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Kekpafrany by koworauth

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 16:23
Categories: News

Prettiest Pinup Lad

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 15:10
Categories: News

To that one guy on the bus today

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 15:07

I'm sorry that I'm too much of a coward to say anything directly, but I'm glad that I made your day, regardless of how insignificant the act, in my passive pushing of the furry agenda with my attire.

to everyone else, have a nice day too.

submitted by Luissen
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Categories: News

To the random person who wore a fursuit on campus today thank you.

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 14:55

Here i was on a short 5 minute break in the middle of a boring class when out of no where i see someone in a partial walking through the campus. Im still kicking myself for not having the time to run up to them, and say hello. even walked around half the campus after my class ended to see if they were still around. Even though i never got to say hello, who ever you are just seeing you today made me so happy. Keep being awesome anonymous

submitted by 21DRe99
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Categories: News

What's your Color Code?

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 13:26

Salutations, r/furry! I recently got my hands on this motivational test for college and I found it to be very enlightening (if not agreeable, in the least) and so I thought to myself: "Hey? I wonder what r/furry would think of this?"

The Color Code test acts like a personality quiz, but instead of showing you what you think like, it identifies your motivations to a title and a sub-title. Once you take the quiz and get your results we can discuss them here and perhaps learn a bit about each other. It's tons of fun to understand ourselves and our friends better, isn't it?

Here's a link to the site. You'll want to take the free test (which is I what I took and perfectly sufficient. You can figure out your sub-color just fine,) since the paid test costs like... $40.

Oh, and here's something to consider in the Colors: this isn't a box. There's a little bit of each color inside of us, which has its say, but the primary color is what drives you at the core, while the others influence it to a degree.

Happy testing!

Oh, and about myself. So I took the test and got 48% Yellow - this means that I'm mostly centered around fun. Yellows tend to be impulsive, charismatic, and full of thoughts. Staying in one place for a long time is our downfall. We like to be appreciated and praised for our efforts in whatever they may be - the downside of this is that we're prone to take criticism poorly. Some might call us unproductive people - and you're right, because we tend to start so many projects, get bored or frustrated with them, and then go start something else. So we could be called creative folk, out for fun and adventure.

I can recall my Yellow acting out out Skype, where I'll enter the group in the middle of a conversation and shout out things about myself - my day, projects, feelings, etc. The group wasn't too pleased.

submitted by IWishIWasATurnip
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Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #15

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 12:59

Today's question:

What is your 'sonas hobby?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Moar tem arts yaya!

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 12:38
Categories: News

Thanks from Lucario by MrFarrow

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 12:12
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 11:33

So I'm sure you guys get like a billion of these posts a week, I'm sorry about that, but I just wanted to say hi.

I've kinda drifted in and out of the community for the past year or so, I used to post on my old account on here but people irl found out and that spread like wild fire around school (thank god I graduated) and so I just deleted that account and cut ties with the community out of anger and fear really. I created this account since a few people I know irl know my main reddit account and they absolutely hate furries, so I'm kinda glad to be in an accepting space again (no more listening to them yell about how furries are disgusting while I sit in the corner like this).

This is my fursona (maybe NSFW? Shirtless and in undies), he looks tough but he's really just a big idiot who likes to give hugs and cuddle a bunch~

I'm just glad to be here!

submitted by HisameTheWolf
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Categories: News

Boss Battle!

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 11:15
Categories: News

The Prophecy Machine and The Treachery of Kings – Book Reviews by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 10:52
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. The Prophecy Machine, by Neal Barrett Jr. NYC, Bantam Books/Spectra, November 2000, 0-553-58195-3 paperback $6.50 (342 [+ 1] pages). The Treachery of Kings, by Neal Barrett Jr. NYC, Bantam Books/Spectra, August 2001, 0-553-58196-1 paperback $6.50 (326 [+ 1] pages). In works of fiction, usually the focus […]
Categories: News

/r/FurryOutOfTheLoop, What happened in this thread and why is it locked?

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 10:42

This one:

I thought the drawing was fine but reading the comments dont answer anything.

submitted by ReCat
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Categories: News

Anywhere but here ~ SnowFox_AtHeart

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 10:13
Categories: News

Let's Chat!

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 09:03

I'm currently sick and stuck in my bed with nothing to do, so I'm just lurking on reddit all day. What's everyone else up to this Thursday?

submitted by randomlatinwords
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Categories: News

.] Injured // Commission [.

Furry Reddit - Thu 29 Oct 2015 - 08:43
Categories: News