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S10 Episode 3 – Group Plap - Come join the threeway! Sammy and Roo want to growl in your ears! This episode will bring you in bed with a cookie as the hosts of Fur What It’s Worth talks about the in and out of group sex. - NOW LISTEN! SHOW NOTES PATREON L

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 12 Dec 2022 - 23:08
Come join the threeway! Sammy and Roo want to growl in your ears! This episode will bring you in bed with a cookie as the hosts of Fur What It’s Worth talks about the in and out of group sex.

The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!


Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters


Ashton Sergal (Pic Pending), Nuka, Ichigo Okami

Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka, the San Francisco Treat and Baldrik and Lufis (Pic Pending)

Deluxe Supporters Tier


Guardian Lion, Ashton Sergal, Harlan Fox, Plug (Pic Pending), Refractory Rictus (Pic Pending)

Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat

McRib Tier Supporters



Intro: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth.
First Break: Fox Stuff, Ekko Fox - Argofox, Creative Commons 2021.
Second Break: Ghost, Mystery Skulls. Use with permission.
Third Break: Rev, Eveningland, Creative Commons 2018.
Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 Episode 3 – Group Plap - Come join the threeway! Sammy and Roo want to growl in your ears! This episode will bring you in bed with a cookie as the hosts of Fur What It’s Worth talks about the in and out of group sex. - NOW LISTEN! SHOW NOTES PATREON L
Categories: Podcasts

It’s A Lost Art

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 12 Dec 2022 - 18:11

There’s no stopping the Transformers movie series, it seems, but now something new has definitely been added — Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, due next year, is based on none other than the 90’s animated series Transformers: Beast Wars, where the whole series went severely furry for a time. Nerdist has the teaser trailer. Good old Optimus Primal is prominently featured (voiced this time by Ron Perlman), but look swiftly and you’ll see Cheetor, Rinox, Dinobot, and Airazor. No sign of Rat Trap yet, but who knows? The film is due in theaters in June of 2023.

image c. 2022 Paramount Pictures

Categories: News

A Guide To Attending Your First Midwest FurFest

Fursonafy - Mon 12 Dec 2022 - 05:00

  1. What Is Midwest Fur Fest?
  2. How Often Are They Hosted?
  3. What To Expect From Midwest Fur Fest
  4. How To Prepare For Midwest Fur Fest
  5. Is It Kid-Friendly?
  6. What About That 2014 Incident?
  7. What’s Its Attendance Like?
  8. How Much Are Tickets?
  9. Are There Any Alternatives To Midwest Fur Fest?
What Is Midwest Fur Fest?

Midwest Fur Fest is the largest furry convention in the world. They typically take place in Rosemont, Illinois, and are a completely non-profit organization. These conventions are hosted in attempts to facilitate and educate others on the ins and outs of anthropomorphic literature and general art. It also facilitates the donation of funds to other non-profit organizations, typically ones that promote the well-being of animals and/or humans. It was first held in the year 2000 and has since grown to be one of the highest-attendance furry conventions in the world.


It started as a furry branch of the science-fiction convention DucKon but this track grew larger and larger each year until it reached a point where over a third of the attendees of DucKon were there for their collective interest in the furry fandom. Keep in mind this was in 1999, before the explosion and wide accessibility of the internet that we have today means that the rapid growth of this convention was borderline inevitable. By 2000, DucKon was facing a serious dilemma and that was the fact that the furry interest of the convention was becoming so overwhelming that they were running out of room to expand without cutting into other branches of DucKon at which point it was decided that these furries had to form their own separate convention. This would eventually become what we know today as Midwest Fur Fest. 


It has since helped raise over $767,000 for various charities including MCP Rescue + Outreach, Felines and Canines, Sitstayread, Crisp, and Save-A-Vet.

Article Content How Often Are They Hosted?

This is an annual convention that is typically hosted the second weekend after Thanksgiving. Although I am unsure of the reasoning for this, that just seems to be when the venue is. They have always been held in Illinois, most often in Rosemont, and have been hosted once a year, every year (apart from 2020 because of that whole COVID-19 thing that happened), since 2000.

Midwest Fur Fest 2019

Image via RollingStone

What To Expect From Midwest Fur Fest

Now that we’ve gone through all of that, for those of you who have never been but are looking to attend, what should you actually expect from a Midwest Fur Fest? Well the event organizers themselves describe it as an opportunity to “celebrate the furry fandom which includes art, literature, and performances based around anthropomorphic animals” but I think they do themselves a disservice with this description as it’s a lot more than that. 


Furries are often treated with a lot of hostility within wider internet culture so are often discouraged from disclosing the fact that they are furry making it kind of hard to meet other furries. Luckily a lot of these keyboard warriors don’t have enough hate in them to attend furry conventions making not just Midwest Fur Fest but furry conventions, in general, a safe space to meet new people and possibly even make new friends. 


