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FC-199 Erotic Target Location Error - The calm before the storm. There's a lot of work ahead. Thankfully this calmer episode covered a lot of ground. See you all soon for the big show!
The calm before the storm. There’s a lot of work ahead. Thankfully this calmer episode covered a lot of ground. See you all soon for the big show!
Watch Video News:- There Are Now Just Three Wolves Left On Isle Royale
- Concerns over conduct of Northwestern sexology researcher by JM Horse
- Supreme Court Marriage Predictions: May 4 MNW
- Researchers Confirm Those With Depression Experience “Fuzzy Thinking”
- [DNews] What does the transgender brain look like?
- Iran bans “Homosexual” and “Devil Worshipping” hairstyles
- Old Hand Found In Florida Attic With Coins And Treasure Map
- Nebraska Man Steals Lawn Mower By Driving It Out The Store
- Naked Man Threatens Neighbors With AK-47
- Australia’s Sex Party Stripped Of Official Registration
- Testicle-Biting Cop Arrested On Cinco de Mayo In Baltimore
- -Missing Email-
- White Wolf Sam – “Feeling a bit confused and feeling a bit guilty”
- Glacie – “Colorblind and flurries”
[Live] Erotic Target Location Error - The calm before the storm. There's a lot of work ahead. Thankfully this calmer episode covered a lot of ground. See you all soon for the big show!
The calm before the storm. There’s a lot of work ahead. Thankfully this calmer episode covered a lot of ground. See you all soon for the big show!
Watch Video News:- There Are Now Just Three Wolves Left On Isle Royale
- Concerns over conduct of Northwestern sexology researcher by JM Horse
- Supreme Court Marriage Predictions: May 4 MNW
- Researchers Confirm Those With Depression Experience “Fuzzy Thinking”
- [DNews] What does the transgender brain look like?
- Iran bans “Homosexual” and “Devil Worshipping” hairstyles
- Old Hand Found In Florida Attic With Coins And Treasure Map
- Nebraska Man Steals Lawn Mower By Driving It Out The Store
- Naked Man Threatens Neighbors With AK-47
- Australia’s Sex Party Stripped Of Official Registration
- Testicle-Biting Cop Arrested On Cinco de Mayo In Baltimore
- -Missing Email-
- White Wolf Sam – “Feeling a bit confused and feeling a bit guilty”
- Glacie – “Colorblind and flurries”
FC-199 Erotic Target Location Error - The calm before the storm. There's a lot of work ahead. Thankfully this calmer episode covered a lot of ground. See you all soon for the big show!
The calm before the storm. There’s a lot of work ahead. Thankfully this calmer episode covered a lot of ground. See you all soon for the big show!
Watch Video News:- There Are Now Just Three Wolves Left On Isle Royale
- Concerns over conduct of Northwestern sexology researcher by JM Horse
- Supreme Court Marriage Predictions: May 4 MNW
- Researchers Confirm Those With Depression Experience “Fuzzy Thinking”
- [DNews] What does the transgender brain look like?
- Iran bans “Homosexual” and “Devil Worshipping” hairstyles
- Old Hand Found In Florida Attic With Coins And Treasure Map
- Nebraska Man Steals Lawn Mower By Driving It Out The Store
- Naked Man Threatens Neighbors With AK-47
- Australia’s Sex Party Stripped Of Official Registration
- Testicle-Biting Cop Arrested On Cinco de Mayo In Baltimore
- -Missing Email-
- White Wolf Sam – “Feeling a bit confused and feeling a bit guilty”
- Glacie – “Colorblind and flurries”
Hoping on the bandwagon! Tell me, what are some mice/rodent stereotypes?
I've seen dragons and canines tonight. Figured us squeaky foke deserve some love conflabbit. So tell me, besides being all around wonderful and dead sexy, what are some mice/rodent stereotypes.
submitted by The-Squeaker[link] [6 comments]
Me Babes! (fudged previous submission =3=")_
A random word generator made me one of you, I guess. So, what to do now?
Obligatory Introduction Hello r/furry!
So, 2 weeks ago, boredom led me to the bright idea of messing around with a random word generator . After a while, the words "Fluff" and "Cobra" popped up, and I thought that their combination sounded cool, so I decided to stick with it.
"But how'd you end up here?"
After googling around, I came across this piece by Darkylucifer and, as you can see, it's a cobra, with fur. A furry cobra. Uh...
