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Shuffle Tactics Demo Preview: A New Roguelite with Bite!
I had the opportunity to spend some time with a preview build of “Shuffle Tactics”, a new roguelite deckbuilding tactical RPG developed by Club Sandwich and published by The Arcade Crew, that features a sharply pixelated cast of anthropomorphic heroes and sidekicks. Starring in the demo is the anthro canine Doberknight, as well as Catalina, along with a few animal-based sidekicks to choose from in your runs. Other than the creative characters, Shuffle Tactics focuses on blending light environmental tactics with inventive deckbuilding options.
How to love the freedom of leaderless fandom, and fight the flipside of organized abuse
Do you know the story where several blind people try to describe an elephant by only touching small parts of it? Nobody can say what the whole animal is.
That happens when furry subculture talks about itself, and protests outside stereotypes by falling into its own… The Geek Social Fallacies.
Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power. If you don’t like the media, Be The Media. That’s the mission at Dogpatch Press, but the subculture keeps stubborn blind spots. Many stories are too inside for professionals to investigate, but hobbyists lack the resources, especially when they need action that people don’t want to take. Then they stay overlooked, underreported, and suppressed. Nobody is immune to the psychology of denying uncomfortable knowledge. This is how you get too much shallow drama between individuals, but too little intensive research. You may say the solution is showing more of the positive; but that’s not seeing the whole elephant.
The more we know, the more it empowers people to do better.
The view through rose-colored glasses
Consider everything that furries say to the media about themselves in interviews and PR.
Nobody owns any single property they all love. No corporation controls what’s marketed to them. Uncritical, open-source fandom lets you connect across social barriers to make a magical zone of free expression and collaboration. How happy and fun it is to see a bunch of colorful cartoon characters making art together. All it takes is a little passion, and maybe making a fursona with no other conditions to join.
That’s the individual experience of interest-driven connection, like the trees in the forest. Then there’s the forest, where despite why you’re there, weak gatekeeping lets anything crawl in. This isn’t moral judgement on people; it’s analysis of structure. The problem is it’s nobody’s job to do better.

Recent revival of a very old topic.
Old-school fan values worked on small scale
Fandom events are traditionally low budget, volunteer affairs. Fans and volunteers aren’t there for a career, and that doesn’t make strong security. That goes for any group run by people who are accountable to nobody but their own friends and collaborators.
Peer-to-peer connection is simultaneously colorful and intimate, but flat and disorienting. It’s hard to truly know people when you only see their fursonas, or you even see their nudes before their real names or groups they’re in. Anyone can compartmentalize with different accounts for different faces while looking like someone you trust. That’s an easy way to get taken advantage of by people with power over you, even just the power to ghost you after it’s too late to tell them “no”. You have to assume trust based on actually pretty weak ties, if it boils down to nothing more than liking the same kind of art. Trust is nice to get, until it turns toxic with friends favoring friends they shouldn’t.
That’s the natural downside of the old-school fan values, but things were more personal when groups were smaller scale. They would put up with a few jerks because it was harder to kick them out and sustain groups. Now add decades of growth, and much bigger scale of members who don’t know each other. (Dunbar’s Number names a finite limit on how many relationships your brain can handle.) Put the problem on steroids with internet platforms we don’t own. It’s not YOU, it’s MATH.
The math of escalating abuse
Rapid and unplanned growth of furry subculture has many unforeseeable effects. Straining the limits of conventions is one covered on Soatok’s furry cybersecurity blog: Furries Are Losing the Battle Against Scale. Convention attendance is doubling every few years and “the furry community is growing at a break-neck exponential speed.”
Security suffers without top-down management at impersonal scale, especially when the more we depend on net platforms, the more problems we have by policy. Social media is built to shift liability for moderation from owners to users. It’s their business model to be unaccountable! The point is to eliminate the cost of the editor/gatekeeper/mod layer by automating the labor and letting volunteers and peers fill in.
Peer moderation may feel like personal control, but meanwhile, bad actors can game the system with off-site advantage. Moderators may respond to simple individual incidents on-site, but can’t even see complex cross-platform abuse. That’s how responses can be weak, scattered, inconsistent, and lack resources for scale, no matter how much their hearts are in it.
If you can’t see abuse, it festers. Think of church scandals where abuser priests were shifted around from church to church. We have that too, but there’s no orders from the top. It’s from being nobody’s job. A long-time creep can use a newly minted fursona to jump from group to group, when it’s easy to change accounts and delete evidence, but an uphill battle to track them or get consequences. Different process, same outcome.
Bad leadership surrounds sex crime case with Party Animals West (PAW) owner in San Francisco: an abuser moved group to group while reporting failed from 2017-2024.

From Community Organizing Notes

When you can only see a small part of the elephant…
The problem is over our heads and filling someone else’s pocket
Of course bad people are anywhere on the internet, but we’re not talking about a few bad apples ruining the barrel alone. Organized bad apples make groups for each other. That includes hate groups, scammers, cults, and any predators on the weak, naive or isolated. They do it for sex, money, or power. They seek each other because cybercrime benefits from accomplices, enablers and opportunities. You can’t see inside if it’s conditional on doing dirty deeds to join — like incriminating yourself for gang initiation.
Any subculture can be a good cover, because it makes bigger fish in a little pond. They take advantage of access, and it’s nothing new; it’s like the punk scene fending off hate groups who found it a fertile place for recruiting. It happens to marginalized people the same as abuse in churches, schools, and Boy Scouts. Nobody’s immune. Queer and minority people can and do collaborate with those who exploit them. Take it for granted that “insiders don’t betray each other” is a fallacy. NO EXCEPTIONS.
There are no non-participants online. Even if you want to stay apart, you’re a data asset. The point is capitalism; platform owners want to grow traffic of any kind, and lose money if they take liability. It’s basic business to treat traffic as a value-neutral number. Then when under-equipped peers have to moderate each other, corporations generate harm like a factory spills pollution. This isn’t just an organic human problem; it’s industrial smog from unregulated products.
Oceans of digital ink are spilled on how companies keep saying they will do better, but they don’t. (See: algorithmic radicalization, content farming, Elsagate, Dead Internet Theory…) They seem to not even control their own systems, and don’t care as long as their profit goes up while the public pays the cost of responding to organized abuse.

