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Soar with the Horses: Roan

FurStarter - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 21:27


roanlogoHigh-flying adventure and hoofs storming the beaches in a pulp-inspired, 1940s ponyverse…


Kickstarter ending 9/8/15

Roan5Pulp-inspired gaming is, in that very specific sense of the word used by tabletop RPG publishing, pretty big right now, with Spirit of the Century making the rounds in indie gaming and Piazo’s Pathfinder game dipping a toe into the genre (yes, Pathfinder’s a Dungeons and Dragons type game, but the organized explorer’s society backstory? Total pulp!) The MLP community has had remarkable success in funding new pony-focused TRPGs through Kickstarter, with three books funding/funded in the Ponyfinder line. So there’s a certain weird synergy in Roan, now on Kickstarter: a new pony-inspired game from first-time game publisher Night Fox, set in a magical/tech version of the 1940s with a heck of a lot of equines.

Roan4Roan—more on their web page—is set around the beginning of the World War II era, arguably the most pulpable six years in history (possibly excepting the Victorian era if you fold in Steampunk, but that’s a stretch.) Not only are the Nazis threatening to take over Europe and opening up zany new roads of crackpot mad science and weird magic  (Check Kenneth Hite’s “Nazi Occult” out sometime, a magical alternate universe isn’t that many parallel realities away), it’s a time when the world still had some mysteries to explore and Imperialism still was a thing (Britain still hadn’t quite let go of India). If there was ever a real historical period that cried out “Adventurers! Your time is now!” it’s the 1940s, and Roan has that kind of action on every page.

Roan3Mechanically, Roan uses a rules-light, action-cinema heavy system called the Ubiquity system, also used in the popular pulp TRPG Hollow Earth Expedition. It’s a game that encourages daring and flashy action with “style points” and doesn’t get too bogged down in rules. Night Fox tweaks the system a bit with expanded magical rules and aerial combat mechanics, but it’s already a strong system for cinematic pulp action.

Watching the video and reading over Night Fox’s project page, a couple things leap out at me. First, the game is covered in great art, with a strong sense of mood and some fun pics  that mash up iconic historical moments and imagery with brightly colored ponies. The art has a lot of visual power and a good sense of fun, and with something like 20 artists on his team, it covers a wide range of style.

Roan1On the other hoof, I’m also struck by how the product moves away from the pony fandom’s homeland of Equestria. Some of this is the Brony fandom’s fan-canon drift, with kelpies, zebras, and bat-pegasi as viable races in the game. Frankly I’d expect nothing less. Equestria and fan-canon are not the same thing, and one is going to be a bigger playground. I’m actually a bit more surprised by how variable the level of anthropomorphism is in Roan, with some characters the kind of four-leggers we see in early episodes of MLP, and others about as animal-like as your average fursona, and maybe less considering all the period costuming. It’s a step away from Ponyville, and I’m not sure how it effects the mood of the world. Is there a difference between playing “Ponies” and playing anthro horses, in terms of mood and style? That’s really a call for the player, but it does increase the distance between the new game and its original source material.

I do have a concern about the project page itself, there’s a lot of grammar “dings” in the body copy of the page, particularly singular/plural agreement, apostrophes and plurals, that sort of thing—the usual bugaboos of a new writer, which makes me a little nervous about the final product, since this is ultimately a print piece. And there’s a rough edge to the language throughout. Language like “In combat, a wing pony can be a savior, fending off opponents whom mounted your plane…” makes me twitchy about the final product, and I personally would want to see a few pages of sample text before I invested. It’s a reasonable concern: “will the quality of the marketing material reflect the quality of the final product.”

[EDIT: the Creator dropped me a few notes and a Reply talking about bringing an editor/layout person on board, so yay!]

Roan6So far as the nitty-gritty elements of the kickstarter go, everything seems pretty well-planned and reasonably priced. $40 is about on par with a mass-market hardcover book of a reasonable size (page count?), and DriveThruRPG is a solid option for game designers who don’t own their own printing press. While I think the numbers makes sense, and are in line with what I’d expect to see, the lack of a sketched-out business plan makes me wary, that sort of thing helps build credibility and trust. Business plan and a strong sense of who the project developer is both contribute to a sense of trust, and I don’t think we’re there.

Roan7More than usual, this is a “you’ll have to make up your own mind” project. The art is great and the world-building and theme are spot on, and there are editors in the fandom that work cheap. This project has some compelling elements that might carry it forward to success, and in tabletop gaming, concept is king. All the contenders for fur-friendly RP are rules-heavy right now, and a light, bubbly cinematic game would hold a strong niche. Roan is definitely a project I want to see succeed, but a successful campaign goes beyond fundraising.

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!


Categories: News

Furry SFW Skype chat!

