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April 2015

M'aiqbytes archive for March 2015

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maiqonline.jpgGreetings! M'aiq knows many things. What is your interest? You seek knowledge. M'Aiq has much. Some of it verified by actual facts!

Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Equivamp, Fred, GreenReaper, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe and RingtailedFox.

FNN ceases operation in wake of hack attack, after 4-year run

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FNN 2014 Logo Furry news aggregator Furry News Network has closed its doors – for now – after an attack which left the site replaced with a password entry form.

While the attack was "the final straw", health issues had limited the efforts of FNN founder Markos for some time, as he explained April 1:

Due to health issues, and a recent hacking attack, I have decided to end this version of Furry News Network. The site and its content has been archived. I've been considering this for several months, and the hack attempt that took the site off line March 30, 2015 was the final straw. I've really enjoyed working with members of the Furry community to bring the content to you. For those of you who don't know my history, I've had health issues for the past 14 years. I lost a kidney in 2001, had heart issues start in 2007 and was hospitalized with an auto-immune disorder in 2009. In 2014, I fell and broke my hip and have never fully recovered. I am now fighting stage 3 kidney disease and anemia. I need to deal with my health. I will sorely miss many of you and look forward to the day I can bring Furry News Network back. Thank you!

Last chance to vote in the Ursa Majors!

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There are only three days left to vote for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards.

Voting for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards, for the Best Anthropomorphic Literature and Art of the 2014 calendar year in eleven categories, is now open. The awards will be announced at a presentation ceremony at Morphicon 2005, in Columbus, Ohio on April 30 - May 3.

Voting is open to all! To vote, go to the Ursa Major Awards website at and click on "Voting for 2014" at the left. You will receive instructions on how to register to vote. You do not have to vote in every category. Please vote in only those categories in which you feel knowledgeable.

Flayrah itself is on the final ballot, and there are lots of other fan favorites worth voting for.

BBC's 'Why Factor' talks anthro animals with Cambridge furs

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BBC World Service Why Factor: Animals Are Us Journalist Maria Margaronis interviewed furry fans at a Cambridge Furs meet last month for next week's episode of The Why Factor, a programme exploring "the extraordinary and hidden histories behind everyday objects and actions" through the voices of those involved.

In stories, cartoons, advertisements and our everyday lives, we project human thoughts and emotions onto animals—and claim their strength and style for ourselves in the brand names of cars and cosmetics. Why do we do that, and what do we get out of it? Can we ever know what animals really feel? And are we as different from other species as we like to imagine? Maria Margaronis meets the furry fandom, who put on “fursonas” and cartoonlike animal costumes to meet and socialise. Neuroscientist Bella Williams upends some assumptions about animal brains and explains how to read a mouse’s facial expression; children’s author Michael Rosen sportcasts an insect race. Farmer Helen Reeve reflects on how she feels about eating her own cows. And historian Harriet Ritvo poses a thornier question: what makes our species think we are secure in our dominance over the natural world?

The 18-minute show "Animals Are Us?", which received input from furry artists, fursuiters, fursuit-builders and other fans, is to be broadcast on the BBC World Service on Friday 24 at 18:32 and 23:32 GMT (EDT+4, BST-1), with re-broadcasts on Sunday (21:32) and Monday (04:32, 12:32).

Update (23 April): A four-minute clip featuring several furs is available (transcript below).

Update 2 (24 April): The full episode has been published. There is no additional content featuring furries, but you may find the rest interesting, as it's all about anthropomorphism.

Video: 'One Minute Melee: Lucario vs. Renamon'

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In response to the ultimate fanboy question, "who would win in a fight?" the web-series Death Battle from website Screw Attack decided to finally answer the question with actual "research" about the abilities of various fictional combatants, complete with sprite animations of the fights. Then, because research, even fictional research, is hard, the spin-off series One Minute Melee was started, which is a quick and dirty, no explanations, this-is-how-we-want-it-to-go-down version.

The latest episode features anthropomorphic canine Mons (of both the Poké- and Digi- varieties) Lucario and Renamon.

Upcoming furry comics for June 2015

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Furry comics making the top 100 list for February 2015 include:

See Also: May 2015 - April 2015 - March 2015

Review: 'JumpJet Rex' (PC)

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JumpJet RexThis is one small step for dino, and one giant leap for sauruskind. JumpJet Rex is a retro action platformer where you play as the first dinosaur astronaut. Rex's casual space exploration becomes a call from his species to save them from an asteroid bearing down upon the planet. Will Rex be able to save the dinosaurs? Or will they go extinct? The answer depends on whether you can guide him and his jet boots skillfully enough to survive.