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not actually horribly inaccurate...

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 22:33
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Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 21:31
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I doodled my sona a bunch of times

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 21:25
Categories: News

Wolfram alpha is being naughty!

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 20:55
Categories: News

When Edmonton’s Furry Scene Parties, They Party Hard

Furries In The Media - Thu 14 May 2015 - 20:29

I'm standing next to a man in a fox costume in a hotel room at Edmonton's Ramada Inn. The room is cramped because of a beer pong table. We need to make three cups in a row, or else we lose the game to the wolf and sabre-tooth tiger across from us. I sink the first cup, my partner sinks the second. It was now or never. I take a breath, line up the cup, and shoot. I miss. The chupacabra across from me grabs a bottle of rum and pours me a strong drink. I cheers my foxy friend and slam it.

I don't know what I expected to find when I decided to attend Fur-Eh, Edmonton's premiere Furry convention, last weekend.

It certainly wasn't this.

Fur-Eh is a convention that caters to the furry subculture/fandom. The fandom is made up of people who enjoy anthropomorphic animals—animals with human characteristics. This usually takes the form of a character that the furry creates. It doesn't matter what creature it is as long as it is unique to the creator. Over the duration of the weekend I saw dogs, dragons, cats, and some creatures that the creators must have made up themselves. Visually, it was stunning.

Not all members of this fandom dress up. Only 20 percent actually own a suit, most likely due to the fact that a full suit is damn expensive. Typically, a suit can run over a few thousand dollars. So to mediate this, some furries just wear tails, some just ears, but they almost all had something on that signified them as a furry. It's not too far separated from what you would see at a typical comic con, just instead of dressing up as a character someone else created you are dressing up as your own.

Their characters, known as "fursonas," vary in extremes much like their creators. Throughout a con, you won't see one suit identical to another. There exists stereotypes within the factions of the fandom in something known as "speciesism."

"Because foxes are more popular I guess they get a lot of the hate, but they are known for being really into sexual stuff. So are otters, who are known for being really submissive," one attendee, a cat, told me. "People that dress up as dragons are known to being really ego minded because they're dragons right? Like, what's crazier than a dragon? It's the most intense creature. The stereotype probably draws you to your fursona."

I asked him what it meant to dress as a cat.

"Cats are just jerks," he said with a laugh. "We think everyone is here for us."

People outside the subculture often assume that there is a sexually deviant aspect to the fandom. This perception can be traced back to popular media which in the past has portrayed the subculture as being solely populated with sexually deviant members. I asked two dogs, a fox, and a deer, why they thought the subculture got such a bum rap and almost all of them got a scornful look on their face and said something along the lines of "Fucking CSI, man... fucking CSI."

There have been numerous offenders that have sensationalized and painted this subculture as deviant but none cut as deep as CSI. The crime show ran an episode in 2003 entitled "Fur and Loathing" that focused on the fandom. It's an episode that still haunts the fandom over a decade later. In it, the heroes investigate the murder of a man in a racoon suit. Not only is the plot ridiculously dumb, the final twist is that a man mistook the man in a fur suit for a coyote and shot him. But it completely gets the fandom wrong. The episode portrays furries as a group that will essentially get together and just fuck each other in their fursuits, in a full-out, weird-ass orgy.

I asked several furries about this practice—which I now know is called "yiffing."

"Sure, that happens. In every group you'll find weird sex things," one attendee who went by the name Rave Fox told me. "But that's like one percent of the people and honestly it would wreck the suit.

"Do you know how much these things cost?"

I heard rumblings that some people actually had specially made suits with holes in them, but I was unable to find a single person at the convention who had one.

Rave Fox and I had to cut our conversation short because DJ Recca was playing, and Rave Fox had to be there.

DJ Recca is a well-known furry DJ, who has played a lot of large cons and has a rather large following. It was a big deal that he played a small con like Fur-Eh. The Seattle-based wolf made his way up to Edmonton for the festivities and was doing a surprise set. Rave Fox said that this wasn't an event to miss. He was right.