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 20:49

We have a Furry chat room that has been up for a little over a month and going strong with 58 furs and counting! (not everyone is on all the time) Please keep it SFW, if you have any questions feel free to ask myself or one of the other moderators of the chat. If you want to join just send me a message or friend request and I'll add you to the chat! Contact mr.leinen (Sam), wolfey180 (Wolfey!) or (Occam) we are the moderators

submitted by Sam_The_Wolf
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Categories: News

Constant Solicitations for Sex Are Unwelcome

Ask Papabear - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 20:23
Dear Papa Bear,

Although I myself am not a furry, several people I know, including my husband are. I've asked around and a good friend of mine pointed me your direction, and I thought, seeing as it's related to furries and what I understand is fairly typical furry behaviour, why not ask a seemingly supportive and helpful furry for a little advice?

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure how to go about this,so please bear with me, and forgive me in advance for talking your ear off.

I'll start from the beginning. A few years ago, I was in a major accident and was hospitalized for several months. My husband, at the time just my childhood best friend, discovered the fandom shortly before that, and turned to the community for support.

Now, I am eternally grateful to the community for the support it showed him, because he suffers from severe depression and has often acted out on suicidal tendencies, and the community acted as a safety net of sorts that distracted him and helped him deal with what he was going through at the time. He's a real piece of work with a shitload of issues, but his heart's in the right place and I'll be damned before any one of his problems makes me love him less.

But he's not who I'm here about. Well, partially. I'll explain.

During the time I was down and out, he made several friends in the fandom. One of them at the time was an 11 year old kid. From what I can tell, they became friends while discussing his family life and his family troubles as well as my husband's family issues and childhood. Both of them have fairly terrible biological parents and often talked about that. He often stated that he felt his parents were mentally abusing him by denying him unrestricted access to the internet, and in particular, the more adult side of Furaffinity, and my husband would dredge up memories of various things his parents did and said to him as a child. from that a sort of brotherly bond developed.

After that, a bit of turmoil in the kid's family lead to him moving and my husband losing contact with him for several years. My husband and I grew increasingly busy with work and he sort of moved on from the fandom. About a year ago, they made contact again, the kid, then 16, nearing 17, was finally given an opportunity to return to the fandom and dove in headfirst. He started contacting my husband and I again and we were glad to be talking to him again after so many years.

Conversations were a little awkward and far apart at first, as to be expected, seeing as it'd been 5 or so years since we last talked and we weren't sure what to say, or what not to say.

After a few months, my husband asked me, awkward and unsure how to say it, if I'd agree to be the kid's pet with him. Now, I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to a lot of things online. I wasn't really sure what it meant, and the kid did a right fine job of confusing me even more. From what I understood, it was similar to the whole furry family thing my husband tried to explain to me years ago. He tried to explain that, seeing as the kid was his furry brother, after our marriage, that made me his furry brother too, and the whole concept was a little above my head to be honest. So I assumed it was pretty much the exact same thing. My husband also understood it the same way I did, and he said that seeing as the kid had supposedly been through a lot in the years we didn't have contact, it'd be nice to go along with it. So, I agreed.

Now that's were things began to take a dip. The first time I spoke to him after that, he said he wanted to yiff me, and I honestly had absolutely no idea what it meant. After a bit of explaining from my husband, I realised what he meant, and was told that it's a fairly common thing to do between furry brothers/masters and pets. Now, first of all, I was not very comfortable with the thought of role-play of that nature, seeing as I am in a relationship, secondly, he is underage, and I'm not comfortable with that.

My husband is the kind of person who gets extremely flustered and abashed if you so much as mention a penis near him, so I wasn't used to someone being so open about things of that nature either.

Neither my husband nor I were really very comfortable with it, because we've got each other, and we don't really want sexual relations with other people, and he is underage, but we sort of shrugged and told ourselves that he's half a world away, and it doesn't mean anything, so it was ok and we went along with it for his sake.

After a while, it seemed that it was all he was interested in, because within 5 minutes of greeting him, he comments on how horny he is, or how great our asses look and feel and how he can't wait to have his way with it and things to that effect. So after a while it became very awkward and uncomfortable for us to talk to him, but hey, we were teenagers, so we looked past it because it was probably just hormones.

After a while I realised he didn't really care about much else from us anymore. I travel a lot for work, and on one particular business trip, I was stuck in meetings from dusk till dawn because of various onsite issues that needed to be solved. During this time, my husband went through a bout of severe depression I was not aware of at the time, and he tried to talk about it with the kid, but the kid disregarded what he was saying and tried to start yet another sexual role play session. I was extremely upset with him for that, because my husband reached out to him and he ignored it completely. That was the first major strike for me.

