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Found this strangely apt.

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 06:47
Categories: News

House Party

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 06:38
Categories: News

The Ordeals of Tirescade- Part Three- The Invitation

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 06:00

Welcome back to another part in "The Ordeals of Tirescade"! As usual. please comment if you have any comments or questions. And a link to the first and previous parts will be shown beneath. Now enjoy!

“Hey! Did you guys get an invitation as well?” Cacturne asked. The three people at the nerd table were Topaz, Scorch and their newest addition, Ignis. It was Friday and they couldn’t wait for the weekend of fun to begin. They were all also going to go to the dance on Sunday night. The three creatures, like Cacturne, had in their hands, a sealed envelope. When she sat down, the four of them ripped the letters open. Exclaims of shock and squeals followed. “But why would she?” “I can’t wait!” “Did she even know I existed?” Ignis was the most surprised of all of them. “Why would Missy invite me?”

“Perhaps its because she didn’t think about you.” Scorch suggested. “Maybe she left you alone.”

“That’s not like her. She doesn’t forget easily.”

“Then let’s go for the heck of it.” Cacturne said.

“Agreed. But it says we have to have dates?” Topaz looked at the invitation. Cacturne took this as an opportunity and pounced on Topaz.

“How ‘bout you and me? We’ll have fun.” Cacturne said playfully.

“Sure hon. Let’s meet at my dorm ok?” Topaz asked. Cacturne nodded gratefully.

Embarrassed, Ignis turned to Scorch and asked ”So I suppose that leaves us both. Want to come with me?”

“Kay. I need to get out more anyway.” Scorch said.

“You mean you don’t have a girlfriend or anything like that?” Ignis asked curious.

“The only girl I know is Cacturne and Topaz already took her.” Scorch chuckled a bit at the irony as he sipped his coffee.

“Well then, it’s agreed. We’ll meet at Missy’s place at 8.” Topaz suggested. The rest acknowledged this happily.

Cacturne knocked on Ignis’s dorm door reading G38. Igins opened door surprised to see the crow standing there. The she-wolf was still in her robe.

“What are you doing here Cacturne?” Igins asked.

“If you want to catch Scorch’s heart, I’m here to help you.” Cacturne walked in, looking around the neat room.

Ignis shut the door and told the crow, “I’m pretty sure I can put makeup on myself.”

“Not with Scorch. He doesn’t like makeup.” Cacturne gazed at Ignis. “There are certain accessories and hairstyles he doesn’t like.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“We’re friends aren’t we? No matter how we met. Girls got each other’s backs.” Cacturne explained.

“Fine. But then you have to allow me to girl you up.” Ignis crossed her arms. “You’re not going to catch Topaz’s eye with that shirt.”

“Makeup?” Cacturne looked scared at the idea.

“If necessary. Let’s get started now.” Ignis picked up her hair dryer and smiled.

At 8 o'clock, the four friends met up in front of Missy’s grand mansion. Topaz was wearing a suit along with his usual robe and lavender fedora. For the occasion, his macaroni was black. Scorch was wearing a tuxedo with a green bowtie. The two girls arrived and the boys were stunned with their beauty. Cacturne had taught Ignis the art of less is more and the she-wolf looked dazzling without make up. Scorch's mouth dropped open.

Meanwhile Topaz was amazed by how Cacturne looked. To him, she was one of the more beautiful things he had ever seen.

“Shall we go in Mademoiselles?” Topaz stuck out his hand. Scorch did the same looking at Ignis, his mouth still open. Ignis corrected her boa, and giggled as she took his hand. She closed his mouth and the couple walked inside.

“What did you do? That was the most lovestruck I’ve ever seen. And on Scorch’s face!” Topaz asked his date.

“Never underestimate the power of girls. Now come on! I can hear the music.” Topaz laughed as Cacturne pulled him inside.

