Feed aggregator
043 - Vegas, Baby! - 11-3-12 Sorry we were gone! We review our wild va…
11-3-12 Sorry we were gone! We review our wild vacation in Las Vegas. 043 - Vegas, Baby! - 11-3-12 Sorry we were gone! We review our wild va…
Categories: Podcasts
041 - Food Fight! - 10-11-12 No, this ep. has nothing to do w/ the te…
10-11-12 No, this ep. has nothing to do w/ the terrible movie the image is from. We talk about food fights, politics, segways, and Cheetos. 041 - Food Fight! - 10-11-12 No, this ep. has nothing to do w/ the te…
Categories: Podcasts
040 - Rainfurrest 2012 CON IN - 10-3-12 Great one!!! We review Rainfurrest 2012 a…
10-3-12 Great one!!! We review Rainfurrest 2012 and all the happenings that it was. We also discover that Alkali is a super funky fresh rapper. Also, we're doing an art contest!!! Grand prize is my 3DS! 2nd: $60, 3rd: $40, 2nd: $20. Check it out! 040 - Rainfurrest 2012 CON IN - 10-3-12 Great one!!! We review Rainfurrest 2012 a…
Categories: Podcasts
038 - Our Favorite Things - Great one! We discuss our favorite things! It's n…
Great one! We discuss our favorite things! It's not as dumb as it sounds! 038 - Our Favorite Things - Great one! We discuss our favorite things! It's n…
Categories: Podcasts
039 - Six Flags Bad Dragon - 9-27-12 Fun episode! We discuss many things, but …
9-27-12 Fun episode! We discuss many things, but mainly what a Bad Dragon theme park would be like. Tell a friend! Write us an iTunes review! Click that "like" button! 039 - Six Flags Bad Dragon - 9-27-12 Fun episode! We discuss many things, but …
Categories: Podcasts
036 - Mooselini - 8-29-12 We talk about Alkali's technology rebelio…
8-29-12 We talk about Alkali's technology rebelion, Mediocre Man, dieting, hipsters, the waffle iron, ferret Hitler, and furry historical figures. 036 - Mooselini - 8-29-12 We talk about Alkali's technology rebelio…
Categories: Podcasts
035 - The Accidental Racist - This week, we discuss sheepskin condoms, Xander's…
This week, we discuss sheepskin condoms, Xander's new office, trouble with Reddit at work, Alkali reviews Gen Con, CONSPIRACIES, and we find out Alkali has accidentally been racist at his job. 035 - The Accidental Racist - This week, we discuss sheepskin condoms, Xander's…
Categories: Podcasts
033 - iFC LIVE!! - 8-12-12 You heard right! Dragget Show recorded at…
8-12-12 You heard right! Dragget Show recorded at iFC in front of a live audience and it was EPIC AWESOME. Pandez & Roxas joined us as well as many of our hardcore fans to make it truly epic. Thanks to everyone!!! 033 - iFC LIVE!! - 8-12-12 You heard right! Dragget Show recorded at…
Categories: Podcasts
034 - iFC 2012 IN REVIEW - 8-20-12 That's right! We review the goings on of …
8-20-12 That's right! We review the goings on of iFC 2012 and more. Oh, the pic? Yeah, The Bulge strikes again. 034 - iFC 2012 IN REVIEW - 8-20-12 That's right! We review the goings on of …
Categories: Podcasts
032 - Bane <3 Big Bang Theory. - 8-1-12 This episode, we are joined by Roxas Panda…
8-1-12 This episode, we are joined by Roxas Panda as we approach the upcoming Indy Fur Con! We discuss it, many of the panels, where we will be doing our first podcast recording at a con in front of an audience! If you want to check it out, it will be Aug. 10th - 12th. The site is www.indyfurcon.com 032 - Bane <3 Big Bang Theory. - 8-1-12 This episode, we are joined by Roxas Panda…
Categories: Podcasts
A Confursation #1: Kyoujin - 7-29-12 DON'T PANIC! This is just a little someth…
7-29-12 DON'T PANIC! This is just a little something for you between episodes! Xander has a conversation with Kyoujin, an artist, musician, and also a QA tester in the games industry. Enjoy! A Confursation #1: Kyoujin - 7-29-12 DON'T PANIC! This is just a little someth…
Categories: Podcasts
031 - Furlock Holmes - 7-26-12 A...certain beverage, diets, cheese produ…
7-26-12 A...certain beverage, diets, cheese products, VR, Pipeworks, Sherlock Holmes, answering listener questions, and more! 031 - Furlock Holmes - 7-26-12 A...certain beverage, diets, cheese produ…
Categories: Podcasts
030 - Cream Corn! - 7-19-12 This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 ar…
7-19-12 This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 armed swimmer, minor league baseball game, cream corn, and put a twist on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Also, LOTS of listener questions answered! 030 - Cream Corn! - 7-19-12 This ep, we talk about Nazi Slots, a 1 ar…
Categories: Podcasts
029 - Tarantino's Little Merma - 7-13-12 This ep, we talk about kissing beards, th…
7-13-12 This ep, we talk about kissing beards, the movie Ted, Quentin Tarantino's Little Mermaid, Anthropocalypse, and more! Plus a couple Listener questions! 029 - Tarantino's Little Merma - 7-13-12 This ep, we talk about kissing beards, th…
Categories: Podcasts
028 - The Flag Is Glitter - 7-3-12 Get ready, this is one of our best episode…
7-3-12 Get ready, this is one of our best episodes! We talk about the 4th of July, Lobsterbacks, Anderson Cooper, and our own Gaytopia in New Zealand, as well as listener questions. 028 - The Flag Is Glitter - 7-3-12 Get ready, this is one of our best episode…
Categories: Podcasts
Homoreos - 6-29-12 This week, we talk about the "gay oreos" …
6-29-12 This week, we talk about the "gay oreos" gay pride contraversy, question Alkali's potenial as a serial killer, and answer lots of reader questions! Homoreos - 6-29-12 This week, we talk about the "gay oreos" …
Categories: Podcasts