He eventually introduced first my husband, then my to his latest characters. Two males who were obviously based of my husband and I. Both were dumbed down, over-sexualized and stereotyped versions of us. My husband didn't mind that, but I felt it was more than a little weird to have what was essentially a perpetually horny, bimbo-fied version of myself running around. He regularly told my husband all the sexual escapades between these characters and his own fursona, which was weird, and extremely uncomfortable for my husband to hear, seeing as he was essentially being told how oversexed me is sleeping around with anything and everything that moves, and on an almost daily basis.

What bothers me most is that he has recently taken to referring to us as these characters. It feels like he wants us to become the characters he's created. Almost as if he doesn't care about what happens as long as we just drop out pants when he commands.

I don't know... What do you think? Do you think I am overthinking things and just being to hard on him? I feel like I shouldn't let this get to me at all, but it does, and any attempts to say anything are swiftly ignored and replaced with an attempt to begin another role play session, so I feel like at this point trying to reason is pointless.

Nicolas (age 32)

* * *

Hi, Nicolas,

Thanks for your letter. On behalf of the furry community, I apologize for this experience. Furries like this kid give us a bad name and make it sound as if furries are all about sex. We're not. This kid has definite issues regarding sex--that is, a sexual addiction. Some of it might be attributed to youth, but if sex is all he thinks about, then that's a definite problem.

Secondly, your feelings of discomfort are completely valid. Do not apologize for them. It sounds like you feel obligated in some way to do what this kid wants because of your husband. You are not obligated. Friendship and family are two-way streets and should be built upon respect. This guy clearly doesn't respect you and your husband, which was made clear when your husband wanted to talk about some serious issues and all the kid wanted to do is yiff.

My advice: explain to him clearly and in no uncertain terms that you really are not interested in sexual role play, that you are happily married and monogamous, and that his sexual overtures make you uncomfortable. Also, make it clear that you don't really appreciate having a hypersexual character based on you. By not explaining this, you are actually passively encouraging him to continue what he's doing. Have this discussion with your husband, too, and make sure you're both on the same page. It sounds like he, too, feels somehow obligated to this yiffy fur out of some sense of gratitude for his earlier friendship. But, as I said before, friendships should be based on mutual respect, and if this fellow can't respect you then it is not a friendship worth having.

Yes, there is a faction of the furry community that seems to think yiffing is somehow obligatory. That makes me sad. While I myself am sexually liberated and feel that many people are too sexually repressed (especially in America), you CAN go too far in the opposite direction to the point of being ridiculous and even unhealthy. This is the case of this fur. He could actually use some help from a counselor, but that's not your responsibility.

See if you can get him down to a friendship level that is platonic. And let me know how it goes.



Who is your favorite fursuiter?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 20:03

Been wanting to find some new suiters to follow on FA, DA, Tumblr, etc for a while now. Figured this would be a cool way to find some!

My personal favorite suits are either Telephone (her FA is down right now, not sure why) or Spook.

Edit: And who could forget the amazing Rocky Road!

submitted by RockyFox
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Categories: News

Hyper Rummy! How's everyone!?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 19:59

Hi fuzzbutts! I know I said I was going to be more active in the subreddit but then the new job kicked in and I had to get used to a day schedule and I've been falling asleep after I get home andImsosorrypleaseforgivemeIlldobetterIpromise!!!!

Oh, I also got a new coffee maker after not having one for quite some time. Can you tell?


How have the rest of you fuzzbutts been doing? Anything neat going on?

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

What should I draw? (Chance at free art!)

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 19:16

Ok, let's play a game. I'm about to go to sleep and when I come back I want to see all your requests of things to draw. It can include your characters, my characters. Fan art of other character. Anything you can think of. When I wake up tomorrow I'll randomly choose a few to draw! Don't know how many though, depends how good the ideas are and how many.

Let the contest begin! Good night.

submitted by LJE_Shot1
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Categories: News

I'm new to the furry fandom

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 17:49

Hi, i'm Zane. I'm 19. I have only very recently been in the furry fandom. I am needing someone to draw my fursona so i can have a ref for sketches and stuff. My fursona:

A dark purple fox with glowing lime green tribal type markings on his face and chest. He also has the upper part of his tail glowing lime green but fading into the dark purple fur. He normally wears jeans and a black hoodie.

submitted by Zane_Emerald
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Categories: News

A guide to unlocking Fursona

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 17:09

Hey everyone, and welcome to Fluffy's Guides. So, I've noticed a lot of people asking how they got their fursona so I've decided to finally make a guide. Today we're going to be going over the final locked custom character "Fursona" in the game "Core Dementia". This one is a bit different from OC, at least in appearance and damage output/speed. As you know, the species is RNG, but it's almost always an anthropomorphic wolf or fox.

Now, I'm not going to lie. This character is hard to get. You're going to be spending at least 13-20 hours getting just the initial three staves, which you'll need to enter the Temple of Chaos, which while an absolutely beautiful set piece is the HARDEST DUNGEON IN THE ENTIRE GAME. Also, Spoiler warnings so. Duh.

