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Anatomy of an Espurra - by Sareii

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 14:23
Categories: News

The water is nice!

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 14:15
Categories: News

No Kangaroo flair?

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 13:56

why is there no kangaroo flair

never mined

submitted by Shadowwolf67
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Categories: News

Commission for Blizzardkitsune by Sollyz

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 13:18
Categories: News

Starlit Badge by blindcoyote

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 12:29
Categories: News

Nemesis Wolf Badge by blindcoyote

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 12:28
Categories: News

Fluffy Fox, Can anyone find the source?

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 12:03
Categories: News

What would politicians fursona be/look like?

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 11:57

Since there has been a lot of posts on /r/europe about Frau Merkel and got to Obama got to tweeting stuff, I was wondering, what would politicians fursonas look like/be.

As in what animal would they be?

Doesn't only have to be about 'murican politicians....

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

French Anthro Comic: Intégrale Chlorophylle – Book Review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 10:43
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Intégrale Chlorophylle 1, by Raymond Macherot. Brussels, Belgium, Le Lombard, October 2012, hardcover €25,50 (208 pages). Intégrale Chlorophylle 2, by Raymond Macherot. Brussels, Belgium, Le Lombard, November 2012, hardcover €25,50 (208 pages). Intégrale Chlorophylle 3, by Raymond Macherot. Brussels, Belgium, Le Lombard, April 2013, hardcover €25,50 […]
Categories: News

/r/Furry Art Request Roulette (FARR) Master Post

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 10:36

For the love of all that is fluffy, don't pin this post. Put it somewhere less obtrusive, like the sidebar or something. I don't know. Mods, help!


Brief(-ish) background of the Furry Art Request Roulette (FARR):

The idea for the format was something I brainstormed at the start of the Summer when regulars to the subreddit were looking for something to do - some kind of regular community event. I wanted it to be a way to get as many users involved in having something to look forward to every now and again.

Seeing as practically everyone loves getting free art (judging by the number of comments you tend to find when an artist posts up offering to draw), I figured - why not do something relevant to that. The one common complaint though, was that to have any chance of being noticed by an artist, you would have to reply to their post soon after it goes up. That's why I decided it would be a better idea to give everyone a week or two to put their name in and pick randomly at the end.

Another common comment from artists is that they don't like to post up asking to draw others because they get so many requests that they can't possibly fulfil them all and have to disappoint a few people who don't get picked. So, why not let the artists decide in advance how much they want to draw and fill the gaps with randomly-picked requesters.

The whole event is also a way to get users talking to each other - stopping them from lurking quite so much, or just posting art or links and not interacting with others. Most importantly, it's for fun.

In short, what is the furry art request roulette?

FARR is an event that happens every two weeks where requesters are assigned to artists who will draw something for them.

For free?

Yep. Free art!

I want free art!

Don't we all? To sign up as a requester for the next FARR, click on the link to the Requester Form down below. Submit your username and you'll have a chance to be randomly selected.

I want to draw!

Artists volunteering is what makes this event work. Without artists, there wouldn't be anyone to draw the requests... obviously. The Artist Form (linked below) is a little different and slightly more complex. Along with your username, you will need to submit a very brief summary of what you're offering to draw so the requester can get an idea of what they might get.

I want to draw MORE!

Even better! If you want to take on multiple requests, just submit the artist form for each piece of art you want to produce. These can be different - another reason for the summary, so an artist can offer different things.

I want to draw, but I don't think I'm good enough.

See the response to "I want to draw!". I would like to think that it's not necessarily the amount of skill, but the amount of effort someone puts in that's important. In any case, just about every one of the requesters would be happy to receive any free art, regardless of who draws it. Besides, you get better with practice and this can be a good learning experience.

So when does the FARR happen?

Every other Friday. Check the schedule below for specific dates.

Can anyone enter?

Yes and no. Anyone can enter - they don't have to be a regular active contributor on the subreddit, just as long as the account is more than a couple of weeks old (in order to stop people from making extra accounts to enter multiple times - not that there's been any issue with it so far). The only exception is if the user was randomly selected as a requester in the previous FARR. In this case, they should avoid entering into the next FARR to give others more of a chance, but can enter as a requester from the FARR afterwards, onwards.

Why can people sign up as a requester when they've already been picked one or two times? Surely it isn't fair to anyone who hasn't got anything yet.