As well as this, if you’re into fursuiting, this is a great place to meet other fursuiters as if there was ever an opportunity to show off your best work, this is definitely the spot. Here you’ll see some of the most extravagant fursuits you’ll probably ever see anywhere and if you’re looking to make your own fursuit you may even be able to get some inspiration from this convention.

How To Prepare For Midwest Fur Fest

If you haven’t already read our article on the steps to take to prepare for Biggest Little Fur Con then it’s worth noting that a lot of the same rules apply when preparing for furry conventions in general. However, for those who haven’t read it, we will cover the brief do’s and don’ts of attending a furry convention. 

  • Bring A Portable Charger: It’s bad enough that these conventions have notoriously bad reception, so, what would be even worse than having bad reception would be having no phone at all. Whether it’s to take pictures or if you need to phone someone in case of an emergency, it’s super important to have a working phone on you. 

  • Try To Socialise: One of the best parts about attending furry conventions is that, as we mentioned before, you get to meet so many people interested in the same thing as you. In such a niche community, it’s hard to come by anywhere else and because of this, it’s important that you are ready to socialize with other people at the convention. We completely understand that it can be terribly nerve-racking to just go up to random people and strike up a conversation but when you get to know these people, you quickly realize how friendly everyone is and you might even forget that you were ever even nervous. 

  • Be Aware Of How You Smell: This one might sound a little silly and it also feels a little taboo, but seriously, be aware of how you smell. It’s pretty easy to start sweating and inherently start smelling with the amount of walking around and the number of other people there. This especially goes for those of you who intend on wearing a fursuit as they can start to feel like an oven after a few hours and let me tell you now, smelling the combined BO of several thousand people is not pleasant at all. 

Of course, there are other things you should be aware of and you should prepare for, but we feel like these are the three most integral parts of preparing for a furry convention as it just makes it a much more pleasant experience for everyone.

Midwest Fur Fest 2021

Image via Flickr

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Bring your fursona to life with the help of our professional fursuit makers.

"The team was super cooperative and accommodated for all the changes I wanted to make to the suit" Stella Get A Quote Is It Kid-Friendly?

Midwest Fur Fest themselves explain that they offer a variety of programming and events for a wide spectrum of audiences. For the most part, the shows are appropriate for all ages, including all daylight hour events. However, beyond daylight hour events, there are events that may not be age appropriate and should therefore be double-checked beforehand if you intend on taking a child. Having said that, it should be made pretty clear when the event is or isn’t child-friendly anyway.

A Group Of Fursuiters At Midwest Fur Fest

Image via Twitter

What About That 2014 Incident?

If you’ve read into Midwest Fur Fest at all then you may have heard about an incident in 2014 that would put a lot of people off the convention altogether. Essentially on December 7th, 2014, a gas leak occurred within the Hyatt hotel in Rosemont (the place the event was being hosted) which ended up hospitalizing 19 of the attendees and forcing the hotel to evacuate all other attendees. Further investigation was done on the gas leak only to find that there was a broken glass bottle containing a concentration of chlorine powder within the building meaning that this gas leak didn’t happen by chance and that someone intentionally did this. Hotels guests, employees, and employees of nearby shops that sold chlorine were interviewed to no avail and the culprit of this still remains unknown. 


If this slightly puts you off attending at all it’s definitely worth noting that for one, that was the only time that something like that has ever happened in the 22 years that the event has been running. As well as this, all of the people who were hospitalized were able to return to the convention shortly following their hospitalization. In short, you shouldn’t really be afraid as it’s extremely unlikely something is going to happen.

Midwest Fur Fest 2014

Image via Flickr

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Your dream fursuit is a couple of clicks away!

"The team was working day-in and day-out to get my partial fursuit made for me as soon as possible. So helpful." Alfray Get A Quote What Is Its Attendance Like?

As mentioned before, Midwest Fur Fest has the highest attendance out of any furry convention, but how many attendees do they get exactly? Well, you’ll be happy to know it has only grown massively with each year. Below we’ve listed their annual attendance since 2000.

2000: 473 attendees

2001: 511 attendees

2002: 685 attendees

2003: 800 attendees

2004: 959 attendees

2005: 1066 attendees

2006: 1422 attendees

2007: 1690 attendees

2008: 1992 attendees

2009: 2040 attendees

2010: 2285 attendees

2011: 2600 attendees

2012: 3216 attendees

2013: 3904 attendees

2014: 4571 attendees

2015: 5606 attendees

2016: 7075 attendees

2017: 8771 attendees

2018: 10,989 attendees

2019: 11,019 attendees

2021: 9332 attendees

2022: 13,641 attendees

Midwest Fur Fest 2022

Image via Pinterest

How Much Are Tickets?

Now, we’re not going to lie, registration to Midwest Fur Fest can actually be pretty pricey. Registering can cost upwards of $50 which seems like a lot if you’ve never been to a furry convention before. However, if it’s any reconciliation, the money that you put towards tickets is what allows Midwest Fur Fest to fund charities such as the ones listed above. For example in 2019 Midwest Fur Fest raised a record-breaking $224,704 for the charity Felines & Canines. They are a rescue center for stray cats and dogs and without the ticket prices as high as they are, Midwest Fur Fest would not be able to fund the event and the charity so generously at the same time. 

