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Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 22:21
Categories: News

Newly formed furry

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 21:31

It basically started with me asking a friend to make me a furry Cat tail. We talked a bit and here I am c: I enjoyed the whole concept of animals with human characteristics since I was 15, I'm 21 now. But I never embraced it until today. I was always afraid of not being accepted into any kind of fandom...furry friends seem sweet and considerate though :) maybe I finally found somewhere I fit in <3

submitted by bambiBlood
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Categories: News

Happy Fursuit Friday!

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 21:00
Categories: News

/r/furry: Meet Crendert [Full Suit]

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 20:04

A couple of weeks back, I asked about playing a growly character at Furry cons. I got lead to a good video on it, and decided I would act as he would normally act, even at Furry cons.

That being said, today I suited him for the first time, and modeled him for a bunch of photos. He turned out absolutely fucking amazing (In my opinion) and the suit is so comfortable and breathable it really is a tremendous achievement. With this said, I give to you Crendert

Now, just to show you the amount of padding, and work that went into that padding: I am 6'1, 130 pounds. I have a waist size of 30, and biceps that are 9". I am somewhere in that suit.

submitted by kestercollie
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Categories: News

Furry occupation album- as promised

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 19:02
Categories: News

Sweaters are the best. [Jeanx on FA]

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 18:53
Categories: News

Whats your favorite pokemon?

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 18:19

Mines Rayquaza.

submitted by SaltyMeth
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Categories: News

Streaming pixelly goodness

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 15:49

Come catch the stream over here, on Picarto!

Going to work on some things for a couple of hours, then I'm going to do some requests!

Stream over. Thanks for stopping by, everyone! We had quite the party going~

submitted by IntroIntroduction
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Categories: News

Dark Roast by ryuu1ch1 [FA]

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 15:07
Categories: News

Spacecats in Space!

Furry Reddit - Fri 8 May 2015 - 14:40
Categories: News

A Serious Case of Self-Loathing May Have a Deeper Cause than Furporn Addiction

Ask Papabear - Fri 8 May 2015 - 12:18
Greetings, again,

I finally realized how wrong I was. I wasted my childhood viewing those stupid cartoons on television, and now look at me- I am stuck, mentally damaged, in a bipolar cycle of alternately loving and hating anthropomorphic characters. How criminal of me to have acquired a taste for them, when art and literature have always functioned well with plain humans! Something went wrong in my psycho-social development. Here comes the question of this form: How could I have been so deluded as to pursue "fun" and "fantasy" when I could have chosen a much better course in my life? I deserve the death penalty (though I am a coward) for giving decadent entertainment a presence in my life since childhood, and worse, I contaminated myself by imagining sexual scenarios with said monsters (that's what a human-animal hybrid would truly be, despite my brainwashing myself to believe the contrary). I blamed others (which is what you reminded me of- thank you very much for your wisdom), but in truth, I chose to make my imagination and thinking defective, and I became a horrible, detestable shell of a man- when I could have been a beautiful person. I'm one living example of how dangerous the constructs of the mind can be. Someone from my family should give me the brutal, merciless punishment I deserve. May I atone for my deviancy, and for denigrating the importance of the authentic human figure that has sustained any art worth its salt. May hatred and harsh judgment rain down on me for insouciantly ignoring personal responsibility. I give you my gratitude for your insights and kind disposition.

- the former Joaquin Claro

* * *

Dear Former Joaquin,

Your previous letter complained about furry art being of low quality, so I replied to that you should not be so harsh toward amateur artists who were simply drawing things they loved. From your new letter, however, I can see that your criticism of furry art was merely a cover for your own self-loathing—something I had no idea was happening to you. It was never my intention to make you feel bad about yourself, and if that is what I did, I truly apologize. You are clearly feeling guilty about liking furry art and, apparently, also being sexually aroused by it.

I would submit to you that your guilt and self-hatred is caused because you feel bad that your own preferences do not coincide with those of people around you—family, friends, colleagues. That you have this interest is in no way deserving of the death penalty! And it certainly isn’t “criminal” in any way. Please calm down and stop overreacting. Take a deep breath.

You say you are caught in a cycle of loving, then hating furry art. You love the furry art because that is simply something you enjoy; you then hate the furry art because society makes you feel guilty for liking it.

Like furry art is in no way responsible for whatever course your life has taken. Plenty of furry fans live peaceful, happy, productive lives because for them it is not about porn. I wonder, therefore, if your problem isn’t that you like furry art, but perhaps you allowed yourself to become obsessed by it. That is, addicted. As with an addiction to “normal” porn, or to things like gambling, alcohol, or drugs, an addiction can be quite damaging to your life.

If the problem, therefore, is that you are too obsessed with this art, you need to slowly reduce your time looking at it and reading about it. Then, substitute the furporn with G-rated furry art (there’s lots of it) or with other art that’s not furry.

While your two letters have been about adult furry art, I really believe that there is something else going on here in your life that you are not telling me, and that this is what is truly bothering you. Most likely, it has something to do with your family life as a child. There was likely something really bothering you as a kid, which led to an obsession with cartoons as escapism, and then, as you reached puberty, turned into a sexual aspect.

You have a lot of anger in you, which is sad. You are diverting that anger into furporn and blaming it for your problems. While addiction to porn is not a good thing, I think you need to look deeper into what is truly bothering you. Only then will you be able to overcome your anger and self-hatred. If you don’t mind my saying so, you might consider seeking some personal counseling to get at the heart of the matter.

I Wish You Well,
