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Create and become your fursona as an animated character
Hi everybody, Darian from MashMe here! Our friend who worked on Ares of the White Tiger Clan said you loved his character, so I wanted to ask you something.
We have started a Kickstarter campaign where you can animate your characters in real time. I wanted to get your feedback - would you be interested in having a character creator, where you could create your 3D fursona from scratch and animate it in real time?
Our idea is for you to be able to pick (for example) a canine like template character and turn it into a wolf or a puppy or everything in between. Our goal is for every character to be completely unique and distinct from each other. I would really like to hear your opinions and suggestions about this.
submitted by MashMeReddit[link] [119 comments]
Spacecats In Space! And Dogs too.
Awesome art contest for my awesome birthday!
Hey y'all!
So today is my 25th birthday. To celebrate, instead of asking for anything I would rather give to you, the /r/furry community. And what better way to give than with a contest with prizes? YAY! (IMO at least)
This is an art contest. It will run from the moment this thread is posted until the end of this month. This contest isn't without purpose, tho; it is meant to show the better side of furry art with emphasis on the diversity and imagination of the furry fandom.
And no, this contest is not for me. It's for the community. I'm just running it.
How to enter this contest?
Start drawing an anthropomorphised animal according to the rules below. Remember you have until the end of this month to complete it, so do your best in that time!
When you are ready to submit your entry, upload it to one of the commonly used image hosting sites, such as Imgur, FurAffinity or Deviant art. Be advised that advert-filled hosting sites are discouraged. I hate them and they load slowly.
After your drawing has been uploaded, make a new thread on this reddit board and post a link to that in the comments below(make sure you don't post it as a reply to a comment posted by someone else as I won't get notifications for that).
If there's enough time left and you don't feel confident about your submission after you posted it, you can redo your entry and post it as a reply to your earlier post (no need to open a new thread for it - just upload and post a direct link).
I will update the OP of this thread when submissions come in. After the contest is over, I will post a new thread announcing the winners.
The rules are as follows:
Common species are not allowed. most felines and canines will not qualify. The exception to this is fictionate species, such as the Sergal, as well as rarely used feline/canine sub-species(I'm going to allow cheetahs because my fursona is a cheetah, hehehe...).
Absolutely no genitalia (there's enough on /r/yiff to go around). all spots where genitalia are located should be flat and smooth on both male and female characters.
Absolutely no glowing body parts. HELL NO.
Submissions must be posted before May 31st, 2015.
One entry per person.
Yo dawg I herd there's prizes!
Before that, here are the criteria by which submissions will be judged(by me, of course):
Visual Quality. This criteria includes, but is not limited to, image sharpness and level of detail.
Originality. Like I said earlier, use your imagination and draw something unique. Original species are a plus. Bonus points for inspirational drawings!
Scene complexity. it's cool to draw just a character, but it's more impressive when it has a background, scenery, or even a certain situation around the character.
So how bout dem prizes?
Prizes. Yes. There are prizes. Here they are, you impatient dog:
First place gets up to $30* worth of games on Steam OR $30 directly via Paypal.
Second place gets up to $20 worth of games on Steam OR $20 directly via Paypal.
Third place gets up to $10 worth of games on Steam OR $10 directly via Paypal.
US Dollars.
So now that we got everything cleared up, it's time to get arting!(Yes I just made that word up. kek.)
And may the best artist win!
submitted by liafcipe9000[link] [3 comments]
5-11-15 Furfunding Highlights
This week’s illustration is from comic book project “AdSventures,” now on Kickstarter
Okay, I should probably apologize for the lack of content and updates for the last month. IRL got kind of difficult for me after I received one of those unfortunate “forever” vacations, and for some reason a few hours of precious after-work free time is more valuable than days of unemployment. So for slacking on useful content and my self-appointed duty to sing the praises of four out of five furry kickstarters, my sincere apologies. On the plus side, there haven’t been many earth-shaking and on-topic projects, although I should probably give Paws of Nepal some kind of callout, it is excessively cute.
Though there have been a lot of projects.
So right this moment I’m going to focus on one really bad one, because it’s a useful object lesson. Have a look at Fresh Furr.
Top to bottom, this page is challenged, there is nothing that is right about it. I’ll give the product itself–scented hand soap with a furry theme–some benefit of the doubt, you can slap an anthro critter on any old thing and call it branded. The biggest problems with this page are, in my opinion, about trust.