Are There Any Alternatives To Midwest Fur Fest?

Maybe, for some reason, you’ve been put off attending Midwest Fur Fest but you still want to attend and experience a furry convention. Whether it’s because of the price tag or the number of attendees, there are still plenty of other furry conventions out there that cater to your needs. So here is a list of alternatives to Midwest Fur Fest. 


Biggest Little Fur Con: This is a convention that (as we mentioned before) we not too long ago wrote about, and with good reason. This isn’t one of the biggest conventions in the world but it’s just one that has received a lot of positive reception and is typically held in Reno Nevada around Halloween time. However, this one is a little less child-friendly than Midwest Fur Fest so keep that in mind when attending. 


Anthrocon: This is probably the second biggest furry convention in the world next to Midwest Fur Fest but has actually (technically) been around longer than Midwest Fur Fest. It has been held every year since 1997 and has had a max attendance of over 9700 people. It doesn’t really offer anything that Midwest Fur Fest doesn’t, it’s just a bit quieter (but you probably won’t even notice it when you are there) and is typically located in Pittsburgh. 


Furry Weekend Atlanta: As you could probably guess, this one is hosted annually in Atlanta and has been since 2004. Even in 2021 when they physically could not host the event, they held an online version of the event anyway. The highest attendance they have ever had was in 2022 when over 7000 people attended. 


Furry Fiesta: This is the last entry on this short little list and is probably tied for the smallest on the list with Biggest Little Fur Con. Furry Fiesta started in 2009, and much like Midwest Fur Fest is non-profit and makes it its goal to raise as much money for charity as it possibly can. Their highest attendance was in 2019 in which they raised $29,429 for the CARE charity. 

Of course, there are plenty of other conventions you can and should check out but these are the 5 biggest furry conventions out there.

Furry Convention

Image via

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Categories: News

The Internet Is For… Cats

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 12 Dec 2022 - 02:59

Recently got this from Animation World Network: “Disney Branded Television and Emmy Award-winning Baobab Studios have begun development, with award-winning screenwriter Pamela Ribon, on Intercats, an animated sitcom set in a cat workplace… Baobab’s co-founder and chief creative officer, Eric Darnell (Baba Yaga, Madagascar, Antz), is the creator and executive producer on Intercats…  Jony Chandra (Nimona, Spies in Disguise) will direct… Told through the big reflective eyes of cats, Intercats is a four-quadrant animated workplace comedy about the cats who produce the hysterical cat videos that go viral on the Internet. It features a ragtag team of cats aspiring to get what all cats want: their independence. But, to do so, they must first learn to navigate their own internal relationships and build upon their success as the premier studio for viral cat videos.” Interestingly, Pamela Ribon is also the writer of My Boyfriend Is A Bear, which we’ve talked about previously here.

image c. 2022 YouTube

Categories: News

Creatures, Piece by Piece

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 11 Dec 2022 - 02:27

Judith Peterson describes her background as coming from education and library science. But along the way she’s found an interesting hobby: Carving original 3D puzzles out of wood. Lucky for us, most of her designs are animals: Current, prehistoric, or mythical. The puzzles range in complexity from 3 pieces to 57 pieces (!). She and her husband have even written books on how to create wooden puzzles using scroll saws. We found them vending at Midwest FurFest, but you can check out FanTaminals’ web site to see the latest designs.

image c. 2022 FanTaminals

Categories: News

Infurnity 2022 Panel - How to Start a Podcast

Fox and Burger - Sat 10 Dec 2022 - 09:53

Infurnity 2022 Panel - How to Start a Podcast ---- Thought about running a podcast? Don’t know where to start? Well look no further as Fox and Burger tell you how to start a podcast, software and hardware you’ll need, and more! We would like to thank all the Infurnity for inviting us to host a panel, as well as all the staff and volunteers for their hard work! ---- The Fox and Burger Podcast is one segment of our production house, Fox and Burger Productions. The podcast’s goal is twofold: 1, to know more about the Asian furry fandom; and 2, compare and contrast the Asian fandom with the Western one. If you have a guest that you would like to see on the show, please PM us! We will also take questions for our guests, so don’t miss this opportunity to know some amazing furs.
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting S3E33

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 10 Dec 2022 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Back again this week to educate you and make you laugh Bearly and Taebyn are joined by Rayne Raccoon acting as guest producer for this episode. We try to answer some existential questions about existence, a new friend stops by to chat, we tell some jokes, talk about media, and generally get waaaaay off the rails! 

