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The Ordeals of Tirescade- Part Eight- The Birthday of Terrors

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 06:01

Welcome back! At Part Seven, we just saw Scorch being covered by mist by the monk of Tirescade. As always, please post comments/questions/editing if you have any. Thanks in advance. And now, here's... Part Eight!

As for Scorch, he was dreaming. He found himself at his childhood place, Ambrose Park. The dragon looked upon himself. Scorch saw he was a 5 year old dragonet, and started to run around. The park was the place for most of his happy memories. "Honey, come on! We have to go!" His mother called. "Aw, Mum! Seriously?" Scorch whined. "Don't you remember? It's your 5th birthday." His mum explained. Scorch laughed and ran to his mother. He grabbed her hand and she put him in her car. Scorch couldn't wait to have some cake. He wondered whether it'd be chocolate or vanilla or have buttercream frosting. Yes, he hoped it had buttercream frosting.

It was 5 in the afternoon when Scorch and his mum got home. The house was a small one with a porch and a little fenced backyard. The middle-aged dragoness opened the door and carried Scorch in. Upon the kitchen was a chocolate cupcake with a yellow candle on it. Best of all, it had buttercream frosting along with some of those edible ball bearings glistening on top of it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" Scorch's mum started singing. She placed the dragonet on a chair, and he scooted close to his cupcake. "Happy birthday dear Scorch, happy birthday to you!" Mum got her cellphone out, and she snapped a picture as Scorch blew out the candle.

"Oh, mum! Can we have Jake come over? He's next door!!" The red dragonet asked, hopping about excited. "Sure sweetie. Let me go get him next door." A black car parked in the street, and Mum heard a door shut rather loud. "First of all, why don't you get ready for him? Go on upstairs and get your toys ready." Scorch raced to his bedroom as his dad entered the kitchen. The old dragon slammed the door behind him. This caused a couple of glasses next to it to wobble and fall upon the floor. He ignored the shards of glass and grabbed the cupcake. Scorch's mum looked on in horror as he unwrapped the cupcake and started eating it. "That was for Scorch, y- you mongrel. You should know better Tyson!" The dragoness yelled. "I don't give a ####. I need it more than him anyway. My coworkers are acting ########. They think they're so awesome just because they got a promotion and I didn't. ########" The father swore. "Well, maybe it's because of your ethics!" His wife yelled back. She gasped as a hand hit her face.

The dad slapped her one more time. "You should be paying more attention to me!" The two argued, with the old dragon doing most of the hitting and the dragoness doing the cowering. Scorch heard the two of them in the kitchen, and he knew they were fighting again. While the parents were distracted, the red dragonet in his overalls sneaked out of the door. He had to go next door to get Jake. He and his parents would help him again. Scorch had stayed at Jake's place when his parents fought for as long as he could remember. The cub's parents would the stop the fighting. They had to.

Jake's house was a darker grey compared to Scorch's white house. The red dragonet walked up to his wolf friend's door. He began to knock, but then the door swung open slowly with a creak. The house was dark.

Scorch cried out, "Hello? I need help!" The red dragonet walked in curious. The door slammed behind him, leaving him alone. By now, the little dragonet was close to tears. Then he heard a soft melodious voice float down the hall. “Come here Scorch. I know what you need…” Jake’s mum’s voice sang. The little dragonet was overjoyed to hear her voice. He ran up the stairs and turned around the corner. Scorch walked up to the big red door. Jake, the little wolf cub, was nowhere to be found. Scorch reached up and he was barely able to reach the doorknob. He turned it and the door swung open. A red light burst forward. Behind it was Ignis. Only, something was different. Perhaps it was the way her eyes were glowing red or maybe it was because she was holding a saber. The little dragonet fell upon the floor, looking up at this wolf beast. “You foolish mortal,” A monstrous voice rang out from Were-Ignis. “You thought you would capture this girl’s heart. But you know never can be with her.” She lifted her saber and the blade glinted crimson in the blood-light. “Help! Somebody help me!” Scorch cried out desperately. Through his cries, he could barely hear the door behind him open. “Hello? I’m a magician. And I heard it’s your birthday.” A voice came from behind the dragonet. Scorch turned around and Were-Ignis paused. She looked up to see a green gryphon leaning against the red door.

“Well now. I came here for a party and this is all I get?” Topaz asked.

Scorch woke up with a start. He was back in the red room. The red dragon looked around, traumatized by his memory and dream. It took him a moment to realize there was another gryphon in the room. Scorch decided to think about that later and he looked for Topaz. What he found instead was a crying Cacturne.

“What’s wrong Cacturne? Where’s Topaz?” Scorch asked alarmed.

In between sniffles, Scorch could barely decipher what the crow was trying to say. “W- when he saw you being asleep or w- what was happening, h- he volunteered to take your place!” She cried loudly again. Scorch looked at the screen and saw Topaz standing before the beast.

“You wanted entertainment, why didn’t you say so?” Topaz asked the beast. The beast replied by means of its telepathic ability. It is much more fun to torture. Why would you interrupt the dragon’s dream? Why not escape yourself?

