grizzly's advice column "Ask Papabear", originally distributed by Furry News Network, has moved to its own site, although it will still be available to FNN for syndication.

The greymuzzle's letters of advice cover both traditional and furry-specific topics, including the nature of furry fandom, personal relationships, dealing with adversity, and "coming out" as a furry.

Grubss' previous host appears to be on hiatus, having added no content in over a month. 771 pieces (aggregated and original) were posted last year, but submissions declined sharply after July 2011, and slowed to a trickle late least year.

Update (17 May): Looks like FNN was listening; several new stories have been published.