Huge scale since furries used to be the 1% most nerdy on MUCKs and Usenet.
New forms of organized abuse
Pollution makes mutation. Corporate social media has been tearing society apart and reforming it in strange new ways, while impossibly niche groups form and enable each other for behavior never seen before. Technology makes new ways to hide it and ride the rising scale.
Some of these behaviors find a unique cover behind furries, even if they are basically human problems, because of opportunity to meet and be open to each other. That includes sex crimes that didn’t even have common words until recently, like sextortion and zoosadism with their own dark underworlds.
Don’t make the mistake of dismissing abusers as a negligible fringe. It’s not about quantity; it’s about influence, opportunity and extremity. Consider when abuser priests are hidden, and just a few can have hundreds of victims who get lifetimes of harm. It just takes one enabler in the right place, especially if everything comes down to friend-to-friend influence.
See: the sextortion cult called Furry Valley. It uses systematic, multi-level-marketing tactics to grow, with constant recruiting and pressure to meet quotas. Minors are preyed on for nudes, money, or personal info for doxing and manipulation. Deserters are punished. When Dogpatch Press aired evidence in 2018, the cult was festering with nobody looking, and tried threats and harassment to throw off notice. It still has no formal media notice, and is left to hobbyists to warn each other individually without higher consequences in 2025.
- r/FurryDiscuss: Furry Valley Drama?
- r/RealFurryHours: Furry Valley is still alive
The shallowness of online information and clout dynamics.
Take off the rosy glasses and you can see chronic situations of turning a blind eye:
- When people can’t do enough, and get fatigue.
- When people can’t trust others, because they don’t care and give superficial lip-service while doing the opposite in private.
- When people know it’s worse to speak than say nothing, because clout dynamics let abusive people backlash, spread misinformation and gain more power from attention.
Clout dynamics suppress whistleblowing. Popular people benefit from scale of followers, manipulate algorithms and keep their bubbles impervious. It isn’t simply “bad people on the net”; it’s complicated with platforming, people turning a blind eye, and friends in high places who coddle repeat offenses that aren’t recognized as patterns.
There’s a list of popular excuses and deflections when abuse is exposed. “I was hacked” or “I joined that group to help catch bad guys”, claiming guilt by association, or most common, “that’s drama/callout/cancel culture.” The worst abusers are skilled at playing victim, with crocodile tears and DARVO tactics to weaponize trust against whistleblowing. That’s my friend, he would never do that!
When everything is based on peer relationships, it comes down to one simple line. Do friends hold friends accountable? Do you keep petty priority on fun with friends, or bigger care about other people they harm? When bad info emerges about someone close to you, and it will cost you to act, do you act or suppress it?

Cancel culture doesn’t exist, broken platforms do.
Suppression starts with cliched, pre-emptive complaints about cancel culture. It raises denial towards criticism inside. It’s often paired with deflection about oppression outside, while appealing to the Geek Social Fallacies for unity.
This makes abuse worse, because harm from inside is the most personal kind. The worst abusers are people you know and trust, who don’t deserve blind unity! This isn’t simply saying don’t trust anyone; it’s enabled by bad systems with growing scale, separation of social bubbles, and eroding limits. Although it’s a broad and deep problem, we can also name specific names and crimes inside that have been suppressed.
Dogpatch Press was never intended to report about true crime, but now there are deep investigations like the Fur And Loathing podcast, made in partnership with pro media. It identified responsibility by an insider for the Midwest Furfest chemical attack, the most harmful mass attack on furries. Now, look at how the terrorism was widely treated as an “accident” by fandom rumor (see: OLD, FAKE NEWS), despite that theory being discredited from the start! The rumor came with rose colored glasses about how insiders treat each other, with Us vs. Them framing after the media didn’t help… (except they did.)
The Fur and Loathing podcast investigated an inside job, and it was researched reporting for public service — not a kneejerk callout, something that only works on people who are already nobodies. As a friend said “cancel culture was 100% effective at ruining the life of Central Park Karen, and 0% effective at keeping Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.”
Saying that cancel culture doesn’t exist is saying to look at the forest, not the trees. See the whole elephant. It isn’t culture, it’s byproduct. Shallow, petty drama goes with dependence on limited bubbles and unaccountability between them, by policy.
The concept of mob behavior (its own discussion you can read elsewhere) is a superficial symptom of the way platforms boost outrage about individuals without patterns. It isn’t effective when someone’s power is off-platform, and it raises power at the owner level. If you have been attacked with lies and rumors on one of these platforms, half the problem is relying on and contributing to the platforms.
There’s also a nastier kind of mobbing you don’t see: friends shielding friends with whisper networks to discredit criticism. This relies on the pre-emptive dismissal of “cancel culture”. With clout dynamics, the risk of saying the emperor has no clothes is to be harassed and frozen out. Suppression culture.
If there aren’t gatekeepers, often the only solution is with friends telling other friends to beware. In the mainstream, #metoo was a movement because women abused by powerful men would be sued for speaking. They had to organize in private because of the backlash. Organize.
Some ways to fight organized abuse.
Do you want a cult, or a healthy culture? It’s not enough to speak alone, or air info for clout suppression on broken platforms. It needs methods of organized support. Here’s some:
- Stop using Xitter.
There’s a Dogpatch Press news account keeping a legacy placeholder there, but ongoing contributions to Elon’s nazi site are moved to Bluesky. Try reducing reliance on any online platform.
- Build well-rounded offline community.
Real life face to face events are glue for online stuff, especially when they’re more regular than once a year leisure vacations. Making them well-rounded means having more than a limited bubble where you’re afraid to get left out or to kick anyone out. People become radicalized in isolation, but cliques can be no better, so don’t make fandom your only social life. Have multiple kinds and cross them over. Make it conditional enough that chronic bad actors will have a hard time meeting in real life.
- Avoid golden age nostalgia bullshit.
