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Non Artist Furs' - SHOW ME YOUR Drawing skills!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 May 2015 - 06:39

Alright, Lets do this.... For all you Fuzzbutts who don't think of yourselfs as artists. Show me your best attempt at drawing!

Here is mine, It was supposed to be a wolf -_-.

submitted by AlexThatShepard
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Furry Reddit - Mon 18 May 2015 - 03:14

How do you deal with depression? Ive tired illicit substances but they don't help and I just feel empty inside.

Edit: it's not just a moment of "I'm feeling down, I've though about suicide everyday for the last two years. I started cutting my arms recently to see what it feels like... It doesn't hurt

submitted by RanninWolf
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Categories: News

Save King Mickey!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 18 May 2015 - 01:58

After what seems like a long long time, this past March Yen Press finally released Kingdom Hearts: The Novel as a single black & white collected manga. Just one that happens to be over 300 pages long! “On the Destiny Islands, three children–Sora, Riku, and Kairi–are living out their peaceful, carefree lives while yearning for whatever lies beyond the great ocean. But one night, an unexpected disaster takes place, and the three are torn from each other and their island home. Meanwhile, at Disney Castle, Donald Duck and the other castle residents are in an uproar upon discovering King Mickey has suddenly gone missing. When fate brings them together, Sora, Donald, and Goofy set out on a grand Disney adventure to find their friends!” Find it over at the Yen Press web site. It’s written by Tomoco Kanemaki and illustrated by Shiro Amano, based on the original game concept by Tetsuya Nomura.

image c. 2015 Yen Press

image c. 2015 Yen Press

Categories: News

She's Worried about Messing Up Her First Serious Love Relationship

Ask Papabear - Sun 17 May 2015 - 23:51
Hi there, Papa!

Getting straight to the point would probably be the best thing. This is my first letter to you, so I'm sorry if I do something wrong!

Recently, I've found myself a mate. A really sweet guy. I've known him for roughly a year, had a crush on him for about half a year, and we've been together for about a quarter of a year.

We've talked, video chatted, and have plans to meet up soon, as he's not that far away. My problem's gonna sound kinda funny, but hear me out, please.

Now, I've never been in love, or even liked someone as much as I do. You can probably tell by my age. I don't know how to handle liking someone like this, and it's kinda scary. Will I do something wrong? What if I mess up and say something very contradicting to his beliefs, and he doesn't like me anymore? I don't know how to lead something like this, or even take a back seat and let him lead it.

Second, emotions this strong are messing me up. I'm normally a pretty unemotional person, but now I'm finding myself daydreaming about a future with him like a dumb middle school girl and her boy band singer. We haven't even met up in real life once, and I'm already acting like this! I don't know how to handle it. Is it weird, for a high schooler to be acting this whimsical? I know perfectly well this whole thing we have going could flop, but dang, try telling my imagination that.

What do I do to try and keep a healthy relationship? How do I quit fantasizing these impossible things? Is it weird? So many questions. I'm so new to this.

Thanks in advance. I love the work you do here, and I WILL be purchasing your furry book. 

Your fennec, Genesis (age 15) 

* * *

Dear Genesis,

What you’re going through is very normal for a girl your age. Since I don’t know the guy you’ve fallen for, and since you don’t describe him or say what about him attracts you, this letter will be about young love in general.

Young love—particularly that first head-over-heels love—is an amazing thing. It’s like your first taste of a chocolate milkshake ever, or the first time you see a double rainbow, or the first time you ever go on a rollercoaster ride or an airplane. It’s new, it’s exciting, it gives you a rush, especially when you have your first kiss or first dance. You’ve never felt this swelling of emotions before and they can both excite and confuse you. This can also cause you to make silly mistakes, and the other potential hazard is idealizing your newfound mate and making him into something he’s not—the old knight-in-shining-armor-on-a-white-steed syndrome.

Let’s talk about mistakes first, since you brought up that fear. I’m going to both scare and reassure you here: you will make mistakes; I guarantee it. Everyone makes mistakes in relationships. And, know what? It’s okay to make mistakes. That’s how you’ll learn and grow. Interestingly, making mistakes will also help you find a true love. How? A bad match will run away from you when you eventually, inevitably, make that mistake, but a true love will forgive you and understand it was a mistake and stay by you. In return, you need to do the same for him when he makes a mistake. As long as these mistakes are honest ones and not something that is deliberately hurtful, they should be forgiven.

