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FWG Monthly Newsletter December 2022

Furry Writers' Guild - Fri 2 Dec 2022 - 09:00

What do you mean, it’s December already?

Welcome to the final month of 2022! From everyone here at the Furry Writers Guild, we hope your year has been safe, productive, and enjoyable. May the holiday season bring positivity to you all.

For some of us, early December means MFF. If you’re there, keep reading this blog to find out where you can find the best books, and then go and have fun! For everyone else, enjoy the weekend and look forward to the holiday period at the end of the month. Hopefully those yearly writing targets are looking achievable.

Of course, for those of you at MFF, we hope you have a fantastic time, and be sure to check out the Dealer’s Den. There are plenty of vendors who will be selling books.
Guild members and affiliate publishers with a presence at MFF include:

Fenris Publishing – Fenris Publishing carries a wide variety of novels, comics, art books, anthologies, tabletop games, and tabletop RPG accessories (dice sets, trays, bags, etc.). We carry products from Fenris Publishing, Bewere Books, Rabbit Valley Comics, Sofawolf Press, Goal Publications, Easy Roller Dice, and a variety of independent and self-published creators. Table M 9-11

FurPlanet Productions – FurPlanet Productions publishes a wide variety of novels, anthologies, comics, and art collections created by the best authors and artists in the fandom. Our catalog includes works by artdecade, Cheetahpaws, Demicoeur, Fluff Kevlar, Kadath, Kaylii, Kyell Gold, Mary E. Lowd, Rechan, Rukis, Scappo, Tsampikos, Ursula Vernon, and more. We also distribute works from a variety of other publishers. Table A 3-6

Gre7g & Kyoht – Furry science fiction, prints, stickers, original sketches, stickers, and bandanas. Table D8

NightEyes DaySpring – I sell books I have self-published and also have swag related to them. I also carry an anthology I co-edited for FurPlanet. (Come here for When The World Was Young). Table G20

Don’t forget there are also writing panels all through the weekend! There are too many to list here, but visit the schedule by clicking here!

For those of us not at MFF, we might as well get stuck into writing! Fortunately, there are a few open anthology calls that might whet the appetite. Why not give some of these a shot?

Dragonesque – Deadline December 31st
Reclamation Project: Year Two – Deadline March 1st
This Is Halloween – Deadline When Full
Furry Femdom Erotica – Deadline When Full
F/F No Erotic Anthology – Deadline When Full
Isekai Me! – Deadline When Full
Children Of The Night – Deadline When Full
Furry/Lovecraftian/Erotic/University Themed Anthology – Deadline When Full
#ohmurr! – Deadline: Ongoing
Zooscape – Temporarily closed for submissions. Reoccurring submission windows. Re-opening December 15th

If the writing bug isn’t biting you during this festive period, then cast your eyes instead to some of the new and upcoming releases from our members. Some of these can be purchases at MFF, with others available for pre-order throughout the month.
We hope you’ll continue to support our authors by helping to share these works, and to give them a rating or review if you’ve picked them up.

The Way To The Lonely Valley, by Frank LeRenard. Released November 2nd.

Return From Divalia, by Kyell Gold. Released December 1st.

When The World Was Young, edited by Madison Scott-Clary. Featuring stories from multiple FWG members. Released December 1st.

Winter of Wonder: Fauna. Featuring stories by R.A. Meenan and J.F.R. Coates. Available for pre-order. Released December 21st.

Don’t Ask Me If I’m Okay, by Jessica Kara (Jess E. Owen). Available for pre-order. Released May 16th 2023.

2022 is almost over. Hopefully the year has been kind – or at least, kinder than some recent years have been. If you’ve achieved your writing targets for the year, then congratulations! It’s tough work to make that happen at the moment, so take the time to feel that achievement.
It’s also the time to start looking forward to what 2023 can bring. What goals will you set for next year? What targets to aim for?
It’s never too early to set those resolutions and give yourself a little headstart.

From me and everyone at the Furry Writers Guild, happy holidays.
We’ll see you again in 2023!
J.F.R. Coates

Categories: News

Can you GROW a Fursuit? | Fursuit Future Part 2

Culturally F'd - Thu 1 Dec 2022 - 16:00

Fursuit Future CONTINUES with Arrkay in mad science mode as we explore the options of lab-growing human compatible animal parts to add to your own body. Mad science correspondent: Nasi the Biology Gryphon Merch, Sweet Tees and stuff: Support Culturally F'd: Listen in on TEMPO TALKS with Tempe O'Kun Check out Tempe O'Kun's books "Sixes Wild" and "Windfall" here: Here's a playlist of his other Culturally F'd videos:
Categories: Videos

After We Flew The Coop

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 30 Nov 2022 - 19:52

Once again Drawn & Quarterly bring us something interesting: Birds of Maine, a new graphic novel written and illustrated by Michael DeForge. “Long after the demise of humankind, birds roam freely around the Moon complete with fruitful trees, sophisticated fungal networks, and an enviable socialist order. The universal worm feeds all, there are no weekends, and economics is as fantastical a study as unicorn psychology. No concept of money or wealth plagues the thoughts of these free-minded birds. Instead, there are angsty teens who form bands to show off their best bird song and other youngsters who yearn to become clothing designers even though clothes are only necessary during war. (The truly honorable professions for most birds are historian or librarian.) These birds are free to crush on hot pelicans and live their best lives… until a crash-landed human from Earth threatens to change everything.” Available now in hardcover. [And with that, we’ll see you after Midwest Fur Fest!]