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S3E33
Categories: Podcasts

The Cards… The Cards!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 10 Dec 2022 - 02:58

Recently we learned about Disney Lorcana, a new card-collecting game set to be released in the fall of 2023. According to The Gamer, “Disney Lorcana is a trading card game (TCG) by Disney and tabletop games publisher Ravensburger. Like other games, such as Magic: The Gathering and the Pokemon TCG, you’ll collect cards in booster packs and create decks with the aim of defeating your opponent. It is being developed and published by Ravensburger, who previously worked with Disney on the Villainous series of tabletop games. It’s also known for other board games like Dingbats, Escape, Labyrinth, and El Dorado, however this will be its first-ever trading card game.” While Disney’s Twitter feed says “In Disney Lorcana, you’ll wield magic inks and the power of Lorcana to assemble your team of Disney characters. Some characters will be familiar friends. Others will be fantastically re-imagined.” More info to come, needless to say.

image c. 2022 Disney/Ravensburger

Categories: News

Midwest Wyvern

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 9 Dec 2022 - 02:57

Among the many amazing artist we met at Midwest FurFest was Lindsey Burcar — who is actually from that part of the continent herself. “Lindsey Burcar is a self-taught freelance illustrator working from her home in Milwaukee, WI. Inspired by all things fantasy and nature, beast and creature, her travels and exploration of the natural world are a pivotal part of her life and art.” If you visit her official web site you can find links to her Inprnt shop, featuring some very high-quality prints of her art — as well as her Etsy shop, where you’ll find not only prints but pins, stickers, and other artistic goodies she has for sale.

image c. 2022 by Lindsey Burcar

Categories: News

Fursuit Cyborgs | Fursuit Future Part 3

Culturally F'd - Thu 8 Dec 2022 - 16:00

What if your fursuit was more of a MECH? Update your fursuit's firmware and climb in, join Arrkay in this FURSUIT FUTURE where our bio-mechanical mascot reaches the singularity and wants it's own room at the hotel. Merch, Sweet Tees and stuff: Support Culturally F'd: Listen in on TEMPO TALKS with Tempe O'Kun Check out Tempe O'Kun's books "Sixes Wild" and "Windfall" here: Here's a playlist of his other Culturally F'd videos:
Categories: Videos

Learn About Real Animals — While You’re Playing One

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 8 Dec 2022 - 02:43

Dr. Wildlife is the professional name of a conservation biologist based in Canada. “I’m Dr. Wildlife, a zoologist who focuses on conservation through education by working in the zoo and aquarium field. A lifelong animal conservationist, I have helped with projects around the world from rehabilitating injured seabirds in South Africa to tracking tigers in central India. My involvement in the zoological community has so far spanned 13 years and has included such positions as Keeper Aide at the Memphis Zoo to Migratory Bird Researcher at the Smithsonian.” Definitely the real deal. What’s interesting is, we met them at their table at Midwest FurFest — showing off their fur-suit! Yes, a dedicated scientist and a dedicated furry fan. If you visit their web site you can find out more about their wildlife lectures, both on-line and live in classrooms.

image c. 2022 Dr. Wildlife

Categories: News

Little Island Furcon will return in-person June 2023

Global Furry Television - Wed 7 Dec 2022 - 07:47

Categories: News

“Anti-furry” protests at furry convention

Global Furry Television - Wed 7 Dec 2022 - 07:34

美国兽展进行中 几位人士在门外“反兽圈”
Categories: News

Don’t Get Played

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 7 Dec 2022 - 02:49

Just A Game is a new independent urban fantasy comic written and illustrated by the creative team known as Redlock. “This is a slow burn romantic comedy about an Introverted ‘Lets Player’ who spends too much time streaming and not enough time on his personal life. That is until his best friend drags him off to a certain Unicorn Idol’s new concert! Wild hijinks ensue; hopefully he can survive this peacocking extrovert.” Currently the first issue is available, and there’s a Kickstarter campaign to get the second issue printed.

image c. 2022 by Redlock

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 20

TigerTails Radio - Tue 6 Dec 2022 - 05:42

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 20. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Dressing Up from Head to Toe

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 6 Dec 2022 - 02:49

Fresh back from Midwest FurFest, and oh, we have so much to tell you about! Things like Chaos Costumes — created by Blair Ondrla. She specializes in the manufacture of cloven-hooved footwear (learn what it’s really like to be digitigrade!) and head-wear like horns and antlers. And more! They have much on sale at their on-line store, and even more at their Etsy shop. Their web site even includes a selection of videos showing their products in use.

image c. 2022 Chaos Costumes

Categories: News

Episode 530 - End of Year

Southpaws - Mon 5 Dec 2022 - 22:48

Thanksgiving has come and gone, MFF is here, games are here and Savrin really thinks you should take a Stop the Bleed first aid course. See you in 2023!

