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TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 20:53
Categories: News

Today is my Cake Day

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 20:19

Thus, you must participate in the Reddit tradition of showering me in compliments and blessings.

My body is ready.

(In a more serious tone, it appears I've been here for a while, and hope to remain more so in the presence of this community. You've been more than just a sub, but a great group of friends, of whom I've been honored to know. Big thanks to /u/Dukurow, /u/Nitram_Hu, /u/McFluffypom, /u/_Ravi_, and many others. )

submitted by IWishIWasATurnip
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Categories: News

Come A Little Closer

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 20:03
Categories: News

How do you deal with failure?

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 19:44

We would all like to say that no matter what we never gave up, that we can do anything we push through, but sometimes, for one reason or another, you just can't. So what do you do to deal with it?

submitted by swankysandals
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Categories: News

16-Year-Old's Mother Won't Let Him Date

Ask Papabear - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 19:38

I am dating this girl but my mother doesn't want me to date anyone. She tells me to date when I'm older but I think it's unfair. I don't want to keep her a secret. I speak to her on Skype but my mother is always around so I tell her I'm speaking to a friend.

Zozo (age 16)

* * *

Hi, Zozo,

There is tremendous pressure for people your age to date and have girl- and boyfriends. There’s probably also a lot of pressure at your school to have a girlfriend, yes? Do some of your friends make fun of you because you don’t have a girlfriend?

You’re no doubt aware of the risks taken when young people get together alone and things get a bit carried away. I’m not going to give you a birds and bees lecture, but you’re mother is no doubt concerned about this. Of course, you’re likely confident that you can date a girl without having sex. Not knowing anything about you, I can’t predict how well or how poorly you control your hormones, but one could imagine that if an opportunity afforded itself where the two of you were alone, the kissing became passionate, and the condoms absent, trouble could ensue.

Another factor here is your mother’s past, believe it or not. If she, for instance, became pregnant at an early age and/or the man who got her pregnant abandoned her and her child, she’s going to try her darndest not to let the same thing happen to you, whether or not you feel such fears are justified.

Sneaking around will get you caught, eventually. Your mother is likely suspicious and will be closely monitoring you. Her house, her rules, as the saying goes. But please look upon her actions as being motivated not to be a controlling jerk to you but, rather, because she loves and cares about you and wants you to have a happy future, which can be very difficult if you have children when you are a teenager.

The solution is the opposite of your current strategy: instead of secrecy, you should be completely transparent about your behavior and activities. This will help build trust, and with trust, generally, comes a loosening of the leash. Key to this is to have an open dialog with your mother and to establish ground rules about dating. As a conversation breaker, here is an excellent article from Parenting magazine about allowing teens to date and what to do (some quizzes are included).

I know you’ve had a conversation before, but it was probably more confrontational than constructive, am I right? Something like, “Mom, all my friends are dating; why can’t I? You’re not being fair!” and so on. In your conversation, acknowledge right away that you recognize your mom has only your best interests in mind and that you know she loves you and that you love her. Ask her to have a conversation with you and to discuss her fears and hopes for you. Listen to her; don’t argue at this point. Show her the linked article, and just ask her to talk with you about it.

As you progress, discuss rules about dating that she will be comfortable with, such as curfews and, perhaps, checking in with her by phone occasionally. Also, start with your going to group functions such as parties where girls will be allowed and that are supervised by adults. Approach things gradually and give your mother time to become comfortable with the fact that you are a healthy soon-to-be-adult who needs to learn the ropes of having a relationship (can you imagine being an adult of 30 or more and not knowing how to date properly?) Have her recognize that allowing you to date is part of being a good parent and that her participation in it is not only expected but appreciated. Ask her for advice on dating, and don’t ignore what she says. She is, after all, a woman and knows what women are looking for.

My parents didn’t give me much input on dating, and boy was I bad at it! You have the opportunity to learn from your elders and be good at dating! Take advantage of it while you’re young.

Good luck!


Furry Road ~ Kenket

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 19:19
Categories: News

I was just thinking

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 17:31

Wouldn't most furries have some kind of speech impediment due to their mouth shape and teeth? Part of what allows humans to talk is the fact that humans have very strong facial muscles and toungues. Doge faces etc... do not have this. I imagine we'd all sound incredibly silly in reality, like we have a mouth full of mashed potatoes while attempting to communicate.

submitted by Sixray
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Categories: News

He's Always Watching

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 17:24
Categories: News

Console furs?

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 16:39

Since we had a PC thread yesterday, let's talk consoles. For the sake of simplicity, you can lump in Handhelds and any arcade stuff you may have as well.