The other thing I mentioned was idealizing your mate. If you put him on a pedestal and think he’s a perfect angel you run the risk of thinking he can do no wrong. This can be dangerous because it can blind you to problems that should be addressed and not ignored.

To answer your questions, then: no, it’s not weird at all for you to act like this; many young people go through this romantic first love stage. Go ahead and fantasize about it if you like; there’s no harm in that as long as you recognize such daydreaming as fantasy. I’m glad you’re planning to meet your love interest. A big reason why I tell my readers that long-distance relationships are not a good plan is because virtual relationships are easier to idealize. By meeting the person in real life you will have a much better chance of seeing who he really is. Maybe not at first, not immediately, but given enough time, you’ll see him, warts and all.

A healthy relationship comes when you each see the other person for who she/he really is, and you love him/her despite the flaws that everyone has because that person has the kind of heart and soul you’re searching for.

The last thing to recognize here—in all hard fact—is that almost no one on the planet has ever fallen in love at 15 and stayed with that first love through dating, engagement, marriage, kids, retirement, till death do they part. Far more common will be for you to have several people you fall for—or think you may fall for—before you find that true partner. And, even when you do get married, there’s more than a 50% chance you won’t stay that way.

Real relationships are very hard and take a lot of work. They aren’t about just having a good time together, as I’ll bet you know already. So, as soon as you hit that first bump, recognize it for reality, and that will likely cure you of those romanticized daydreams pretty quickly. Once that sheen has worn off like the new car smell that’s been sprayed into a used automobile, you’ll either be left with a real, deeper love, or you will recognize that this guy really isn’t for you after all.

No way of telling that for sure until you take the plunge! Go ahead and meet this guy. Have fun! Go on dates. Expect to make mistakes, and don’t worry about it; just do your best to fix them after you’ve made them. As for leading or being led: the best dancing pairs complement each other, dancing equally well. I don’t know if you know who Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were (probably not; they’re way ahead of your time), but he was one of the best dancers of his day, and Ginger was very nervous about being his dancing partner when she was selected to costar with him in their first film. Well, she stepped up to the challenge, and later she told people that, yes, Fred was amazing, and he got most of the credit, but “I did everything he did—backwards and in high heels!” 

Last word: don’t worry where this is going, dear. You are waaaaaaaaaaaay too young to be thinking about that. Instead, enjoy your youth. Nay, embrace it. You will never be 15 again. Experience love, life, and, yes, even a bit of tragedy and heartbreak. Life is intense. Don’t spoil it with worry. Just live it.



Can we stop downvoting /u/NoahGoldFox?

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 23:48

The downvote button isn't for saying you disagree with something. It is supposed to be for posts that don't add anything of value to the subreddit.
I get it, some people don't like pool toys (I'm not really into it myself), and some of Noah's art is a bit fetishy, but that doesn't mean it isn't valuable content.
And this isn't just about Noah either. Just don't downvote art that you don't like, no matter who the artist is. If you don't like something, just don't upvote it.
And I realize that for the most part, I'm preaching to the choir, and it's probably a small segment of /r/furry that is doing this.

submitted by YouWantALime
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Categories: News

Great Big Hug and Thank You! <3

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 21:55

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that helped me out by buying commissions or offering emotional support! We managed to raise more than we needed and successfully made it to payday! It wouldn't have been possible without the help of this awesome community <3 I love ya'll c:

submitted by GardeniaBlossom
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Categories: News

Sooperman. Er, coon.

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 20:01
Categories: News

What are you?

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 19:34
Categories: News

Sheep Pin-up

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 18:43
Categories: News

Gotta Stay Warm

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 17:19
Categories: News

How to move past this?

Furry Reddit - Sun 17 May 2015 - 16:47

TL;DR I'm sorry, I tend to be long-winded, but basically what follows is the history of my identity as a furry and the traumatic events involved that killed my desire to draw and how my fursona was tainted by these events. I want to know how I can move on from it after all these years. If you read everything and stick with me...thank you.

Drawing was my favorite thing when growing up, so much so that I had teachers threaten me with zeroes if I turned in another paper with doodles on it. Somewhere along the way I had discovered anime, and naturally found catgirls, which eventually led to anthros/furries. I found the characters to be incredibly fun to draw and design--I mean, the possibilities were all but endless! I made my fursona, which made me so happy, and when I found DA in my teens of course I posted my art and shared my fursona.