1) The Ragnarock Staff, which you can get from completing the "Lost Sister" quest-line in Clearwater Bog. This is the easiest of the three staff quests. Though, one difficulty may present itself during the climax of the quest, during the Neon Witch Fight, when the game is actually programmed to set your progress back about two hours (of the four hour quest) if you get hit by the slow moving energy beam. It's easy enough to avoid, but first time players almost always run into this and complain on the forums.

2) The Corrupted Staff, you can only get this staff between 11 PM and 12 AM in the Heart City Datacore. You might get lucky and get this right after you beat the game, since you have to grind TGW (Techno Gray Warlock) during the time span. Keep in mind that, due to him being the final boss of the main storyline, he's very difficult. Even for speedrunners, his near-instakill attacks and immensely short dodge-windows are pretty much evil (until you get to the chaos dungeon that is). He has an 85.66% chance of dropping the staff in the time window though, so if you don't get it the first time, you will probably get it the next time.

3: The Suffering Staff, this one you can only get by finding and completing all twelve of Pagliacci's Mazes throughout the Circus Planet. They're all incredibly easy, and Pagliacci's short humorous quips make them very enjoyable. Once they're completed, you get the Checkerboard Blade, but you also secretly unlock one bonus maze. The final maze is called "Pagliacci's Sorrow". Unlike the others, it is brutally difficult, with many high level minibosses scattered throughout, most of them capable of insta-kill abilities.

It is also reportedly made difficult by just how... well, disturbing the whole maze is. There are constant flashing lights which reverse the player's direction, and the whole thing is shrouded in a very thick red fog, even though it looks like the interior of a palace. Pagliacci speaking is completely absent, but if the player listens closely they can hear what sounds to be Pagliacci gently weeping in the background, which as anyone who completed the twelve earlier mazes should know is completely out of character.

Anyways, once you reach the end of the maze


You have to fight Pagliacci. He is an extremely powerful, and extremely fast enemy, capable of multiple insta-kills, one of which being a ranged ability. The good news is, he's a bit of a glass cannon, and only take five or six well placed heavy attacks to take him down. (or 15-17 quick attacks). Unfortunately, he's immune to combos, and will counter-attack instakill. So the game literally forces you to Hit and Run. Once you beat Pagliacci, you will get the third and final staff, the Checkerboard Titan (The second best weapon in the game), and your GPS will gain a new world to go to. (The Chaos Temple)

WARNING After you beat Pagliacci, the Circus World disappears forever, along with the shop and minigames. So don't do this until you've completed all of its other sidequests!

So, now that that's done, you have all three staves. The Chaos Temple. The temple itself is filled with many puzzles, (About six of them took me about a day to figure out, and one of them took me a week), so I suggest just following a more in-depth guide unless you're just that hardcore. Or insane, one of the two. But at the end of this, you fight two of the hardest enemies you will fight in the entire game.

Corporelia, the angel of Death, and Mystic, the angel of Decay. These two will tag-team you, they both only attack in insta-kills, and your dodge/counter windows are are quite literally only three frames small. And if you manage to defeat one, the other goes into a frenzy where they only take damage from counters, and their attack speed is raised. At this point there is no point in attacking, as not only is it too slow, even if you did land a hit you wouldn't do any damage. The only option now is dodging and countering.

So, when all of this is over though, you are victorious in completing Demtia Core's true final bosses, And you will have unlocked Fursona and the Data Edge for your New Game Plus character.

submitted by McFluffypom
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Categories: News

Spitfire Fund ~redcoatcat

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 17:03
Categories: News

Episode 11: Conventions and Community

Culturally F'd - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 17:00
Categories: Videos

Entered my first art raffle and actually won!

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 13:35

I never expected this, just wow.. i wont the art raffle of fizzyfox, which i think roams around this subredit. i never win anything actually. .-.


submitted by TheCosmicWolf
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Categories: News

Question about Steam Games

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 13:09

Does anyone have or know of a good list of all the games currently available on Steam with furry content?

submitted by Vexthra
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Categories: News

Rob’s Statsapalooza – Part 1

[adjective][species] - Thu 13 Aug 2015 - 13:00

Guest post by Mando. Mando is a twenty-something writer slash editor from the land of pizza and mandolins. Music lover and music teacher with a degree in Modern Literature, he’s currently working on the Fragments of Life’s Heart anthology along with Munchkin and enjoying what the furry community has to offer.

Today’s guest post is a data visualization showing a breakdown of submissions to SoFurry! Feel free to mouse-over and explore the data further. It’s embedded below, but if you can’t see it there (some plugins, such as Privacy Badger, don’t play well with iframes), you can follow this link!