image c. 2022 Drawn & Quarterly

Categories: News

Furries Are Not the Actual Targets of School Bullies

Ask Papabear - Wed 30 Nov 2022 - 15:38
Dear Papabear,

How do I stop the oncoming flow of hate towards the furry fandom? I hate how I'm persecuted for wanting to wear a costume. I understand that yes, there is a bad side to the fandom, but that's not the whole thing. Take Indigo_Raptor, for instance. They were so young, and yet they supposedly killed themselves because of hate. I really don't like how everyone stereotypes furries as 'The fandom that f*ks cheese graters and dogs for fun." And the people who bark at me in the school hallways--my fursona isn't even a dog; Neon's a cat! And if I'm a furry, and I don't go around barking at people, how come they do? We as furries have given the rest of the world more than enough reason to at least accept us if not love us.

How do I stop this? Is it even possible?


* * *
Dear Neon,

(Note: I could not reply to you via email because you used a school email server, which blocks emails from unknown sources like this one, so I hope you see this on my website.)

Furries such as yourself all make the same mistake in thinking that normies are specifically targeting the furry fandom with their behavior towards its members. Actually, what you and others are experiencing is one facet of a phenomenon with humans: social predation. This is the characteristic in society in which those at the top of a hierarchy (the "top dogs," shall we say) and other members below who follow said hierarchy attack those at the bottom or outside the accepted norms in order to keep the status quo intact.

You see this kind of behavior in other animals, too, not just humans. Wolves, as most know, have their alphas and betas keeping the omegas in line; monkey troops actually go to war with other troops they feel are impinging on their territory; animals ranging from pronghorn sheep to elephants have been seen expressing bullying behavior, too. The higher an animal is in the hierarchy, the more aggressive it tends to be.

Humans behave just like the "lower animals" in this respect. In areas such as business and politics, of course, there is a clear hierarchy involving job titles and salaries and power. In the school, titles might not be formalized and complete with a salary, but they are still there in loose terms such as "that lunch table belongs to the popular kids, that one is for the jocks, nerds and geeks over there, and the losers sit outside on a bench." 

Groups that adhere to social norms and that gain status through achievements (real or imagined) such as winning a championship game or wearing expensive and stylish clothes rise to the top of the hierarchy. Those who challenge the status quo by being different are filtered to the bottom of the glass. Such is the fate of furries because we aren't "normal." 

But targeting furries per se is just an excuse. Anyone outside the "normal" range will be subject to violence and bullying. In the recent past, for example, such violence was directed at African Americans (and still is in many ways, but somewhat less so in schools now). People will also be targeted for their religion or nationality, as is seen in all the violence still going on today against Jews, Muslims (labeled as terrorists), Sikhs (often mistaken as Muslims because haters are stupid), LGBTQIA people, the handicapable, and more.

Bullies and haters are violent and nasty not just to keep the outsiders out, but also because this behavior reinforces the status quo hierarchy and creates a social bond (however unpleasant) with a group's leaders and all their toadies.

So, when you ask, "How do I stop furry haters?" you are asking the wrong question because you don't stop them. They are a part of social behavior in humans that will always be there, and you will be attacked for anything you might be or do that is considered "not normal."

Before I continue, it is important to note that if bullying becomes violent or dangerous in any way, you need to report it to your school administration and, possibly, local authorities if it gets really bad. There are laws against bullying (go to for more information on that).

When it comes to annoying teasing behavior, there are a couple of strategies you can pursue:
  1. Ignore it: That's right, just don't let it bother you. Bullies only love to tease and hate if they get a reaction out of you. They want to see you cringe or cry or hang your head in shame. Don't give them that satisfaction. Just look them in the eye and say, "Yeah, I'm a furry, big woop." If they call you names, just say something like, "Wow, that would really hurt if I gave a crap what you thought about me." Then just walk away, head held high.
  2. Engage them in silliness. For example, you said they bark at you. Next time they do, walk up to them and say, "No no no, I'm not a dog, I'm a cat. The word you're looking for is 'Meow.' Repeat after me: Meow meow meow! Get them all meowing like idiots. Maybe give them lessons in other cat sounds such as hisses and purrs. Then you might add, "Ohmygawd! You must be furries, too!" Laugh and leave.
  3. Educate them with some facts, such as, hey, you know a huge number of IT people, including those running the internet, are furries ( We also have a huge presence in TV and movies (how many of you like Zootopia or Turning Red?), making millions of dollars. We also raise money for wildlife and domestic animal charities to the tune of millions of dollars, so my prospects are looking pretty good!

Whatever strategy you try--or maybe you have one of your own--the important thing is to not show any weakness. As Nick Wilde explained to Judy Hopps, you should never let them see that they got to you. Don't give them that power. 

Will this stop the bullying? Maybe, maybe not. As noted above, you can't really completely stop it, but you can sure keep it from bothering you.

Remember, it's not about your being a furry; it's about them using bullying to maintain their social status. Is that pathetic? Yes, yes it is. And you don't have to buy into their pathetic displays of insecurity.

Hope that helps,

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 19

TigerTails Radio - Tue 29 Nov 2022 - 05:20

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 19. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Bop That Bug!