The party was already swinging grandly. As the four of them entered through the huge doors, they noticed a dancing floor and a stage. Upon the stage was Justin Bieber. When Scorch saw the singer, he tried to back out but Ignis dragged him back in. Around the ballroom were tables for eating and resting. There was also a buffet serving more foods than one could imagine. There were chicken wings, beef strips, the like. The two girls sighed as Topaz and Scorch began digging into the appetizers. Cacturne took Topaz’s hand which dropped the plate onto the table with a clatter. A surprised Topaz was dragged upon the colorful dance floor. The song “Four five seconds” came on and the two of them started dancing to Rihanna. Ignis finally got Scorch on the dance floor when Kanye West came on.

1 hour later…

The foursome sat down at a table to rest, their cups full of cherry punch and their plate of dinner. As they started their dinner, conservation began to happen. The girls chatted about how Jeremy nearly threw out his back doing the worm. The boys criticized the food in front of them.

“This may be a bit overcooked, and it's a bit dry,” Topaz commented as he inspected the chicken.

“But the spices certainly make up for it.” Scorch said as he gobbled his chicken. Topaz agreed and continued. He took a sip of his punch, then he spat the drink out.

“Has anyone had the punch yet?” Topaz asked alert.

“Well, I know it’s a bit too sweet but it’s ok.” Cacturne said confused.

Scorch took a drink then spitted it back into the cup. “He’s right. It’s salty now.” His eyes were wide open looking everywhere.

Ignis was now scared. “Um. What’s going on guys?”

“When a drink turns salty, that means there’s a roofie in it.” Topaz explained standing up.

“Our parents told us when we were 13.” Scorch said as he dumped their punch on the white carpet. “We’ve got to get as many people out of here as possible. The punch’s been spiked.” The girls left the boys and they went around everybody about the spiked punch. Most of them didn’t believe them but a few did, and besides, they were ready to go home. Cacturne and Ignis sat outside the mansion waiting for the boys.

The two boys came out with a couple of security guards. They struggled as the guards threw them down on the floor.

Missy came out and the black panther yowled, "And don't you ever come back again!" She slammed the doors shut and Ignis asked the boys what had happened.

"Let's just say we got caught trying to break in the intercom room. It would’ve worked if Scorch had worked faster.” Topaz accused.

Scorch glared at him, “Perhaps. Did you gals have better luck?”

The girls nodded their heads. Cacturne said, “But we only got like 8 people out.”

“8 is better than none. Come on guys. I think we’ve done as much as we could.” The gryphon stood up along with the others. The four of them walked back to their dorms, wondering what would happen next.

Jake was tired. The gray wolf couldn’t believe the girls were right. His girlfriend had fainted and he was now carrying her, using all of his strength. He laid her on the floor, deciding to take care of her in the morning. Jake laid his head on the floor, ready to sleep, when he noticed a shadow. The shadow was awake and moving. The wolf walked around the corner to ask for help when he noticed a red light flaring from the hallway. The light blinded him as the shadow moved into the door. It closed, the red light shining through the cracks. This door was the fourth at the end of the hallway.

Jake got his sight back and went into the hallway looking for the mysterious figure. By now his muscles were already slowing down and his vision was blurry. He needed the person’s help. The wolf saw nothing so he opened the first door, showing janitor supplies. The second door was the entrance to the girls’ restroom. The last and third door revealed a bedroom, most likely Missy’s. The shadowy figure wasn’t in any of them.

Jake was feeling the effects of the drug by now and he stumbled back to his girlfriend. Suddenly, he felt a harsh blast of fire and he fell. Jake covered his girlfriend, hoping to get all of the damage instead. He fell into a serene sleep.

“4 dead, the rest injured or drugged.” Cacturne read from the newspaper. The group was in J38, Topaz’s dorm.

“So we were right.” Scorch said solemnly sitting on Topaz’s bed with Topaz. Ignis was sitting on the couch.

“How did the mansion catch fire again?” the she-wolf asked.

“It says here it started from some stove left on. Although I find that hard to believe.” Cacturne doubted.

