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Planning a group pic (need gryphons OR wolves)
I recently found an old sketch I did of some ferals in a group and wanted to repurpose it into something more furry! I've decided to try again at a group pic with strangers (my last one failed miserably (tl;dr I ragequit after losing the files)) and seeing how I don't really know anyone on DA with either wolves or gryphon characters, and I don't have a FA, /r/furry is my next choice! So basically I need like 4 volunteers. Depending on the character designs (nothing too complex or over-the-top please) I'll either go with wolves/similar large canines or gryphons/very similar mythical cats. Feel free to post for both groups. If there are a lot of good designs for both, I might make 2 pictures!
This will be feral. If you only have anthro references, it's cool, I can just feralize that. No set completion date, although I aim for under or around a week, possibly less because I already have the basic outlines.
EDIT: To give people time because not everyone browses constantly, I'll give this until, let's say, Saturday afternoonish before I decide on who is in.
submitted by Greypuppy[link] [9 comments]
Anyone up for a chat?
I'm SUPER bored and thought it would be a good idea to chat with you guys. Ask me a question, tell me something about your day, stuff like that :D
submitted by ThisNameWasStolen[link] [33 comments]
Can we stop posting FA links if possible?
Everyone talks about leaving FA but nobody takes action. Personally I haven't actively used the site for months. At this point when someone posts an FA link I'm hesitant to even open it lest I give the site more traffic.
I propose we start finding any images we like on the artists' other sites, if possible, then linking those instead. That way we are still giving them views and credit, but not giving FA the traffic and ad revenue.
Chances are if they're a popular artist they're on one of the 4+ different FA alternatives, and most artists I'm sure have at least one other site.
I don't condone linking imgur pages with art unless they're albums with commented sources, but I'd still rather give imgur traffic than FA. Note that this is just my opinion and it only means that I'll go out of my way to find an alternative site for the artist. If you simply can't find another place it's posted, then post the FA link.
I am reposting this same topic with a list of sources and tools that can be used to make a transition easier. I will also post an easily searchable custom Google search page so that people can make very minimal effort to find artists' other pages.
First off, a short few sources on why we should stop supporting FurAffinity:
A very good and concise summary of basically everything I wish to convey with my own post can be found here.To add to this list, I would also like to mention that in the past there have been several scandals that have involved things ranging from a distrusted user being brought back under a pseudonym all the way to an accused rapist being put on staff. Note I will not be adding links to those topics here because by doing so I believe I will be providing personal information on those involved, however if you wish to know more about these topics merely Google "Furaffinity Scandals" and the first page of links will provide more information. The point of me mentioning all of this here is that there is clearly no to very little filtering of staff members, resulting in bias and conflict in a team that should have anything but.
I would also like to bring to light the very recent post by /u/Raptros, a former staff member for FA, that highlighted much of the shortcomings of the staff of FurAffinity, as well as, in my opinion, some of the rather unfortunate internal politics involving working for the site.
I shouldn't have to even mention it, but there's also the recent IMVU acquisition and its accompanying downfalls, to include grossly increased irrelevant advertising and seriously, a furry site owned by IMVU.
I feel at this point I've provided enough reasons for many people to protest with their migrations (as opposed to protesting with your wallets), so to speak, but if it's really considered that much of a circlejerk to say "FA is bad mkay" then I can go all out and find even more sources and information on why FA is not a business we should support.
Somewhat of a live edit, as I forgot to mention it: Although most furries don't really post anything about their RL selves online in conjunction with their furry selves, it is important to note that FurAffinity has many security holes and bugs as mentioned in this thread by a former staff member and easily supported by looking through web posts about it. As a Cryptography enthusiast (read: aspiring cryptographer by trade) this kinda frightens me. All it would take for someone to steal emails of every user on FA is to find one of those bugs and get into the database. I don't know if they've properly hashed passwords, but if not then that same someone could also steal all of the passwords. Edit again: I've been told that FA does in fact hash their passwords, but they are not salted. Basically, they are obscuring the passwords to the layman, but a dedicated hacker could discover the passwords quite easily using what is called a Rainbow Table.
I'm not going to make it more complicated than it needs to be here, but the short version is Furaffinity is very insecure, and you should not only be using a unique password for it, but also keep as much personal information as possible off the site.
As for making it easier to migrate,Here are multiple tools that should make it easier for nearly anyone to make the move, as well as some that will make it easy to find your favorite artists on other sites.
FA Exodus helper - literally as easy as it gets, folks.
A tool to post your art to multiple sites at once - now you don't even have to put in effort to have your fanbase on FA and build it on other sites.
Simple transfer tool for moving from FA to Weasyl - exactly what it sounds like.
And finally, it's not perfect but a simple custom search to find your favorite artists on various websites. It might be easier sometimes to just do a full Google search, though.
submitted by dracanius[link] [65 comments]
One more summer headshot freebie thread!
Heya! Heading back to school soon, where I may not have access to a scanner, so I figured I may as well do one more sketch request thread while I could upload them in sort of ok quality.
You know the drill: I won't be able to get to everyone, feel free to upload them and/or color them, and I can work from description.
I will also do fullbodies as commissions or trades, so please shoot me a message if you're interested!
(FA so you know what you're getting)
edit: done 6, hope to do more tomorrow!
submitted by EmbarrassingShit[link] [36 comments]
A concern regarding our community.
Alright. So I've been going to /r/cringeanarchy when bored lately just to look at the pictures. To me the community is shit. One thing I've noticed is many furs are part of the community. Several are names I've seen here. I'm concerned because cringe anarchy is a super toxic and hateful community and I feel like this should be brought to attention. Although I'm not sure what can be done about it other than warning others to stay out of the comments lest you be swept up into the hatejerk there. Because personally I feel it could end up with users starting to be rude and hostile and all that over here.
submitted by DSTakumiDerp[link] [56 comments]
A wild Lurker has appeared!
Hello fellow Furries! I've been lurking on this subreddit (and just reddit in general) for a while now and I decided enough is enough. I need to take part in this lovely community! So here I am. I am a white lion with a red mane and I would love to get to know you so please feel free to start a discussion on anything and everything. I'm game! Also, my favourite pokemon is a no brainer, (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Litleo_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
submitted by Redmanedlion[link] [69 comments]