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Maid Marian by Plague of Gripes

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 18:14
Categories: News

My Mate is Doing Commissions to Help Pay for College!

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 17:00

I really hate to post something that sounds like a promotion, as that's kind of lame in my book, so I really appreciate your patience <3

My mate, TheBlueishOne, is a super talented digital artist who LOVES to draw for people. As in, she adores it. She's very friendly and works one-on-one with each person she's drawing for to make sure its perfect! Also, for those short on cash or newer to the fandom, her prices are VERY reasonable!

That being said, she and I are in Audio Production school together, and she's having a little trouble making ends meet every month on her tuition, and could really use some assistance. That being said, I decided to take the liberty of plugging her to a bunch of fuzzbutts who may be interested!

Again, I'm sorry if this sounds rude or like a shameless plug, but as her mate it would mean the absolute world to me (and her as well) <3

Thanks for reading!

TL;DR - My mate needs help with tuition. She's can draw. Boom.

submitted by JasmineStarshine
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Categories: News

So, I stumbled into the fandom... And never went out again.

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 16:54

This might be both confusing and badly written since english isn't my native language, but it contains a small confession of sorts.

As the title says, a few years back I ventured into the furry/anthro fandom mostly for my beer-fueled amusement. I had no real grasp about it besides the somewhat vitriolic things you read on the internet and decided that I should make up my own mind about it all. Quite a few webpages was sifted through and that was it, or so I thought. But I went back, sober this time and I started reading stories that people shared. I then went back on-line again and checked out some pictures, thinking "Hey, this isn't half bad." Do note that a certain amount of secrecy had to be applied due to the fact that wife, family and friends are of the somewhat narrow-minded kind. So I kept coming back to the fandom, always lurking and trying to get a grip on what I really thought about it because there was this weird "connection", lacking a better word, that just made me feel at ease. And now, after years and years of lurking, I know what it was.

Hi. I'm TheSocialLycanthrope and I am a closeted furry. You poor bastards on the internet are the only ones knowing.

submitted by TheSocialLycanthrope
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Categories: News

Modern Superheroes

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 16:54
Categories: News

Hi! I'm Voltoid, I'm an electric wolf :D

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 16:42

I'm new to Reddit and I'm really liking it, if you guys want to know about me, ask me anything! /u/Leechy111 Introduced me to Reddit! FA: Steam:

submitted by Voltoid
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Categories: News

What's an embarrassing moment you've had in relation to the fandom? B3

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 15:44

Well, I joined in April, so the only one I got was when I walked out of my room forgetting I was still wearing a dog collar (embarrassing on its own, granted), but I walked into the livingroom where my family was, and when they looked at me funny I promptly 180'd back to my room and stayed in there for the night.

submitted by Asurium
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Categories: News

What public figure would make the biggest (positave) impact if they were to come out as a furry?

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 15:24

Also what do you think their fursona would be?

submitted by I_Am_Slightly_Evil
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Categories: News

Request for Savi Pierce (/u/Derpherp662)

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 15:15
Categories: News

Something I read about music

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 14:44

Hi everyone. I know this isn't anything furry related but since music is a big topic here I just wanted to share what I read somewhere. It said "The kind of music you listen to reflects your personality" So how would you describe yourself like that?

submitted by CAN-X2002
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Categories: News

Question for your 'sona #1

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 13:26

Hey r/furry, another user on another sub has a recurring feature where they ask questions about our OCs and I figured I'd try it out here too.

Today's question:

What does your 'sonas home look like?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Hey, If He Likes Feminine Clothing, Why Can't He Just Wear It?

Ask Papabear - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 13:22
PictureNineteenth-century Albanian upper-class men ... in skirts. Dear Papa Bear,

How do I correctly explain to my parents about different genders and sexualities? And how guys don’t look bad in femme clothing? Why I'm asking this is because ever since I came out as both a furry and gender-neutral, I've been the joke of the whole family. I tried to explain other things as such and.... Well, I think you can guess what happened. Not good. Any advice?

Echo (age 18, Ohio)

* * *
Dear Echo,
Very good question! Clothing is a cultural construct. What is acceptable in one culture, is frowned upon in another. You’re from the American Midwest, a very conservative area of the country that tends to shun men who aren’t walking around looking like lumberjacks or football players. If you lived in, say, New York or San Francisco, you might be able to express yourself a bit more freely.

Other cultures throughout history have had no problem with a man wearing what would be considered, in your area and time, rather girly. For example, wearing a sarong in Sri Lanka looks fine. Wearing a kilt in Scotland? Perfectly acceptable (and, actually, I see a lot of American men wearing them and they are popular among a lot of furries). In the nineteenth century, Albanian men were considered very swanky in a skirt.

Modern-day European society is a lot more relaxed when it comes to men’s dress as well. They kinda invented the entire metrosexual look, I believe, of men being allowed to be more feminine in their attire.

