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Tramp Tramp Tramp

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 19 Jun 2015 - 02:35

Far Out Fairy Tales is a new, very odd graphic novel series for young readers from Stone Arch Books. And at least one of them is of note to furry fans: In Super Billy Goats Gruff, the three brothers named Gruff head off to get themselves some grass… and wind up trapped inside a video game! Now they face evil trolls with the powers of a warrior, a wizard, and a ninja! All brought to you in full color by writer Sean Tulien and illustrator Fernando Cano. It’s available now, and Capstone has more.

image c. 2015 Stone Arch Books

image c. 2015 Stone Arch Books


Categories: News

Fanny - by SnowyCakes

Furry Reddit - Fri 19 Jun 2015 - 01:19
Categories: News

Looking through my old stuff and I'm noticing a pattern...

Furry Reddit - Fri 19 Jun 2015 - 00:30

Furry Characters. The most played games on my PlayStation 2 were the sly cooper series and crash bandicoot. Also found a hat with ears... That I used to wear all the time (Besides the fact I almost died in it.) So I've been a part of this fandom before I knew what it was.

submitted by Exelypse
[link] [16 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 284 - Furtopia

Southpaws - Fri 19 Jun 2015 - 00:28
Fuzz and Savrin are back and have a whole load of topics to hit- A-Kon 26, Zootopia, Furplanet shilling, and some emails~ Got as little as $4 extra a month? Support our Patreon! Episode 284 - Furtopia
Categories: Podcasts

What are your furry-related fantasies?

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 23:33

Also, how do you attempt to fulfill them in real life?

submitted by YouWantALime
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Categories: News

Brushie brushie

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 23:06
Categories: News

Is this a fair way to categorize furries?

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 22:22


-Canine Like --Foxes --Wolves --Coyotes --Dog Breeds -Wild Dogs --Raccoons & Red Pandas --Bear

-Feline Like --Cats --Lions --Cheetahs --Tigers & Leopards --Hyenas

-Herb Lovers --Deer --Rabbits --Horses --Donkey

-Mustelid Like --Otters --Beavers --Kangaroos --Meerkats

-Small Fellers --Squirrels --Mice --Possum --Rats --Bats



-Dragon --Eastern --Western -Fluffy -Not fluffy -Feathery

-Gryphons n' such

-Lizards & Salamanders

-Crocodiles and Alligators



-Robots & cyborgs

-Gooey things

-Pokemon (who fit in all categories)

-Turnips & plant people

Edit: I'll edit this if people point out things I should add or subtract

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
[link] [27 comments]
Categories: News

Vacation! Yay!

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 19:56

Going to Washington around the Seattle area for vacation! Anyone around the area? :3

submitted by Derpherp662
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Categories: News

Puppy sit!

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 19:50
Categories: News

It's true, you know

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 18:12
Categories: News

Lets just talk!

Furry Reddit - Thu 18 Jun 2015 - 17:49

Just pick a topic and lets have a conversation about it. It can be about anything furry stuff, video games, movies, comics, music etc. Looking forward to hearing from you guys! Edit:Marking nsfw just in case

submitted by Rpj_h
[link] [49 comments]
Categories: News