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Red Riding Hood ~ Hax

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 07:36
Categories: News

/r/furry spaceship

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 07:04

So, uh. There was a thread about a month ago asking that /r/furry should build a spaceship.

I said I would make a 3D model of said spaceship. Here is the result, in it's full glory.

It's actually not a spaceship though, it's a space station. So, yeah.

If you guys want me to expand on it or anything, ask me and I just might.

(It's not textured because I suck at texturing. If you or anyone can, please tell me!)

submitted by SwoonerorLater
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Categories: News

Guest post: “The Lady or the Tiger or the Wolf?” by Carmen K. Welsh Jr.

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 06:23
The Lady or the Tiger or the Wolf?

by Carmen K. Welsh Jr.


I was asked by more than one person while writing my book if I’ve owned any dogs. The answer is no. Most of my life, I have actually identified with cats more but decided many years ago that I refused to get into the eternal debate about which pet is Better: a Dog or a Cat. I didn’t want to get caught up in nonsense and senseless hype.

Both cats and dogs are no better or worse than the other. I don’t even like that there’s such a debate. As an animal lover, it makes more sense to learn to enjoy and learn more about as many creatures as possible, even those one may be deathly afraid of, because, it’s nature, and nature’s cool.

Many cultures do not, or once did not, view animals as separate species. Animals were spirit guides, soul companions as well as kin. Depending on the individual, and among many animal-lovers and pet owner anecdotes, a human and a particular creature will bond no matter what, solidifying the idea that the human and animal species have more in common than is understood.

To tell you the truth, since I was a child, I felt drawn to cats (both literally and figuratively as well as artistically). I would draw them constantly. Cartoon cats I would often copy and change to my liking. If one reads my FWG bio, my first character at age 5 or 6, was a cat with bat wings! My avatar is an anthro snow leopard from one of my short stories. Saturday night, with my older brothers, watching original Star Trek episodes had me drawing on leftover cardboard a space opera comic with a galactic ship complete with captain and crew (all cats! What I wouldn’t give to find some of those drawings).

Also, as a child, I was deathly afraid of dogs. I mean, it made sense. Cats hate dogs because dogs chase them, right? But dogs also barked with large teeth when one walked by their wired fences or wooden gates. Yet, when I stayed in Jamaica with relatives, and after a few summers, having even lived there, going to school and all (talk about culture shock) the dogs there seemed… nicer. The strays didn’t try to bite. Dogs would run to a person, mouth wide open, tails wagging. House dogs seemed quiet and not growly. They also looked similar, lanky, medium size and short-furred, but that’s because being on an island did not allow for a varied gene pool. United States’ dogs seemed meaner to me at 8 years old. Do I sound as if I’m making ‘cultural stereotypes’ on dogs?

But I learned from those dogs and how to interact with them. Also, my grandma, being of old ideas, believed cats were evil and didn’t want them around. However, she had no problem with canines. There was a dog known as Old Max in the neighborhood. Though he had an owner, he would amble about our block. Nearly every household he visited would feed him, including my grandmother. He was a stately gentleman and never barked loud and always allowed us children to play with him.

It took more years and experience to realize that dogs weren’t the antithesis to cats. They couldn’t be. It was like comparing from the old adage about apples and oranges. One could love cats and still love dogs! Once I understood that I began to incorporate more dogs into my writings.

Also, plenty of my beloved childhood films during the 1980s had canine actors I cheered for! I loved the Benji film series as well as Disney’s A Dog of Flanders, Ol’ Yeller, The Shaggy Dog and its sequel The Shaggy DA. One of my favorite Disney animations is Lady and the Tramp, which I count as the earliest inspiration for my novel draft. But I equally loved The Aristocats!

If I’m the animal writer I believe myself to be, then I should learn from them, and not just the ones I readily relate to. A writer should step out of the comfort zone. Writing what one knows is fine, yet it’s even better to learn new things so one could write on that as well. I read more on dogs, I met friends’ dogs and I began to study them.