STOP THE BLEED - Save a Life | Stop The Bleed
Telegram fan chat - 

Episode 530 - End of Year
Categories: Podcasts

The 10 Most Expensive Fursuits Of All Time

Fursonafy - Mon 5 Dec 2022 - 05:45

Article Content

  1. What Is A Fursuit?
  2. How Much Does A Fursuit Typically Cost?
  3. Why Are Fursuits So Expensive?
  4. Aero The Horse ($7,100)
  5. Mishka The Silver Fox ($10,100)
  6. Doberman Mutt ($10,200)
  7. Sniper The Angel Dragon ($11,575)
  8. Protogen ($15,400)
  9. Antonio Jackal ($15,600)
  10. Manuel Dawg ($17,127)
  11. Primal Visions Spartacus Cheetah ($17,500)
  12. Killer Wolf ($18,250)
  13. Roar Dragon ($23,500)
  14. Where Can I Get A Fursuit Of My Own?
What Is A Fursuit?

A fursuit, as defined by Wikipedia, is a “custom-made animal costume, owned and worn by cosplayers and members of the furry fandom” (although I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who isn’t a member of the furry fandom wearing a fursuit unironically). However, getting a fursuit goes a bit deeper than that. These costumes are usually modeled after what are known as fursonas which are anthropomorphic animal characters made by furries as a means of representing either themselves or another personality.

How Much Does A Fursuit Typically Cost?

It’s no secret that fursuits can be pretty expensive even at their cheapest. However, this doesn’t change the fact that they massively vary in prices regardless. This depends on quite a few things such as whether it’s a full fursuit or a partial fursuit, a digitigrade or plantigrade fursuit, and many other factors. On average, a full fursuit will cost upwards of $3000 but can go as high as $5000 – $6000 depending on the seller and the quality of the suit.

Why Are Fursuits So Expensive?

The average price of a fursuit may come as a shock to some but we’re here to assure you of two things. 1. trust us, they can get way more expensive (which we’ll show you in a second), and 2. Their cost is pretty justified. For one, these suits take a while to make and they’re not exactly the easiest pieces to make. The artist has to make a full body suit, accommodating the sizes and preferences of the customer as well as paying close attention to details such as the specific colors they want, how they want the tail stylized, what kind of eyes they want on the suit and so much more.

Additionally, these fursuits aren’t just a sacrifice of effort, they are also a sacrifice of time. Fursuit makers usually have schedules of multiple fursuits that they work tirelessly to complete all year round, meaning they are constantly working on some suit. Therefore, they are charging not only for the effort and skill it takes to make these fursuits well but also for how many hours if not days’ worth of work goes into them.

#10 Aero The Horse ($7,100)

Coming in at number 10 on our list is the Aero The Horse fursuit. As the name may suggest, this is a horse fursuit that sold in 2020 for over $7000. It was designed by the designer brand Sky Pro Costume and sold to buyer Deanna Biesemeyer after some back-and-forth bidding on the Dealer’s Den. As for the suit itself, it is a grey horse with hooves in place of hind paws and fluffy gloves for the front paws of the suit. It also comes with detachable bridles just as an extra bit of customization for the suit. This suit doesn’t look particularly special and its price likely boils down to being made by a designer fursuit brand but horse fursuits aren’t super common and it’s a pretty cool suit nonetheless

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Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

"The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona #9 Mishka The Silver Fox ($10,100)

Made by fursuit maker HowlYeah!, this fursuit defines amazing craftsmanship. As the name implies, it is a fox fursuit that was made in 2016 that somehow just captures the very essence of a fox so perfectly with everything from its perky ears and its cunning little face, it’s no wonder that this suit would end up selling for $10,100 in September of that same year. The suit also features beautiful deep blue paw pads on the feet and hands that complement the black and grey color palette of the majority of the suit amazingly. As well as this, you can’t help but adore the little white teeth and tongue that only make you appreciate this artist’s attention to detail even more.

#8 Doberman Mutt ($10,200)

You might be surprised to see an animal as common as a dog making an appearance on this list, but you’d also be surprised by what people are willing to pay for a fursuit so here we are. The Doberman Mutt fursuit is a plantigrade fursuit made by renowned fursuit maker Mixedcandy who then sold said suit for $10,200. It features a dark brown fur coat with a light brown belly and a short stubby tail that is stitched right onto the back of the suit as opposed to most fursuit tails that usually have a detachable tail that can be pinned onto the suit. This is yet another entry that ended up selling on The Dealer’s Den as a lot of the entries on the list do.

#7 Sniper The Angel Dragon ($11,575)

This is a fursuit you may have actually seen given how popular it is, even having its own Facebook page dedicated to it. Created by fursuit maker Jay Negron, this suit kind of blurs a line between being a bird fursuit and a dragon fursuit. Features like its beak and its general facial structure would lead you to believe this suit was in fact a bird but after close inspection, you begin to notice details like its massive spined tail and the literal horns on its head which I guess is a better indication than any that this isn’t a bird. This suit also features some of the most creative designs from its blue, yellow, and brown color palette, to the flared scales at the end of the tail, this suit is just a treat to look at and probably even more so to wear around. Although we don’t have an exact, judging by the posts on the account’s Facebook page, we can only imagine that this suit sold sometime in 2015 for its given price tag of $11,575.