You might say to your family, “Why’s it okay for a woman to dress in jeans and a flannel shirt, but it’s not okay for me to dress more pretty? Not too long ago, it was considered scandalous for a woman to wear pants—absolutely shocking. Yet, now it’s okay. Why can’t the reverse be true?”

For centuries, women were basically imprisoned by socially enforced dress codes. They were made to wear, for example, extremely tight corsets that would cause them to faint and were actually quite damaging to their internal organs over time. In the same way, men are imprisoned by boring clothes, too. How did they get so boring? If you ever watch a meeting of Congress or a corporate board, they all have the uniform: blue or grey or black suit, dress shirt and shoes, tie. It’s designed to make people conform. Now, you take a company like Google or these other companies and look how they dress and are allowed to wear their hair. Some companies have become savvy to the fact that allowing people to be themselves inspires creativity and productivity. Tell your family, hey, I’m a creative and liberated person who is not a slave to a boring Midwest culture. I’m just expressing my freedom as an American! (grins)

It’s not just dress that restricts men in our society. Although we’ve loosened up a bit in our culture, many men (heterosexual men, I may add) still feel very restricted in how they can express themselves because they are repeatedly told it isn’t macho enough. This Huffington Post article nicely sums up what men would like to do if they felt free to (the saddest one is that many feel they are looked down upon if they play with and show close affection to their children).

In summation, your family is unwittingly being a slave to culture. They are not only restricting you, but they are restricting themselves.

When people are uncomfortable with something that is not the norm, making fun of it is a typical reaction. So, another thing you can say: “I realize you are making fun of me because I make you uncomfortable and you want me to be just like you, but I’m not going to let it bother me because I’d rather be me than something I’m not and live a lie. I am who I am. Oh, and just because someone dresses like a masculine, conservative man, doesn’t mean they are one.” (I always like this link).

Clothing can be a form of expression, but also of deception. It is very shallow, indeed, to judge someone by their appearance alone. Tell your family they might try to not judge that ol’ book by its cover (cliché though that is). You would actually be less of a man if you allowed others to influence how you look.

Hope that helps. Proud of you for being you!

P.S. Note to furries: wearing your tail or ears in public because you like to? Pawsome.

Sexy Black and Red Furies

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 12:41
Categories: News

FARR for /u/TheQQQQ :>

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 11:46
Categories: News

Do furries play Yu-Gi-Oh? Anyone heard of Dueling Network? I'd like some people to play with.

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 10:50

Basically, Dueling Network is some sort of... I almost want to say Flash, but it might not be... It's a website thing that lets you play Yu-Gi-Oh online, but it's actually free.

Here's the site WARNING THERE IS MUSIC AS SOON AS IT LOADS but you can mute it.

When I say that thing is free, I literally mean there's nothing you can pay for even if you wanted to. All you can do is donate, that's it.

Basically you make a deck from a searchable database of every card that ever existed and then you save it with a name and join a lobby (which I never do because I only play with friends) or make one.

Nothing is automatic, because Yu-Gi-Oh is a pretty complex game to program, so you just have to know what the rules are and follow along. This is why I only play with friends.

First thing you're probably thinking is one of these things, I bet:

  • "Yugioh? Dude 2002 called, they want their children's card game back."

  • "WTF go play Magic The Gathering noob."

And my answer to these is just that I grew up collecting the cards when I was really young and never actually playing until around a year ago. I just play stuff to have fun, and I don't care if I have fun playing a game that makes me look like an idiot.

Somehow, I always end up finding a way to make what should be a simple post be a long-winded explanation of the universe's secrets, so I'm going to wrap this up with a TL;DR that'll state what I was actually trying to say the whole time.

TL;DR: I want some friends to play Yu-Gi-Oh with through Dueling Network. Preferably during some kind of voice chat over something like Skype. How else do you dramatically shout about the heart of the cards, or it being time to duel?

submitted by AdvancedAzrielAngel
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Categories: News

Im doing some drawing practice at the moment and i would love to try and draw your fursona.

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 10:27

I'm practicing a new style that i feel suits me better, and i wouldn't mind trying to draw your fursona (headshots only), anyway i will probably go on till my page is mostly full so lets get started

(feel free to describe yours if you dont have a ref)

I'm done with requests but I might take some more tomorrow, and also those who have already asked I will probably finish yours tomorrow.

submitted by TriggerTheWolf
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Categories: News

Life Changing Furries – Dawgtown and Wes Anderson animation – NEWSDUMP (10/15/15)

Dogpatch Press - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 10:04
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. Tips:  “Being a Furry can change your life” It’s a feature for The Stranger in Seattle, sharing some touching personal stories from Rainfurrest.  (That’s a nice change from drama…) Writer Matt Baume previously wrote a pretty good piece about puppy play, including one standard […]
Categories: News

twitter stream requests from last night

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 10:02
Categories: News