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poor asgore :(

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Oct 2015 - 00:14
Categories: News

FARR 7: Big_Red_Hothead as an Oni!

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 23:46
Categories: News

I think this needs to be said.

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 23:33

A lot of people seem to have an idea that could really turn out to be dangerous. I've noticed, a lot, that when people are suffering emotional problems, whether they're minor, or large, they'll ask for little pick-me-ups from the subreddit. What these turn into usually is a lot of unnamed text responses, complimenting the person. Now, there is a whole argument I could make that this could potentially be habit forming responses to stress, but I'll ignore that for now. What I will say though is, if you are currently suffering from real, diagnosed mental illness, please Under no circumstances turn to the fandom for pick-me-ups. You have to seek real medical help, because only a trained, professional social worker can help treat mental illness. These people go through school to learn how to help those in need. More to the point, the compliments you get from the subreddit may help you feel slightly better, but in truth, they only act as a momentary distraction, whereas talking with either a social worker or seeking medicinal treatment can help you personally overcome what you're battling with.

So just, keep that in mind that we on /r/furry are not trained medical professionals, and we can only help you so much.

Edit: Just thought this should also be added, thank you to /u/TheEmpiresBeer

"if you think you might be suffering from a mental illness that is not yet diagnosed, seek real professional help" as well. I can't stress this enough.

submitted by McFluffypom
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Categories: News

/r/furry Unofficial Survey (for fun)

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 21:40
Categories: News

Feeling pretty down at the moment...

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 20:31

I don't really know where else to post this, so yeah. I guess I just need some people to talk to that's it. Honestly I feel like crying and I'm not even really sure why. I'd go into more details, but I'm not even sure this is the place for this sort of thing. Just really need a hug or something.

submitted by Kanzec
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Categories: News

I finally finished all 27 requests!

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 19:30

I submitted this OP quite a while back, and I finally finished painting everyone who posted to it.

Imgur Album, including a photo of the paintings on the floor

I am just really proud I got it done even if it took way too long!

submitted by Fearful_Leader
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Categories: News

I 3D printed a bronze bust of my fursona!

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 18:03
Categories: News

Canadian Furries - Whose watching the election tonight?

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 17:53

For non-Canadians: today is election day. The Liberals are leading the latest polls and are in a position to topple the Conservative party tonight, who has been in power for a decade.

Dis gun be good

I got my Sailor Jerry's ready for both celebration and depression.

submitted by Admiral_Fuzzles
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Categories: News

Thinking of doing a Homebrew D&D Campaign for Furries. Anyone interested?

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 17:28

So, I have been wanting to get into DMing for a while now, and I have a world that I have build that I was planning on basing a book in, which I may still do at some point. But it occurred to that the world of Terashe (Tear - Raw - Shay) would be a great setting for a D&D Campaign.

And when I say homebrew, I mean seriously homebrew. Created world, new species interactions, no elves or anything like that. You create your own spells, abilities, passives, I would help you out with this, help you balance it and tier it to your level and the world. Don't want anything to get too OP. And as with any Homebrew Campaign, alot will just have to be played out and tested via playtesting. That said, if you do join, be patient with me and understanding if I scale something back or scale it up. I will try to be subtle about this. c:

Main point of this is to just see if anyone would be interested in playing with a first time DM. The game will be built on the foundation of D&D V5, which seems to be really accessible to newcomers, DMs and Players alike. I am hoping to get at least 4 people interested in doing this, but no more than 6, as I am a first timer.

submitted by EntirelyCrazed
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 14

TigerTails Radio - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 16:17
Categories: Podcasts

Questions for your 'sona #5

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 16:09

Today's question has a minor caveat:

What is your 'sonas weapon of choice?

For the sake of the thread I'm going to define "weapon" as "Anything that can diffuse a potentially violent situation or give the user an edge in combative scenarios". That means things like shields, armor, claws or even things like hypnotic powers count for this question.

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Taking fursona art requests!

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 16:03

Hi, everyone! !![CLOSED]!! I'll be doing this maybe once every couple weeks. I'm taking art requests of your fursonas in a chibi-esque form (like my previous post). There will be three slots and they will be chosen by how interesting the fursona itself is and my abilities.

•No NSFW• •55x65inch will be the sizing for them• •Must have a reference sheet•

Private message me if you're interested! Have a good day everyone and thank you for the warm welcome. (・ω・)ノ

submitted by RiviereBun
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Categories: News

Bliss ~ Koul

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 15:42
Categories: News

Art Tracing - stop it.

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 14:42

I'm hella disappointed today to discover an active member of our subreddit was found to be tracing art and claiming as their own. This is not the first time I've seen it happen in this community and I suspect it will not be the last. I will not give their name and I ask that others do not post it here but I did have a few words to say as a general PSA.

First of all, don't do it. Don't trace other people's art, recolor it, and claim it as your own. If you really like something someone has done, maybe consider asking them first at least - I promise you'll get a lot less shit if you do it that way.

^ In this same vein - if you're tracing because you're trying to learn to draw, fine! That's great actually. DON'T POST IT AS YOUR OWN. Better yet, ASK THE ARTIST before doing it. Ask if they're okay with you posting it as long as you explain that you're doing it for practice. ALWAYS GIVE THE ARTIST CREDIT.

Secondly - if you have traced someone's art before go take it down now. Don't wait until someone finds out. Don't put the artist through that. Don't put yourself through that.

Lastly, APOLOGIZE. Please. Be genuine about it. Understand what you did was wrong and hurtful. Apologize.

To the person who did this, you know who you are. You've taken down the submission but I have yet to see any form of public apology for this debacle. You've lost a lot of respect from many people in the community and I can tell you now that the lack of apology isn't helping. Do you even care? Is there any remorse for what you've done beyond being irritated with the backlash?

And to everyone else, if you see someone stealing art, send them a message and send the original artist a message. This behavior needs to stop and artists have every right to know when their work is being stolen.

@ Mods: I genuinely feel that this needs to be said and I think that I am still within the bounds of acceptability regarding rule #6. If not, please let me know what I should do to change it or just delete it.

submitted by dptt
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Categories: News

Hello I just joined Reddit! @ u @

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Oct 2015 - 14:35
Categories: News