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One Toy at a Time

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 30 Apr 2015 - 01:59

Another toy-and-art centered company — there were so many at WonderCon this year! Beefy & Co. specialize in rounded plushy toys, t-shirts with funny animals (and funny other things), and art prints of a decidedly cute nature. Their official slogan is “Creating joy, one toy at a time.” They’re making appearances at comic book conventions all over the place, but if you can’t wait that long for more cuteness then head on over to their web page right away.

image c. 2015 Beefy & Co.

image c. 2015 Beefy & Co.

Categories: News

New artist wants to draw your 'sona (for free~)

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Apr 2015 - 00:21

Hello! I really would love to practice my art skills (if that is okay here) with a variety of fursona's! I checked the artschool (just subbed to it) but my problem is the actual subject.. I don't know who or what to draw. I don't have a fursona myself, but I love the community.

So thank you for reading that little blurb!

Anyways I will draw anything. Seriously. Anything. If it's too NSFW I'll PM you the full nude one and post the sfw one here.

I'll make a list of who I am drawing (I'll be drawing everyone and if you don't see your name on this list please feel free to PM me!)

key: done Working on I need something before I can draw

1) spacevorv8

2) CptMeat (when I get a pose)

3) KawaiiWaffles

4) SakuraKitsune (when link is fixed)

5) NintyBoi

6) Rikku-Panthera

7) Rizzanwinterblade

8) TheParanoidBadger

9) theREALtozsy111

10) theCharcoalfox

11) Terwin94

12) HunterWolfie97

13) ZackK9

14) zapper1234566

15) Greypuppy

submitted by MothFluff
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Categories: News

Hiphop Dinos

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 20:40
Categories: News

I got fired for being a furry...

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 20:18

Hi guys, just a heads up this is kind of a vent post.... hope you don't mind.

So here's my story...

I work(ed) at a local sub delivery joint on night shift 5:30pm-3am, a lot of the time during the week we aren't busy at all during these times, so It leads to a lot of just hanging out talking with eachother.

My manager, let's call her Ann, and I would flirt back and forth a lot, I'm bi but I dont date women usually, so flirting with her was kinda weird at first but it was easy. One night after work I invite her over to smoke a couple of bowls and watch a tv show we're both into. We were chilling on my bed, smoking a bowl and she leans over and kisses me on the cheek, suprised I say "what was that for" then she pulls me into a deep kiss, one thing leads to another and we're eventually making sexytime.

Cool, got laid everything is going well. Well, after she rolls a joint and we start smoking and talking, she goes "tell me something I don't know about you yet" so I tell her; "I am a furry, I see myself as a wolf that can stand up straight and talk" then she gets this disgusted look on her face and starts yelling at me "YOU SHOULD TELL PEOPLE YOU'RE A FREAK BEFORE THEY HAVE SEX WITH YOU" and then she storms out with out me being able to tell her the majority of furries are nice, not creepy people.

Today I come into work and the GM sits down with me and lets me know I no longer have a job with them because they don't employ people with "unhealth fetishes" which is completely illegal, but I don't want to work somewhere were the people hate me because of who I am.

Bleck.... needed to vent about it to some people that might actually listen, sorry...

submitted by AliasWolf
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Categories: News

Any of you fellow furries play Smite?

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 20:17
Categories: News

"Werewolves on the Prowl" by Akreon

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 20:06
Categories: News

Oliver in the Rain

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 18:52
Categories: News

Hey guys! I need a favor

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 16:12

So for my Design and Illustration class, the final project is to make a zine. I'm doing mine on furry culture, and I need content. So if you want to, write something! It can be anything, as long as it's furry-related. If you want to send in your art, go for it!! Whatever you write or draw, it has to be appropriate for a suburban high school (sorry, don't want to get in trouble). For writing, about half a page long is ideal, but shorter or longer is fine. So if you're interested, email me at Once it's done, I'll send a digital copy to anyone interested. Thanks in advance!! (?_?)

submitted by mealy-mouth
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Categories: News

Weasyl? c:

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 16:10

I'm quite new to all this, and have just made these accounts. Reddit and Weasyl.

Let's just say I'm finally embracing this community. :3 'Bout time! Haha

Link to my profile:

submitted by NekoPurrFurr
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Categories: News

Serenity - Espurra

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 15:22
Categories: News

How many would be interested in this? And how many would use it?

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 15:04

Hi, Now I know that we all have our separate accounts / pages for our sonas on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Etc. But what if there was a social network dedicated to the furry fandom, where you could just have fun, and be the furry inside us that we all love to be without the fear of being judged by haters. Im here to make that a reality, and I was wondering how many members of the fandom would be interested in this idea. Now I know what you're all thinking: "Doesnt that already exist?" I can answer that right off the bat, yes, Furry Social Networks DO exist, but I have looked over some of them, and in my personal opinion, I dont think that they are very well done (Though that could be due to the fact that I'm training to be an Information Technologies Professional) but then again thats just my opinion. Leave a comment below if you have an interest in this concept, and I'll make it a reality! More News To Come! -Dekko

submitted by DekkoWolf
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Categories: News

Religion (Pawsome! #15)

The Raccoon's Den - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 14:08
Religion (Pawsome! #15)
Bandit and Drake discuss their religious beliefs, along with other theories on the afterlife. ***NEW EPISODES BIWEEKLY ON WEDNESDAYS*** THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! FACEBOOK: http://www. From: The Raccoon's Den Views: 904 11 ratings Time: 07:09 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

Siamese Twins!

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 13:20

A wonderful watcher of mine decided to do fan art for free of my Siamese twin felkin sisters. I think he captured the pattern on them perfectly~

He's very generous, and if he can see this post, I want to say thank you!

submitted by Chance_The_Lugia
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Categories: News

Trying to get better at art, let's see how this goes.

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Apr 2015 - 12:53

A very good friend of mine is currently drawing something for me, and has caused the drawing bug to crawl under my skin. So, I decided to try (yet again) to do artings! I downloaded Colors 3D, and I'm currently doing a trace of one of my old screenshots from Pokémon Y, I might upload it later.

Currently, I find myself wondering what other things I should be doing to learn, as obviously this tracing is mostly for fun and probably not going to help me aside from cementing my sketch>line art>color process, which is pretty important I guess. I think I'd need to learn on how to draw faces/bodies without tracing, but I'd need some input as where to start. My end-goal is to draw fuzzy stuffs to a degree that I could give away art constantly to friends, as well as here. /r/furryartschool might be helpful, but I'll take advice here too since it's not exactly a high trafficking sub.

Thank you guys!


submitted by sylfire
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Categories: News