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Foxes be like

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 11:05
Categories: News

Thanks to Furry Force fans, Orlando’s soccer mascot, vampire squirrels: Newsdump (5/8/15)

Dogpatch Press - Fri 8 May 2015 - 10:32
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Tips are always welcome.  ________________________________________________________ Furry Force’s surprising Ursa Major Award. ________________________________________________________   Flayrah has the details about all winners.  Furry Force stole an expected win from My Little Pony.  It showed appreciation from targets of the gently teasing “fursploitation” parody.  I suspect two influences made a difference – support from this site […]
Categories: News

Ares of the White Tiger Clan

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 10:19
Categories: News

Planet Nakti - A community built anthro universe

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 09:34

I thought to give a signal boost to my friend X_Joshi_X, who's working with me on the project.

Hello everybody! I'm looking for other anthro artists, writers, animators and other kinds of creative people for what I like to call "a global community project".

But what is this project? It's a furry fantasy universe called "Planet Nakti".

Planet Nakti has the ambition to become the first furry universe that is developed entirely by the community. It mustn't be made only by one person, but with the contribution of everybody, with their ideas, skills and creativity, it could become a truly awesome project.

Nakti can be expanded with artworks, stories, animations, poems, games, roleplay and whatever you have in mind. You can create a Naktian character, a race, or a civilization with its traditions, customs, religions, history and many other things. There is total freedom in the development, only a few guidelines are required to be followed in order to not make the Naktian project into a carbon-copy of planet Earth or avoid copyright infringement (using characters from existing franchises and trademarked franchises is strictly forbidden! By the Gods be original!)

The most particular aspect of planet Nakti, is that it's a young planet, so its civilizations have a very early grade of technological development. They basically live in the same way we Earthlings lived during the age of the Ancient Egyptians or the Sumerians, so their technology is quite limited, and they don't have magic, because the characteristic of Nakti is that it's imbued with realism in mind, making it something that can really exist in another solar system.

Myself, I'm working on one of the Naktian countries, the Island Nysdra, located in the south-west of Nakti.

So, I'm looking for other artists who can join me and my friends who are already working on it, in this creative adventure, with the hope to unite all the anthros of the world together and making something that can really be considered a truly global effort.

If you are interested to join the project, please feel free to drop me a note. I look forward to answer all your questions. :3

Some info links:

Official forum thread:

Nakti Wiki:

What not to do:

What is encouraged:

If you read this to the end: Congrats ^

submitted by theoriginalvpn
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Categories: News

Taking Commissions for Yarn Tails! (info inside)

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 09:05

I'm taking yarn tail commissions! As many as i can. Also, because i'm relatively new to it, i'm selling them for fairly cheap. But you will still get a gorgeous tail because i'm also a perfectionist. First color is FREE. Subsequent colors are $3.00 each. $0.50 cents per inch. Buyer pays for shipping. But at these prices, you can afford to lol. Examples of work:

submitted by Foxru
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Categories: News

Descent from Up Above - w22374

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 09:05
Categories: News

What are you fluffy bottomed critters getting your mom for mother's day?

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 07:11

Hopefully nothing furry! (Unless they're one themselves)... (god that would be kinda wierd) (I'll stop talking to myself now) MOTHER'S DAY IN 2 DAYS BTW

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

...... there was a post about Disney's robin hood.....

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 05:09

I had to watch it.... <-.-> I couldn't help it. As a kid it was my favorite movie.... the reason I wanted to get into archery... probably the reason I'm a fur lol even as a child I wanted to be "just like robin" fluffy tail and all. And I would sit watching this movie just wishing that the characters in the movie were real and I'd look just like him. I never realized the connection between my adult furhood and my dreams as a child to be the furry character. I guess epiphany made lol

submitted by fox125
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Categories: News

That feeling when you finally catch up (pointless post)

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 05:02

So I was 1-2 pages late with the sub, reading posts from 20 hours earlier for about a week due to lack of opportunities to browse the sub in peace, and I hated that because I felt like I was always "late for the party". But now I've finally caught up, no more need to hurry! Wooooo!

