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Early? Yes. Good morning from your friendly corvus gryph. How's everyfur?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 06:16

How's everyone doing this Wednesday morning? Are you a night owl wrapping up your day like me, or are you an early bird out to get the proverbial worm?

My day was pretty normal. I'm catching up on Futurama on my lunch breaks and watched the episode 'Game of Tones'. Man, that ending came out of left field and hit me hard. I was sniffling in the break room, but luckily I take late lunches and no one saw.

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 05:53
Categories: News

Balloon [by Ruaidri]

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 04:14
Categories: News

Some doodles from the multistream

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 04:13
Categories: News

To what extent does your fursona reflect your own personality and physique?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 03:54

Hiya! It's me - your friendly Ott

Just wanted to see how much of your own personality and body type influence your fursona! ^ for me my otter sona is pretty much a complete copy of myself. A bit round, short legs, small ears, glasses, same height etc. Being a Chinese born Englishman, I even took the small clawed Asian otter as my sonas species as they also come from China :DD! I do a little dance But my fursona also has small differences compared with myself. For example, he has some tattoos and piercings which I am planning on getting. So I guess it's a sort of self fulfilling prophecy :3

I know some fur friends that have fursonas that does not necessarily share parallels with the actual person after I got to know them. Not that it's a bad thing but its pretty interesting nonetheless. I think fursonas should be there to make you feel comfortable when interacting with this crazy fandom :p so whatever you do, if you are happy about it then that is all that counts :3

I'm not calling out on anyone but as an example there's a wolf friend whose fursona is dominant, tall, buff, confident and has a crude manner of speaking. But the actual person is a really shy but caring, bit on the chubby side, and just so cute what you'd think he would have a big fluffy bunneh rabbit as a fursona. I was a bit surprised as I got to know him as his furry self is his polar opposite! So I thought I would ask you guys what your fursona means to you.

Is it a form of self expression? To create your own character/anthropomorphic animal disregarding your own personality and body form?

Is it a form of self modification? Do you make your fursona into someone who you would like to be irl? (character-wise obviously:p) for example my sona as his tattoos and piercings which I don't yet have?

Or is your fursona a complete reflection of who you are? ^

Excited to hear your replies! :3 Your friendly Ott - out~

submitted by DougOtt
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Categories: News

Damn you for perverting this..

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 02:40
Categories: News

Does He Advertise Luggage?

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 01:48

Meanwhile, in another part of the DC Comics universe… Vertigo to be exact. Astro City is of course the well-known “different take on the super-hero concept” comic written by Kurt Busiek. All sorts of characters waltz in and waltz out of its pages, and in Astro City #23, it’s an ape. Yes, Sticks is a talking gorilla, but he’s not in town to be a superhero… he just wants to play the drums in a rock band! This first issue of a 2-part story arc is illustrated by Brent Anderson with, of course, a painted cover by Alex Ross. Look for it now.

image c. 2015 Vertigo Comics

image c. 2015 Vertigo Comics

Categories: News

Dapper Rummy!

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 01:40
Categories: News

Meet Luna- an adoptable by Haypanda

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 00:02
Categories: News

Request thread results!

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jun 2015 - 23:19

Hey guys! A few days ago I posted a freebie thread, and here are the results of that. Thanks to those who participated; I had a lot of fun. All in all, I did 13!

I hope you guys like it! A lot of you didn't give me many details, so I went with my gut. If you want any minor details changed, like certain colours, don't be afraid to ask. These are split into 3 images.

Thanks for looking! I'll send out the full resolution images shortly. I hope to do this again sometime.

submitted by merapi
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Categories: News

Stream Sketches

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jun 2015 - 22:23
Categories: News

Dragonborn's lost thu'um

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jun 2015 - 21:29
Categories: News

She's The Bomb [CombatRaccoon]

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jun 2015 - 20:54
Categories: News

Any of you Fuzzbuts enjoy sciences? If so, which one is your favorite? And, if you could learn one, Which one would it be?

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jun 2015 - 19:45

With sciences I mean any type of sciences, such as physical sciences (Chemistry, Physics) natural sciences, math, etc.

I do enjoy learning math, physics and chemistry and I'd like to learn astronomy (Moon FTW) or computer science.

Feel free to express yourself in the comments x3

submitted by manchotas43
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Categories: News