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Episode 298 - Fistjacking

Southpaws - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 08:33
The title doesn't have much to do with anything, really. It has been 298 episodes though, so we thought we'd learn a new trick and have a friend join us over Skype. Emdefmek joins us as the first ever guest we've had over the net to discuss RainFurrest's dilemma, Zootopia, TotalBiscuit's terminal cancer diagnosis, Them's Fighting Herds, and a whole handful of emails and asks. Also Jeeves corrects us. We greatly appreciate all of our patrons. If you like the show and want to support it, you can do so at - We'll think you're pretty keen. Episode 298 - Fistjacking
Categories: Podcasts

Hey, I'm new

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 07:50

Idk if this is okay or not, but whatever.

Hey guys, I've been on reddit for a while, but just recently started considering myself a "furry" (honestly I'm still not sure). I don't have a fursona yet because I can't draw worth a crap, but I like the idea of anthropomorphic animals (not sure if that counts lmao).

I like video games, movies, and some TV Shows (SU, Black-ish, etc.)

You guys seem pretty cool, bye!

Sorry if this was hard to read, I just woke up and my brain is still kinda tired, if that makes any sense.

submitted by smashfan63
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Categories: News

Damn you /r/furry!

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 07:31

So for the last 18 years I have been completely straight. But you stupid furries lured me in with adorable animals and showed me that there are other people like me who would love to be an anthro animal.

After being an official furry for about a year and a half, you people changed me. Such a welcoming and open community, you showed me that it doesn't matter what someone is, all that matters is who you love. So my pseudo 'coming out' here, just wanted to tell all you fuzzbutts that my best friend that I've been with for almost 15 months and I are now partners for life.

You converted me over the last year and now because of you bunch of rascals I now have a boyfriend after 18 years of being straight. I feel so free now!

In conclusion, I LOVE YOU /U/LIGHTINGTECHIE! You are my little wolf!

Some bonus art of /u/LightingTechie and I. We have a really awesome one coming in a few weeks.

So damn all of you for making me bisexual. I'm using my main Reddit account also because I have no shame. To be completely honest I should have seen this coming. Look out /u/Yiffing_Time there is a new furry couple in town, and thanks for your relationship advice!

submitted by GrayBoltWolf
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Categories: News

The Gunfighters~ Part Two~ Don't Shoot the Banjo Player

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 05:50

It is recommended you read Part One before you continue on reading this. Sorry this took so long to come out with, I've been busy with school and other personal stuff. As always, feel free to comment with reviews or edits. I do not own Sky and Lucario. Sky is the fursona of /u/scamer38 and Lucario is the fursona of /u/Lucario117. And now, enjoy the story!

The next morning, Sky walked down the stairs of the inn, ignoring the stares of all of the furries around him.

He got to the bar and told the dingo bartender, “Get me a chocolate milkshake, extra calcium.”

“Um, what exactly is a milkshake?” The bartender asked, setting a newly cleaned glass down.

“That’s right, I forgot. You won’t have it for at least a decade.” Sky rebuked himself. “Just get me some coffee with extra milk.” The dingo did so.

“Care to tell me why everyone’s looking at me?” Sky asked suddenly.

“Well, it’s probably because you look so much like Baroose, the town’s git. You might say he’s the meanest cheetah in these parts.” The bartender went back to cleaning, whistling.

“And you’re not scared of him?”

“Well, I’ve been around plenty of these parts. I know how to get out of these situations.” He chuckled a bit.

"I like you. What's your name?" The cheetah stuck his hand out. The dingo shook it. "Victor's the name. Drinking's the game."

"So Victor, what can I do around these parts?"

"Well we have a brothel nearby. There's the casino and of course, the bar right here." Victor patted the counter as Sky got his coffee.

A vixen nearby overheard their conversation. "Oh, so you're interested in the brothel? I can take you there now." She leaned into Sky's lap, effectively revealing much of herself.

"Not interested, thank you very much." The cheetah forced her out.

"I can get another lady." The vixen suggested, placing herself in Sky's lap again.