Everyone could use good history, but not the kind about returning to a golden age. Nuisances love it because that’s when they got away with more. Old-school fandom put up with jerks inside when it was harder to kick them out and sustain small-scale groups. That let things fester and it was ALWAYS a problem. If it was solved by tolerance, it wouldn’t have stayed, it would have solved itself when fandom was small. The opposite happened. Conversely, don’t fall for knee-jerk comparisons to Burned Furs and ancient bad media to suppress current criticism!
- Draw lines and stick to them.
Coddlers enable chronic nuisances to keep coming back. Acting like a doormat lets serial offenders take advantage of negligence. Organizers need to give consequences — which, for hobby groups, amounts to a child’s time-out and “pick a lane”. It’s not really hard to kick someone out, and if someone can’t, they are the problem!
- Don’t be nice to jerks, be kind to your group.
Nice and Kind are different things. Toxic positivity is nice. Removing toxic people who harm others is kind. Nice people think they can fix members who join toxic groups, who beg niceness and gaslight everyone that they’ve been alienated and forced to have “nowhere else”. That’s an absurd lie. They are ALL voluntary joiners and you CAN NOT FIX THEM. They don’t leave until they want to, and you hurt other people by giving these malingerers extra leeway to try and coax them out. Take a year to coax one out and dozens more go in. Giving chance after chance is slowly murdering your group. (Think twice about it.)
- Organize pro-actively.
It’s not enough to give consequences to bad actors. Go farther and work on breaking up their groups. For example, the Free Fur All “fashcon” was a pro-fascist event that collapsed. They were exiled by getting them kicked out of their original hotel — that was antifascist action behind the scenes. When they were stuck with each other in a suburban wedding venue, they turned on each other and proved why they weren’t welcome elsewhere. Seek out resources that apply method to such effort.
- Hold weak organizers accountable.
Remember, the problem isn’t just bad people. It’s platforms they use for peer enabling cliques, and weak moderation conditions they create. You don’t own the platforms, but you can demand better standards from groups you’re in if they’re infested by corrupt and doormat organizers. When a subculture is based on leaderless peers, it all comes down to drawing a line instead of turning a blind eye for friends. Friends hold friends accountable because they care about others, and if an organizer doesn’t do that, get their corrupt influence out! If they hold a death grip on their groups or events, do not make leisure fun time your priority over the bigger picture. Deplatform, demolish, decontaminate, rebuild.
- Support intensive research and reporting.
Inadequate information enables the clout dynamics of shallow personal conflict. Tracing patterns is always better than exposing people. It can take teamwork when hobbyists aren’t well equipped to do it alone. This includes collaboration with outside professionals. Yes, support good media, and it’s easy to vet them for suitability… Unlike most furries, professionals work histories are as public as can be! Knee-jerk complaint about the media is part of the problem; media-literate, well-rounded information production is the solution.
End note / update
While this article was being written, popular furry YouTuber BetaEtaDoleta posted a video on topic, seen after this published.
“The Furry Fandom’s ‘Problematic Person’ Issue” identifies the Nobody’s Job conditions about gatekeeping, but has nothing to say about corrupt organizers or organized abuse, and never really goes anywhere with it. The conclusion is to stay positive and shrug: “Whatcha gonna do? We’re all using the net here”!
What you can do: Skip assuming neutrality, as if we’re all just breathing the same oxygen. Apply analysis of who owns the platforms, how they work, what it means to be an asset on them, and take back your human agency — in this accelerating process of separating agency from all of us, and concentrating it in the hands of a few corporate owners whose only interest is themselves.
A YouTuber that churns out content to 300k+ followers will impress a much larger, algorithm-boosted audience than a tiny, old fashioned, zine style, labor-of-love furry news site. Pouring effort into a non-profit site without chasing clout is the choice a fan makes to consciously create. Your choice is to curate your media diet (and community) or let mysterious and careless powers do it for you.
Dedicated to Mark Willett, Ronald Braun, Carlton Hurdle Jr., Sotalo, and all negligents with priorities apart from having a safe community. Suppression culture isn’t nice.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)
Monstrous Meows
As if taking care of an “ordinary” cat weren’t enough trouble… what if they were more than that? Find out in Monster Cats Volume 1, a graphic novel written and illustrated by Pandania. “Is it a banshee, a yeti, a gorgon, or… a cat? Monster Cats are a purrfect new breed of familiar furry friends crossed with freaky fun! If you think life with regular cats can get complicated, wait ’till you see what it’s like for people who live with these charming supernatural pets.” Oo, pretty scary kids! It’s available now in paperback from Square Enix Books.

image c. 2025 Square Enix Books
TigerTails Radio Season 16 Episode 04

TigerTails Radio Season 16 Episode 04. Join the Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/SQ5QuRf Join the Telegram Chat: https://t.me/+yold2C77m0I1MmM0 Visit the website at http://www.tigertailsradio.co.uk. See website for full breakdown of any song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. Credits: Opening music: Magic by Hedge Haiden (Double Hedge Studios) Character art: Fitzroy Fox - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lunara-toons / https://bsky.app/profile/fitzroyfox.bsky.social Background art: Charleston Rat - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/charlestonrat / https://bsky.app/profile/charlestonrat.bsky.social If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. https://streamlabs.com/tigertailsradio/tip * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
The Annie Awards for 2024 are Totally Wild
This year the Annie Awards (the annual “Oscars for animation”, presented by ASIFA-Hollywood) were utterly dominated by two works: Arcane from Netflix in TV/streaming, and Dreamworks’ The Wild Robot in Feature Films. Both of them won the award for 2024 in each and every category they were nominated for. Obviously the more “furry” of the two, Wild Robot won for Best Character Animation, Best Character Design, Best Production Design, Best Voice Acting (Lupita Nyong’o as Roz the robot), Best FX Animation, Best Music, Best Editing, Best Direction (for Chris Sanders), and Best Feature Film. Meanwhile, Gintz Zilbalodis’ blender-animated film Flow took home Annie Awards for Best Writing (Feature) and Best Independent Feature. (More than one person commented that it’s interesting the film that won Best Writing has not one word of spoken dialogue in the entire movie…) Now the big question is whether the Oscars will follow the Annies and award The Wild Robot, or follow the Golden Globes and award Flow. In other news of interest to furry fans, Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur won Best TV for Children, and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes won Best Character Animation in a Live Action Feature. Among the Special Awards categories, ASIFA gave the Windsor McCay Award (a lifetime achievement honor) to Aaron Blaise, one-half of the directing team of Disney’s Brother Bear (among many other films that he’s worked on). You can see the complete list of Annie Awards for 2024 over at Animation Magazine. (And don’t forget: Nominations are open now through the end of this month for the 2024 Ursa Major Awards too!)