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 29 Nov 2022 - 02:56

New from Cat-Head Comics: “Bughouse is cartoonist Steve Lafler’s graphic novel about the life of a jazz band of the same name, set in an ‘insect noir’ Manhattan of the early fifties. Tenor saxophone maestro, Jimmy Watts, leads his talented band of bugs from the swing era into the uncharted maelstrom of Bop. And as he and his band mates claw their way to the top of the jazz world, they must fight the temptation to be consumed by addiction to a substance known as ‘bug juice’.” Now the man himself has released From The Top: The Complete Bughouse, available hardcover and softcover editions.

image c. 2022 Cat-Head Comics

Categories: News

S10 Episode 2 – Ace is the Place - Uh oh, looks like Vaos got dragged from the sound booth as he discusses Asexuality with Nuka, Roo and Klik! Come stick around and listen to what is Ace and it's misconceptions, representation and a wild ride of hosts fig

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 28 Nov 2022 - 21:33
Uh oh, looks like Vaos got dragged from the sound booth as he discusses Asexuality with Nuka, Roo and Klik! Come stick around and listen to what is Ace and it's misconceptions, representation and a wild ride of hosts figuring out what's better then sex.

The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!


Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters


Ashton Segal (Pic Pending), Nuka, Ichigo Okami

Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka, the San Francisco Treat and Baldrik and Lufis (Pic Pending)

Deluxe Supporters Tier


Guardian Lion, Ashton Sergal, Harlan Fox, Plug (Pic Pending), Refractory Rictus (Pic Pending)

Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat

McRib Tier Supporters



Intro: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth.
First Break: Fox Stuff, Ekko Fox - Argofox, Creative Commons 2021.
Second Break: Ghost, Mystery Skulls. Use with permission.
Third Break: Rev, Eveningland, Creative Commons 2018.
Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 Episode 2 – Ace is the Place - Uh oh, looks like Vaos got dragged from the sound booth as he discusses Asexuality with Nuka, Roo and Klik! Come stick around and listen to what is Ace and it's misconceptions, representation and a wild ride of hosts fig
Categories: Podcasts

Cute and Courageous

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 27 Nov 2022 - 02:35

And another new furry animated series for young folk, coming next year to Disney Junior. “Disney Junior released a trailer for its new 3DCG animated series, SuperKitties, premiering this coming January. The action-packed show follows four fierce and furry superhero kittens — Ginny, Sparks, Buddy, and Bitsy — on a mission to make Kittydale a more caring and ‘pawesome’ place. The heroic kitties defeat villains while imparting important messages of kindness, empathy, friendship, resilience, and problem-solving.” Animation World Network has more.

image c. 2022 Disney Junior

Categories: News

Prohibit AI Art? Mastodon & New Con Dates - Grovel Reports 11/25/22

Grovel Reports - Sat 26 Nov 2022 - 18:16

This was recorded on Nov 25th 2022 Hello everyone! Interested in recent Furry Con News? Here are the highlights: Mastodon Grovel Husky's Mastodon Further Confusion Furryverse Collab - 4 months in the making Furry Convention Statements on AI Art: The Furst State, based in Delaware, has announced a similar policy for their Deleware Furbowl, Artist Alley and New years furry ball dealers den. Coastal Furry Events has plans to bring the Santa Barbara Trolley Event in CA back on March 11th 2023 FurSquared will return April 6-9th 2023 Argentina FurFiesta radio Main Furry Convention Website List of Cons opening Registration: Furnal Equinox Howloween is Vancouver's Halloween Mini Furry Covnention. It returns Nov 3rd-5th 2023 and Registration is open FurTheMore PAWCon now has PreReg open for 2023. If you like the work I do please like/follow/share to support the channel I'm on multiple platforms Subscribe to show support Grovel Reports Studio made by Kydek Banners used in the channel were made by Slushi Music created for Grovel Husky by Whooshagg Prohibit AI Art? Mastodon & New Con Dates - Grovel Reports 11/25/22 #mastodon #furry #furryfandom
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting S3E31 - All Aboard!

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 26 Nov 2022 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Moobarkfluff!  The train is off the tracks before we even get started!  By the time we finish the train and the track are not even in the same state! We have a brief Furries in the News. Why are all the con dates changing? We make some This or That choices. Can bottles exist in 4 dimensions? Come spend some Furry Times with Bearly and Taebyn. Moobarkfluff!

Merch at Redbubble

Merch at Bonfire


Taebyn's YouTube Channel

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S3E31 - All Aboard!
Categories: Podcasts

Horn of Plenty

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 25 Nov 2022 - 02:50

[Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones!] Nobody’s Child is a new full-color graphic novel created by Massimo Rosi. “In an unspecified time in the future, it is discovered that within a special breed of albino rhinoceros there is a genetic code that holds the properties to regenerate man, that can cure all diseases, even those very serious. As a result, in a short period of time this albino rhino becomes nearly extinct, leaving just one: Sabium. Enter Bakari, a boy dealing with his own devastation, who now decides to dedicate his life to protecting this rhino.” It’s available now in paperback from Simon & Schuster.

image c. 2022 Behemoth Comics

Categories: News

Becoming Anthro: Gene Mods for Furries | Fursuit Future Part 1

Culturally F'd - Thu 24 Nov 2022 - 04:00

Can you finally BECOME YOUR FURSONA? Maybe sooner than you expect. This speculative glimpse into the sci-fi technology is the first installment of the four-part miniseries "FURSUIT FUTURE," where we will explore the possibilities of merging man and animal. This episode focuses on gene mods to transform you into a furry. Mad science correspondent: Nasi the Biology Gryphon Staff writer: Tempo Merch, Sweet Tees and stuff: Support Culturally F'd: Listen in on TEMPO TALKS with Tempe O'Kun Check out Tempe O'Kun's books "Sixes Wild" and "Windfall" here: Here's a playlist of his other Culturally F'd videos:
Categories: Videos

Furcon Age Policies

Ask Papabear - Wed 23 Nov 2022 - 13:32
Dear Papabear,

What age generally do you have to be to go to a furry convention? Is there a set age or what exactly?