"I said I'm not interested, you whore." Sky took the vixen off his lap rather forcibly. "Now go away." The vixen finally took his words to heart and walked away, finding another male within several seconds.

"Do we have a celibate here?" Victor asked Sky.

"No, I'm just not interested in ladies. Is there a drugstore nearby?" Sky replied.

"Just a couple houses from here. Can't miss it."


Lucario had to sneak behind the bar to get at their barrel of water. It wasn't the hottest or the cleanest but it would do to get this horse dung off of him. After he was finished, he figured he might as well hang out at the local casino. He could get his drink there and he could try his luck on the slot machines.

He walked in, getting his money ready when he spotted a familiar coyote sitting at a table playing poker with a bottle of whiskey. Unfortunately, before Lucario could back out, Clyde saw him.

The coyote walked up to him, grabbed Lucario's long ears and dragged him to a seat in the middle of the room, all eyes on him. Clyde pushed a banjo into Lucario's paws and pointed a gun at him. The scent of alcohol was on his breath.

"Play it." He commanded.

"Play what?" The pokemon whimpered.

"An upbeat tune. Do it before I shoot." Scared, Lucario began to play the banjo. The coyote smiled and went back to his game.

Meanwhile, a Tsisqua was riding into town. The avian looked around carefully as he headed into the sheriff’s office. The stranger opened the door and found the shepherd dog having a small snooze. The Tsisiqua took out his rope and set to work.

After the supplies were dropped off at the DOSAT, Sky figured he might as well check out the casino there. He could win some money, put it in a bank with interest and pick up a bigger sum within several hundred years.

As the cheetah walked into the casino, he saw Clyde stick a banjo into a Lucario’s arms. Sky joined Clyde’s table without the coyote noticing. When the coyote saw the cheetah, he grew interested.

“Hello there. Who are you?” Clyde asked.

“I’m Sky. And I’m here to play poker.”

The coyote let him in the game and the pangolin there said nothing. The wolf dealer played out two card to each furry. They all set their poker faces, all except Sky. When he saw his cards, a small worry frown appeared on his brow.

Heh. He can’t keep a straight poker face. And look at my cards. I’ve got a good hand. Clyde thought.

“Sky bets first." The dealer said.

"$100," Sky put in a chip marking the lowest bid.

"Raise to $200." The next avian said.

"I fold," quitted the next bovine.

Clyde smiled. "I raise to $500."

Sky raised to $600. The rounds of betting happened as the three cards came out face up, an eight, a nine, and a jack, all spades. A very rare output in poker. These were the cards that would match up with each player's hand to make the winning hand.

By the time the last bet was in order, Clyde was sure the cheetah would lose. Why this stranger had a terrible poker face! Every time he made a bet, it would always be followed by little furrows in his forehead as if he wasn't sure what to do next.

He's so bad I might as well take all of his money. Clyde thought as the bet came around to him.

"Say Sky, how 'bout a little game?" The coyote moved all of his chips in the pot. "All in. How 'bout you?"

"Sure." Again, the cheetah was hesitant but he followed through with putting all of his chips in the center. When he was done, the pot was worth over 50,000 dollars.

"But first, I need to do something before you show the hands. This music is annoying me." Sky walked over to the Lucario who stopped playing the banjo.

"C- can I help you sir?" Lucario whimpered, fearing the shot of a gun.

"Yes you may. I want you to stop playing that banjo. You're not really good." Sky ordered.

"But what about him? He'll shoot me if I stop." Lucario pointed to Clyde who was steaming over the delay in the game.

"I'll tell him not to. If you want extra protection, feel free to stay behind me. Anything to stop that banjo playing." The cheetah took the banjo, leaned it on a wall and walked back to the table, the pokemon behind him.

Clyde took out his gun but Sky took his out as well. "I'm rather fast drawing. Do you want to take any chances? Don't shoot the banjo player, it's not his fault he's terrible."

"For your information, that was quality!" The coyote yelled.

"Please calm down or I'll escort you from the table and take away the pot." The dealer stepped in between them. Both of them nodded and put their guns away. They took their seats, Lucario hiding behind Sky.

"Please show your hand."