This question comes up every now and again, and I think doing this would cause more problems than it would solve. With the current limitations on how often someone can enter/receive art, the FARR is in a good place with a healthy amount of sustained interest, while having a reasonable amount of fairness.

If I barred everyone who had received art in the past, three things would happen: One - People (Requesters) would lose interest in the event as soon as they get some art. Two - Some requesters would complain that others got art that was of much higher quality than theirs. Three - There would eventually be more artists than requesters, or no requesters at all. (At this point, allowing people who have received one piece of art to start signing up again, while giving priority to people who haven't got anything yet would be a logistical nightmare - without even getting into the issue of people signing up with throwaway accounts.)


Date FARR post July 17th FARR 1 July 31st FARR 2 August 14th FARR 3 September 4th FARR 4.5 September 11th FARR 5 September 25th FARR 6 October 9th FARR 7 October 23rd FARR 8 Every 2 weeks Another FARR


Request form --- Artist form

Form results will be gathered just before each FARR post. Please submit your form(s) before the day of the FARR to ensure you are included.

Please let me know if I've missed any important details or if you have any further questions.

This post will be updated periodically to add answers to more common questions and keep details up-to-date.

submitted by Big_Red_Hothead
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

What would a Robin Hood adult movie be called?

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 09:44

The Tails of Knottingham.


submitted by wulvsbayne269
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

I made a 3D model

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 08:10
Categories: News

Night time visitor ~ Flemaly

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 07:37
Categories: News

Bratty Younger Brother Spied on Him and Now He's Afraid of What Baby Bro Will Tell Parents

Ask Papabear - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 07:30
Hey Papabear, 

I didn't know who else to go to and this seemed like the most appropriate and unbiased place to get some help. I'm not real good with words so I'll try to make this quick. All my life my entire family including myself were raised on Conservative/Libertarian and Christian views. And this actually brings me to two problems. Today, while I was taking a nap in my room after church my brother came in while I was asleep on went on my phone which I had open to kik, a messaging service kind of like IMS. So my little brother opens kik to a chat I was having with another guy. We were both furries and we began a session of yiff that escalated into much more than just "scritches" and "pawing" or whatever. We ended up exchanging nudes, as humiliated as I am to say it. So my brother finds my chat with the other furry (whom I will call Dexter), and he sees the pictures of nudes and messages we sent each other. He wakes me up and demands at me "Who is this Dexter the wolf? You sent him your privates?! You gay freak!" I tried to explain to him that I'm not gay and that I didn't know what I was doing but my brother wouldn't have any of that. I need your help papa bear, my brother could tell anyone at any moment and I don't know what to do. I would be kicked out of the house if my parents ever found out I exchanged nudes period, I'd be out of the house and living in my truck. We both told each other what city we lived in, so that just makes matters worse. We're both 16 so at least I know that he's not some kind of pedophile or sex offender. I just desperately need your help Papa Bear, I don't know what to do, my brother won't even speak to me and I'm terrified to think what'll happen if he tells anyone. 

Thanks for your time and I love the site. 

Infidel Hammurabi the Bulldog

* * *

Hi, Hammurabi,

Couple things I need to know: 1) what state do you live in? 2) how old is your brother?

In most states, if you are under 18, it is ILLEGAL for your parents to kick you out of the house. That's abandonment. 

If your brother is younger, it may be that he has less pull with your parents than you do, and so your parents are more likely to believe you than him; if he's older, the reverse might be true.

That aside, why the heck is your brother spying on you? Something you're not telling Papabear? Sounds like you and he have some serious sibling rivalry going on here that you should tell me about.

Also, what kind of relationship do you have with your parents? Is it bad already and that's why you fear this incident would be the straw that breaks the camel's back? What's going on between you and your parents? Sounds like you're a good do-be who goes to Church etc. 

If you haven't already, delete any naughty stuff from your phone and computer. Delete history. And stop visiting adult sites. I needn't tell you the obvious here, which is that if you are not ready to suffer the embarrassment, you should never send nude pics electronically. Don't do it again until you are prepared for the consequences.

Let me know about the above and I'll write more.



* * *

Good evening, Papa Bear,

I am currently living in Houston, Texas. And as I see it sir, the relationship between my parents and I is generally going well, but between my brother who is 11 as of February, I don't know why but he has just always been nosy as long as I can remember. I love my parents and like to see my dad as a role model for when I enlist for the Navy after high school. The relationship is usually up and down with my brother and I, one minute we could be arguing the next we'd be fine. The only problem is that I've had a history of lying, most of them just being small white lies but nevertheless they tend to trust him a bit more at times. As for the sites, I never really thought it through I guess, I have a tendency to look before I leap so to speak. I do apologize if this leads into any sort of dead ends or loops in my writing sir. Thank you for your time and God bless.