In the fandom, we usually have a thin veil of anonymity. Most of us, I think, would prefer to let people know we’re a furry on a case-by-case basis, vetting people to see if they’re friendly. Even so, most furry artists launching kickstarters tend to use their real names rather than made-up ones. It’s hard to raise money behind a mask. Inside the fandom, our altonyms can be quite real (anybody else get weirded out when someone–even your mate–calls you by your real name at a furmeet?) But unless your goal is low or you’re very well-known in the fandom, you’re going to have an easier time raising money as Elizabeth Valdez than Spots Wigglecat.
So…how much trust is there for a fundraiser who uses neither his real name nor his furry identity? It’s like an anonymous voice asking for money on the other side of a restroom stall.
This is not a good comparison. I’ll try again later.
I can’t really criticize the business plan because there quite literally isn’t one, there’s actually an anti-plan. I can’t imagine anyone paying $50 for soap, but even if he sold every one of the 25 units in his backer reward, the creator couldn’t make goal (25x$50=$1250, campaign goal of $2500…) So the math is challenged. But far worse than that, there’s a deliberate obstacle to understanding the rewards themselves.
Pledge now for the charity soap raffle! Will you be lucky or worthy enough to win soap? Not all who pledge will receive soap. We have measured out three precious thimblefulls of soap–not enough to use, but surely enough to experience the pleasure that is soap. Tell your friends. Tell them of soap.
And then to use the words give and sample after this? Oh, seriously. This is not an act of generosity. You’re exchanging $50 for the promise of soap. Objectively, this is a high price for any personal care product, and your backers should be told exactly what they can expect. Nobody wants to guess what they’re paying for. And, technically, if I donated $50 to the cause, the creator could give samples to, say, visitors at a table at FurSquared, not to me, and still be compliant with the text of this reward.
Putting aside the criticism of the Kickstarter page, it’s not a bad product. A quick search through FA will give you a good look at the list of soaps and scents and a bit more information about the product itself–information that really should have been included on the Kickstarter page. The actual product concept is soft soap scented with essential oil blends and then decorated with your fursona, for perhaps $18.00–and you know, I’d consider having Corbeau’s snarky face on a bottle of coffee-scented soap, or possibly a personally-branded bottle of skin lotion (you cannot even imagine how high a gay hairless dog’s moisturizing budget can be, trust me.) $18 isn’t a bad price for a custom soap bottle, it’s about on par with a badge, and you can always refill it, the whole deal even comes with a refill and, I love this, seriously I do, instructions for making more custom soap. That’s a really solid and generous idea.
But unfortunately, none of this material made it to the Kickstarter page. Just vague promises, hidden identities, and overpriced soap.
So, the take-away here: remember your basic Journalism questions. Who, What, When, Where, Why, How (though not in that order.)
What: Describe your product in detail, particularly in regards to the parts that people are spending money on.
Why: Sell your product by explaining the need. (True fact: before selling mouthwash, Listerine had to sell the idea of bad breath. “Listerine did not make mouthwash as much as it made halitosis.”) (wiki)
Who: Build credibility by letting people know who you are (not in the first paragraph, though.)
How: What are you using your funding for? How will you create and deliver the product?
When: Let people know your timetable for delivery (and how you derived it.)
Where: Okay, I got nothing for Where, but it’s probably tied to “who” somehow…
Review this “week,” a look at Furries: A Documentary.
Aaand, then new projects. Since I haven’t updated in almost a month, there’s more than a few. The complete list is up on our Projects Page!
“New” Projects ArtBrony Adventures Coloring Book (Ends: 5/13/2015)
32 pages of colorable ponies and pony monsters from Lorraine Schelter.
The nice thing about a pony coloring book is you get to use *all* the crayons.
Life is a Carousel (Ends: 5/24/2015)
Artbook of colorful centaur ladies with a merry-go-round circus aesthetic and so very many bows.
A Problem Solving Graphic Novel Guide for General Physics (Ends: 5/23/2015)
Wait, hear me out. Dinosaurs try to save their world by solving college-level physics problems. It’s actually cute.
The Naiad Chronicles (Ends: 5/31/2015)
Elves, dragons, cats, possibly a cat boy, Miyazakiesque dragonwolves, and some cute plushies. The novel.
I’m not perfectly sure what’s going on here, it looks a bit complex, but it’s a cute project page.