When my thesis needed new life, I began to dig deeper into why I loved dogs (ah, puns). That’s when the story’s voice and tone were found. Not just deciding on Third-person vs. First POV (on my thesis mentor’s advice, I switched all previous drafts to first-person), but experimenting with other literary vehicles to best tell my story. Instead of the ‘aloof’ third-person I used for my cat characters in my fantasy series (there’s those stereotypes again), I would let go and let my dogs tell their own stories in immediate First-person.

Because such a voice felt more historical, I wanted a sense of the familiar as well as what we humans often overlooked or took for granted in canines. Though I still haven’t had a dog for a companion yet, I’m looking forward to many more adventures with both dogs AND cats. See? Cats aren’t the only muses for writers; dogs can be a writer’s best friend too. And yes, I went there. *groan*

Categories: News

Episode 91 – Rivfur 2015 - Furballd did our third live show for Rivfur!  We chat to Rivfur head honcho, Furballd regular guest, and good friend Tinycat about the weekend get together (now a meet again), how it all went and the potential future of the Bris

Furballd - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 06:22

Furballd did our third live show for Rivfur!  We chat to Rivfur head honcho, Furballd regular guest, and good friend Tinycat about the weekend get together (now a meet again), how it all went and the potential future of the Brisbane fur meet.  Then we finish off by playing a game of Sepko’s twisted creation.

Fair warning, the audio on this is pretty choppy because we recorded outside in a public park, with just our normal microphone and laptop.  No special equipment here!  But we think the podcast turned out okay considering.

Now enjoy the wrap-up of Rivfur 2015!  Bye for now, but not forever.

Episode 91 – Rivfur 2015 - Furballd did our third live show for Rivfur!  We chat to Rivfur head honcho, Furballd regular guest, and good friend Tinycat about the weekend get together (now a meet again), how it all went and the potential future of the Brisbane fur meet.
Categories: Podcasts

Dealing with Intolerant People - How do you deal with people who pretend to be accepting but aren’t really? If you have ever wondered, then this episode is for you.

WagzTail - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 06:00

How do you deal with people who pretend to be accepting but aren’t really? If you have ever wondered, then this episode is for you.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 84

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Eli, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2015 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Dealing with Intolerant People - How do you deal with people who pretend to be accepting but aren’t really? If you have ever wondered, then this episode is for you.
Categories: Podcasts

'GreenhouseWorld' by kenket

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 05:50
Categories: News

Im Stumped...

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 02:53
Categories: News

Furries, where do you work?

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 01:58

Or "What is your job?" Same question, different mold.

I got a new job. I now work as "That guy in a blue suit who works in a school and fixes stuff"

Here's a translate. You figure out my job

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

I love being furry, because...

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 00:55

It allows us to strip away all the topical, unnecessary information, leaving only your thoughts and actions. We don't see your face, race, background, or sex. We get to see each other as who we strive to be, not what we currently are. (Mentally, or physically, in some cases).

It allows us to see each other based upon the content of our character; our thoughts, actions, and advice. For once, anonymity actually plays in our favor- it allows us to shape ourselves through our characters and online identity, creating a positive place with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Anyway, those were (literally) just some shower thoughts. What does it all mean to you?

submitted by Wahots
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Categories: News

We Were On Funhaus!

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 00:15
Categories: News

Can we have a shark flair?

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 00:15

Sharks are a popular but underrepresented species (Even TVTropes calls us a "squicky" species) that I think need to take their place among the popular species.

As someone with a shark persona I would like to see this subreddit add a shark flair.

submitted by usaf2222
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Categories: News

South African Furry Has Some Questions about the Fandom

Ask Papabear - Thu 20 Aug 2015 - 00:00
Hi Papabear, 

I must be honest I only found out about you today, but seeing some of the things fellow furries have asked you and seeing your responses, I immediately have huge respect for you and I'd like to say that I appreciate what you are doing. (especially to the recent suicide note, I am extremely sorry for the experience you had to go through Jean, I am here for you if you need any help because I'm also from South Africa :3)

In South Africa, the furry population isn't the largest so I personally have only chatted to furries over the internet and not in person.. Anyways I was wondering a couple of things about the furry fandom you can clear up for me.