#6 Protogen ($15,400)

This suit simply known by the name “Protogen” was made by fursuit designer Jing F. in 2020. As you could probably guess, it is a protogen suit but for those who don’t know, protogen fursuits are suits based on fursonas that are basically half furry and half robot or cyborg. They usually wear these visors that cover their whole face and instead have a light-up face on them in place of it. This suit is likely so expensive because, as promised, this suit has a light-up visor on the front with LEDs that create a cute little smiley face. This means that the designer not only has to be experienced in fursuit design but also in electronics and circuitry. This is also why protogen fursuits are pretty hard to come by when commissioning them and can take ages to make

#5 Antonio Jackal ($15,600)

Yes, yet another entry from Mixedcandy makes this list, and it’s not the last either. This time it is a Jackal fursuit which goes by the name Antonio The Jackal. The suit was made in 2020 but only sold in December 2021. It sold after an extremely back-and-forth bidding war which eventually ended at the price of $15,600. As for the suit itself, it’s another awesome toony suit with these cute little frowning eyebrows and a nose ring which seems to be common among Coyote and Jackal suits.

#4 Manuel Dawg ($17,127)

This is yet another entry by fursuit maker Mixedcandy who just seems to make a killing when it comes to designing fursuits, and not without reason. Funnily enough, this suit was not a commission either, it was actually a premade suit that was listed on the Dealer’s Den in 2018 and sold on auction for the grand total of $17,127 to the highest bidder. This made it, at the time of its sale, the most expensive fursuit of all time but was quickly overtaken that same year by some of the following entries. The suit has awesome clawed hands and feet paws as well as a lovely ocean blue trim that really just makes the fur of the suit pop.

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Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

"My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona #3 Primal Visions Spartacus Cheetah ($17,500)

This was one of the suits that quickly trumped the Manuel Dog suit for the most expensive fursuit of all time in the same year of 2018. Made by fursuit maker Lex Rudd from the team at Primal Vision, this is a hyper-realistic suit that earns its price tag for the sheer amount of effort that went into crafting it. For one, most of the suits on this list are made in a toony style which is the typical style of a fursuit, so it is already more difficult to create a realistic fursuit. However, the fur of this suit was stitched onto a loom meaning each hair of this fur was put on individually as opposed to using strips of fur and cutting them out according to the shape needed. This is what allows the suit to have super intricate patterns on it as opposed to block patterns.

#2 Killer Wolf ($18,250)

This is another one of those realistic suits but this one is a little more disturbing, so I guess the name is pretty fitting. This suit was designed by fursuit maker Porazo from Clockwork Creatures and sold in 2018 to then top both the Manuel Dog suit and the Primal Visions Spartacus Cheetah for the most expensive fursuit in the very same year (what a year for fursuits?). Anyways, this suit features probably one of the most haunting wolves’ faces you will ever see, complemented pretty well by devilish, curling horns coming off either side of the top of its head. Then another horn on the nose just for safekeeping. Its value may also derive from the fact that it comes from the same studio that designed the original Wookie suits for Star Wars which is a neat little bonus. It also features what I can only assume are teeth around its eyes if you weren’t already having nightmares about this suit. That’s not the only teeth it has though as its mouth has some of the most evil, sharp-looking teeth I have ever seen.

#1 Roar Dragon ($23,500)

If you’ve done even a little research into the most expensive fursuits, then there’s a very good chance you’ve heard of the Roar Dragon fursuit. This suit borderline qualifies as a fursuit simply because of its complete lack of fur but it is modeled after a fursona so I guess it qualifies. It was made by fursuit maker Zaranthus in 2019 and has yet to be topped as the most expensive fursuit of all time. As opposed to faux fur, the suit is made from leather and latex which is layered over itself to create these awesome shimmering scales. The closest thing to fur on this suit might have to be the white mane of hair that runs down its back but apart from that, this dragon is all scales. On top of its crazy scaly texture, it’s another hyper-realistic suit giving yet another suit on this list this borderline terrifying appearance. All in all, this suit’s uniqueness and difficulty to make moderately justifies its ludicrous price tag.

Where Can I Get A Fursuit Of My Own?

All this talk about fursuits may have you wondering where you can get a fursuit of your own. Well, look no further as we have put together a brief list of the best fursuit makers for you so that you can save yourself all the browsing. Just note, we are fully aware there are some great individual artists you can go to out there, but we are just listing the best fursuit-making services.

Lemonbrat: Lemonbrat is the top dog when it comes to fursuit-making and if you’ve looked into getting a fursuit there’s not a chance in hell you haven’t heard of them and with good reason. They offer quality fursuits, they are reliable, they are experienced and sure they are a bit pricey but they already juggle all the previous attributes so they have to compromise somewhere I guess.

Fursonafy: Shameless self-plug here. In all seriousness, as well as furry art commissions, we offer quality fursuits for what we believe to be relatively affordable prices and we try our best to take on as many commissions as possible.