* * *

Dear Harry,

Every convention I know of has an age policy. A typical one would be that if you are under 16 years of age you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; if you are 16 or 17, you must have signed approval from a parent or guardian; if you are 18 and older, you're good to go. Sin City Murr Con in Las Vegas is, obviously, for 18 and older ONLY because of its very adult nature.

That is in the United States. Other countries are different. For example, I am led to understand that UK conventions do not allow minors at all. Same with Eurofurence in Germany and Furdu in Australia--you have to be 18. Asia cons can vary, I believe. For example, Furs Upon Malaysa allows furries as young as 13 to attend, but 13 to 17 year old furries must have an adult with them.

Anyway, you're likely only interest in U.S. cons, so short answer is you will need a parent to come with you. If you aren't sure, just visit the furcon's webpage and they will have the age policies posted there.

Bear Hugs,

Celebrate the Ducks

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 23 Nov 2022 - 02:38

Just in time for holiday wish lists, Disney and Dark Horse Comics bring us the Deluxe Edition of The Art of DuckTales, edited by Ken Plume. “Scrooge McDuck and nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie are back in the 2017 remake of the classic series from Disney Television Animation, DuckTales! Now, find out about the making of DuckTales and read stories from the developers and cast covering every episode from all three seasons! The deluxe edition of the Art of DuckTales gives you all the content of the standard edition along with a slipcase that houses a gold-gilded version the book, an exclusive DuckTales Guidebook that contains expanded versions of the interviews with the crew and cast, and a finely-crafted replica of Scrooge’s Number One Dime!” Start wishing.

image c. 2022 Dark Horse Comics

Categories: News

The 10 Best Furry Anime You Need To Watch Now Copy

Fursonafy - Wed 23 Nov 2022 - 01:37

Article Content

  1. What Is A Fursona?
  2. Why Should I Make A Fursona?
  3. How Do I Start Making A Fursona?
  4. Is It Okay To Use Someone Else’s Fursona?
  5. What If I’m Drawing The Fursona Myself?
  6. How Do I Commission A Fursona To Be Made?
  7. How Do I Start Designing My Fursona?
  8. How Do I Decide My Fursona’s Colors?
  9. How Do I Accessorize My Fursona?
  10. How Do I Name My Fursona?
  11. What Do I Do With My Fursona Now?
What Is A Furry Anime?

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, anime are Japanese animations and in quite a lot of them you can find humanoid / anthropomorphic creatures working alongside the main character. Whether it be to beat some unimaginably powerful force of evil or to find the meaning within, you can find some furry friends along the way in a lot of anime like Pokemon. But we’re not interested in the anime where these animals get sidelined for the main character to steal the limelight, furry anime are anime where the protagonists are the animals.

1. Kuma Miko

Kuma Miko is a 2016 comedy that tells the story of Machi Amayadori, a 14 year old girl who has spent her entire life living in the mountains with her guardian Natsu, a talking bear. Natsu is, as you could imagine, opposed to leaving their home but, getting sick of life in the mountains she believes she is ready to pursue a life in the big city and attend a high school. Is she ready for the urban lifestyle? What does Natsu even know about high school after spending so many years in the mountains?

You can watch this show on Funimation or, like a lot of the entries on this list, Crunchyroll.

Natsu, The Talking Bear From Kuma Miko

Show Written by Masume Yoshimoto

2. Hyper Police

Hyper Police is a 1997 sci-fi comedy set in the distant future of the Tokyo ward of Shinjuku. It predominantly follows the lives of three characters: Natsuki Sasahara, Sakura Bokuseiinmonzeninari and Batanen Fujioka in a world where humanity is one the brink of extinction, the only thing holding it together being the work of rivaling private police organizations. Natsuki is a half human, half cat (more specifically nekomata) who works for Batanen’s police organization, Batanen is a werewolf and senior officer at said police company and Sakura is a kitsune and partner of Natsuki for some time. Can they stop the relentless crime of Shinjuku?

Unfortunately Hyper Police is not available on Crunchyroll or any major streaming platforms for that matter.

Natsuki Sasahara From Hyper Police

Show Written by Minoru Tachikawa

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Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

"The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona 3. BNA: Brand New Animal

BNA: Brand New Animal is an 80s influenced 2020 action, sci-fi anime beaming with neon lights in its vaporwave aesthetic revolving around a world in which humans coexist with what are known as Beastmen. These Beastmen are discriminated against for a gene called Beast Factor which allows them to transform into animals. The show follows the life of a girl called Michiru Kagemori who suddenly became a tanuki beastman after a blood transfusion, as you do. Following her blood transfusion, her friend Nazuna Hiwatashi is abducted, so naturally, she runs away, seeking refuge in Anima City, a safe haven for beastmen where she meets an employee of the city mayor, Shirou Ogami. Together they investigate what caused Michiru’s random transformation. As their investigation continues, the conspiracy of Anima City thickens, uncovering the darkest secrets of their society.