The coyote gave his card to the dealer who turned them over, revealing a seven of hearts and a ten of diamonds. It looked like Clyde had this in the bag, a straight being the fourth best hand in the game with a probability of occurring of .4%.

Sky gave the dealer his cards, all worry from his face gone. The dealer turned them over.

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Have had pretty bad flu for the past week and feel sad and angry I still have it...need some cheering up :(

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 05:41

For anyone curious of what I have, combined its been fever, headache, ear ache, stomach pain, loss of appetite, loss of sleep and loss of motivation... not really fun :/

submitted by Eddyoshi
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Categories: News

Anybody want me to write something? I want to try taking requests again.

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 04:51

So, last time I got hit with a big mental block, which was entirely my own fault. But, I think I can write more now, so I figured I'd see if anybody had any cool ideas. This time, instead of a five page limit, it'll be ten pages, so I can tackle some slightly larger stuff.

I'll do NSFW themes but nothing sexual or fetish-y. Your story may or may not be ten pages exactly, it depends on how everything works out. I'm picking stories based on what I personally think sounds fun to write.

You can be as detailed as you'd like, and feel free to suggest more than one thing to write since the way I'm picking means that's still fair.

Here's all my writing work if you wanna see my stuff:

As a final note... I can write really bad poetry, and by poetry I mean absolutely no pattern to it at all but stuff rhymes. If you make me write poetry, I'm not responsible for the damage to your eyes and mind.

submitted by AdvancedAzrielAngel
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Categories: News

"Special Feeling"

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 02:08
Categories: News

Episode -63 - So spoopy!

Unfurled - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 01:39
We're back again! Today we're talking about horror movies, games all that. We get some politics in, and answer a few emails! Episode -63 - So spoopy!
Categories: Podcasts

Maybe some sketches?

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 01:09

I have a busy few weeks coming up but I really need to start practicing again. Leave a description or ref and I might be able to get a sketch of it.

submitted by MatrialEagle
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Categories: News

Nan has entered the HOTEL LOBBY

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 00:32
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 23:23
Categories: News

"Breathing Light" by TruNorth

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 22:48
Categories: News

I need to rant.

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 22:46

So today I learned that my dad is terminally ill. Of course my first instinct, since it was 7PM and a visit was out of the question, was to let the folks I know online know about it, you know keep people filled in on what's going on with me and why I may be a bit off for awhile. So I get maybe 1 message of sympathy, somebody with no awareness of anything posts a shitty joke that probably wouldn't have been funny even if I wasn't presently predisposed against laughing, and another person complains about a skyrim mod they installed, and just like that I'm forgotten. So I go somewhere else, I like having multiple hangouts so I have a place to complain about each one in vague terms and have people justify my feelings, 1 message of sympathy and another asking why I'm also angry on top of it all, so I tell the story and a third person comes in to complain about a school assignment, and just like that I'm forgotten.

I mean maybe I just need to work on my temper, maybe I'm selfish, but I feel like every once in a blue moon I should be entitled to say "I'm sorry, I'd like this moment to be about me, I may not deserve the attention and you clearly loathe giving it to me but I think it would benefit my currently poor self esteem and emotional state." I'm just sick of how many years life has played this game with me where I'm chopped liver because nobody knows me, and nobody wants to know me because I'm chopped liver. I'm not allowed to have problems because somebody else present has it worse and I'm selfish for thinking mine are more important. I'm not allowed to have feelings because the only time people take an interest in me is to push my buttons to laugh at the hilarity that is any sort of emotional response from me.

I'm sure this too will come around to bite me but better to shout here where I'm moderately confident I won't get some matter-of-factly response about how it's all actually my fault and yadda yadda until I find myself reduced to little more than frothing rage and very loudly hurl obscenities around because this problem has been stewing for a long time now...

Tl;dr GRRRRRASGGSACBTSAGLPHV foaming at the mouth

edit: thank you all for the sympathy, really, though it wasn't my intention here to garner any sympathy as much as it was to just get some frustrations off my chest. I suppose I got a bit carried away in providing the freshest example I had. All the same though, thank you.

submitted by Yetanotherfurry
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Categories: News

I'm designing a second character! Ask him anything.