1. I know usually the adult or "yiff" part of the furry fandom is frowned upon, but is it "wrong" to enjoy those kind of things within moderation of course?

2. I know that most furries are simply into artwork, but being a furry can entail (excuse the pun_ many different things depending on the person. I believe that my fursona is something which I want to be in real life if possible, and that I kinda am a furry "trapped" inside a human body if that makes sense. I'm wondering if that is common in the fandom or is it "strange". What does being a furry mean to you?

I am still relatively new to the fandom and I am still discovering myself in life, and well.. I'd like to know some more information if possible. Again thanks so much for all of the time, effort and work you have put into helping furries like myself, I appreciate you so much

Yours sincerely
Tocs :3

* * *

Dear Tocs,

I’ve been getting more and more letters like yours asking about the nature of furry, what it entails, and on and on. It makes me realize more how I have to get my tail moving on the book I am writing about the fandom (it’s coming!)

I could go on and on about how the fandom got where it is today and what it means to be furry these days, but that’s what the book’s about! It’s also a guide to the fandom (everything from how to run a furry business to how to perform in a fursuit and more). For now, let’s just focus on your two questions.

1. Whether or not “yiff” is frowned upon depends entirely on whom you ask. Some furries have no problem with it, and others feel offended by it. The fact is that it is part of the fandom and not going anywhere. The whole idea of anthros and furries evolved in the 1980s when certain artists and writers decided that what was then “funny animals” cartoons should have a more adult spin. This gave us everything from “Omaha the Cat Dancer” to “Associated Student Bodies” to the more in-your-face furporn you often see online. The difference between something like Omaha and the gratuitous sex in, say, an issue of Genus, is that the former include sex as part of the story while the latter is basically just a bunch of sexy images to get someone aroused. Is it “wrong” to be aroused by such things. Of course not. Sexuality is a part of human nature. Everyone has sexual fantasies of one sort or another, and if you get excited by an anthro character in the buff, that’s fine. As you say, if it’s in moderation, it’s okay. You only get into problems when sex becomes an addiction that interferes with the rest of your life, a topic I’ve written about before in this column.

2. Quite a few furries, including yours truly, feel like we don’t really belong in human bodies. At one end of this spectrum are therians (people who transform physically or spiritually into other animals—e.g. werewolves) and otherkin (people who feel they are elves, dragons, and other creatures considered by most humans as mythological or simply not human) to the other end of the spectrum where people just long to be other animals but know they (currently) are human. I’m more on the spiritual side of this in that I feel that the grizzly bear is the most prominent of my spiritual guides on my Medicine Wheel.

Furries are a diverse group. Some are artists, some are gamers, some are fursuiters, some are writers, some are more into the spiritual side of it. It has become a very complex group of people. The neat thing is that you can make of furry what you want. Remember: do not let anyone try to tell you “a furry is this and a furry is not that.” Don’t worry about defining it. Just be it.



Omigosh guys I'm getting a full suit!

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Aug 2015 - 22:50

As the title says, Rocky will be complete soon! I'm getting my first complete digi suit and it should be done right before Furry unlocked! Not sure why I made this post, I'm just so excited and wanted to share x3

submitted by RockyFox
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Categories: News

Pixel Request Raffle Stream!

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Aug 2015 - 21:33

EDIT: Stream is over! Fear not, though, as I'm raffling more on Saturday morning!

Raffling a few arts. Anyone in the stream's chat is eligible and I'll roll with picarto's /raffle feature. If you're chosen, you'll send me a ref and I'll make a thing for you!

The things I'm making are pixel sketches and 4-color portrait icons. Pixel sketches look kinda like this, but more cleaned up and colored. I haven't made any 4-color portraits, so I can't show how they'll look, but they're busts/headshots and they'll be icon sized!

The raffling will start in about half an hour from this posting and I'll try to do as much as I can! I'll also do another raffle stream on Saturday, with more stuff to make!

submitted by IntroIntroduction
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Categories: News

Ersatz, by me (charcoal and chalk)

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Aug 2015 - 20:55
Categories: News