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Venessa Vance: A Shy Lass

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 13:26
Categories: News

A Dedication

[adjective][species] - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 13:00

Tim Gadd is one of the founders of

When a friend pointed me to these welcome essays concerning the early years of—a time which will always exist as a vibrant and halcyon period in my memory—I asked if I might make a dedication, which the author and publisher kindly allowed.

ALF was an ideal as well as a community: a kind of social experiment which had never been tried on Usenet before. Myself and Ron Orr are usually credited with its conception and creation. We did come up with the idea, and write the charter and FAQ, but not without the consultation of the ‘creation committee’; a group of thirteen people in total who, over six months, provided input and review to the process.

Of these people there is no question IMHO that the most crucial was Brad Austin. His judgement was scrupulous, as was his instinctive grasp of the ethics of what we were trying to do. He was the one person whose advice I’d never ignore. Later, if the core values of the newsgroup were ever attacked, Brad was the staunchest of defenders; rigorously intelligent and morally unwavering, no matter how controversial the topic.

Brad died suddenly last year, age 45. I’ve never had a closer friend, and I miss him like hell. I wish more members of the community had known him personally.

There is someone else I want to mention. Virtually on New Year’s Day 1997, ALF hit the backbone Usenet servers and our participation suddenly exploded to many times the trickle of posts of the early months. The first poster I remember on that day was Craig Andersen – KimbaWLion online. Perhaps I’m biased, but to me he instantly became the first core member of the community from outside the original creation group, and I always told him I considered his appearance to be synchronous with and symbolic of the real birth of ALF.

Kimba quickly became my other closest friend, along with Brad and Ron, and his family welcomed me into their home on every visit to their hometown. He too passed away unexpectedly, late in 2012, age 58.

I’m grateful for the chance to leave this tribute on record to two true soul mates without whom things would not have happened like they did. I know there are many of our number who have fallen over the years, and this dedication is for them too, and those they left behind.

Tim Gadd
Tasmania, September 2015

Episode 295 - Preowned Cats

Southpaws - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 12:28
We're all back this week and boy howdy do we have some emails. Preowned cats, unfortunately titled war uniform enthusiasts silly tumblr asks, and more! Remember the Harkness Test! Like the show and got a few bucks to spare? Support us on Patreon! Just $4 a month goes a long way. Episode 295 - Preowned Cats
Categories: Podcasts

Furries at Burning Man, Pride parade, and Mascots movie – NEWSDUMP (9/21/15)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 10:28
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. Tips:  Furries at Burning Man – Amazing fursuit programmed to light up with movement!  Don’t miss the suit at 1:10. (Vid by Vox Fox).   German news article:  “EUROFURENCE In Video – The Furries conquer Neukölln.” The coming 2016 Furpocalypse is getting ridiculous: Netflix announces “Mascots” movie, […]
Categories: News

Long lasting?

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 09:58
Categories: News

Starry-Eyed Wonder Child

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 07:28
Categories: News

Does anyone else feels like their fursona needs a change but…

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 05:03

It is so attached to themselves that can't give up on the actual design… Like:

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna turn around

And hurt you

For real. Does anyone else also have any advices on giving up that design?

submitted by Ghast17
[link] [5 comments]
Categories: News

tl;dr: Free sketches

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 04:39

I'm wanting to do some warm-up sketches and try to draw a little faster, so if anyone wants to comment with a reference and an idea for a pose/action/whatever/etc., that'd be helpful.

I'll do a few for now, but I'll probably check back and see if there's any more later on.

submitted by Big_Red_Hothead
[link] [24 comments]
Categories: News

No way ~ Kilrushi

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 04:32
Categories: News

Heya, does anyone need some emotional support? (Also mental health in the fandom)

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 02:54


(See bottom for discussion)

This isn't the most on topic post but this is one of the few subreddits I'm active in and I'm not sure where I can post something like this otherwise.

Over time I have noticed a lot of people in the fandom dealing with depression, emotions, relationship problems and other such issues. (If not more frequently than normal, at least a little more open about it)

After helping a fair few of my friends with their own problems I'm hoping to branch out and do it a little more seriously (I'm actually hoping to break into the mental health care industry).

So, I'm offering myself as someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, a bit of an agony uncle. Of course you should always seek professional help if you can, but I'd really like to try and be there for you guys. So feel free to PM me, add me on Skype (Antoniusweezel) Steam (Queelak) or visit my currently empty tumblr over at ask that weasel

I'll see you 'round!

So to make this a little more on topic, can we start a discussion down there about mental health in the fandom? Why do you think furries are more open about it? How do you feel about the drama that often arises from the topic? Thanks!

submitted by Thatweasel
[link] [11 comments]
Categories: News

A new random sergal sketch... enjoy!

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 02:41
Categories: News

Give a retired webcomic a little bit of love :)

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 02:04

Hello all, I just wanted to say that there was an old furry webcomic (Both Furries and humans) that lasted from 2002 to 2004, before it ended without a reason. It's decently short (Around 160 pages) but has a deep world and an immersive experience all throughout when you read it.

Without further adieu, here's Fallen!

submitted by OuO_hello
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Space station (artist unknown)

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 01:02
Categories: News

Color practice in Sai

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 00:34
Categories: News