BNA: Brand New Animal is licensed by and available to watch on Netflix.

Michiru & Shirou BNA: Brand New Animal

Show Written by Kazuki Nakashima

4. African Salaryman

Also known as African Office Worker, African Salaryman is slapstick comedy following the monotonous 9-5 office life of a lion, a toucan and a lizard as they get caught up in far from normal office life antics. Being animals from the Savannah, you could probably imagine that office life isn’t perfectly suited for them and they make this no secret at all as a lion struggles to commit to his diet, a lizard attempts to learn party tricks to impress his coworkers and a toucan can’t wait for his summer vacation away from the old ball and chain. Everything about this show doesn’t make sense and its perfect like that, because it’s not supposed to.

You can watch African Salaryman on Funimation.

The Lion, The Toucan and The Lizard From African Salaryman

Show Directed by Tetsuya Tatamitani

5. Damekko Dōbutsu

This show is kinda like reverse Zootopia. This 2005 comedy, in its almost chibi art style, tells the story of the “useless” wolf Uruno, who, rather than being unable to repress his savage desires, is actually unable to hunt and kill and is told he does not have any of the traits of a wolf. As a result of his timid behaviour, he’s sent to live in the forest with other equally “useless” animals where he meets Ushara, a loud mouthed and borderline aggressive rabbit. On his travels, Uruno meets several other animals who just do not fit the behaviour that is expected of them, like a clumsy cheetah, a devilish unicorn and a near-sighted eagle. Together they must work to regain their animal instincts and live up to their names.

Damekko Dōbutsu, like Hyper Police, isn’t available on any major streaming platforms.

Uruno and Ushara From Damekko Dobutsu

Show Written by Noriko Kuwata

#7. Skunks

Okay, so they smell a little bit… Well actually, they don’t. For the most part skunks smelling is just a stereotype because of their spraying defense mechanism, which I’ll admit, probably smells pretty bad. So, when Looney Tunes’ Pepe Le Pew makes the other characters turn green with nausea, just know, it’s all a hoax. However, most skunk fursonas will come in counter-shaded colors like black and white, brown and white, cream and black which are all examples of aposematism, or in Layman’s terms, warning coloration. Often the color palettes of skunks pop so much because it is nature’s way of saying “hey, if you mess with this guy, it’s likely going to end badly for you”. Similar traits can be seen in poison dart frogs or cuttlefish, as it’s not uncommon in the animal kingdom.

Skunk Fursona

Illustration by Chos via DeviantArt

#6. Marsupials

Marsupials refer to animals like kangaroos, wombats, koalas etc. and probably displays one of the most diverse pools of possible fursonas in this list. While they all do resemble rodent-like qualities, they are vastly different. The main difference is that they are “pouched mammals”, meaning they leave the womb at an embryonic stage and grow within the mother’s pouch for a while. This makes marsupials quite caring and maternal creatures when it comes to the females, but the males on the other hand seem to have more combative tendencies to say the least. Male kangaroos especially, likely because of their ability to bounce on their tail and box, are viewed as more defensive creatures, ready to protect what’s theirs with a good ol’ fashion scrap. I mean, just look at Tekken’s Roger and Roger Jr.

Kangaroo Fursona

Illustration by ben-ben via DeviantArt

#5. Dinosaur

Although they’re quite uncommon, there’s a good chance you’ve seen a dinosaur fursuit. They seem to be more common in the fursuiting community than the furry art community and they might be due to a few things. They likely aren’t used as fursonas very often due to their lack of “furriness” per say. They haven’t got the most lovable faces in the world nor do they have lovable personalities. They’re carnivorous and aggressive, a lot of them don’t work well in groups, it’s just a recipe for disaster. They’re big and scaly and while some artists definitely pull off the cute dinosaur look, it’s much easier to do so with a dog or a cat for example. Even shows like Jim Henson’s Dinosaurs (which, don’t get me wrong, is an amazing show) struggles to make the dinosaurs personable; the puppets come off as slightly unsettling and they slip too easily into the famous uncanny valley.

On the contrary, they have definitely got some things going for them. For one, not all dinosaurs are scaly creatures, in fact, a good portion of them have feathers, it was even recently discovered that the T-Rex had feathers, not scales. Furthermore, because dinosaurs vary so vastly in shape and size, it’s hard to put them in a box, just go on to furaffinity and search “dinosaur furry” and look at the thousands of results.

Dinosaur Fursona

Illustration by Squeedgeart via tumblr

#4. Deer

Belonging to the ungulate family (odd-toed, hoofed animals), deers are much more timid animals. They’re not extremely sociable nor are they particularly loud animals. Making their most notable appearance in Disney’s Bambi, deer are extremely alert to danger and typically respond with flight in fight or flight situations.

Their shy behaviour leads many to believe that they are rare animals, when in actuality, they have quite a dense population Almost all male deer (apart from some like water deer) have antlers that are used to battle for mating purposes and despite popular belief, their antlers are not permanent, they shed and regrow every year. Female deer on the other hand, aside from reindeer, do not grow antlers as they rarely have use for them and they can make navigating forestry quite difficult.

Different types of deer vary greatly in size and stature but for the most part resemble each other quite closely. A moose for example, the largest species of deer, can grow to be around 2 meters in height while a roe deer typically doesn’t get taller than 75 cm.

