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Need some input on a redesign of my character Ren (I'm sure you've seen me spamming it recently... lol)
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Finally finished FTAA's request of Scruffy!
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Kraven the blueberry hyena (Art by Muzz)
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Subject 9 – Furry comic guest review by Vox Fox.
Submitted by Vox Fox, a talent in music, fursuiting and video in the San Francisco Bay Area. Main website – Wikifur Vox shares: A recent tweet alerted me to this wonderful gem of a YouTube furry adventure, that is something of a throwback to the weekly serial drama format that was once common in the days before […]

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"Humanized" pigs. The future is now.
Categories: News
Surprised my SO with some art for her birthday and I thought I would share it with you (art by Jeibon)
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To all my fellow college friends, how do you manage?
First day of class is next week and I'm a tad quite nervous. Any tips?
submitted by Discord2974[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News