I'm not sure now how long I was able to enjoy myself before the trouble started. It turned out that my fursona had a very similar design to a popular artist's fursona: both had a white face with near identical facial markings with bright (but different) colors with similar black boots/socks and similar other markings. We were a different species with completely different tail types, hers had heterochromatic eyes and mine didn't, and we had different hairstyles. At first glance they looked a lot alike, possibly even from the same species if you allowed for variations in structure, and it didn't help that my fursona's Japanese name shared a name with some other character she had made. She had started posting on DA several months before I had, and since I hadn't posted my art in another online community before it didn't matter to anyone what proof I could offer of my fursona's originality or creation date.

The wolves descended, if you'll pardon the phrase. She herself was quite vicious and rude and all but sent her fans after me, of which she had many. During that time I heard privately from her past victims and from non-fans of many stories including one of a young artist who was once driven from DA never to be heard from again over a simple white anthro cat with blue eyes. Multiple fake accounts popped up claiming to be me with blatantly ripped off art trying to implicate me. I received violent death threats from her fans, and read horrific descriptions of what I apparently deserved for my assumed transgression. I received anonymous messages describing where I was and who I lived with and a variety of private details no one should have known. I was 16 and I was terrified. Popular artists that I looked up to came to comment for the first time saying how disgusted they were with me. I lost a lot of friends and gained a few, one of which I have remained fairly close friends with for 11 years now.

This carried on from March until December that year, culminating in a hacking incident in which my account was compromised (and I learned the necessity of complicated case sensitive alphanumeric passwords), and a hateful user posted a vitriolic journal as me claiming to have in fact ripped off and traced this other girl's fursona/art, and said a lot of demented and violent things they wished on her and members of the community, which of course caught the attention of the admins. The intruder then cussed out an admin which in turn resulted in a ban of my account. It took me a couple months to get my account back, but around February I was able to quietly take back my identity, clean up the intruder's mess, and then attempted to start posting art again. My friends and followers were never the same again. One rabid fan who was particularly vicious stalked me for years afterward, making snide comments on a lot of my art about how I had blatantly copied this or that piece from some obscure artists I had never heard of. Even when she didn't comment, I could see her as a recent visitor for years. She contributed heavily to the dread I felt any time I went to upload a new drawing.

During all that time I tried to be agreeable and tried to appease everyone else by making changes to my fursona. The first round was just adding things to the original design and changing the shapes of some of her markings. It wasn't enough to make them happy. I came to hate my fursona. A friend gave me a redesign that I used for a week or two, but because it wasn't mine I wasn't comfortable with using it, and it was too different. I made something radically different markings-wise that I actually used for quite some time and got the rabid fans to back off and leave me alone. I was somewhat content with this version of her for a year or two, but she still always felt wrong. Looking back I just cringe at her original design and how childish and generally crappy it was. I've tried many times over the years to redesign her, but she always felt wrong. I was always afraid to commit to any design, worrying about what parts I might be accused of having stolen from others. I was even afraid to browse DA and FA for fear of seeing an aspect of someone's design that I liked and taking it, whether consciously or subconsciously. I withdrew from the furry community. Depression took heavy hold on me around that time after battling with it on a low level for years, and I all but stopped drawing. I gave up on any hopes of the artistic careers I had dreamed of since I was a child. I attempted to draw and it would just end in tears, made worse as the years went by as I found it harder and harder to draw the things that used to come easy. I often wonder how good I would be now if I hadn't stopped.

The girl I was accused of copying is happy and seemingly carefree, successful and following her dreams, happy in her friendships and relationships and career path...and it boils my blood. A couple times over the years she has been asked about her past behavior and she flippantly dismisses how she was back then as "Oh, I was a bitch back then, sorry" and she has admitted to not even remembering who I am. This makes me feel even worse about myself because now I'm just the pathetic one who can't grow up and move on. My life is a shambles (obviously not just because of this incident on DA with my fursona, please don't think I'm suggesting that) and I don't even have the comfort of drawing to escape into and express myself like I used to.

My fursona...I know it's part of what's holding me back. I feel like if I could just make her right I could draw again. About a year ago I had another go at her redesign and spent a couple weeks working hard on her and agonizing over every little choice. When I finally 'finished' a design I immediately burst into tears and started screaming how much I hated her and I stayed in bed for a day or two. She used to make me so shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't be so hard and painful.

Can any of you relate? How can I overcome this?

submitted by moonlit-soul
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Categories: News