Deer Fursona

Illustration by tawnaduncan via tumblr

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Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

"My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona #3. Squirrel

Making their video game debut in Conker’s Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64, squirrely belong to the same family of animals as chipmunks and prairie dogs. You can see a whole catalog of other squirrely characters throughout time, but for some reason, they are still underrepresented within the furry fandom. You got the classics like The Nut Job, Ice Age, The Nut Job 2 Nutty By Nature, Secret Life of Pets and with The Nut Job 3 supposedly in the works, there’s just no telling what the future could look like for Squirrels in the furry fandom. We’re joking of course, but this is likely why there aren’t that many squirrel fursonas, making up less than 1% of fursonas, there’s just not many good examples of squirrels for people to base their fursona off of.

Luckily, we’re here to help. Squirrels typically have slender bodies with large eyes and a long bushy tail. This tail assists them with their balance as they jump from tree to tree. For the mostly tree-dwelling squirrels, they need great eyesight so that they can see where they are jumping. Like most rodents, they have large incisors (front teeth) for gnawing and can stuff their cheeks to store food. Squirrels can be both ground-dwelling and tree dwelling, the ground-dwelling squirrels being more sociable than the tree dwelling ones, who tend to take to more solitary lifestyles.

Squirrel Fursona

Illustration by User via Pinterest

#2. Ferret

Unlike a lot of the entries on this list, it’s hard to find a good example of a beloved ferret in cartoons. The best we could find was Scorch from 101 Dalmatians from like 60 years ago or with a bit of a stretch you could argue that the new Disney / Pixar film Turning Red is technically about a ferret because red pandas are closer to a species of ferret than they are bears, but that can get a little bit messy. Point is, there is no clear example of ferrets in mainstream TV, why is this?

Just to clarify, there (probably) isn’t some personal vendetta against ferrets by corporations, ferrets just don’t have very distinct qualities that would make you go “hey, that’s like a ferret”, or at least not to the unobservant eye. For one, they are not rodents, they belong to the weasel family with animals like stoats, polecats and ermines. They also aren’t recently domesticated animals, evidence shows that they have been domesticated for the past 2500 years and were used to hunt rabbits and rodents. Even in recent history, like the Second World War, they’ve been used to protect grain storage from small mammals. The name ferret derives from the Latin word furittus which means “little thief” which was likely given to them because of their habit of secretly hiding away small items.

Ferret Fursona

Illustration by ☀ Temiree ☀ via Twitter

#1. Insect

This one’s probably not a surprise to a lot of you, because let’s face it, insects are a hard sell. There’s no shame in having an insect as your fursona, but it’s easy to see why many don’t opt for them as their first choice. They’ve seen some limelight here and there like Kung Fu Panda’s Mantis or for some reason the late 90s to 2000s obsession with ants (A Bug’s Life, Antz, Ant Bully, like seriously, why are these so many ant movies) and they’re by no means unoriginal, but, they lack that furry factor. Aside from all the more reptilian furries, fursonas are predominantly physically furry characters most of the time with traits or features that resemble human qualities. They’re personable. Insects on the other hand are small, commonly feared and harder to observe than most animals.

However, it would be unfair to not shed some light on what it takes to be an insect, so here goes. An insect is most often identified by the fact that it has six legs and three body sections (head, thorax and abdomen). Just these qualities alone encompass hundreds of thousands, if not millions of different insects, from bees, to beetles, to butterflies. Look at any pokemon game for a good example of the hundreds of “bug type” creatures like Vespiqueen or Butterfree. Most insects live in colonies of the same insect like a nest of ants or a hive of bees likely because of their size and the threat they face when caught on their own.

If you want good examples of how to make an insect fursona, DeviantArt has a whole catalog of amazing artwork that can get you inspired. It’s definitely possible to pull off an insect fursona with a little bit of creativity.

Bee Fursona

Illustration by PheonixBat via Furaffinity

What If My Fursona’s Species Isn’t Unique?

Hopefully by now, you have a better gauge of the number of options you have when making a fursona. Even within these species, there are thousands of sub-species and breeds of animals that the list could just go on and on. Or maybe you’re overwhelmed for this exact same reason, so many options to choose from, and not enough time or creativity to execute all of them. That’s okay. There’s no shame in having any animal as your fursona, whether it be a wolf or an insect, after all, wolves are one of the most popular fursonas for a reason. Also, the most popular furry type is hybrid, because people struggle to decide on just one species and at the end of the day, your fursona is yours, you don’t have to make it to appease anyone but yourself.

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The post The 10 Best Furry Anime You Need To Watch Now Copy appeared first on Fursonafy.

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 18

TigerTails Radio - Tue 22 Nov 2022 - 05:07

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 18. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

One Cool Cat Who Rocks

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 22 Nov 2022 - 02:31

Well here’s a description that’s going to catch a few furry fans’ attention: “Meet Joe Gomez. He’s got high school on lock – good grades, a cool band, and girls digging his vibe. But just when he’s got the world figured out, he goes and turns into a saber-toothed tiger. A shape-shifting nature spirit known as a Chimera, to be specific. Now Joe needs every single one of his new powers to help save the human race – whether he wants to or not.” That’s the idea behind Urban Animal, a new graphic novel by Justin Jordan and John Amor, published by Rocketship. Volume one is available now in paperback from Simon & Schuster.