submitted by ChiliFox
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Categories: News

All Mixed Up But Not Confused

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 8 May 2015 - 01:59

As quite often, the creators can explain this project far better than we ever could: “Somewhere far away, in the uncharted realms of the ocean, lies the mysterious island of Mutasia. As one of the few unexplored places left on Earth, Mutasia is home to a previously unknown collection of wildlife, unique to the island of Mutasia. The inhabitants are called Mutasians and are mixed up mixes of every type of animal imaginable. As you explore the island and meet the Mutasians, you’ll discover that they are a lot more like you than you might think!” That’s the story of Mutasia. It started with an illustrated book, Mutasia: Land of Illogical and Utterly Impossible Creatures. Now it’s expanded to a book series, a line of plushy toys, several sing-along CD’s, and an animated short film on DVD called This Mish-Mash Bash. All of that and more available at the colorful and award-winning Mutasia web site, of course.

image c. 2015

image c. 2015

Categories: News

I like to think everyone's sonas in this subreddit live together

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 May 2015 - 23:52

Like in a apartment complex where everyone has there own little apartment or a neighborhood

submitted by Lightspeed7000
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Categories: News

I'm back. (You made me come back)

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 May 2015 - 23:49

I'm back

So, two nights ago, I had a dream. And in that dream there were furries. Yes. People in costumes. After 5 normal days. I needed to take a few beers after that.

And last night I got on this subreddit and lurked around (~20 minutes....).

EDIT -I find you people nice and very open, but there are moments when I found it all (kindness and happyness) getting a little bit out of hand. I'm sure that you can find an example.

I have to ask a few questions about the whole furry subreddit stuff. (I'm definatly not going to ask about the fandom, because I see that different opinions can be very dangerous here.).

-First one is for the Ringgar guy, /u/Infamous0823 and my question is how much time do you spend on Reddit? Every post I have seen(on this subreddit) has your comment. Also, I see that you have your own religion. Which is nice.

-Also, why do you(people of the subreddit) use *gives[random word]* so much? Is this inside stuff or is it just being nice to everyone?

-Who is /u/fa_mirror? I saw him post imgur links and he commented on my post. Like a human. Is he a human controlled AI bot?

-Are there many people like me here?(random, out of nowhere).

-And are there many trolls around here?

submitted by randomforrfurry
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Categories: News

Ok, I'm scared.

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 May 2015 - 23:26

(this is a cross post to /r/lgbteens)

If your looking for a TLDR, there is none. You're just going to have to read it.

Hi. I'm having issues with my parents and me being pansexual. I'm 15, male, and living in Southern Kentucky. Here's my story. In March, I decided to come out of the closet in an odd way. I used the game Team Fortress 2 to tell my friends. Overall, my friends supported me. I posted it to /r/tf2, where it got some attention. /r/tf2 was accepting, even though some didn't understand what Pansexual meant. I was PMed by Nathan Grayson, an editor of Kotaku. He wanted to interview me for an article about using tf2 to come out. The article published.

Flash forward to Thursday Night. I ask my dad (who doesn't know I'm pan, like my mother) if I can borrow the iPad. He says yes, and I unlock it, showing Safari... With the article open. Oh shit. I open up the browsing history, and I'm shocked. He was on the website, which is a image sharer for the Furry Fandom. Now, I don't consider myself a large member of the fandom, however, my dad did some 'research', and... well... he found the dark side. The side that keeps the fandom bathed in controversy. The side that keeps me from being more involved in the fandom. The side i don't go to. It's almost midnight right now where I'm at. My parents haven't said anything about it. I'm freaking out. What if they kick me out? What if they think I'm some pervert? What if they think I am a bestialphilliac because of the fandom? I need help.

Oh, and dad, if your somehow reading this, talk to me.

EDIT: it's late, so if I don't reply, don't be alarmed, I fell asleep.

submitted by RocketJumpingOtter
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Categories: News

Stream Requests

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 May 2015 - 22:20
Categories: News