“And we would’ve gotten them all out if Scorch was faster.” Topaz said.

“It’s not my fault. If anything, I’m pretty sure you caught the guard’s attention.” The dragon and Topaz had been arguing since the mansion party the previous night.

“Ok. You guys have got to stop. I’m sick of this ‘you did that’ ‘no you did’ nonsense. If anything, it was all our fault for not trying hard enough.” Ignis shouted. Topaz and Scorch rolled their eyes, still sticking with their accusations. The she-wolf buried her head in her hands. “You know what we need?” She asked. “Meet me outside at twelve o’clock tonight.” Ignis left the room frustrated. The three others were surprised at her reaction.

The next couple parts are my favorite personally. Tune in tomorrow morning! Again, comment for comments or questions!



submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Your Character Here - Are “Your Character Here” auctions good or bad for artists? We invite Asyx  and Daiger to give their perspective on YCHs and auctions from an artist and customer perspective. Asyx can be found here Daiger is located here.

WagzTail - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 06:00

Are “Your Character Here” auctions good or bad for artists? We invite Asyx  and Daiger to give their perspective on YCHs and auctions from an artist and customer perspective.

Asyx can be found here

Daiger is located here.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 88

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Asyx, Daiger, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2015 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Your Character Here - Are “Your Character Here” auctions good or bad for artists? We invite Asyx  and Daiger to give their perspective on YCHs and auctions from an artist and customer perspective. Asyx can be found here Daiger is located here.
Categories: Podcasts

Overwhelmed by Zengel

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 04:25
Categories: News

There be dragon-ferrets

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 00:52
Categories: News

You know your sister is a noob when...

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 23:37

She asks if your OC is telephone.

submitted by iAMA_Rekt_iAMA
[link] [11 comments]
Categories: News

Angel of the Dark.

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 23:37
Categories: News

Finally Gonna Make a Fursona After Years

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 22:43

I've been in the fandom for years, but haven't even tried to make a fursona yet and I'd like a bit of help or feedback on my choices.

I decided to be a male fox since it's my favorite animal and I think I wanna use this color scheme for my fursona. Maybe replace the bti of silver with black or use both? Maybe a bit brighter of a red?

I'm picking the name Shane Kanayo or maybe Kaniyo. idk it took me the entire day for that and the first name is just my name.

I also have to figure out what eye color to use and maybe make it gold...

After making a really rough, rough draft in paint and I'm satisfied with it I'll try to get somebody to make a drawing of me/him.

After a while after that I'll get a full fursuit. :3

submitted by OP-chan
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Categories: News

You need more badges!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 22:17
Categories: News

I don't want to ask, but I will...

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 21:30

I... Er... I want someone to help me with art..? Maybe? I don't want to do programs like Draw A Box or /r/furryartschool. I prefer more "hands on" rather than visual, and I don't know if anyone here would or not... Worth a shot, right? A couple downvotes on this post won't hurt...

submitted by Derpherp662
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Categories: News

I am new to the community, what do I need to do to get started?

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 19:54

I am a total newbie to the community, I came to the community awhile back, but I could never figure out what I needed to do to get involved into the community, I come here to ask, How do I get started with the community? What sites should I check regularly? How do I not make an ass out if myself?

EDIT: Thanks, my question was far beyond answered, I am actually working on improving my drawing skills for other reasons, so I will see if I can make a good fursona someday!

submitted by NerdyFurry
[link] [23 comments]
Categories: News

'Elliot' by Noben

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 19:34
Categories: News

A little art dump for this week!

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 19:20
Categories: News

Anyone want to hang out on skype and play some minecraft?

Furry Reddit - Wed 16 Sep 2015 - 17:33

I really need to make some new friends. I'm a pretty lonely guy so I don't know a lot of people. If you're interested in playing some Minecraft with me, please give me your skype name. I really don't have any furry friends. I would really like to make some

submitted by IndieBomb
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News