image c. 2025 Dreamworks Animation
Maneater Review (Xbox)
I think of all the animals on this planet, Sharks are the ones that tend to be the most misunderstood, thanks to the many cheesy killer shark movies out there. According to a study by the Florida Museum of Natural History in 2023, in the States alone, even though there were 36 unprovoked attacks, there was only 1 fatality. In fact, you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to be bit by Jaws himself. Yet, that hasn’t stopped film makers from making such “classics” like Sharknado, Deep Blue Sea, 5-Headed Shark Attack, The Meg series, and Planet Of The Sharks. However, one area that this hasn’t penetrated was video games. Sure, there was Jaws on the NES and the Xbox’s Jaws: Unleashed, but, most of the time, sharks are relegated to being just either an obstacle or a random enemy to kill. Enter TripWire with their 2021 game Maneater, where you finally control a shark and do what Hollywood thinks it does best: Eat, Kill, and Destroy. While the game does those three well, it kinda falters in the other areas and has a few design choices that, I have to say, I’m not a real fan of, but it wasn’t enough to make me hate this title.
Upcoming Furry Games from Steam's Couch Co-op Fest 2025
We've gone through the list of upcoming games in Steam's Couch Co-op Fest and compiled the ones we felt had a good amount of animal and/or anthropomorphic influence and have listed them below!
Lots of fun options coming up to enjoy with friends! If you find a game we don't have listed, send us an email!
Animal & Furry Games in Steam's Couch Co-op Fest 2025:Can We Do More to Spread the Fandom to Asian Countries?
I hope this question isn't too out there, but I wanted to come by and ask a question about the fandom that has been in my mind for a while.... How would you expand, or well ... introduce the concept of anthropomorphism, and the general Furry Fandom to an entirely different place that isn't as common with those themes?
Well, let's be a bit more specific.... I come from a Pakistani family (my dad's side specifically, Mom's side is Latino), and I was always curious in the future where if I go to Pakistan, or somewhere in the general South Asian region (whether it'd be Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, or India), would it be a good idea to introduce the concepts I mentioned above? If there is a slight chance of maybe, how would I introduce it? There is a chance that there are Indian Furries, or Furries from the general subcontinent, but I doubt they're that vocal about it for reasons.... And that does make me wonder, with how different the beliefs of South Asia are, Whether it'd be the British Partition, the Religious influences, or the Minefield that is Kashmir, it might not be as good as an idea... But it still remains as an idea I want to pursue.
Regardless of my ramblings, what do you think of this idea(s) I'm thinking about? I apologize in advance if this is overwhelming! I am kind of passionate about my heritage's cultures, so please excuse my ramblings!
With regards,
* * *
Hi, Riley,
At first, I thought you wanted to sway your parents toward thinking about furries and accepting you as a furry, but it sounds more like your question is how to expand the fandom into Asia. I guess you are not aware that there are several conventions in the East, including two in China, three in Taiwan, one in Singapore, one in Malaysia, two in Vietnam, and one in the Philippines. On that side of the world, there are also three Australian furcons. Check this out for recent cons: 2024 Asian Furry Convention Calendar | FurryCons.com.
Now, it sounds like you believe that the West can foster the growth of the furry fandom in the East. I believe that is a misguided idea. While it is true that the modern fandom began in California, spread through the United States and into England, Germany, and the rest of Europe and even into Central and South America, two factors conspire against American influence in the Eastern fandom: 1) Cultural differences, and 2) growing anti-American sentiment in the world, a fire flamed by Trumpism. For these reasons, the spread of the fandom into Asia will come not from America but largely from Japan.
Actually, when you think about it, the fandom in California did not arise spontaneously. It actually was powerfully influenced by Japan. You see, back in 1977, a couple of Founding Furs--Fred Patten and Mark Merlino--started what was called the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization. This small group of early aficionados would get together and watch anime cartoons from Japan like Kimba the White Lion and The Amazing 3. The Los Angeles branch birthed a New York City chapter, and from there it spread, starting the first APA periodicals, furry art, stories, and so on.
The spread of the fandom into Southeast Asian countries comes not from America but from Japan because, I surmise, the people in areas such as Singapore and Taiwan can relate more closely to Japanese culture than Western culture (although the West certainly has an influence through the popularity of such things as Disney and Pixar animated films).
Cultures in the West and Southeast Asia are more pliable to the concept of the anthropomorphic arts than Arabic and African countries. The more religiously and culturally conservative a country, the less likely it will be receptive to a wild idea such as people dressing up as talking animals. It may happen, eventually, but in drips and drabs. I have met some furries online in places like Nigeria and Lebanon, but they are deep in hiding, telling no one of their love for the anthro arts. You can understand this in some places like Nigeria (a mostly conservative Christian country), where being discovered as gay can get you literally stoned to death. In other countries, Islam specifically prohibits the depiction of sentient beings in art. This is called aniconism, and the Sahih Bukhari is very explicit about this (even though the Quran is not). This is why Muslim art (most beautifully seen in Arabic architecture) uses geometric designs, and you do not see people or animals portrayed in it. Fursuits and furry art definitely fall into the prohibited depiction of animals, so you can see that the fandom will likely not be seen in conservative Muslim countries. (This doesn't mean it's impossible. For example, Indonesia, which is the largest Muslim country in the world in terms of population, hosts Indonesia Anthro Weekend Gathering in Kabupaten Tangerang).
India, on the other hand, is dominated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians, none of which have this prohibition of animal art, but I am at this time unaware of any furcons in that subcontinent even though India being strongly influenced by the West because of its years in the British Empire and has a culture more primed to novel ideas such as furries.