I've had some past experiences with the fandom, I knew about this subreddit well before this happened, but didn't really identify myself with it. But you chaps seem friendly, shouldn't hurt, right? Also, Disney's Robin Hood was cool. :p And as I went to create this reddit account, the user "FluffyCobra" was already taken, that explains the typo on the username. :p
So, r/furry, what do I do now?
submitted by FluffehCobra[link] [16 comments]
If you could turn one unsuspecting person you know (who isn't you) into a furry, who would it be and why?
S4 Episode 14 – Drugs in the Fandom - Astounding poet and guest, Morris Stegosaurus, joins Roo and Tugs in a deep discussion about how drugs and drug use is perceived in the fandom. Is it as prevalent as one might think? What's with "HURRR it's FUR TWENTY
Show Notes
Special Thanks:
Morris Stegosaurus, our guest.
Han Surnak Draco Lobos Rokan the Seventh
Phil, the Canadian.
Wolfi Coyote
Grumper Bear
Leo the Artist
Show Sponsor: It wasn't planned this way, but it wound up this way - check out our guest's book, Zebra Feathers, today at your local bookstore or at Amazon.com!
Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Mailbag: Eskadet – Back To Kyoto from the album “Solitudes” (Lemongrassmusic, 2010) – www.lemongrassmusic.de – Used under license.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Next episode: Our next episode is one you've been hearing about for a while - Fur What It's Worth LIVE! from Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno, Nevada. We'll be releasing the recording on May 24, its internet debut! S4 Episode 14 – Drugs in the Fandom - Astounding poet and guest, Morris Stegosaurus, joins Roo and Tugs in a deep discussion about how drugs and drug use is perceived in the fandom. Is it as prevalent as one might think? What's with "HURRR it's FUR TWENTY
i love you people.
i think you guys are awesome. you know, i'm here only for like what? 2 days and i already like you people. dat rinhggar guy doe. he's smashing. He can make everything fun aknd games. but i must say that you people have gottren me hooked up on this furryy stuff. i really like the way you people communicate. When i was reading trough your stuff i laughed and ieven cried. you made a 28 year old teacher cry. oh, wait! i'm not a teacher anymore thanks to that asshat. Anyway, you guys are kah pawsome +kah*.and we should not forget about the ladies. you too are nice 8 i don't know any but still 9. yea, just wanted to say that.
submitted by randomforrfurry[link] [40 comments]
Cons! What about them?
Hey fuzzbutts, Sky here! I need your opinion, wit, and thoughts for my YouTube hosted podcast, Tip of The Tail ( I know, shameless self promotion).
So my questions for you today are as follows. Which cons do you plan or want to go to? How have (if you've been to one before) your past con experiences been? My co-host and I have never been to a convention of any fashion so we're counting on you to give us the details. Answer however you'd like but please let us know what to refer to you as (i.e. pseudonyms, fursona names, your real name, pick at least one.) feel free to E-mail me at skyoath.tipofthetail@gmail.com, pm me, or just respond in the comments bellow. Thanks in advance and don't forget to stay awesome.
Edit: I think furmeets count as like a mini con so yeah feel free to talk about those as well.
submitted by SirSkyOath[link] [8 comments]
Some of y'all found me already, but today's been project day....OPERATION: FA ACCOUNT. Commissions open ;)
I SCREWED UP! CaH game at 22:00 UTC *not* 23:00 UTC
Dayligth saving times f'ed my over.
Game at 22:00 UTC, in ~1:20 hours from now!Rules are the usual.
- Check what time is 22:00 UTC on your local time.
- Join fa_mirror's game. Link to the game
- Password is 'tumblr_otherkin' (no quotes)
- Custom cards will be used.
- You will NOT be able to log in until 22:00UTC!
- Even if you cannot join the game, stay for the chat, I promise it will be awesome, sometimes even better than the game itself
You can make your own cards! make a post below!
White: *Really* liking Digimon.
Black: Honey, I ______ the cubs.
Fuck you Cardcast!!! Where are my "antisocial justice" cards with slurs!
PyX protips:
- Play using the browser in fullscreen
- If the game starts acting funny, refresh the page (F5)
- Make the text smaller by pressing CTRL + - (Control key and dash key together)
- Be very politicaly incorrect. Nothing is too soon nor taboo.
[link] [4 comments]