As for me, I'm a collector that plays their collection, so you can see what I'm actively using here.


  • Super 8-bit (a newly-built NES)
  • SNES
  • RGB-modded N64
  • Orange Gamecube
  • Wii U
  • Coleco Gemini (Atari 2600 clone)
  • Commodore 64C
  • MSX2+ (Panasonic FSA1-WX)
  • Sega Mark III
  • Sega Genesis CDX w/ 32X
  • Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast (in a translucent blue shell)
  • Playstation 1-4
  • Orignal Xbox
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox One
  • Atari Jaguar
  • PSP Go (TV out and Dualshock support)
  • Two PS TV (One US and one Asia)
  • Ouya
  • Mad Catz Mojo
  • an Intel NUC (that I treat like a console for VNs and Touhou :P)
  • Neo Geo CD
  • PC Engine Duo-R
  • PC-FX


  • There's a Consolized Neo Geo MVS hooked up to the TV. The coffee table is both a SuperGun and a setup for a Sega NAOMI mainboard. It's still a work in progress because I want better kick harness support and an amp for my Ninja Baseball Bat Man board.


  • Two DMG Game Boys
  • Two Game Boy Pocket
  • One Game Boy Color
  • One Game Boy Advance
  • Four Game Boy Advance SP (Four swords colors :D)
  • Four Game Boy Micro
  • Four "Phat" Nintendo DS (Three with the USB video capture mod)
  • One DS Lite
  • 3DS XL
  • 2DS
  • New 3DS XL
  • Two PS Vita (Different colors for my two accounts)
  • a Mario's Cement Factory Game & Watch
  • a Pokemon Mini
  • a decent collection of Wonderswan Systems (A couple B&W, a few Color, and one Crystal)
  • a few Gameboy clones (GB Boy, GB Boy Colour, K101 Revo)
  • a refurbished Game Gear
  • GP2X
  • GCW-Zero
  • Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • PSP-3000
  • Nvidia Shield

tl;dr: What game consoles do you have?

submitted by IcyAthene
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Categories: News

Hi! I am Kit Drago, the Convention Chairman for Fur the 'More. You can ask me anything (AMA)!!!

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 15:58

I.. am.. Kit! I started Fur the 'More three years ago, and have worked in various levels of positions at most of the other "geeky" type conventions in the region for the last 10+ years. I've seen a lot of stuff and have a lot of experience, but Im always ready for new ideas. I'm ready to answer your questions about Fur the 'More 2016. Heres my proof:

submitted by KitDrago
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Categories: News

S4 Episode 20 – Season 4 Recap - Well, this is it! We've reached the end of Season 4! Morphy and Charm come back to help Roo and Tugs wrap up the season in this truly double length episode. Sure, we know it's a long episode (it could have been a special),

Fur What It's Worth - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 14:36
Well, this is it! We've reached the end of Season 4! Morphy and Charm come back to help Roo and Tugs wrap up the season in this truly double length episode. Sure, we know it's a long episode (it could have been a special), but we had so much fun this season and wanted to make sure each moment had its due. So sit back, relax, pop a drink open, and prepare for a fun trip down memory lane as we recap Season 4 of Fur What It's Worth!


Show Notes

Special Thanks

Morphy Tiger and Charm Husky, our guests
Firebreath and Koru, our supporting cast
Kira the Fox...kitsune....person
Leo the Artist
Captain Chibi
All our guests this season, since our show really wouldn't exist without you.
All YOU listening! You are why we do the show.

Art Submissions:


Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Next episode: The next episode will start Season 5 - Video Games in the Fandom, Cubed! What games do you love the most? What made you a furry? Send your emails by August 22, 2015! S4 Episode 20 – Season 4 Recap - Well, this is it! We've reached the end of Season 4! Morphy and Charm come back to help Roo and Tugs wrap up the season in this truly double length episode. Sure, we know it's a long episode (it could have been a special),
Categories: Podcasts

How do you handle an artist who ow 5,000?

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 14:12

So there an artist that has taken over 50 commissions which they never started; At this point they've taken 5,000 USD. Keep in mind they did not do this over a day. They did it over years.

Basically they post offers for commissions. Take a few, delete the post. Do a few of them. But not the rest.

They're do stream. They take some commissions. They'll get a few people to line up and pay. Do the first 1, and then log off.

Out side of the ninja posts. they wait a months at a time. and like I said they do take and complete some commissions. They've created and dropped side accounts. again to do the same thing.

There are people who payed them 5 years ago, and still haven't received the art they payed for.