Across the floor were probably 100 furries—some in suits and some not—while Recca stood behind the board with his fur suit half on. There were wolves dancing with dragons, huskies dancing with sabretooth cats, and everything in between. One furry, a dragon-eagle hybrid I think, had lights sewn into the wings of the costume so he or she lit up the dance floor. I took a drink of Rave Fox's Everclear and orange juice mix and joined in.

It was surreal. It was weird. It was a ton of fun.

Rave Fox is a popufur—a popular furry—and after the dance concluded he told me that he will show me exactly what a conference is about for a young furry—the people and the party.

I show up the next night, and Rave Fox comes up to me in full regalia.

"Fuck yeah buddy, let's get liquored."

Rave was pretty far gone at this point so I headed up to the lounge to catch up. While there, a group of furries invited me to sit with them.

Fur-Eh is a small conference, so the majority of these people know each other merely through online conversations. The fandom is one with a massive online community and that is where the majority of these people meet. This event is one of the only opportunities they have to get together in person, giving it a high school reunion feel. People were sharing drinks and catching up. That's what this table felt like—just a bunch of old friends getting together. The point of conversation was in regards to furry sexuality. As it turns out, a disproportionate amount of furries identify as gay or bi: some numbers report 25 percent and some even go as high as 50 percent. The majority of the men around the table were gay, and one told me that the furry convention is just like any other big party—some people are there to get laid.

"A lot of people just report on the innocence of fur cons. The innocence is real, we all love being part of a thing, everyone does," one told me. "Some of us here just love to get fucked. I love to fuck!

"Not everyone is here just to fuck each other, but some of us are."

Now, he was a little hyperbolic when he told me this, but he assured me that there was a lot of human, non-furry, sex occurring at this conference between the attendees.

I finished my drinks with these guys and headed back to the dance. DJ Recca wasn't playing that night, so the turnout wasn't as impressive as the night before. I spot Rave drinking his Everclear and orange juice through his furry head just outside.

"If you're in fursuit you've gotta have your liquor," he laughed.

"You gotta stay hydrated," his girlfriend, also in fursuit, chimed in.

They told me that tonight the dance isn't the place to be—the place to be is the room parties—and they invited me up to play some beer pong. We headed on up to DJ Recca's room. He and his roommate love themselves some beer pong so they brought a table up from Seattle with them. Rave and I challenged Recca and his roommate Mix. Their friend in the corner, Pickles, was feeding us caesars with horse radish the whole time. Rave and I played on a team together and eventually lost, meaning we had to drink another full drink in addition to what we did during the game. Pickles then slammed the rest of the Kraken from the bottle.

These furries could drink.

With Pickles in mid chug, the door flung open, and a loud guy sporting a tail walked in. He was muscular and looked like he would fit in more at a gym then a furry convention. He was something I never thought I would encounter, a furry bro. (A Brofur?)

His name was Shady. Shady was a sabretooth tiger. Shady was awesome. Shady and I drank a lot together.


Our group grew to around 15 as we wandered the halls of the hotel. It was past 2 AM, so everything was shut down, but that didn't stop us. We shared several bottles of booze between us, swigging straight from the bottle. At one point an extremely hammered wolf, who is also a welder from Ponoka, stumbled into one of the Ramada's little indoor gardens and couldn't get up. After we all recovered from our laughter we pulled the wolf up. While we were doing this, Shady turned to me and told me about how varied the group was.

"That's the beauty of it. I'm a mechanic, she works for the government in the states, and we're rooming with an engineer," Shady told me. "That's how different it gets. He makes shit; I fix it, and she tells lies about my shit. You go on any business trip that's what you're going to see. People having fun. At a furry fandom convention, you can't get more real than this. This is people from the heart having fun. You can't fake that. You can walk into any group, and they are still going to treat me as friendly."

He pointed at the headless lounge, the room where furries go to take their heads off and relax.

"Whoever comes out of that door is honest. We're all honest."

Furries sharing mushrooms and clamato juice, because they do not fuck around

As the night wound down we ended up sitting in the abandoned lounge together and started chatting. I found out that one of the furries in our rank, Violet Jake, a Husky, came from Fort Saskatchewan, my hometown. We were only a year apart and knew a lot of the same people. In fact, we weren't much different at all. The only major difference was that he liked to have a character and spend time, when he can, with others that do, too. In the end, that's all that it was. These people aren't weird or deviant by any means. They just have an interest and act out on that interest. Some people like sports and go to hockey games. This group likes this fandom and going to cons. That's it.