With respect,

Infidel Hammurabi

* * *

Hi, Hammurabi,

Ah, Texas. That’s not good, since if you are 15 or older it is apparently okay for a parent to kick you out of the house Texas has always been such a progressive state.

That aside, what your brother did was immoral. He had no reason to spy on you, other than apparently trying to catch you at something to make trouble for you. Now, the interesting thing is that he hasn’t told your parents yet, which means, probably, that he is going to hold this over your head as leverage to get something from you. He’s a weasely little snot, isn’t he, and he’s only 11 years old? Someday he’ll make a great congressman.

Since you and your family are Church-goers, here’s what the Bible says about spying, according to the site
In the Holy Bible, spies and spying are held in utter contempt. Spying was a despicable business 3,700 years ago, and it is much more despicable today. About 3,700 years ago there was a universal famine, and thanks to Joseph, Egypt was the only country with grain.

Joseph–a type of the Messiah–was ruler in Egypt when his brothers came down from Canaan to buy grain. Joseph accused his brothers of the worst crime imaginable: he called them SPIES:

And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them, and said unto them, "ye are spies; to see the nakedness of the land ye are come" (Genesis 42:9).

Joseph's brothers denied that they were spies because they told him that they were HONEST men:

And they said unto him, "no, my lord, but to buy food are thy servants come. We are all one man's sons; we are HONEST men, thy servants are no spies" (Genesis 42:10-11).

Joseph commanded his brother to prove to him that they were honest men . . . and not spies:

"Send one of you, and let him bring your brother; and ye shall be kept in prison, that your words may be tested to see whether there is any truth in you; or else, by the life of Pharaoh, surely ye are spies!" (Genesis 42:16)

In the New Covenant, the Messiah was shadowed day and night by spies hired by the religious leaders:

So they watched him, and sent spies (Gk. en-ka-the-tos, Lat. insidiatores) who pretended to be righteous, that they might seize on his words, in order to deliver him to the power and the authority of the governor (Luke 20:20).

The Greek word enkathetos is translated as insidiatores in the Latin Vulgate Version. This is the origin of the English word insidious which means occult, deceiving, treacherous, evil, cunning, and perfidious . . . as in "Perfidious Albion."

Saint Paul warned the Congregation of those insidious spies who sought to undermine the Christian Faith from within:

And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Joshua, that they might bring us into bondage) (Galatians 2:4).

The most infamous spy or secret agent in all of history was Judas Iscariot, who sold the Messiah for 30 pieces of silver. Judas is actually honored by the Vatican by having a day named for him: SPY WEDNESDAY. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Let he without sin cast the first stone.” What your brother did was wrong. Now, he might come back at you with something like, “Well, being gay is worse!” Couple problems with that: 1) you’re not gay, and 2) the Bible actually says nothing explicitly against gay people. Here’s a good web page about that:

That all said, I’ll be frank and state that what you did was stupid to do. You made a mistake. So, here’s what you can do: head your brother off at the pass. Instead of cowering and hoping he doesn’t do anything, beat him to the punch and startle your parents with your forthrightness, and impress them with it. That is, go to them and tell them what happened: that you did something stupid, that your brother spied on you and saw it, and that you are very sorry you did it but that you are not gay and you will never do it again. This will go much better for you than if your brother tells them, putting you on the defensive. And, let’s face it, it will come out one way or the other, so it is better for you to do it.

I don’t know your parents, but if they are good Christians, they should understand the concept of forgiveness. You will likely have to have a lot of other conversations with them, and work on your trust issues. It will help if you stop lying to them, too, even white lies. If it helps, tell your parents you would be happy if the three of you could meet with your minister and discuss what happened. You might also bring your brother along and have the minister tell him to stop being a little snitch of a spy.

Finally, Hammurabi, you need to work a bit on your impulsiveness. This is not an unusual trait for a teenager, but now is a good time to start learning to be more deliberate and thoughtful in your actions, and here you have a perfect example of why that would be a valuable pursuit.

Good luck!


Found this strangely apt.

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Sep 2015 - 06:47
Categories: News