KoshkaFursuits: This is probably the most affordable option on the list but as a result, their commissions are very often closed, and getting a slot can be an absolute nightmare. However, if you do manage to get a slot, you can get a serious bang for your buck because these guys clearly know what they are doing when it comes to making a fursuit.

MadeFurYou: MadeFurYou is another super popular option that you’ve probably heard of if you have looked into getting a fursuit before. They are a pretty bog standard Fursuit making service however one interesting thing they offer is adoptable suits which means they model the fursuit after a reference sheet design that they have already made and you can choose the reference sheet you want them to model the suit after.

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Categories: News

How to Draw A Fursona: A Beginner’s Guide

Fursonafy - Mon 5 Dec 2022 - 04:36

Article Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Understand What Makes Your Fursona Unique
  3. Doodle Your Ideas
  4. Choose A Basic Proportional Structure
  5. Draw In Shading & Color
  6. Add The Final Details & Enjoy
  7. What Do I Do With My Fursona Now?
  8. What If I Can’t Draw My Fursona?

If you’re an avid reader of our blog, then this may look like a repeat of our article “How To Make A Fursona” but you can think of this instead as an extension of that blog. While we have previously described how to actually start coming up with a fursona we never clarified how you can actually draw a fursona yourself. So here we are. 


If you are new to the world of furries, you may be wondering what exactly a “fursona” is, and how to draw your own. A fursona is essentially an anthropomorphic animal version of yourself that you create as a sort of alternate persona or avatar. It is something that represents you when you participate in the furry community. Creating one can be a lot of fun, and it’s something that many people find useful in their everyday life. If you want to know how to create your very own unique and personal fursona, keep reading! Although it can be quite daunting, drawing your own character isn’t as hard as it may seem at first glance. After all, there are plenty of other people who have created their own already! To get started with this tutorial on How To Draw Your Fursona, follow along with these helpful tips and tricks.

Step 1: Understand What Makes Your Fursona Unique

The first step in drawing your fursona is to understand what makes it different from other fursonas out there. Although your furry persona doesn’t have to be particularly unique, it is helpful to know what sets it apart from the rest. Creating a fursona is all about creating something that speaks to you, so even if your fursona is nothing like anyone else’s fursona and it sounds borderline crazy, who cares? You should embrace that difference if it’s what you want, it is your fursona after all. 


It is however a good idea to avoid fursonas that are too similar to those of other people as it can create some confusion. By all means take inspiration from wherever you want, but try not to copy another person’s fursona down to the last detail. 


On the flip side, don’t go out of your way to make your fursona as unique as possible just for the sake of it to the point where you no longer even identify with it. Making fursonas shouldn’t be an originality contest, it should be fun and its originality should come second.

Furry Reference Sheet

Image via Twitter

Step 2: Doodle Your Ideas

Now that you know what type of fursona you want to have, it’s time to start doodling some ideas! When you are first brainstorming your fursona, doodling can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Nobody is going to get anything right on their first go, so use this period of doodling as an opportunity to get an idea of what you’re looking for in your fursona. There are no rules when it comes to doodling your fursona, so use whatever medium you feel most comfortable with. If you feel like writing is your preferred method of brainstorming, go for it! If you feel like drawing is more your thing, that works too! No matter what method you choose, remember that there are no wrong ideas. You are free to brainstorm as creatively as you like. You don’t have to decide on your fursona’s entire design at once, either. You can come back to your doodles any time you want and add to them or change them up a bit if you aren’t happy with what you’ve come up with so far. Drawing or writing your ideas is a great way to help them come to life, and it can also be a helpful way to organize your thoughts. You should note that this step may not be necessary for everyone. A lot of people are pretty good at just nailing things once they’ve got an idea of it in their head, especially amongst more creative artists, so take this step with a pinch of salt, but we do recommend it nonetheless.

Fursona Sketch

Image via Pinterest

Step 3: Choose a Basic Proportional Structure

Once you’ve got your basic idea for your fursona out of your head and onto paper, it’s time to choose a basic proportional structure for it. Your furry avatar doesn’t have to be a certain type of animal, but it is helpful to know what type of animal you would like to be based on your basic design. This allows you to look at reference images of the actual animal you are modeling it after so you can get the proportions right. From there, you can also decide what type of fur you would like to have. The type of fur an animal has varies from animal to animal, for example, a ferret, or a lot of small rodents for that matter have a lot more matted fur whereas some cats are a lot more fluffy. This stage of the designing process is when you decide things like: if your fursona is a rabbit, whether or not it has long ears. If it does, you can choose whether or not they’d be black, brown, or white. Working with these types of decisions can help you decide how to structure your fursona’s body. It can also be helpful to look at drawings of animals that are similar to the one you’ve chosen for your fursona. For example, if you have chosen to be a rabbit, it can be helpful to look at pictures of other rabbit fursonas to get an idea of how other people are structuring their bodies.