image c. 2022 Rocketship Entertainment

Categories: News

5 Tips To Make Biggest Little Fur Con A Great Experience

Fursonafy - Mon 21 Nov 2022 - 05:29

Article Content

  1. Why Do People Enjoy Being In The Furry Community?
  2. How To Make The Most Of BLFC
  3. Bring A Portable Charger
  4. Don’t Be Afraid To Mingle
  5. Be Conscious Of Your Body Language
  6. Be Conscious Of The Scents You’re Emitting
  7. Take Care Of Your Feet And Shoes
  8. Conclusion

It’s no secret that the furry subculture is experiencing an explosive renaissance. With internet access opening up to a larger audience and digital communication becoming more intimate, online communities have been able to flourish in a way that would not have been possible previously. One of the most prominent examples of this phenomenon is known as ‘Furry’. Furry culture is a collective term for people who identify with animals A growing number of these individuals gather together in real spaces and virtually through meet-up groups and social media platforms, such as Instagram and Telegram. One of the largest conventions catering specifically to furry enthusiasts is called Biggest Little Fur Con (BLFC). For those who aren’t familiar with the subculture, it may seem strange or even creepy to dress up as an animal or spend time with others who do so. However, there are many reasons why people find value in doing so.

Why Do People Enjoy Being In The Furry Community?

The furry subculture is primarily driven by one concept: accepting and being comfortable with one’s desires. Yes, in a literal sense it’s not about that at all, but at its core, that is what keeps the furry community so tightly knit. People who are in the furry community may have an appreciation for cartoon animals, or they may just have an interest in fursuits and fursuiting. There is just such a wide breadth of things to invest yourself into in the fandom that it would be unfair of them not to be a welcoming community. The furry subculture provides a space where people who may feel repressed by society’s conceptions of sexuality and gender norms can let loose and be themselves. As the furry community has grown, more people are finding the language and terms to communicate their interests and desires. It may be the case that there is already a furry meet-up group near you. If not, there are many different ways to get involved with the furry community online. is the largest furry art website with a community of artists and fans from all over the world. There is also an active Traders Guild on the site, where you can find and purchase products from other members. Furry Amino is a social media platform that allows members to interact with one another and share their interests and desires.

Regardless, we’re here to discuss how you can make the most out of your time at the next Biggest Little Fur Con as well as some general housekeeping rules that you should follow just to make your time as enjoyable as possible.

Biggest Little Fur Con 2022

Photograph via Twitter

How To Make The Most Of BLFC

The first thing to keep in mind is that the convention is primarily intended for socializing. While there are vendors, talks, and panels, you should approach them like you would attending a meet-up group: just to interact with others and learn more about the subculture. Keep in mind that most furry conventions are 18+ events, so there may be content you’re not interested in seeing or hearing. If you are under 18, then you will not be allowed to attend. This doesn’t mean that there’s going to be mursuits and furry porn flying around left right and center but it just means that the event managers acknowledge that it may not be the perfect environment for a minor. There is no shame in being underage and being curious, but be respectful of the rules of the event. Make sure to bring water and snacks with you to stave off hunger and dehydration. If you’re attending the convention with a friend or significant other, make sure to check in with each other to stay safe and have fun.

Bring A Portable Charger

If you are going to be attending any event that requires you to be on your phone or computer for long periods of time (like any convention), be sure to bring a portable charger. Convention halls have notoriously terrible cell reception, and being able to keep your phone charged up to follow other attendees around the event and take photos is a must. You’ll be much less stressed out if your device isn’t about to die every five minutes.

Two Fursuiters At Biggest Little Fur Con

Photograph via This Is Reno

Don’t Be Afraid To Mingle

This might be the most important thing to take away from this post, but mingling is one of the most important and one of the most fun parts of furry conventions. We understand it can be terrifying having to speak to completely random strangers. Social anxiety and shyness are common in all subcultures but can be particularly prevalent in the furry community. If you are nervous about meeting other attendees, remember that the people you meet are just as nervous about meeting you. Furry conventions are a safe space for everyone to be themselves, and the people around you will appreciate your openness and welcoming attitude. Furry conventions are some of the only places in the world where you’ll probably meet other furries considering few there are and how much fewer of them are actually open about being a furry. So, take advantage of the meet-up groups and social media platforms to find people to visit with and explore the convention with.

Biggest Little Fur Con 2018

Photograph via kuhorifursuit.weebly

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Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

"The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona Be Conscious Of Your Body Language

Humans are incredibly reliant on nonverbal communication, but many of us don’t think about how we’re communicating with others. Take a moment to sit back and think about your posture: are you slumping over or squeezing up? Are your arms crossed or are they open? Are you looking around at the people around you or are you staring straight ahead? You’ll find that most of these habits fall into one of two categories: either you’re putting up a wall against the world, or you’re desperately trying to get attention from it. To put yourself in the middle ground between these two approaches, sit up with your back straight, keep your arms at your sides, and make eye contact with the people around you. This may sound like a random tangent but it’s extremely important especially if you are wearing a fursuit. People no longer have the ability to read your facial expressions or anything about you when you are wearing a suit and your speech can become muffled and hard to understand. Therefore, the way you carry yourself is one of the main indications of how approachable you come off as.

Be Conscious Of The Scents You’re Emitting

If you’re wearing a strong cologne or perfume, you may be putting off a scent that is overwhelming or uncomfortable for those around you. While you don’t want to be scentless, it’s best to apply fragrances sparingly and be mindful of how they may be affecting others. If you have severe allergies, you may also want to keep a travel-size antihistamine on hand to help with sniffling and itching. If you are wearing a fursuit, be mindful of scents that may come off of your costume. While many fursuits are cleaned regularly, some are not. Keep in mind that the convention hall may not have the best ventilation, so be mindful of the scents you may be emitting. If you notice that a part of your costume is coming off on someone else, apologize and take care of it as soon as possible.