The expansion of the furry fandom proceeds organically. In a world connected by the internet; the spread of media in film, television, and music; and modern-day travel, the concepts of the fandom art planted much like birds dropping plant seeds in new environments to spread non-endemic species. If the soil is not nutritive to the new plant, it won't grow; if it is rich with the loam of open mindedness, it will.
If you feel like you need to encourage the spread of the fandom to places like Pakistan or Mexico (Mexico, by the way, does have a furcon, Confuror 2024 - Home), I don't think you will be able to do it quickly. What you can do is reach out to any furries you might run into online from countries that are as yet virgin furry zones. Also, be a good example of the fandom to any newbies to our community.
I hope that answers your question.
Bear Hugs,
TigerTails Radio Season 16 Episode 03

TigerTails Radio Season 16 Episode 03. Join the Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/SQ5QuRf Join the Telegram Chat: https://t.me/+yold2C77m0I1MmM0 Visit the website at http://www.tigertailsradio.co.uk. See website for full breakdown of any song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. Credits: Opening music: Magic by Hedge Haiden (Double Hedge Studios) Character art: Fitzroy Fox - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lunara-toons / https://bsky.app/profile/fitzroyfox.bsky.social Background art: Charleston Rat - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/charlestonrat / https://bsky.app/profile/charlestonrat.bsky.social If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. https://streamlabs.com/tigertailsradio/tip * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Fresh Fur: New Game Releases for February 3-10, 2025
Welcome to "Fresh Fur!" Our weekly installment going over the newest game releases, and which ones you can expect to find anthros/furries in!
Check the list below for all the games we could find with animal/anthro influences and characters.
New Releases for the week of February 3-10, 2025:- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (PS5, PC, XSX/S) - February 4
- Rift of the NecroDancer (PC) - February 5
- Starlight Legacy (PC) - February 5
- While Waiting (PC, Switch) - February 5
- Stray Path (PC) - February 6
- Ambulance Life: A Paramedic Simulator (PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC) - February 6
- Ailuri (PC) - February 6
- Big Helmet Heroes (PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, PC) - February 6
- Keep Driving (PC) - February 6
- A Game About Digging A Hole (PC) - February 7
- Wild Rumble (PC) - February 7
*Bolded games have furry/animal influences/characters
Furry & Animal Steam Game Finds:These games were found in the New Releases section of Steam this week and will be updated as more come out throughout the week!
It Helps, At Least
The simple summary for Ai Shimizu’s new manga Breakfast With My Two-Tailed Cat goes like this: “A talking supernatural cat rescues a man from loneliness as they enjoy a peaceful country life and delicious food.” Okay. A little more detail, please? “Souichiro’s wife’s wanted to retire to the countryside, but soon after they achieve this dream, she dies. So he won’t be left alone, their pet cat Nii turns into a talking nekomata, a two-tailed yokai cat. Together they share a heartwarming slow life, cooking and eating delicious food surrounded by nature. Enjoy freshly baked bread, handmade jam, fluffy omelets, and seasonal vegetables with the members of this unusual household.” Better! And it’s available from Seven Seas.

image c. 2025 Seven Seas Entertainment
S11E17 – Fandom History and the Furture - Is it worth it to dwell on "the good old days"? Or should we always be looking to the future? - Nuka and Roo are joined by Sotalo as they talk about the value of knowing the history of our fandom. And why it's imp
Is it worth it to dwell on “the good old days”? Or should we always be looking to the future?
Nuka and Roo are joined by Sotalo as they talk about the value of knowing the history of our fandom. And why it’s important to keep in mind where we’ve come from if we want to understand where we’re going!
SHOW NOTES Thank you!To Sotalo for coming on the show!
To all of our listeners!
PATREON LOVETHANK YOU to our patreons! You help us keep the show going!
A Cookie Factory – OwO
A Pallet of Cookies
Barnaby Panda, Nuka, Lou Duck (Pic Pending)
A Case of Cookies
Basel the Dragon, Black Baldrik, Ichigo Ookami (Pic Pending), Lufis the Raccoon
A Jar of Cookies
MephistophEli, Plug, Tenax
A Box of Cookies
- Lygris
A Delicious Cookie
- Ausi K
- Christian
- Citrus Fox
- Icy Solid
- Ralley
- Sage Lightfang
- TyR
- Victor Mutt
- Intro: Cloud Fields (Radio Mix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth
- First Break: Fine Line – Geographer, Unknown. Creative Commons, 2019
- Second Break: Right Here Beside You – Spence, Creative Commons 2020
- Patreon: Inflammatus – The Tudor Consort, Creative Commons 2019
- Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth
S11E16 – Furries in the Mainstream? - Roo, Klik, and Charlie explore what furries are doing in the mainstream. What is the mainstream? Should we jump in or be too weird to let it happen? - This episode was originally livestreamed on YouTube. Light editing
Roo, Klik, and Charlie explore what furries are doing in the mainstream. What is the mainstream? Should we jump in or be too weird to let it happen?
This episode was originally livestreamed on YouTube. Light editing has been made for our podcast listeners. You can watch the original livestream here: Livestream
SHOW NOTES Thank you!To those that joined the livestream!
To all of our listeners!
PATREON LOVETHANK YOU to our patreons! You help us keep the show going!
A Cookie Factory – OwO
A Pallet of Cookies
Barnaby Panda, Nuka, Lou Duck (Pic Pending)
A Case of Cookies
Basel the Dragon, Black Baldrik, Ichigo Ookami (Pic Pending), Lufis the Raccoon
A Jar of Cookies
MephistophEli, Plug, Tenax
A Box of Cookies
- Chaphogriff
- Lygris
A Delicious Cookie
- Ausi K
- Christian
- Citrus Fox
- Icy Solid
- Sage Lightfang
- TyR
- Victor Mutt
- Intro: Cloud Fields (Radio Mix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth
- First Break: Mystery Skulls – Ghost. USA: Warner Bros Records, 2011. Used with permission
- Patreon: Inflammatus – The Tudor Consort, Creative Commons 2019
- Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth
S11E15 – Nuka’s Data Dump 2025 - Join the cast as we look to Nuka, a years worth of new data! We are going to go through with the cast and discuss all the new findings throughout the year. So come sit down, chat and learn everything crazy going on in the
Join the cast as we look to Nuka, a years worth of new data! We are going to go through with the cast and discuss all the new findings throughout the year. So come sit down, chat and learn everything crazy going on in the fandom!
