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[NSFW] Fifth Time Practicing Furry Art :3c

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 03:29
Categories: News

[OC] Never stop trying; any progress is good.

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 03:06

Posted some artwork ages ago seeking criticisms and the feedback I got helped alot, so I wanted to show thanks and show how far I've come.

No one is a harder critic than yourself.

submitted by lljkotaru
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Categories: News

I'm a Steam-Fox AMA? (NSFW possible)

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 02:33

Just recently changed my sona, decided to do something a bit different. Will answer anything.

submitted by AliasWolf
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Categories: News

Everybody Knows That the Dog is the Word!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 01:59

The Wave Houndz is a brand new all-ages comic book series by Kerry Kirksmith and Kevin VanHook, with full-color art by Tina Francisco and Mae Hao (whew! Quite a team!). “WaveHoundz are three lovable dogs who live in a world filled with fun and excitement. What makes it all that exciting, you ask? Good Question! Let me tell you!! They can talk! They can surf! They’ve got psychic powers that link them to the kids! And you know what makes them even MORE special? They’ve got a pretty good idea about what’s right and wrong. They stand up for the little guy and make sure that they do their part to keep the beaches, water–and the whole WORLD for that matter– clean and safe.” Oh is that all? Well no, there’s a lot more, as you can see by visiting the official Wave Hounds web site. The “awesome first issue” is out now from Pup Comics (!).

image c. 2015 Pup Comics

image c. 2015 Pup Comics

Categories: News

This ever happen to any of you guys?

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 01:46

I invited a buddy (non-furry who does not know I am) to come up in the mountains with me to get some firewood for next winter, and after working with me for a while, he said, "You're a god damned grizzly bear, man, geez." I didn't talk about my hobby, I just laughed.

I never realized I come across to people as my fursona.

submitted by athramir78
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Categories: News

Episode 286 - Anthrocon Losers Party

Southpaws - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 01:13
Savrin and Shiva are joined by Avery this week while Fuzz is off at Anthrocon having ~fun~. We talk 4th of July, holdout county clerks, LEGO Dimensions having Doctor Who, and Avery shares a few Dong Store Stories. We have a few emails too, including some fresh hot twitter drama that really made people roll their eyes this week. Support us on Patreon for as little as $4 a month! Episode 286 - Anthrocon Losers Party
Categories: Podcasts

My Birthday is now.

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jul 2015 - 00:39

I'm officially 18 years of age today and I'm giddy, really giddy.

submitted by MonoDragon
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Categories: News

Stacy's Furry Mom NSFW

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 23:02
Categories: News

If you did, how did you come out to family and friends as a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 21:25

I haven't come out yet but I've been dropping subtle hints. I've been dropping so many hints im surprised it isn't obvious now.

submitted by scamer38
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Categories: News

Testing the waters: my brother's (and aunt's) reaction

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 19:24

So I am visiting family that lives 40 miles (~65 km) outside of Pittsburgh this weekend. As a few of you may know, Anthrocon was this weekend at the convention center downtown sorry to bring it up. I never planned on attending since I only very recently decided to get involved with the furry community and didn't feel ready. So I hatched a plan: get as close to the convention as possible while acting completely oblivious to it.

On Saturday, I rounded up a few family members and took them down to the Strip District (right near the con). After we spent time there, I suggested a route home that went right outside the con center. They agreed! yes! my plan is working! We passed our first 'suiter. here we go. My brother was the first to chime in by saying "What is that?" and "What are you, a fox, or..?" (We were driving by with the windows up, so the fox didn't hear him). Then we saw a few more 'suiters, and my aunt said "Why are these people wearing masks and stuff? It looks like the Purge." XD I played dumb the entire time, acting like I didn't know anything about. That was all we saw that day, but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted moar!

I decided to take my brother back into Pittsburgh to do some sightseeing this morning (Sunday). After we walked around downtown some, we headed towards the con center. Round two, herewego. We turned the corner, and suddenly walked into the thick of it all, fursuiters were walking, it was bustling, the furry car show was letting out, it was like a dream. I loved it and found it very hard to keep my composure, but I again acted completely oblivious. My brother just stood still and said "What the hell is going on?" "Is this comic-con?" lol noob The rest of his commentary was somewhere along the line of "This is weird/creepy," and "Why does everyone have tails?" and "I don't understand this," and "OMG, that fox is adorable!" Okay, maybe that's what I was thinking. One thing he didn't mention was the typical "dogf*cker" or yiff argument, which made me happy that he wasn't tainted. So his reaction wasn't very positive, but he wasn't completely repulsed by it all.

This was a good experiment to gauge how my brother would react if I told him about my interest in the furry community. I might just keep it under wraps for a little longer.

Thanks everybody for not acting too wild. Your suits were awesome. I can't wait to join y'all soon!

TL;DR: In Pittsburgh while AC is happening. Bring my family outside the con to see their reaction while I acted oblivious. Reactions weren't positive, but not totally negative. Now I really want to attend.

submitted by adamc4
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Categories: News

So Long AC!

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 19:09
Categories: News

I have no clue

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 18:48

Im New to this furry thing so please don't kill me

submitted by scamer38
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Categories: News

A *dog* convention! <3

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jul 2015 - 17:50
Categories: News