At this point I wounder if this is just one of several accounts they may be using. In which case the amount they ow could be much higher.

submitted by dm18
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Categories: News

FREE REQUESTS AND STREAM! Read details! Come hang out with me, fuzzbutts! I had a TON of fun streaming yesterday, but that was with my content. Now I want a challenge!

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 14:04

Hey! You clicked my link! Yay!

Read the post before you request anything, please.

TL;DR If you're new to the fandom, you don't draw or are new to drawing, and/or you don't have a fursona at all yet, please let me know! I will do a request for you. I start at 3:30 (half an hour from this post). Also, if you are the person I pick for the first request, and you aren't watching, I probably will pick another. OR I can do it when you are able to watch if you ask nicely! :D


I will be streaming starting at 3:30PM EST, and going probably until the wee bonnie lass hours of the morning. So don't worry if you have to go to bed/work/school/temple/synogogue/mars.

By the way, I'm hanging out in the chat now if you want to... chat.

Alright, so yesterday I finally got the courage to stream my art for the hell of it. I figured no one would watch anyway, so whatever why not. I had like 5 people watching for like 10 hours or something crazy! I met some really awesome people, had a LOT of fun, and even got some incredibly useful help while doing it too!

So, that being said, I absolutely adored streaming, and had a blast.

Anyway, yesterday I was streaming me drawing my comic (I will probably show you guys on Tuesday!) which was really... easy. Time consuming but easy. This time? I want to draw WHAT YOU GUYS LIKE. Draw an avian? How the hell do I draw feathers? You want a neon-blue-and-green coloured macro furry wolf fursona with insanely huge muscles with wings wielding a lightsaber and oh he also has superpowers? Uhhhh. Alright? Let's do it! (I don't want to actually do that, as awesome as it'd be.)

I want to help people! If you don't have a fursona yet, or have an idea of what your fursona is but want someone else to draw a really bad version of it, LOOK NO FURTHER! I also don't mind making icons (though it'll be like the one I did earlier, a high-res version of it). Or forum signatures maybe. But I'd prefer to draw something you guys want.

I'm going to lean towards newer furs who don't have a fursona yet, or can't afford a commission (because I used to be so broke and I totally get the feels) from your favourite artist. Yay! I'll be your second choice!

Anyway, here's the link:

I want to give back to you guys. You guys are the reason I've found a new passion in life, and you've given me the strength to beat not only my depression and the worse effects of my bipolar disorder, but you've also managed to help me make new friends I'd never have otherwise met!

Seriously. I love you guys.

PS: Post your requests in this thread, the ones in the stream chat I will ignore because if there are a lot of people requesting (seems like you guys like this request stuff) it will get confusing, and I also want to make sure I'm helping those furs who will benefit the most!

submitted by Essjay-C
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Categories: News

I had the realization that I am the furry version of Uncle Ruckus (Discussion prompt! Not a drama thread! Interested to hear your take or opinions)

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 13:18

Quick edit: I don't bash other furs, just was afraid of associating as a furry online! Uncle Ruckus kind of... makes an extreme and aggressive example here... lol

Not an overly dramatic post, but someone somewhere said something about how Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks (a show that will heavily inspire my artwork forever) bashed the very thing he was. I can't remember why he was making the point, but that it was kind of like a defense mechanism for being I guess afraid (for lack of a better word) or rejecting what they are.

It kind of opened my eyes, because while I want to draw realistic-ish anthropomorphic people, I was afraid of lumping myself in with everyone else. But recently I decided to say "fuck it".

...kind of the same approach to cleaning my dog's sheddings off of my furniture. It just keeps accumulating and it never seems to go away.

Apparently I'm a furry. I guess maybe I don't want to be one of those people who uses that one thing to identify themselves, and become kind of like "the furry guy" to people, analogous to "the gay guy" at the office, or the person you know.

I dunno. I honestly don't care that much. While I have a strong love of the community I've engrossed myself in here, as well as animals in general and the art, I don't have a fursona (and still don't understand that! Why is this a thing?).

Maybe this is all because I'm new to this, and literally haven't bothered to make friends who discuss this stuff until literally last night.

Sorry if this all seems so dramatic! I really just wanted to hear what people thought and kind of had that realization the other day, and no one to share it with. I just found it funny that someone opened my eyes to a kind of bias like that!

submitted by Essjay-C
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Categories: News

Episode 290 - What's In A Name?

Southpaws - Sat 15 Aug 2015 - 13:17
Savrin and Fuzz run through a ton of emails this week. Anons from tumblr, Jeeves chimes in, best and worst con memories, and Fuzz's mundane life! Also, 2016 is the Year Of The Furries. Beware, ye normies! Like the show? Support us on Patreon! Episode 290 - What's In A Name?
Categories: Podcasts