This episode was originally livestreamed on YouTube. Light editing has been made for our podcast listeners. You can watch the original livestream here: Livestream
SHOW NOTES Thank you!To those that joined the livestream!
To all of our listeners!
PATREON LOVETHANK YOU to our patreons! You help us keep the show going!
A Cookie Factory – OwO
A Pallet of Cookies
Barnaby Panda, Nuka, Lou Duck (Pic Pending)
A Case of Cookies
Basel the Dragon, Black Baldrik, Ichigo Ookami (Pic Pending), Lufis the Raccoon
A Jar of Cookies
MephistophEli, Plug, Tenax
A Box of Cookies
- Chaphogriff
- Lygris
A Delicious Cookie
- Ausi K
- Christian
- Citrus Fox
- Icy Solid
- Sage Lightfang
- TyR
- Victor Mutt
- Intro: Cloud Fields (Radio Mix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth
- Patreon: Inflammatus – The Tudor Consort, Creative Commons 2019
- Closing: Cloud Fields (Radio Mix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth
Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Review (Xbox)
I’m not going to mince words here, but between all three Turok games? Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil is, arguably, my least favorite of the trilogy, which is funny because, back when the HD remaster first came out, I actually enjoyed this one more then the first one and said that this is what the first game should’ve been. But, time’s a cruel mistress and, over the years, my thoughts on Seeds have drastically changed and, unfortunately, not for the better.
Bearly Furcasting S5E17 - Beanie Weenies in BBQ Sauce
MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!
Bearly, Taebyn, Rayne, TickTock and Cheetaro are all together for another confusing Episode of BFFT! TickTock is back from Further Confusion and gives us a recap. (It is also good to see that they are no longer banned from being in America..oh…wrong TickTock). Wallaby Socks shows up, we have a Movie Review from our Movie Chee, Math, and more. So tune in for another confusing episode of BFFT.
Moobarkfluff everyfur!
This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.
Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.
You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at: bearlyfurcasting@gmail.com
Interview with Nikoderiko Game Director Dmitry Smirnov
Developed by ascendant indie studio Vea Games and published by Knight’s Peak, Nikoderiko: The Magical World was released on October 15, 2024 across multiple platforms, including Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Nintendo Switch, later followed by a Steam release on December 5. A loving homage to platformer classics like Crash Bandicoot and Donkey Kong Country Returns, Nikoderiko has been a hit with critics and gamers alike. Gaming Furever’s own reviewer played it for xbox and overall had a good time with it. Now Gaming Furever is here to bring you an interview with its Game Director, Dmitry Smirnov.
Nominate now! The Ursa Major Awards honor the best works of furry fandom in 2024.

Ursa art by Foxenawolf.
The Ursa Major Awards are an annual feature of furry fandom’s favorite media. Right now anything made in 2024 is eligible, and anyone can choose what deserves recognition.
GO HERE TO NOMINATE NOW. Time runs out at the end of February 28 so DON’T WAIT.
The Recommended Anthropomorphics List is a helpful guide for many options, but you don’t have to only pick from the list. The list is open for anyone to submit during the year, making a great way to discover things you overlooked or submit things you want to get seen.
PLEASE CONSIDER NOMINATING THE PODCAST: FUR AND LOATHING. This investigation into the 2014 attack on Midwest Furfest features reporting by Dogpatch Press, with a production team led by journalist Nicky Woolf. The series was an intense labor of love including a productive FOIA request for FBI documents, and travel to 4 states to interview numerous sources, bringing exclusive answers about the fandom’s biggest cold case crime. Nominate it under “Anthropomorphic Miscellany.” “Miscellany category has insufficient entries to make it worthwhile”; please nominate it under Non-Fiction.
Consider donating via paypal@ursamajorawards.org to support this service. It’s a connection to roots of fandom with a committee of old-guard fans; and a way to promote and connect with creators on the tides of social media, where it takes so much work to be noticed.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)
HeartTheft, by Rukis – book review by Kacey Pink
Welcome to Kacey Pink, a trans lesbian writer of adult stories about transbodies and people overcoming adversity, trauma, and love finding a way. You can check out her novels here: pinkkacey.itch.io. Thanks to Kacey for her guest review of “a thoughtful story about love overcoming the programming of self hate”. The work of Rukis can be found here.
Spoiler Free HeartTheft Review
Rukis’s HeartTheft is two books: Covenant and Apocrypha, however when I heard about an 800 page hard cover of both books combined I felt an overwhelming urge to pick it up for myself. I am not terribly versed in Rukis’s work, besides having read one of the Red Lantern comics and having ogled their art for as long as I’ve considered myself “in the fandom”. However, this stands out to me as a very strong novel in its own right. My desire to grab up the book was solely because I knew that if it fell from a high shelf it might break a toe or two. I would like to see more of these long form books, unashamed to be dense and worthy of analysis as HeartTheft is. Did the story of HeartTheft require 806 pages to be effectively told? I am not confident in that. Am I endlessly grateful, however, that we get to spend so much time in this world and with these well constructed and lived in characters.
If part of your experience growing up was learning how you were lied to by people who wanted “better for you”, you’ll probably enjoy this book. If you can relate to a story about religious deconstruction that doesn’t condemn belief and earnestly tackles the pain and suffering organized religion has brought onto people, oftentimes those that are forced by the abuse they’ve suffered to cling to it, this is a good book for you. If you are fond of thought out world building and well measured applications of stakes and tension, this is a good book for you. If you are a fan of gender go third, sex go [redacted], you’ll probably also enjoy this.
Mystery and investigation don’t take a back seat, but the core of this novel is finding answers for yourself about what you believe in. Even if, but especially if, that’s hard to accept.
Family and love face long odds, but fighting for what’s right, fighting for who is right for you, is the only answer.
I prefer to give things # out of 5 scores based on how well they met my personal expectations. It’s all about if I feel they could be improved in some way, and not scoring them in a comparison of pieces to one another. As a result:
I have come to a 4.5 out of 5 for HeartTheft.
