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Do you guys ever think about what your non-furry friends species' would be?

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 12:31

I was talking to one of my friends (who is also a fur) about what he sees our other friends as, and I thought this would be an interesting question for you guys.

Alternatively, what celebrities do you see as different species?

submitted by CantonSkunkwolf
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Categories: News

Furry Pixel Art Icons for $5

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 12:26

I am starting doing pixel art icons!

You can see my previous works here


  • Full body or headshot?

Any. its your call!

  • SFW or NSFW?

Safe for Work only.

  • What will be in the icon?

You provide as many details as you like. Pose, background, expression, etc

  • Do you accept descriptions if I don't have a ref?

Unfortunately no. But if you don't have a ref you can always use other pictures.

  • What size icon?

For the base resolution (before any wanted scaling) I will do up to 128x128, but higher res icons can be negotiated.

  • What length queue is there?

Since this is my first go at commissions, I will cap the queue at 3 (so I will only be working on only 3 people at a time).

  • What payment do you accept?

Paypal, Steam gift card, and TF2 items (2 keys)

And once you have paid, you will have full input on how the icon is drawn.

Once it is done and you want something tweaking, no worries!

  • Where can I get one?!

Comment down below or send me a PM and I'll provide you with a form (if the queue isn't full)





submitted by FreeThinkerComic
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Categories: News

Character Doodles..

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 11:10
Categories: News

A chat with Anthrocon CEO Uncle Kage about con cancellations and security.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 10:35
In the past month, Oklacon and Rainfurrest both announced dramatic cancelations involving misbehavior.  (Oklacon was written up here on 9/28/15.) Mainstream news didn’t notice, as far as I know.  The only press I saw was a super positive Rainfurrest article: “Being a Furry Can Change Your Life.” Public image is a big deal to furries.  They seem even more sensitive about it […]
Categories: News

The beautiful works of Felici

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 09:57
Categories: News

Happy Tuesday, fuzzbutts!

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 09:37

Hallo everyfur! Rummy 'Yena here, and with coffee mug in hand I'm ready to start my day! Luckily this particular Tuesday only involves playing video games, reddit, and chatting with my fellow fuzzies. No work to be had today!

So, what's everyone up to today? Anything fun, exciting, or mildly interesting going on? Looking forward to anything? Curious 'yenas must know!

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

Zakumi by TysonTan

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 05:42
Categories: News

Been gone a while

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 04:29

Ive fallen out of the loop really. anything interesting happen while I've been gone?

submitted by Mackelroy_aka_Stitch
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Categories: News

My first refsheet is done!

Furry Reddit - Tue 27 Oct 2015 - 01:43

I'm super happy with it. It's a cheeky wolf/tiger hybrid that adores cheese :) Here it is! It's made by transparent or clear_eclair on Instagram.

So glad to finally have my finished fursona after being in the fandom for a good year and a half :)

submitted by YourMotherIsRude
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Categories: News

I just need someone to talk to. I hurt someone in my life and I just need help.

Furry Reddit - Mon 26 Oct 2015 - 23:25

I figured you guys would be a good place to talk to. You guys have saved me in the past and I just need more help tonight. I'm not suicidal or anything just deep in guilt.

Without revealing absolutely anything, I hurt someone. I talked about something I shouldn't have and they felt hurt by it. I'm scared talking about it in this post will somehow hurt them more but I'm not sure.

I was supposed to be the happy part of their life, the part that helped them. Now I feel like I destroyed that relationship.

Just, I don't know just I want to talk to someone if that's ok...

I just need advice on how to make them happy again

submitted by furrythrowthrow1415
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Categories: News

At Home With The Furries

Furry Reddit - Mon 26 Oct 2015 - 23:18
Categories: News

What did Rainfurest do wrong?

Furry Reddit - Mon 26 Oct 2015 - 22:59

So I was thinking about conventions and I thought what do conventions to prevent things like what happened at Rainfurest? I had this thought cause I haven't really heard of too much stuff like what happened over in Seattle happening at other conventions, of course that could just be because I've only been in the fandom sense January of this year. (yes I have heard of the con in california that gave us all a really bad name)

submitted by Samfiller
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Categories: News