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 22:21

No art for him yet, but I have a design doc. For those TL:DR types, he's an albino Coeurl who wears clothes that make him look like an imperious prick. And he's a vampire wizard.

He exists in the same universe as my main 'Sona

Anywho, ask him anything.

Gerant: oh joy. Just throw me to the wolves, why don't you? You realize most of them will be if I can still have sex?

Sighs. Yes.

Gerant: Right, well. I can. So, keep all of those questions in your pants, will you? And no twilight jokes. I'd much rather have a silver spike through the groin.

submitted by Pariah_The_Pariah
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Categories: News

Okay I don't know what else to do. AMA!

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 21:40

Hello there! my names leechy111! other then that I'm bored right now. feel free to ask me anything! (yes even stupid questions)

EDIT: I'm off to bed. I'll answer any more questions tomorrow.

submitted by Leechy111
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Categories: News

Happy Halloween! (Art I did...last year)

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 21:26
Categories: News

Let's Face It, for the Most Part, the Furry Fandom Is Not Designed for Little Kids

Ask Papabear - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 20:58
Dear Papabear,

So I have been a furry for a while but I haven't told my parents! The reason is because when I was first learning about the furry community I clicked on a website without knowing what it was and it was a 18+ website with all kinds of unholy horrors. And unluckily for me my mom was standing right behind me! Now because of my mistake that's what they think of the furry community! So how do I tell them that I'm into furry stuff but I'm not into all of that adult stuff?
Anonymous (age 15)
* * *
Dear Young Furiend,
Papabear realizes there are many furries like you who are under 18 and wish to do fun furry stuff without the X-rated and other adult things in the fandom. I would like to say that the furry fandom is a sweet, childlike, and innocent hobby for the entire family.

The truth is, it isn’t.

You see, young one, the furry fandom began when some artists and writers (back around 1980 or so), who enjoyed the cartoons and comics made for children, decided that they wanted to create some art and stories with animal-like characters but that these would have more adult themes (Omaha the Cat Dancer is the best early example of this). Some themes dealt with violence, some with sex and sexuality, and they often had very adult language, gay themes, and drug references and criminal behavior. The best stories have also dealt with serious themes, including war, racism, slavery, and more.

Over time, this idea grew and grew and became more and more diverse. Some very good writing that is nonsexual has come out of it (check out the story collection Furry! edited by Fred Patten, for example); some graphic tales that have violence and adult themes, but don’t emphasize sex, have also come out that are great (I was introduced recently to the Blacksad tales by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido about a detective in a furry world that has a lot of violence, but the stories are very well written and illustrated), and even some first attempts at movies (Bitter Lake in 2013) have been made. But, really, much of the stuff in the furry world is for adults and there is a lot of graphically sexual material. You simply can’t avoid it. Even people who are not interested in it, like you, will still stumble upon it (you can hit the SFW button on FurAffinity, but not all sites have this feature).

On the other side, there are Christian furs and cartoony furs and fursuiters who do charity work and raise money for animals and all kinds of nice things. Going to furcons can be a blast! But, again, it’s all about the company you keep.

A couple things you can do, hon.

For one thing, you can still enjoy a lot of the movies and cartoons that furries enjoy featuring talking animals and produced by such companies as Disney and Pixar etc. I’m sure your parents won’t object to G-rated cartoons made for the general public.

As for the other, you can tell your parents you like some of the creative furry things that some people are doing out there, but you realize that there is adult stuff to avoid and you understand they don’t want you to look at it and neither do you! Therefore, encourage them to monitor your Internet use. Welcome them to check out furry communities that are safe and to help you to avoid those that are not.

Here are a couple sites Papabear can recommend:

That’s enough to get you started. You can also subscribe to clean furry art pages on Tumblr and join discussion groups on Facebook or other social sites.

The key is to allow—even encourage—your parents to be involved so they don’t think you’re doing anything they would not approve of. The modern furry fandom really is for adults, and you should therefore tread lightly, but it can be made fun for young furs if you surf carefully.
Good luck and hope you have fun!