There is room for improvement in my opinion, the opening of the book doesn’t move as quick as I’d like, but overall the story is rather strong and the theme and character work is moving. Expect characters having to learn to believe in love. Yearning and learning. This is not a smut book for the hornies, it is a thoughtful story about love overcoming the programming of self hate. But there is, in fact, (spoilers) shameful jizzim.
The books are better together, read as one.
Rukis constructs a believable fictional religion that pulls a lot of inspiration from historical Catholic imagery and deploys it in a thoughtful exploration and critique of the institution and practice of religion. Many characters in the novel represent views or beliefs about religion and the book is filled with all kinds of challenging conversations and representations. Malachi, Dolus, and of course our leads Isidor and Darcy represent important lenses through which Religion might affect a person’s life.
Dolus’s experience with religion is initially characterized, by Isidor’s ignorance of the man, as light and easy going. However, as we understand him better throughout the novel we come to learn that he is not trapped in the system or injured by it, like so many other characters within the novel. Dolus is not easy going. He is simply power drunk. He can be interpreted as The Evils of the ministry. He doesn’t care about corruption or sin, though he is comfortable using them as his own weapons. All he cares about is his own skin. He doesn’t offer compassion or comfort, nor divine retribution. Even though it is his greatest skill, he doesn’t punish sinners (if a thing called sin even exists). He feeds his own pleasures and ego by hurting any within his wake, simply because he has the power to do so. Obviously, his biggest foil is Father Halstrom, the inquisitor now retired. Halstrom is, in fact, the man who Dolus should have become when he was tasked with raising the young. Instead, Dolus only became more embittered and because he has clearly always used his status to his own ends he remains, even after his actions continued to pile up recognizable, identifiable atrocities. The kind of actions that leave people hurt in ways that are not easy to heal from.
Malachi and Isidor’s experiences are established as parallels to one another. Isidor recognizes that the man is a grim reflection of who he could have become if he’d not had such a fateful run-in with Darcy. Malachi has suffered great amounts of pain and repression in his life. His actions are not justifiable but they are understandable. Malachi is, in many ways, the archetypical religious conversion gay man. He uses his pain and belief in Canus (God) to view himself as better. He knows he is above those who commit the sin of homosexuality and do not “get right with god” about it. He identifies with the suffering he inflicts upon himself and sees himself as fundamentally broken. That is the richest vein of his character, that has been hurt so badly that he doesn’t believe in the repression. He needs it. When Isidor tries to echo Darcy’s belief that god could not make a person broken, we see so much more of his tortured soul. It’s like Isidore is slowly cutting the last threads on the rope that is keeping him from falling to his death. We see that in his reaction as well, he says that it doesn’t even matter if what he believes isn’t true. It can’t be untrue, because his doggedness and his penance is the razor edged jenga block that’s keeping him together. He is a hot mess of blood, scars, and abuse vacuum sealed into the giant shape of a man. This is the last piece, seeing Malachi for what he truly is, is the last thing Isidor needed to understand that his newly solidified views on god and the ministry are correct. But the first thing he needed was Darcy.
In the beginning, Isidor is beset by a constant stream of self doubt, self hate, and shame that leads him to being his Father’s favorite leaky boat. There is a constant bailing of water out of himself, a feature that was not only taught to him but rewarded in him by his order. However, when he meets Darcy for the first time, they have an actual real talk about religion, and he is not only pleased by talking about it but is earnestly fulfilled by hearing challenges to his construction of faith. There is doubt within him, doubt that’s not fully pictured but is clear from the outset. Darcy’s words regarding the nature of sin and the meaning of suffering open Isidor’s eyes to something he may have always felt was true. When he is reunited with his father, he fully opens up about everything. It’s clear in those moments that they talk about things they never once mentioned to each other before. There is something about the act of questioning the ministry that bonds the two men more than anything ever could. Isidor doesn’t reflect on it much, but Halstrom has his number when he sees him after the week in the cabin with Darcy. Isidor’s father pulls him by the nape of his neck out of the frying pan that was crafted under him by his teachings and his desire to fulfil them. It’s clear then, more so then it had ever been to Isidor, that his father believes in a loving god. Maybe the old bloodhound had to learn it with time, but the two agree that the ministry is simply rotten in many ways. Something that Isidore realizes his father had primed to learn on his own. When he is ready to love Darcy, Isidor feels no guilt over it. He follows what he believes Canus wants for him. What Darcy knows their god wants for them.
‘Stolen Kiss’
Darcy and Isidor from my novel ‘HeartTheft’
— Rukis (@rukis.bsky.social) October 21, 2024 at 5:25 PM
In a lot of ways, there is a skewering of organized religion within the pages of HeartTheft, but the real story is how love is the most important thing. It doesn’t make fun of or condemn belief. For that reason, it is an incredibly powerful deconstruction story.
My only criticism for the novel has very little to do with character or theme and is really more of a craft concern. A concern that is fleeting and doesn’t compare to what is very, very right about this book. I mentioned in my initial thoughts that I doubt that this story needed to be 806 pages.
I struggled a lot with chapters 2-6. I found myself somewhat frustrated that things weren’t happening. It was a lot of descriptions of things that had happened and connective tissue that joined many scenes and events together. This happens though with bigger works, there are always weaker sections. Sometimes those get cut or revised. It’s clear that Rukis was very passionate about these characters and this story. I’m also very pleased and passionate about them, after I began to connect with them at least. I genuinely believe the story would have benefited from zooming in on the cat and mouse aspects between Darcy and Isidor more in the beginning. I don’t think it should have concerned itself with bridging all the events within Isidor’s reflections. One thing that stands out as more evidence that those chapters needed more work is how investigation is skipped over, when in the rest of the book the investigation and mystery is handled so, so, so much better.
There is a lot of bloat, and I simply can’t ignore that in the work. I don’t think it’s so intense as to hinder what is good, however. Oftentimes in the book you’ll get a description of something twice. Usually a paragraph will state a thing, and then the next paragraph will state the same thing in a slightly different way. A lot of the descriptions tend to stall out the flow of scenes. I assume it is meant to be a representation of Isidor’s internal monologue sorta spinning out in his mind, locking him up, but it was so worrisome early on in the novel as the story was still finding its footing. Once things were moving, I found it was usually insightful, providing characterization to Isidor or the world.