Stanley Streak and Milton Mellow: Patently Opposite Fellows (Ends: 5/20/2015)
A children’s book reframing of the Tortoise and the Hare as two old friends, both with their own strengths.
Nicely illustrated, though the rhyme words are a touch esoteric and jarring in a natural-language flow.
The Heroics of a Sheep Dog (Ends: 5/22/2015)
An adventurous black sheep and a noble-ish sheepdog on a journey of identity
Square Zair Pair (Ends: 6/10/2015)
A Dr. Seussian rhyming story of diversity in couples, a little GLBT story for kids, with charming art by Kikidoodle
To answer the two tricky questions of ‘Why does Toni have two moms?’ and ‘Why can’t furries ever just be animal-colored?’ :)
Eeveelution Charm Keychains (Ends: 5/28/2015)
The many faces of Eevee in a charm/keychain miniproject.
Floraverse: Seeds (Ends: 5/20/2015)
A mini-story from the The Floraverse, of a fairy bird using seeds to save a continent.
Very pretty and abstract art in this series, but not everybody’s thing.
Shivae Studios/Cyantian Chronicles Web-to-Print (Ends: 5/22/2015)
A web-to-print graphic novel version of the Cyantian Chronicles series
Torsobear II (Ends: 6/1/2015)
Dark streets, dirty cotton stuffing, and toy-on-toy noir in a city that never sleeps (with its blankie). A comic anthology with a wide range of art styles.
AdSventures: The Climb (Ends: 6/2/2015)
Children’s comic book, a bear climbs a mountain and finds something evil at the top. Clean, minimal, and abstract art.
Pissed-Off Panda (Ends: 7/7/2015)
The sullen and surley adventures of an ‘Adult Swim’ style panda and his big-eyed pig friend.
One of my friends suggested that this is trying too hard to be awesome. I’m not seeing it, like a lot of Kickstarters it’s big and loud and the lead character’s your typical abstractly-drawn ass.
Furries: A Documentary (Ends: 5/17/2015)
A fur-friendly documentary exploring the creative and identity-building sides of the community
I’m on the fence about this documentary. It’ll be a great tool for kids explaining the fandom to outsiders, but maybe a little too safe for mainstream entertainment.
Beef Sumo (Ends: 5/31/2015)
One bull in a mawashi, one bat in boxers, and a series of animated misadventures. Voices by Bender, Twilight Sparkle…
While being loosely inspired by Ren and Stimpy, this lacks much of the grace and charm of Ren and Stimpy, and I say that unironically. Some good jokes though.
Big Dog (Ends: 6/5/2015)
Short film built around the premise of ‘what if the government handled lycanthropy like it handles mental illness?’
Theme Planet (Ends: 6/8/2015)
Animated 10-minute short about a planet covered with roller coasters and dumpy anthros. An expansion of the 2003 short,
The Oculus Rift version of this film could potentially be a wild ride…
Paws of Nepal (Ends: 6/11/2015)
An animated short film about street dogs in Nepal. Very cute illustrations!
Toon53 Productions has a good six-year history of animated shorts, so this is probably safe money, even with Flexible Funding
Krita Upgrades (Ends: 6/3/2015)
An upgrade for Krita, the free paint program with a cute skunk mascot.
Not-A-Cat (Ends: 6/4/2015)
A strange bit of anti-marketing for ‘not-a-Cat,’ a sort of plush stuffed animaloid lumpthing with at least one ear.
Wee Beasties Plus (Ends: 7/6/2015)
Cuddly plush versions of various Dungeons and Dragons monster standards (note the gelatinous cube tee.)
I think we’ve seen ‘Wee Beasties’ on Kickstarter before, I’m a fan of the adorb D&D thing.
Dot & Dash: Mystery of the Red Dot (Ends: 5/24/2015)
PC/Mobile game about one kitten’s quest to catch the Red Dot
A bit meme-y but with some cute concept art
The Tarot of Bones (Ends: 6/3/2015): A creepy and engaging tarot deck of found bones collages, by Lupa Greenwolf. Now with the Happy Squirrel :)
…Just for funThe Enchanting World of Rankin-Bass (Ends: 7/8/2015): A documentary about the makers of every darn Christmas special in the world (oh, and Thundercats!)
…MehFresh Furr (Ends: 6/8/2015): A minimal effort soft soap project with a loose furry theme. From the zombie mascot to the wierdly ambiguous rewards that make no promises, there is nothing good here.