“Well it’s not really in my nature to abandon my friends. Why are you looking for entertainment and why in such a way?” Topaz queried. *Ever since I awoke, I have been bored. Your world means nothing to me now. Too much goodness. So I torture while I wait. The pain on your faces is the best. It makes me laugh!* The beast laughed a huge growl. *Now entertain me! Or you will be vaporized!* “Well I’ll have you know that vaporisation without representation is against the constitution. Still I’ll see what I can do. Been a magician for plenty of my friends' parties.” Topaz took a long chain of bandannas out of one of his robe’s pockets. He kept pulling until he made a huge pile around him. On the end of was a pair of undies. The beast did little to react at this gag. The gryphon smiled nervously and dropped the undies. The gryphon took off his fedora and gagged. He reached up and took an egg out of his beak. He put inside the fedora and gagged again. Topaz took out another egg and the beast growled. *You are merely playing for time Topaz!* “No I’m not. It’s just that these things take time.” Topaz responded carefully. He placed his fedora on the floor and shook the egg into the air. It immediately turned into a long white rope. The gryphon presented it, then he tied the two ends together. Topaz held the loop he had created and mimed cutting it. The rope split in half and Topaz untied the other ends. Now he had two pieces of rope. By this time, he could sense the beast was getting impatient. Topaz did a little dance as he did a complicated knot. When he was done, the gryphon stepped on one end off the rope and pulled the other. The rope had miraculously healed itself. *Child’s play Topaz. Child’s play.* The beast criticized. “Perhaps. But then again, we’re going to play with fire.” Topaz lifted his fedora from the ground. He placed the white rope inside it and let go of the fedora. It magically floated in the air. Topaz waved his hand about and a candle and bandanna appeared. The bandanna caught on fire and Topaz lit the candle with it. When he was done, the gryphon threw the bandanna away. Topaz lowered the candle into the fedora until the inside caught fire. Topaz fanned the smoke away and he took a silver snake out of it; it hissing with contempt at its handler. *You forget mortal, you are in the domain of fire.* The beast reminded him. Topaz said nothing as he spun around. When he faced the beast again, the gryphon was holding a sword. “I’ve noticed that you seem connected to his land or realm or what you want to call it. The floor seems to be an organ connected to you.” The gryphon said, his tone dead serious. “If you can use it to hurt me and my friends, I can use it to hurt you in turn.” The beast was puzzled about this until Topaz stabbed the floor in front of him. Everything became pain and fire. The gryphon saw red as he replaced his fedora on his head and ran to the door where his friends were behind. He opened it and everything became black.

The moon shone upon the courtyard again. Students would have been shocked to see a door sitting in the middle, and even surprised to see two gryphons, a crow and a dragon burst forward from the door. The four creatures laid on the floor, tired as the door slipped into the shadows, smoldering.

Scorch stood up first and he knew what he had to do. He ran to the G section, looking for Ignis’s dorm. He was stumbling by the time he knocked on G38. The out-of-breath dragon looked at the she-wolf in front of him as the door opened. Ignis was already in her robe and she was carrying a tub of strawberry ice cream. “What are you doing here Scorch? Oh my gosh! Your suit is burned!” The she-wolf exclaimed. “I don’t care. But I’ve realized something. I love you, and I want you to be my girlfriend no matter what.” Scorch drew Ignis for a kiss. The she-wolf didn’t complain and she closed her eyes. The strawberry ice cream fell upon the ground as the moon rose.

Tune in tomorrow morning, evening for you furs on the other side of the world, for the Ninth and final part of "The Ordeals of Tirescade." Please post comments/questions/editing if you have any. Thanks for reading you guys. You all are awesome.

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Attack Mode, Enabled...

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 02:06
Categories: News

I mean my username is pretty self-explanatory

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 00:09

I just sort of came to terms tonight with my being a furry, and I just need someone to tell me that I'm not a crazy person

submitted by SomewhatConfusedFur
[link] [40 comments]
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New Love

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 23:42
Categories: News

Silly Artist Challenge: Draw your sonas awkward High school yearbook photo.

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 21:08

If your fusona didn't go to school, lives in a different universe/reality/timeline. Just make up a version where they did go to Highschool

submitted by Vexthra
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Doing FREE 30 minute sketches of your characters! ANY POSE! (I will also do suggestive themes, but no yiff!)

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 18:25

Currently streaming, and there's no one around. :/ I'm not really feeling it with my comic at the moment-- I want to draw a bit more before I start. I also want to work on figure drawing a bit as well! Which means FREE CHARACTER SKETCHES! Possibly even colours if your design is simple!

Come swing by. I need a HELL of a lot of practice.

Conditions: Free. ***You need to be actively in the chat or watching, preferrably. Otherwise I'm probably not going to bother saving the drawing for you. These are supposed to be somewhat quick and disposable, but i try my best! You give me a reference sheet or ten, and I draw what you say. No revisions unless it's under the 30 minute time! I will draw any pose if I can do it feasibly, or if you provide a good reference pose. No sex or any hard porn. Topless nudes are about the extent I'll go. Nudes are good for anatomy, but I also want to practice cloth.

So come hang out!

submitted by Essjay-C
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Categories: News

Hot Headed

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 18:03
Categories: News

An emblem I made on COD BO2.

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 17:40
Categories: News

WARNING! Incoming Cuteness Overload!

Furry Reddit - Tue 22 Sep 2015 - 16:28
Categories: News