Half-Body Fursona Portrait

Image via Twitter

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Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

"The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona Step 4: Draw in Shading and Color

Now that you have a basic proportional structure for your fursona, it’s time to add some color and shading to your drawing. Adding these extra details to your drawing is a great way to bring it to life and make your fursona feel more real. You have to remember that everyone has their own style of coloring and shading so don’t get too caught up in how it should be shaded, but if you are completely clueless watching a coloring and shading tutorial wouldn’t do any harm. It can also be helpful to add some color to your fursona as a way of deciding what color its fur will be. For example, if you’ve chosen to be a grey wolf with black ears, you can choose how grey you would like your fur to be by adding grey to your fursona’s body. Adding shading and color to your drawing can also be a helpful way of deciding what your fursona’s face would look like. You’d be surprised by how much color can affect how much a sketch looks. For example, if your drawing has light fur, it can be helpful to add darker shading to your fursona’s face just to really bring out those lighter tones more. Then once you have those decided, this doubles a helpful way of deciding what colors your fursona’s eyes, nose, and mouth would be.

Fur Shading Tutorial

Image via DeviantArt

Step 5: Add The Final Details And Enjoy!

Once you’ve added the last of the colors to your drawing and you’re happy with the way it looks, it’s time to add your final touches! At this point, you can add whatever details you’d like to your fursona. You can decide what your fursona’s clothing looks like if you’d like to. You can also add any other accessories or elements to your drawing that you’d like. Granted, this is no easy task either, this requires more coloring and more brainstorming but it’s worth it. No matter what you decide to add to your drawing, make sure that it represents you as an individual. Add things to your fursona that just really screams “me”. Once you’ve finished your drawing, you can display it anywhere you’d like. You can frame it and hang it on your wall if you’d like, if it’s digital you can ideally make that your profile picture. You can put it in a notebook or scrapbook. No matter what you choose to do with your finished drawing, make sure that you enjoy it!

Finished Fursona

Image via NicePNG

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Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

"My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona What Do I Do With My Fursona Now?

The question that a lot of people face once they have created their fursona is: “well, what do I do with it now?” Good question. Here’s a list of just a few of the things you can do with your fursona once it’s made. 


If you’re looking for a way to monetize your fursona or if some time has passed, you could always put your fursona up for adoption and make a little change from it. 


Alternatively, as mentioned before, what most furries do is make their fursona their profile pictures on platforms like Discord, Twitter etc. 


Additionally, if you’re looking to get a fursuit made somewhere down the line, that fursona can now be used as a reference for your fursuit maker. 


Maybe fursuits aren’t your thing and you’d rather get a cute plushie made. Well, the same rule applies, you can now use that fursona as a reference for anyone who makes custom plushies.

Furry Headshot

Image via Twitter

What If I Can’t Draw My Own Fursona?

Creating a furry fursona can be and generally should be a lot of fun, but unfortunately for some, art isn’t their strong suit. This can be pretty frustrating, but there are workarounds. So, below we’ve listed some of the easiest ways of getting your very own fursona without having to draw it yourself.


Furry Art Commission: 


One of the most common solutions to this is getting a furry art commission. 


You can find a furry art commission pretty easily on most freelancing services like Fiverr, Upwork, etc. It’s always important to browse through multiple sellers as it can be really easy to just settle on the cheapest option or someone with one good piece in their portfolio. What is probably a better way of approaching this is checking the portfolios of several artists and making a shortlist of your favorites. Then from your shortlist, you can pick the one that balances both quality and affordability the best.


However, if you aren’t too sure about getting art from a freelance seller, you can always refer to sites like our own which provide art services done by professional furry artists, so you can completely eliminate that whole browsing process.


Adopt A Fursona:

Maybe you aren’t willing to part with a big chunk of cash, believe us, we completely get it. In which case, you can try adopting a fursona which is usually a lot cheaper and you can see what you’re going to get for your money before you part with it this way. 


The best way to go about adopting a fursona is usually by contacting people under hashtags like  #adoptafursona or #fursonadopt, on sites like Instagram or Twitter where people are advertising the fursonas they are putting up for adoption. Even if it doesn’t cost any money it is still important that you contact the artist to make sure that you have their permission to use their fursona wherever you please. 


This isn’t to suggest that these are the only sites that you can use to adopt a fursona. In fact there are many great alternatives such as Etsy, Deviant Art, Furaffinity, Reddit, The Dealer’s Den and more are also great alternatives to Twitter and Instagram as there are hundreds of furry artists looking to put their fursonas up for adoption on them.

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Categories: News

BFFT Spotlight On: Hey Esker! (S3E32)

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 3 Dec 2022 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Moobarkfluff and welcome to another BFFT Spotlight episode.  Bearly and Taebyn have an in-depth conversation with Hey Esker!  This kitty is amazing, so be sure to tune and have a listen! Moobarkfluff

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

BFFT Spotlight On: Hey Esker! (S3E32)
Categories: Podcasts