Animal Tales and Bible Stories (Ends: 7/13/2015): Religious animation is always a solid 10 years behind the rest of the world. I think this is edging toward 20 though. Worst hedgehog ever. You’ve done a bad thing when you can’t get a single dollar in your cashbox.
Cross Realms deck-building game (Prelaunch): A furry deck-building game by Sci the Cheetah and friends
Roan (Prelaunch): A sort of steampunky, pony tabletop role-play world with swords, magic, and airships exist an uneasy state of conflict. More information on the creator’s FA gallery.
Dreamkeepers (Prelaunch): The dreamland adventure fantasy comes back for another graphic novel!
Tornado warning + power outage yesterday forced me to take shelter in a dark basement where I felt a sinister presence lurking in the shadows. To be safe I shot a picture around the stairwell corner, only to reveal this terrifying creature in the Library!
Hey guys! Some of you may know me as u/grungefox22 but after some deep soul searching I find that I am truly an Otter who fights against the mainstream u/HipsterOtter AWAY!
submitted by HipsterOtter[link] [9 comments]
Q&A with Biohazard, artist of the infamous “Too Hot for PBS” auction video.
Friday is Pizza day, the best day of the week!
I was the recipient of a surprise last night!
The Anthem of my People (Psychostick)
[nsfw] Finally had one of my male characters drawn nude. Revealed a species trait that I haven't even shown in the feral appearance of the species ^^ The piece turned out awesome [Drawn by Tanks from FA]
Kind of embarrassing, but I'm really excited and need maybe a little relationship advice from the experienced furs. Please help. (nsfw, I guess?)
M 17, not "experienced." I'm a regular here, but this is a false account for some obvious reasons.
So I've been dating a girl for almost a year now, and she most definitely wants to make our relationship a "relationship" in the biblical sense of the word. Tomorrow, late at night, when my parents will leave me home alone in the house, she's going to stop by for a few hours for some time alone. This is the first time such a thing has ever happened to me!
I never made mention of being a furry to her ever, but please don't kill me for this guys.. I asked her for what I described as "a weird favor." For her to wear a wolf tail I own, and a pair of ears during the course of "things"... and she AGREED?! Wtf, maybe she likes me so much it didn't really bother her.
I'm so happy! I'm full of luck and joy atm, and I can't sleep I'm so excited! I took a clean shower, am quietly making my bed & cleaning my room, and I've never had so much freaking energy in my life!
Btw, don't worry, I know about protection and everything, I've got that covered. I may be male, but I'm no dumbass. At least, not with this.
Just a few questions before I begin my day...
- What is "it" like from a guy's perspective? What's it like from a girl's perspective? How does it differ from you know, not having a mate?
- What can I do to ensure things are good/comfortable for her?
- There are a few "things" I'm not into for sanitary reasons, how can I bring this up with her? :P
- Is there anything we should know to do beforehand or after the fact? Like preparation wise?
- I'm not into any kind of exotic play (aside from the tail & ears) or dominant/submissive things, so if she somehow is what do I do?
- Would it be a good/bad idea to ever mention being furry? Should I tell her about this before we ____ so she doesn't freak out & destroy me like that one guy who got fired's manager?
One last thing...
Will it change the way I feel about myself, about her? I'm afraid I might not feel young, spunky, and innocent anymore. I'm afraid doing this might grow me up real fast and somehow make me depressed. Would our relationship deteriorate into nothing more than meeting for "pleasure?" Would we eventually get bored of each other. Things have been really great between us so far, but it's all been cute and innocent up until a half hour we had alone this weekend (where she dared me to touch up inside her shirt, which I did and thought was awesome at the time, but made me feel guilty/dirty later). I don't know how this is going to go. Part of me can't wait, and part of me is contemplating consequences. I'm scared, nervous, happy and aroused all at the same time. It's confusing as hell, my mind is somewhat clouded by the yiff I've looked at and the thought of smexing, and I'm not entirely sure how much of this is right or wrong! ;-;
Please, even if you don't answer the questions, just let me know what you think of the situation. Anything and everything is appreciated. Just.. any little bit of comfort, warning, or reassurance.
Sorry about my euphemisms and censorship.. I'm normally a sailor. It just feels awkward using words like screwing, sex, fucking, groping, etc. to describe me and my friend. Makes me feel like a pervert.
submitted by DildoSwaggens[link] [25 comments]