However, this isn’t to suggest you shouldn’t be applying any sort of deodorant to mask natural body odors because, as mentioned before, a lot of the conventions may not have great ventilation and those suits can get pretty hot pretty fast. This means you’re going to be baking in that suit, marinating in your own sweat which as you could guess probably doesn’t smell good to anyone.

Biggest Little Fur Con 2015

Photograph via Medium

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Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

"My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona Take Care Of Your Feet And Shoes

If you’re going to be on your feet for a large amount of time, you’ll want to make sure that you’re taking care of your feet. You can do this by wearing comfortable shoes, keeping your toenails short and clean, and applying foot cream to your heels and other areas that may be prone to dryness. We’re not going to lie, standing around in a fursuit all day or even just standing around all day without the fursuit can get pretty tiring so it’s okay to sit down for a second just to rest your legs or take a break or whatever. Be mindful of where you’re walking and what you’re stepping in. If you’re wearing a fursuit that you’ve spent literally thousands of dollars on, the last thing you’d want is a piece of gum getting stuck within the fur of the suit that is just an absolute nightmare to get out. You’ll probably have to be extra careful if it happens to rain on the day of your attendance as it can become very easy to get mud on your suit. You may want to bring a pair of clean socks with you in case you end up stepping in something particularly gross. If you’re attending the masquerade, break in your shoes before the convention; you don’t want to be in pain while walking on stage.


The furry subculture is a unique and welcoming community, but it can be challenging to break into. We know that there are a lot of misconceptions and hate surrounding the fandom, so taking that big step can be quite daunting. However, if you just throw yourself into the deep end we are quite sure you’ll realize that most furries and even fursuiters are just normal people with a hobby like anyone else.

While many conventions have a larger population of younger attendees, BLFC is a convention that caters to the over-18 crowd. Even so, BLFC is a great place to meet people and get involved with the furry community. No matter who you are or what your interests are, there is a place for you in the furry community you just have to search in the right places.

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The post 5 Tips To Make Biggest Little Fur Con A Great Experience appeared first on Fursonafy.

Categories: News

《寶可夢 朱/紫》正式發售,與寶可夢一同踏上帕迪亞地區展開冒險!

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sun 20 Nov 2022 - 12:16

  由日本GAME FREAK株式會社開發,寶可夢株式會社、任天堂聯合發行的寶可夢系列最新力作《寶可夢 朱/紫》於11月18日正式發售。與前代作品《阿爾宙斯》的半開放式不同,本作主打完整的開放世界系統,為系列作中首個真正的開放世界RPG,玩家可在美麗的「帕底亞地區」中自由探索,穿越高聳的山脈與蔚藍的湖泊尋找生活在帕底亞地區中的各種寶可夢,與居住在各地的人物進行互動,發掘藏在本作中的故事與劇情。

圖/取自《寶可夢 朱/紫》官方網站


  除了主線故事外,玩家們也會在冒險途中遇見各式各樣的野生寶可夢們,玩家可透過精靈球進行捕捉,與寶可夢們成為冒險夥伴,並完成屬於訓練家們的寶可夢圖鑑。除了常見於帕底亞地區各處的野生寶可夢外,《寶可夢 朱/紫》的世界中也存在著兩隻稀有的傳說級寶可夢,他們分別為僅能在《寶可夢 朱》中遇見的「故勒頓」與僅能在《寶可夢 紫》中遇見的「密勒頓」,玩家將在冒險途中邂逅與他們成為冒險夥伴,並乘坐在他們身上探索廣大的帕底亞地區。


  《寶可夢 朱/紫》將陸續舉辦容易出現特定寶可夢,或是容易出現特定太晶屬性寶可夢的期間限定「活動特設太晶團體戰」,玩家們可在活動特設太晶團體戰中與和家人、朋友及全世界的訓練家同心協力作戰,捕捉特定的寶可夢。首次舉辦的活動特設太晶團體戰為「伊布特輯」,於11月25日早上8點至11月28日早上8點(GMT+8),玩家將更容易在期間中遇到各種太晶屬性的伊布們。

  為了紀念《寶可夢 朱/紫》的發售,台北101特別與寶可夢株式會社合作,於11月18日至20日為止,在101外牆的T-Pad燈網上播出穿插著《寶可夢 朱/紫》、《Pokémon GO》與《Pokémon UNITE》等多樣寶可夢作品內容的特別影片。自11月5日起,台北新光三越也舉辦了發售紀念活動,玩家可與現場的新葉喵、呆火鱷、潤水鴨模型拍照打卡,也可參加遊戲試玩、集換式卡牌遊戲新手教室與Pokémon Bingo Rally等活動,或逛逛限時開設的「寶可夢快閃店」,將自己喜歡的寶可夢周邊帶回家。新光三越將陸續於台中、台南與高雄等地的新光三越百貨、SKM Park Outlets舉辦紀念活動,有興趣的訓練家們可關注新光三越官方資訊。

※封面圖片取自《寶可夢 朱/紫》官方網站

©Pokémon. ©Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
©Nintendo, Creatures, GAME FREAK, TV Tokyo, ShoPro, JR Kikaku. ©Pokémon. TM and ® are trademarks of Nintendo.

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