I hope that criticism isn’t too harsh. It comes from a place of genuine enjoyment of this novel.
The stars of the show are, of course, Darcy and Isidor. Darcy is first because of that deep admiration the boy feels. I know tropey talk can be sorta annoying to some, but the “enemies to lovers” “slow burn” realization-and-acceptance-of-love-plot in this book is pulled off very well. It is more than the tropes it brought to the table. I appreciate how expectations and tone are delivered across the story. There are so many wonderful characters that feel well thought out, but we truly see Darcy and Isidor go through their own developments. I do have a very important reflection on Darcy’s gender as well. It was handled very well.
It’s clear early on that Isidor builds up feelings for Darcy. A strange attraction that fuels him to hunt the feline more effectively. The devices deployed to bring them together don’t overstay their welcome. In fact, the forced domesticity element is amazing. I almost wished we’d gotten more. The constant struggle that Isidor goes through with his physical attraction for Darcy is really stunning. I appreciate the amount of attention that is paid to the guilt Isidor feels and where it lies. In a lot of respects, he is such a perfectly written character to fit with Darcy. I appreciate that when Isidor is told to go with Darcy to keep them safe, he says no. The fact that he says no twice, that he’s given a chance to rescind his denial is also very powerful. The man just doesn’t trust his own feelings and that is clear. Cillian is deployed perfectly in the second book/second half of the book. He tells Isidor to his face “don’t wait to tell someone how you feel” and then Isdor fucks up and doesn’t express any of his, albeit very complex but, very real feelings. His mistake is IMMEDIATELY punished, which was hard to read. I struggled with him not choosing Darcy, but it made the book stronger and I’m very pleased with how it all worked out.
Darcy is a very compelling character as well. I mentioned that the two are well fitting, and it comes down to Isidor’s desire to please Darcy. That’s what the feline needs from someone. They need someone who sees them for them and champions them. Darcy’s biggest flaw is not a lack of belief in love. They can tell themselves all day that they struggle with believing people, but it’s clear they have faith in Isidor. It oozes out of them on the page when they’re together. It’s more that Darcy struggles with feeling they deserve love, and that’s what Isidor’s whole thing about Darcy is. I was worried initially that this romance was going to be a bait and switch, that the “good thing” for Darcy would be going to Cillian or getting free from any love. Darcy is Isidor’s silver bullet to the chains of sin, and Isidor is Darcy’s mirror that shows them how much they deserve to live. I appreciate the thought put into the balance of Darcy’s behavior as well, speaking metanarratively. The character being a thief could be off putting to people but they have strong beliefs and morals about what is right and wrong and it’s clear that is why Isidor loves them. Darcy’s more obvious struggle in the story is boxes. People think cats will sit in any box, but some refuse to.
I have heard Rukis faced some pushback regarding the choice “not to show the junk” which feels like a very specific kind of person’s opinion. I was aware of this by the time the sex happened in the book and was eager to see how it was, ya know… handled. (Get it?) (A sex joke.) The obvious concern is how do you describe sex without describing the parts smoooshing in some configuration (preferably the pairing of flesh parts that I like (THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THE OBSERVER)), which is maybe a bit juvenile to believe wholeheartedly. A perceptive reader may have noticed that I have very subtly allowed my opinion slip into this object analysis of art. It is a sane question though. How do you rim a cat without describing the parts? The only valid answer for me is to make fun of the people asking the question. Maybe that’s because I am a trans person and nonbinary and have struggled with what that means when it comes to a person’s body. Honestly, no one understands trans and nonbinary bodies. It’s always about the meat. What is the meat doing, is it inside of you or outside of you.
Darcy’s big question as a fictional character in a written novel is how do we get the reader to not put them in a box and still find them attractive. Speaking from experience, once you’ve been defined by a certain majority of people it truly is a burden. You don’t get that story for yourself anymore. You are no longer yourself, you’re answered. A person has done the mental tallying and now you are defined, no matter how you feel. It’s the I know you’re a woman, BUT. I know you’re nonbinary, can’t we just say x thing though. As a trans or nonbinary person, any and everyone will probably do this to you at some point. Even allies, people who don’t just want to fetishize you or take away your rights. People who say they understand you. Those are the times it hurts the worst.
This novel/novels captures not only that idea well, but we see it happen to Darcy when Isidor sees them for the first time. The fear and the pain of it coming out of them. They’ve just been tortured, but the reveal of what’s in their pants is the only thing hurting them. And Isidor doesn’t see it. Literally. It is not described. It is not defined because it doesn’t matter to him. He loves Darcy. Not the meat, or the in-or-out-ness of it.
And that’s pretty fucking astounding to me.
I was moved by that.
That will stick with me.
– Kacey Pink
For more by Kacey, visit her site, follow on Bluesky or check out her Patreon.
Did you know you can read the first five chapters of Sanctuary for free? The trans lesbian werewolf lovers reunion story all about love and over coming trauma together.
— Kacey Pink is Writing (@anotherwolf.bsky.social) February 3, 2025 at 11:08 PM
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)
Idle Critter Adventure Announced
Isle of Swaps developer Fuzz Force recently announced their latest project, Idle Critter Adventure!
Idle Critter Adventure is a game that players can have safely running on their second monitor or on their desktop while they do other things. Simply choose an area and Alfa will start battling trainers and collecting critters. Assemble a strong team to take on clubs and work your way toward being the champion! Players can even be a bit more active by pressing run to run faster or cheering on their critters. Get ready to embark on a new adventure with your favorite critters as familiar faces like Wallablaze and Zappen return. Check out our review of Fuzz Force's previous game, Isle of Swaps!
No release date as of yet but keep an eye on Fuzz Force’s socials for updates and expect more coverage from us as well
Fuzz Forces socials:
Website: https://www.fuzz-force.com/
Twitter: https://x.com/fuzzforce
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF7faj88XRePOjMpDd_NUnQ