Rave, sitting next to me, stretched out on his chair, took a swig of the Sailor Jerry rum that was making the rounds, and looked at me.

"Man, why the fuck aren't you a furry?"

And by the end of discussion, we decided that if I was a furry, I would be a sabretooth, just like my boy Shady.

Follow Mack Lamoureux on Twitter.

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Users of u/Furry part 1

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 20:12
Categories: News

What are you people doing to me!

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 19:33

Today I was filling up a pool a little bit so I could vaccum it clean for summer and it wouldnt get too low. The hose was just flicking back and forth in the water, and all I could see was a tail! I watched it for like 10 minutes just thinking about tails and furries. What are you people doing to me! Get out of my head! I love furries but I see it EVERYWHERE now.

submitted by woodenshlong
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Categories: News

Yiff discussion

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 19:10


Disclaimer, I am not a furry

About a month ago, I stumbled upon yiff. I had been on reddit for years, but yiff never appalled to me. In fact, I typically tried to avoid it. Rule 34 never quite did it for me, fapping to cartoons was just not my thing. At least that was the way things were. Through a series of events, I ended up on /r/yiff, and later, /r/gfur. And my attraction to such pictures upsets me, I'm not even gay. You can see my post here.

Now, I debated posting this here. My reasons were these:

One - I'm not a furry

Two - From what I've glanced of this subreddit, yiff isn't mentioned much

Three - I've talked to a lot of furries that strongly dislike yiff. I thought it possible that I would get a decent amount of hate here

However, in regards to point one, I'm not sure I have to be a furry to post here, if I do, please remove my post. As for point two, perhaps I was wrong on this judgement? And with point three, that's actually the reason I'm posting here. Perhaps those of you who are against it will post your reasons, unlike /r/yiff which obviously attracts a crowd that thinks it's okay.

Basically, I hate myself for liking yiff. Perhaps you think that I'm just doing this to get attention, but that is not the case. I don't really know what I'm looking for, other than a discussion so I can see both sides. Yiff to me is so damn close to bestiality it scares me. I know you guys will probably say "what's wrong with being sexually attracted to animals?", but I mean, come on guys. It is really weird. But then again, I'm not actually attracted to animals, just the yiff. Why is that? Is there some sort of deep down hidden bestiality I don't know about (Which I hope to God isn't the case). It just doesn't make sense to me. I've heard arguments saying "It's just porn, man. They obviously have human bodies", which yes, they do. But why then do I prefer said bodies with dog heads? What's going on there.

My other issue does not have anything to do with my personal opinions, but the opinions of others. You go online, and you will see TONS of people say yiff is bestiality. I've seen it countless times. Most people also seem to cringe over it, which personally makes me feel shitty.

It would be great to hear a discussion on this, pros and cons. I would love to hear all of your opinions, even the hateful ones. Why was I chosen to have such a shitty fetish? Why do things have to be this way?

submitted by I_Didnt_Choose_This
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Categories: News

Cavern of the Heavens

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 18:17
Categories: News

Let's talk about cute stuff

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 15:48

So seems like just about everyone here likes cute stuff. I though it might be fun to talk about what you find cute. I personally find some things cute that most would not. For instance I find snakes, rubber furs, and really big furrys adorable. I still like angle Dragons and sergals too.

So what do you guys think is cute?

submitted by Rolo_Swag
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Categories: News

I am getting a touchscreen laptop soon, and I am ready to stop drawing on paper like a damn savage.

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 15:26

So, does anybody have any suggestions for a free, easy to use digital art program? Doesn't have to be too complicated, but enough for a good, smooth, cartoony art style. Note: I have tried gimp, and I don't really enjoy it.

submitted by ABalancedBreakfast
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Categories: News

My fursuit head progress

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 15:17
Categories: News

Home Sweet Home? (Page 2)

Furry Reddit - Thu 14 May 2015 - 14:26
Categories: News